Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 161 Destroy 9 Clans!Go to jail!

Chapter 161 Destroy the Nine Clans!Go to jail!

Zhang Gui had to admit that many civil servants were as slippery as loach.

I also wanted to take half a year's salary to slap Qian Longxi's fat face just like Sun Chengzong.

Let the left servant of the official department taste what it feels like to be beaten again.

You must know that people like Qian Longxi, who grew up in rich clothes and well-fed food, would never have been beaten at all.

Because of this, Zhang Gui was willing to exchange half a year's salary.

He is still very sincere.

With his current status, half a year's salary is actually quite a lot.

If Qian Longxi received this slap, it would save a lot of money for the national treasury.

Wang Yingjiao, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, was looking forward to Tianqi's promise to Uncle Zhang Guo, so that Qian Longxi would be slapped in the face.

But who would have thought that Qian Longxi would suddenly rather cater to the holy will than be slapped by Zhang Gui.

Tian Qi chuckled at this time, and asked Qian Longxi: "Tell me, why do you feel that you should reflect on yourself."

Qian Longxi said: "Your Majesty, as Elder Sun Ge said, Feng Quan, who dared to hold the country to threaten the emperor, and secretly framed the hearts of the ministers, sowed the relationship between the monarch and his ministers, and wanted to cause chaos in the world, is already a person. For a person who is as bad as a snake and a scorpion, it is indeed useless to show benevolence, this kind of person can only be intimidated by power, but cannot cultivate virtue."

"The old minister just made a slip of the tongue. The reason why the minister said that it is the minister who should reflect is because the minister was indeed unreasonable from the beginning, and he failed to understand the father. He forgot his duty as a minister. Have empathy, be considerate of His Majesty's difficulties and the grievances of Mr. Sun Ge when he was framed, and should not be edgy when encountering problems, which will almost make His Majesty kill the uncle in vain, and make the villain succeed in his tricks."

Tianqi nodded: "It's a good reflection."

As he said that, Tian Qi looked at the officials and asked, "What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, this should be due to Mr. Sun Ge's slap!"

Zhang Gui replied at this time.

Sun Chengzong buried his head a little lower: "Can you stop mentioning it, I'm sorry."

Qian Longxi: "..."

And Zhang Gui then said: "So, in order to let Qian Shilang reflect more thoroughly, I suggest that I should let me give Qian Shilang another slap. This time, I would like to exchange one year's salary."

Wang Yingjiao, Shangshu of the Household Department, hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I think it's okay!"

Tian Qi smiled and said, "Okay! The crown prince is still in the hall."

As an emperor, although Tian Qi is not very serious, he still doesn't want to leave an image of not being serious in front of his son.

"That's fine, the minister didn't say anything."

Zhang Gui replied.

Qian Longxi heaved a sigh of relief, and thought, "It's a good thing that the crown prince is here, otherwise I would be a pig today, but Wang Yingjiao is an old man, what's going on, you want me to be beaten like that?!"

Wang Yingjiao, who was very serious about working for Tianqi in front of the Ministry of Household Affairs, really felt it was a pity at this time, and said in his heart: "Uncle Zhang Guo has several first-rank officials and nobles, and there is also a Marquis of Suizhou. If he is punished with a one-year salary It can save a lot of money! Why didn't Longxi agree to this money, if it was to beat me instead, I would definitely be willing!"

At this time, Tian Qi asked Qian Longxi again: "Since this is the case, how do you think Feng Quan should deal with it?"

"Nine Yi Clan!"

Qian Longxi replied.

Now he must let the emperor see the effect of his reflection!

Therefore, he suggested Yi Fengquan Jiu Clan.

"Nine Yi tribes?"

Apocalypse got up and asked.

Qian Longxi replied: "Yes! Your Majesty! Let the villains know how serious the consequences of holding the country's capital and blaming ministers are!"

After hearing this, Feng Quan raised his head suddenly, looked at Qian Longxi with a face full of disbelief, and said in his heart: "I didn't offend you, did I? Didn't you just say that you reflected on your own lack of empathy? Having said that, do you know how terrifying the Yi Jiu Clan is? Do you know that it is even more terrifying than the Zhu Jiu Clan? You haven’t barred yourself, don’t you think these three words are terrible?! Qian Longxi, you bastard , can you really have empathy once!"

Feng Quan was angry.

He is a smart man.

Therefore, he immediately replied: "Your Majesty! Behind the minister, there is actually someone who is in charge!"

Tianqi and other courtiers looked over in surprise.

Tianqi asked at this time: "Is there someone behind you?"

Feng Quan said: "Your Majesty, how dare I do this alone? What's more, I have clearly supported the reform, and I have long been out of the tolerance of scholars. If I want to do such a thing, I must have someone to help me, otherwise I will How dare you."

After speaking, Feng Quan said: "And this person is Qian Longxi Qian Shilang!"

Qian Longxi looked back at Feng Quan in astonishment: "What are you, what are you, why are you framing people like this, why are you slandering me like this!"

"Your Majesty's lesson! Everything I do is secretly entrusted to me by Minister Qian!"

Feng Quan didn't care so much, he only knew that Qian Longxi's behavior of proposing to exterminate himself from the nine tribes in order to protect himself made him very upset, and he had to take revenge.

Qian Longxi was already so frightened that he knelt on the ground at this time, he shouted anxiously: "Your Majesty, I have been wronged! Even if I have a hundred guts, I would not dare to do such a thing!"

Tianqi also doesn't believe that Qian Longxi will be Feng Quan's mastermind behind the scenes.

Because he could see that people like Qian Longxi were of low rank, obviously inferior to Feng Quan, and even Guang Shiheng, otherwise, it would not be easy for people to see their political stance.

However, Tianqi didn't directly say that I don't believe it.

"The opportunity to make a fortune is here!"

Now Tianqi just came up with such an idea, and therefore asked Feng Quan: "What evidence do you have that Qian Longxi is your mastermind behind the scenes?"

"Your Majesty's lesson! He Qian Longxi is so treacherous and cunning that he will not leave any evidence at all. He just passed it on to his ministers orally. Now he will naturally not admit it."

Feng Quan replied.

"Since you are the only witness at the moment, it may not necessarily be accusation, but after all, this matter is suspected of kidnapping the crown prince, which cannot be ignored."

As he spoke, Tian Qi said: "Send Qian Longxi to prison! Zhuo Dong Factory ransacked the house and investigated it thoroughly! There is no time limit."

Qian Longxi collapsed to the ground after hearing this, he knew that this meant that he might have to live in the imperial prison forever.

"In addition, regarding Feng Quan's crime, at the request of Qian Shilang, the nine tribes of barbarians!"

Apocalypse said.

Feng Quan continued to cry after hearing this: "Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

Apocalypse ignored.

Wang Dehua was subsequently ordered to be sentenced to death.

A turmoil about kidnapping the prince finally came to an end.

Because of this incident, the courtiers had to admit that Uncle Zhang Gui was really difficult to deal with. Even a person like Feng Quan, who had hidden himself so deeply, was already shouting for the reform, but he still couldn't get rid of Uncle Zhang. expensive.

Those who are dissatisfied with Zhang Gui are even more afraid to do anything to Zhang Gui.

Wei Guangwei, a university scholar, thought that even a man like Feng Quan could not do anything to Uncle Zhang Guo, so after returning home, he couldn't suppress the evil fire in his heart, threw a cup of tea on the ground, and slandered him. Said: "It is so difficult to get rid of this scourge, and the New Deal will undoubtedly be difficult to abolish!"

Wei Guangwei's concubine Ji came in frightened and asked, "Master, what is this?"

Wei Guangwei regained his sanity after dropping the teacup, thinking that there might be people from Xichang watching beside him, maybe the concubine Ji in front of him is also from Xichang, and his behavior at this time might be punished by Xichang's people the next day. When people knew about it, they couldn't help feeling chills down their backs, and hurriedly explained: "It's just that I accidentally knocked down this cup of tea with my sleeve just now."

After saying that, Wei Guangwei forced a smile and said, "You can ask someone to brew it again, it's fine."


Wei Guangwei restrained his smile only after the concubine Ji left, which made him feel even more depressed.

Because now they have to be careful even when they go home.

As a result, they don't even dare to bully their slaves, Ji and concubines casually.

After all, no one knows whether these family slaves, concubines, or concubines are from Xichang.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Gui's wedding day is approaching.

On the day before the big wedding, in order to avoid any mistakes when welcoming the bride, Zhang Gui came to the business, and only went to the backyard of the business to look around, so as not to make mistakes at that time.

As a result, Zhang Gui once again met Shang Jinghui who lied to be the maid Qingmei.

"This is the purse that our girl gave you, my aunt. There is a safe talisman in it for you, and it is said that it can turn your bad luck into good fortune, aunt."

At this time, Shang Jinghui also gave Zhang Gui a boudoir gift.

Zhang Gui took it: "Thank you girls for me!"

"Let's go?"

Shang Jinghui had already turned around at this time, and after nodding, he turned around and said something to Zhang Gui.

"Don't be busy."

Zhang Gui shouted.

Shang Jinghui stopped because of this: "Do you have any orders, my lord?"

"Are you really going to accompany your girls to the Hou Mansion?"

Zhang Gui asked.

Shang Jinghui turned his head, pursed his lips and snickered, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yeah!"

"That's good!"

Zhang Gui smiled and turned to leave.

He had to admit that, as the saying goes, a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than stealing, but he had already transferred his heart to the concubine before he got married.

When the big wedding came the next day, although Zhang Gui accepted the command of the master of ceremonies very cooperatively, his whole heart was to see the maid named Qingmei next to Shang Jinghui again.

While Zhang Gui was thinking about it, he came to the Shang mansion unknowingly, but when he greeted his relatives, he found that there was no Qingmei among the dowry maids on both sides of the sedan chair!
Zhang Gui's mood suddenly fell into an ice valley: "Didn't you say that you will follow?"

Therefore, Zhang Gui hurriedly told Zhou Neng, his man: "Send someone to the merchant to inquire carefully, where is a maid named Qingmei?!"


As for the next worship, he just completed the ceremony mechanically.

Even after entering the bridal chamber, he was not interested.

But when he thought of the beauty of the fourth daughter of the historical merchant, he still lifted the hijab with some curiosity and held Ruyi.

This challenge, when the fair and delicate face under the hijab appeared, Zhang Gui was stunned: "It turned out to be you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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