Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 167 The vassal king is subdued, and welcomes him in the suburbs!

Chapter 167 The vassal king is subdued, and welcomes him ten miles out of the suburbs!
Wang Ji froze in place.

Only now did he realize that King Ganqing Zhou had been playing tricks on himself.

Thanks to myself, I thought I had successfully encouraged King Zhou to rebel.

King Zhou is not stupid.

He knew that these vassal kings like himself can be said to be rich but not strong, and they can't compare with the vassal kings in the early Ming Dynasty, and the rebellion is almost impossible to succeed.

For example, King Ning rebelled under the condition of increasing guards. As a result, he was defeated by Wang Yangming in a short time.

Therefore, the king of Zhou did not intend to rebel, but to be the first person to stand up for the benefit of the whole world's dignitaries and gentry.


The guards had already come over, took Wang Ji into custody, and dragged him outside.

Wang Ji shouted because of this: "Your Highness! Do you really want to watch them come to clean up your farmland, ask you to pay food for the court, and even perform various duties, or you will have to be demoted?! "

King Zhou said: "Thunder, rain and dew are all due to your grace! How can you instigate Gu to rebel?"

"Your Highness, please let me understand! Why did you do this?!"

After hearing this, Wang Ji continued to ask questions.

King Zhou said: "The New Deal is nothing more than being forced to cut a large amount of benefits to the court every year, but if you raise troops for you, once you fail, you will have nothing. This is not a good deal! And if other vassal kings raise troops and succeed, Naturally, the current policy of being harsh on the clan will be changed, and Gu will not be punished for killing you. Therefore, the best choice for Gu now is to use your head to express his determination to obey the new policy."

Wang Ji was furious after hearing this: "Old fox, you old fox!"

Not long after Wang Ji scolded, he was dragged out by the guards and cut off his head.

Zhang Gui is practicing marksmanship against a wooden target in a posthouse.

But as soon as he finished firing a shot, Xia Yunyi came walking quickly: "Master Hou! A sentry horse came to report that the King of Zhou has led all the officials and gentry of Kaifeng Mansion ten miles out of the city to meet us, and he also brought all the fields in their mansion. Book the books, and express absolute cooperation with the implementation of the New Deal.”

After hearing this, Zhang Gui put away the pistol and said with a smile: "It seems that King Zhou is quite interesting."

"When I saw the fate of King Fu, I knew how serious the fate of going against the court was."

Xia Yunyi replied.

"You're right, go and see him."

Zhang Gui talked.


Not often, Zhang Gui met Zhou Wang Zhu Suqin and his son Zhu Gongyun.

The king of Zhou first presented Wang Ji's head and the document asking him to submit to Tianjing, saying: "Please tell your majesty, the minister Shi Wang Ji, the chief of the palace of the king of Zhou, has no intentions. He also directly instigated his ministers to rebel, and even wrote this document himself! And my minister Zhu Suqin, in order to prevent him from causing my Zhou Palace to become a traitor, I had to order him to be killed first! Please understand your majesty’s intentions loyalty!"

Then, the king of Zhou said again: "In addition, my minister Zhu Suqin will never dare to despise the heart of the court, and is willing to present the land and account books of the king's mansion to Zhongcheng to show my support for the new policy!"

"As for the crimes of the king's mansion occupying the people's land, usurping the imperial power and embezzling the people's interests, which are reflected in the field books and books, they are all committed by the long history Wang Ji in collusion with the corrupt officials and cunning officials in the mansion. I really don't know it. I ask your majesty to learn from you! Negligence, so I am willing to ask Your Majesty to punish the crime of negligence!"

The king of Zhou knew that Zhang Gui and others were trying to carry out the New Deal and at the same time identify the degree of loyalty of the feudal lords, not necessarily to eliminate the clan. Therefore, he first showed his loyalty with the head of Wang Ji, and then offered the field record He Zhang's behavior showed his attitude of supporting the New Deal, and he also pushed all the crimes he had done in the Zhou Palace on Wang Ji, who had no evidence of his death, but he still took the initiative to admit a crime of negligence, so as to give Zhang Gui and others One step down.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui said: "Since Your Highness is just negligent, I naturally don't have much to say. I will truthfully report to Your Majesty what His Highness has said!"

Here, Xia Yunyi asked someone to take over the field books and account books of Prince Zhou's mansion.

King Zhou then invited Zhang Gui, Xia Yunyi and others to a banquet.

Therefore, the implementation of the New Deal in Kaifeng Mansion went smoothly.

"Next, the Marquis will go to Nanyang to meet King Tang, and then to see King Lu. As long as the properties of these two vassal kings are also cleared, there will be no major problems in the implementation of the New Deal in Henan. This Marquis can also Return to Beijing with peace of mind."

Zhang Gui turned the flintlock pistol in his hand and said to Xia Yunyi.

Xia Yunyi nodded and said: "What Hou Ye said is that I hope Tang Wang and Lu Wang can also get acquainted with each other."

Arrived in Nanyang for a while.

Just when Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi didn't know Tang Wang Zhu Shuoyin's attitude towards the New Deal and were unsure, they heard sentry cavalry report that Tang Wang Zhu Shuoyin had led Tang Wang's clan children and local officials ten miles out of the city to welcome them.

Therefore, Xia Yunyi couldn't help saying to Zhang Gui: "Master Hou, it seems that the Tang king is the same as the Zhou king, he still has fear of the court."

Zhang Gui smiled and blew on the muzzle of his pistol, and said, "This Marquis hopes that they will strongly oppose it, so as to save them from having to continue to support them."

"I have seen the Marquis of Suizhou and Xia Zhongcheng alone, and I have already set up a banquet in the palace to welcome the two of them. I wonder if the two of you can honor them?"

Tang Wang Zhu Shuoxi also greeted Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi very kindly when he saw them.

Zhang Guidao: "Your Highness's request, how can I refuse it."

"That's it, and please move two steps."

Zhu Shuoshui said.

Xia Yunyi suddenly had an idea, and said to Zhang Gui: "Master Hou, why don't you let the officials go first, and you take a rest outside the city for a while?"

Zhang Gui understood what Xia Yunyi meant, so he nodded and said, "Yes!"

King Tang was not angry when he saw that Xia Yunyi was suspicious of him, he just said: "That's fine!"

After speaking, King Tang first accompanied Xia Yunyi into the city, and also said: "Gu has asked the mansion to prepare the field books and account books, and Zhongcheng can check them at any time."

"Then you will offend His Highness."

As Xia Yunyi spoke here, he ordered his standard battalion: "Take over Nanyang City Defense!"

Saying that, Xia Yunyi ordered Liu Kui, the prefect of Nanyang, who was also at the side: "Prefect Liu, ask your soldiers to temporarily withdraw from the city and set up camp."


Liu Zhifu immediately agreed.

And here Xia Yunyi said to the Tang king: "Your Highness, please forgive me for being presumptuous. For the sake of the court's prosperity, it is better for us to be villains first and then gentlemen. Therefore, please also withdraw your palace guards to the backyard of the palace. How about the Xichang official school taking over the front yard of the Wangfu and Wangcheng later? In addition, the banquet must also be held in the front yard."


At this moment, Zhu Qixun, the third son of Tang Wang, couldn't help but let out angrily.

Tang Wang hurriedly glanced at his son, then smiled and said: "It should be so. It's just that the child is rude, please forgive me!"

Xia Yunyi smiled and waved his hands and said: "It's okay! How can I care about the nobles! In fact, in Kaifeng, we also did the same, and now we are doing it in order not to favor one over another."


So, the king of Tang said: "Chuangu ordered that the guards of the king's city and the guards in the front yard be all removed from the backyard!"

After that, Zhang Gui brought the Xichang official school into the Tang Palace, and let his people from Xichang take over the guards of Wangcheng and the front yard of the palace.

For a while, as soon as the banquet started, Zhang Gui asked the king of Tang first: "I heard that His Highness has three sons, why do you only see two sons now?"

Therefore, the king of Tang said: "Zhu Qiqi, the dog, is not in good health and cannot come to meet guests. Please forgive me from the Marquis of Suizhou!"

Zhang Gui nodded after listening.

"Why, Marquis of Suizhou wants to see our elder brother?"

At this moment, Zhu Qixun asked a question.

Zhang Gui asked intently: "What do you mean by that?"

Zhu Qixun stood up suddenly, and said with a sneer, "Then you may never see him again in this life!"

"That's right, my elder brother said, today we and other members of the clan will kill you!"

At this time, the second son of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Qisong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly shouted.

All of a sudden, all the disciples of the clan present stood up and drew out the Yanling Saber hidden under the table.

It didn't take long before a handful of gleaming Yanling sabers were pulled out.

At this time, Zhu Qisong shouted again: "Come on! Hack him to death!"

For a while, Zhu Qixun quickly approached Zhang Gui within five steps, and stabbed Zhang Gui's abdomen with a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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