Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 170 Execution of Confucian scholars, one row after another!

Chapter 170 Execution of Confucian scholars, row after row!
Zhu Qisong stammered: "I, I, calm down! The reason why I said that the mastermind is the eldest brother is because my father asked me to say so, saying that if the action fails, the blame will be placed on the eldest brother!"

After hearing this, Zhang Gui looked at Zhu Shuoyin: "So, the mastermind of the murder of the imperial envoy tonight is His Royal Highness Tang?"

"Yes! It is the father! Please invite Hou Mingjian of Suizhou!"

Zhu Qisong said.

Zhu Shuoshui looked at his favorite son Zhu Qiqi in surprise: "Nizi! How could you do this!"

Then, Zhu Shuoshui said to Zhang Gui, "Your Majesty of Suizhou, you know that I didn't know anything about this matter at the beginning! I never thought that the children of the clan under my Tang Palace would be so lawless!"

"This Marquis trusts you for now, but since that's the case, you, Zhu Qiqi, will be regarded as your son falsely accusing your father, younger brother falsely accusing your brother, and murdering officials appointed by the court!"

Zhang Gui said at this time.

"No! It's not like that! You can't believe them!"

Zhu Qisong anxiously denied it.

Zhang Gui then asked Zhu Shuoyin: "His Royal Highness Tang, may I ask how His Royal Highness and the eldest grandson of your family disobeyed their elders?"

"They didn't disobey their elders, they just misunderstood. They planned to let them out and report to the court what happened."

Zhu Shuoshui said.

Now that he has seen clearly the face of the second son he has always loved, he also sees that the Marquis of Suizhou is for his eldest son, so he just replied like this.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui said: "If that's the case, let them go?"

"Yes, let go."

Zhu Shuoxi then issued the Wang Ling.

As a result, Zhu Yujian quickly knelt down, choked with sobs and said, "Thank you grandfather for your kindness!"

Then, Zhu Yujian bowed his hands to Zhang Gui again: "I also thank Uncle Zhang Guo for upholding justice!"

"Ling Changsun Zhili!"

Zhang Gui said something to Zhu Shuoshui with a smile.

Zhu Shuoshui forced a smile and said, "You are too proud!"

Not long after, Zhang Guantang led Zhu Qiqi out because of Zhu Shuoshui's order.

"I haven't seen the Marquis of Suizhou and Xia Zhongcheng soon!"

Therefore, Zhu Shuoxuan gave instructions to Zhu Qiqi.

Zhu Qiqi then came over to greet Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi.

"Now the truth has come to light. The second prince of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Qisong, and other members of the clan conspired to assassinate Benhou and Xia Zhongcheng. If you also falsely accuse your father and brother, the crime will be aggravated, and you should also sue the court!"

As Zhang Gui spoke, he asked Zhu Shuoshui: "His Royal Highness, can you agree with this truth?"

Zhu Shuoyin hastily said: "Of course I agree, Suizhou Houming will check the details!"

"Then let's go to school together. As for the mastermind of this case, it must be Zhu Qisong. However, His Royal Highness Tang, you will still have a crime of lax discipline."

Zhang Gui said.


Zhu Shuoxuan agreed and said with tears: "As for the crime of lax discipline, I would like to ask the Marquis of Suizhou to speak well in front of the emperor."

"Do not worry."

At this time, Zhu Qisong shouted unwillingly: "Father! Do you really not care about the child?! You can't let the child bear such a serious crime alone!"

As he said that, Zhu Qisong yelled in the direction of the backyard: "Mother! Mother! Where are you, why don't you come and persuade Father Wang?!"

"Shut up! You bastard!"

Zhu Shuoshui shouted loudly and said, "Who told you to do such a wicked thing! We will all be implicated by you now!"

But Zhu Yujian stood up at this time and said: "Actually, my second uncle is not the mastermind! Second uncle was only provoked by his subordinates to do such a stupid thing."

After hearing this, many people present looked at Zhu Yujian in astonishment.

Because now everyone knows that the second prince of Tang Wangfu is obviously not a thing, and intends to frame Tang Wang Shizi.

Zhu Yujian, the eldest son of the prince of the Tang Dynasty, should hate his second uncle Zhu Qisong very much, but at this time he speaks good things for Zhu Qisong.

Zhu Qisong himself looked at Zhu Yujian in surprise at this time.

But Zhu Yujian continued: "Therefore, I ask Marquis of Suizhou and Xia Zhongcheng to give my second uncle a share of decency as a prince, and don't send him to Beijing, where he will be tortured by Dongchang, and give him a chance to commit suicide!"

Everyone instantly understood why Zhu Yujian wanted to intercede with Zhu Qisong just now. It turned out that Zhu Yujian was afraid that Zhu Qisong would be escorted to Beijing and then he would be spared and not executed because he was a child of the clan, so he let him On the grounds of decent suicide, I want Zhang Gui and others to kill Zhu Qisong at this time.

Because of this, Zhu Qisong scolded Zhu Yujian angrily: "Zhu Yujian! You bastard! If I knew earlier, I should have killed you first, and then killed your father!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Gui said hello here, and ordered: "Give Wang Changsun a knife, and let him persuade his second uncle to commit suicide!"


Huang Degong gave Zhu Yujian a knife.

Zhu Yujian walked towards Zhu Qisong with a knife in his hand.

"what are you doing!"

Zhu Qisong asked nervously.

"Second uncle, my nephew is here to show you face."

Zhu Yujian said with a smile.

Zhu Qisong became short of breath.

At this time, Zhu Yujian forced Zhu Qisong's right hand to hold the handle of the knife, while he himself held Zhu Qisun's hand with both hands, gritted his teeth, and lifted it up until it reached Zhu Qisun's neck. Just start pulling down.

Zhu Qisong tried his best to push the knife outward, saying: "No, no!"



In the end, Zhu Yujian forcibly helped Zhu Qisong cut his aorta with a knife, and blood spilled out.

As a result, Zhu Qisong's pupils gradually dilated and he lost his breath.

Seeing this, Zhang Gui said: "I also ask Wang Changsun to tell me who the mastermind is and who is instigating Uncle Ling."

Zhu Yujian came over with blood on his face and said, "It's the Confucian scholars raised by the second uncle and other uncles! They have been spreading dissatisfaction with the New Deal in front of the uncles, dissatisfaction with Suizhou Marquis and Xia Zhongcheng, and even Mingli's dissatisfaction." In private, he also talked about his dissatisfaction with the father, saying that the treacherous ministers ruled the country, chaos is coming, and there is no peace in the sky, and a new dynasty will be established, which made the uncles gradually ignite their hearts of disobedience!"

The rich and powerful often raised Confucian scholars and literati as Qing guests.

And these purists roamed the gates of the powerful, and often instigated some powerful people to do illegal things, or lobbied the powerful to do things according to their own political ideas.

In the early Ming Dynasty, Li Wenzhong, Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew, gradually became dissatisfied with some of Zhu Yuanzhang's government orders because of the brainwashing of Confucian scholars in his own house, which eventually led to disputes between nephews and uncles. Zhu Yuanzhang killed all the Confucian scholars in Li Wenzhong's house for this reason These Confucian scholars instigated Li Wenzhong.

Today, Zhu Yujian mentions this phenomenon, naturally because of his insight into world affairs.

He knew very well that if his second uncle dared to do this, there must be Confucian scholars secretly lobbying.

Zhang Gui also nodded after hearing this, and said: "Then I would like to ask the eldest grandson of the king to lead the way, and lead the people of this Marquis to arrest these Confucian scholars."

After saying that, Zhang Gui ordered Huang Degong: "Take someone with Wang Changsun to capture all the Confucian scholars around Zhu Qisong!"


Huang Degong responded.

Not long after, Zhu Yujian took Huang Degong and arrested all the Confucian scholars raised by these clan nobles.

"What are you doing?! What does this matter have to do with us? We just accompany the uncles and princes to write poems and watch plays!"

"Exactly! How do we know what they did?!"

"Aren't you afraid of leaving an eternal infamy for killing innocent people like this?!"

These Confucian scholars talked in a hurry.

Zhang Gui didn't talk nonsense, he just waved his hand and said: "Everyone will be shot on the spot! There is no need for another trial, and we will report the reasons to the imperial court together with His Highness Tang Wang!"


As a result, these Confucian scholars were escorted into the courtyard in a row, lined up in rows, and knelt on the ground.

Meanwhile, the officials from Xichang walked over with gunfire, and shot these Confucian scholars in the back of the head row by row.

A row of Confucian scholars fell to the ground.

Then came another row.

Row after row.

Therefore, a Confucian scholar shouted helplessly: "The sky has no eyes! The sky has no eyes! After all, this disaster cannot be cured! God, do you really want us Confucian scholars to suffer this catastrophe?! Ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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