Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 159 The mastermind behind the scenes begs the apocalypse for mercy!

Chapter 159 The mastermind behind the scenes begs the apocalypse for mercy!
Guang Shiheng also looked at Zhang Gui in amazement.

Do you want to be so powerful?

When Guang Shiheng thought that his youngest son had already been fostered in his mentor's home in case of accidents, if his mentor was also found out, it would undoubtedly mean that he would be completely wiped out. After this, he immediately shouted:

"Your Majesty, Uncle Zhang Guo is spouting blood this time. Apart from the minister, no one else is involved in this matter!"

"Why do you still have to cover up for him at this time? Since I dare to say this in front of the emperor, it has already been found out. It is useless for you to cover up for him now."

Zhang Gui said something.

Zhang Gui then turned to Tianqi and said: "Your Majesty, I have to admit that the real mastermind behind this scene is very clever. He not only does not oppose the New Deal, but also supports the New Deal, and even speaks for the minister everywhere, but in fact he has hidden evil intentions." .”

"It was actually his idea to let the people who were instructed by Guang Shiheng to cast smallpox and those who held the prince hostage to put these plots on Liu Zongzhou and Sun Chengzong!"

"He thought that even if the conspiracy failed for a while, he would use the hands of his ministers to frame a few famous ministers in the court."

"In this way, the conflict between ministers and civil servants can be exacerbated, especially those virtuous ministers who oppose the New Deal and dislike ministers, but actually have conscience and will not play tricks on ministers!"

"In this way, more people will hate the courtiers, especially the neutral courtiers! Because of this, they will feel that the ministers are attacking dissidents and taking private revenge, so they will gradually become dissatisfied with the ministers, and even the ministers who support the reform will also Therefore, I am dissatisfied with my ministers, and my reform faction also has a split!"

"So, this person's heart can't be said to be insidious, and his means can't be said to be cunning!"

"If I fall for him and let Liu Zongzhou and Sun Chengzong die unexpectedly, then I will naturally become the target of public criticism, and I am afraid that even those who support the reform, such as Yuan Zongxian and Chen Shilang, will be dissatisfied with the minister and feel that the minister is attacking dissidents. Too much."

"Fortunately, the minister was not fooled, and His Majesty was not involved. Otherwise, once his plot succeeds, the New Deal will still be defeated due to the internal fragmentation of the reform, and will eventually be given by the despicable people who pretend to support the reform. To usurp power and make reforms abolished."

Zhang Gui said.

Tian Qi had come down the steps at this time, helped up Sun Chengzong who seemed to be ten years old, looked at Zhang Gui and said, "Then who is this person?! He almost made me kill my husband, so that if I really want to do this Criticism."

At this time, Sun Chengzong also wanted to know who this person was.

Of course, he is also very grateful to Zhang Gui for finding out the truth of this matter.

Because, just now, he really almost thought that the emperor would resent him forever because of this, and he really thought that he would suffer this injustice.

Therefore, Sun Chengzong bowed his hands to Zhang Gui: "Please tell me who it is?"

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

But before Zhang Gui could tell who this person was, this person fell to the ground and cried out.

"It turned out to be you!"

After Tianqi followed the sound, he was shocked and angry.

Sun Chengzong was also shocked: "I thought it was money."

Qian Longxi shrugged his shoulders and looked at Sun Chengzong: "Mr. Ge, why do you think so!"

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

But at this time, the red-robed official had already prostrated himself on the ground again, shouting for mercy.

"Feng Quan! I was about to mention you as a strategist. Fortunately, I haven't made such a decision yet!"

Tian Qi continued.

At this moment, Feng Quan looked at Zhang Gui: "Uncle Zhang Guo, did you discover my notes in advance?"

Zhang Gui nodded: "Feng Shilang is a smart person! But he is not a decent person."

Tianqi asked at this time: "What is the explanation for this statement?"

"Who is a serious person to write notes?"

Zhang Gui asked a question, and then reported to Tian Qi: "Your Majesty, I only found out not long ago that this Minister Feng has a habit of writing notes every day, recording what he planned for the day, according to his own ideas, It is for the convenience of his own history after the change of dynasty in the future. This Feng Shilang also wrote the reasons for his own doing these things in his notes, and there is an air of conceit between the lines, thinking that he is the most intelligent person in the world. "

As Zhang Gui said, he walked up to Feng Quan, knelt down and said, "But Feng Shilang, you don't think that besides yourself, the only deaf-mute girl Zhuzhu who knows where you put this note, your maid. In fact, three years ago, I trained her in the West Factory and placed her in your mansion. You can use her without worry because she is a deaf-mute, but why do you take notes? You are so worried that people will not know about you in the future. clever?"

"Three years ago, I was an ordinary Hanlin, Uncle Guo, why did you start staring at me at that time?"

Feng Quan asked puzzledly.

Zhang Gui naturally wouldn't say it, because although you, Feng Quan, were not well-known at the time, you were very powerful in history. You were an official in the Tianqi court to a scholar, and soon after you surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, you were also in charge of the compilation of Ming history. And as a time traveler, of course the focus is on you.

Therefore, Zhang Gui only said: "In the beginning, Xichang was just because your father was an official in Liaodong, and wanted to secretly watch whether your father would smuggle and cooperate with the enemy."

Feng Quan laughed wryly after hearing this, and said, "Uncle Guo is really careful."

Then, Feng Quan said again: "I have thought of many situations, and even thought of what to do if Guang Shiheng is also found out, so I adopted his youngest son in advance, so that Guang Shi Heng kept the queen for himself, and he didn't dare to betray me. But I never thought that the deaf-mute maid I have been using the most is actually from your West Factory!"

"Do you know why he became a deaf-mute? It's thanks to your Feng family! She was originally the daughter of your tenant, but because her father couldn't pay the rent, you tortured her into a deaf-mute and ran out. Our West Factory has the opportunity to train her."

Zhang Gui said: "So if you want to avoid being found out about your crimes, you should not do any evil."

"Forget it! I just admit defeat!"

Feng Quan sighed at this moment: "I thought that as long as I hide deeply enough, like Zhang Puzhou and Shen Changzhou, as long as I actively support the reform, you and Your Majesty will not suspect me, but I didn't Thinking about it, your Uncle Zhang Guo has been eyeing me for a long time, making my plan fall short."

As he said that, Feng Quan bowed deeply to Tianqi, and said with emotion: "Your Majesty! I don't mean to harm His Royal Highness, but I just want to use His Royal Highness to get rid of Uncle Zhang Guo! Your Majesty, please enlighten me! I also ask Your Majesty to be merciful." Ah! I have to forgive others and forgive others. The reason why I do this is because the court laws are too strict, so that I dare not speak out, Your Majesty!"

After Feng Quan finished speaking, he began to cry, and while crying, he glanced at Tianqi.

"Your Majesty! Please don't believe the tears of these people. They have long been like snakes and scorpions. If you show mercy to them, it will only stage the tragedy of farmers and snakes!"

Zhang Gui retorted at this time.

But at this time, one person stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the words of the traitor Feng Quan are worthy of the court's reflection! Especially Uncle Zhang Guo, you should reflect on why someone wants to get rid of you and then hurry up!"

Both Zhang Gui and Tian Qi followed the sound and looked over.

(End of this chapter)

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