Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 174 You scolded my ancestor?My ancestor is great grandfather!

Chapter 174 You scolded my ancestor?My ancestor is great grandfather!
Zhang Gui hehe sneered: "But this Marquis is an imperial envoy, and if they kill him, they will have no emperor! Do you think they are more majestic than the emperor?"

"That's something that the emperor should pursue. Uncle Guo, as a minister of the heavenly family, should lead to death at that time!"

Jin Zhijun replied.

Zhang Gui clenched his fists and snorted, "It's useless to argue with you."

Then, Zhang Gui looked at Tianqi: "This matter, I ask His Majesty to make a holy decision!"

Tian Qi said: "I am the lord of the world, and Zhang Gui is acting on my behalf, that is, under the circumstances at that time, he is me! He is right to do so."

"Your Majesty, the country governs the world with propriety, and he dares to kill even the royal family. Don't your majesty worry that he will even dare to kill you in the future?!"

Jin Zhijun asked loudly.

"We'll talk about it when Zhang Qing dares to kill me, but now, I just don't want him to dare to disobey me because he dared not kill the royal family and nobles. The Ming Dynasty does not rule the world with rites, but with the emperor's order. You should take less money." The so-called etiquette messes with my court plan!"

Apocalypse speaks bluntly.

"Your Majesty, you deny the rule of ritual!"

Jin Zhijun said something in astonishment, and then said in grief and indignation: "Your Majesty, etiquette cannot be discarded!"

"Think twice, Your Majesty, once the etiquette collapses, the world will be in chaos!"

"Your Majesty, please retract this statement. Daming may be helpless, but he must not be rude!"

"Presumptuous! According to this, isn't it true that the emperor's order should also be succumbed to ritual?"

At this time, Chen Zizhuang, the number one mouthpiece of the reform faction, couldn't help but questioned him.

"Is Daming a world of rites or a world of kings?!"

Then, Wen Zhenmeng also asked a question.

But Jin Zhijun said: "The Son of Heaven should also obey the ethics, otherwise how can he be worthy of being the Lord of the world! At that time, even if the clan killed his Uncle Zhang Guo, Uncle Zhang Guo could only suffer death, or run away, and there was no one who would fight back. Reason! For example, if a parent wants to kill a son, how can a son kill his parents instead! Rao, Uncle Zhang Guo died for His Majesty, and His Majesty can only punish the clan!"

For a while, because Zhu Youxiao insisted on emphasizing that his emperor's order is the biggest rule, it seemed that the entire court once again set off a big dispute over etiquette.

But Jin Zhijun still insisted that Zhang Gui should have the consciousness of being a servant of the Zhu family. Even if he was inspecting on behalf of the emperor, even if the clans killed him was tantamount to treason, Zhang Gui could not kill these clans at that time. They can only be killed or escaped by these clans. As for these clans' rebellion, this is a later matter.

In short, in their view, ritual is above law.

Zhang Gui can't violate the rules of etiquette just because the clan broke the law.

At this moment, the debate in the court is actually a dispute between the rule of law and the rule of ritual.

Although this rule of law is a rule of law model in which only the monarch can make laws, it is still different from the connotation of ruling the country with propriety.

While arguing endlessly in the court, Zhu Yujian had gathered a large number of clan disciples according to Zhang Gui's instructions.

Because of the reform of the clan, Tianqi decreed that the children of the clan could go to Beijing to apply for the newly established Zongxue, so that they could be reused.

As a result, many descendants of the clan have moved to Beijing, especially the impoverished clans from remote branches who want to find another way out to change the status quo.

And Zhu Yujian can also use his status as the prince's son to summon a large number of clan children in Beijing.

These clan children are willing to come to Beijing to apply for Zongxue, which naturally shows that they support the reform of the clan and belong to a group of people who have suffered from the existing ritual system in the world for a long time.

They are basically aspiring people who have been oppressed by the eldest relatives of the clan and are unwilling to be bound by the existing system, but want to realize their self-worth.

Now that Zhu Yujian gathered these people together, he also bluntly mobilized these clan children: "Everyone, we can go to Beijing to study now, and in the future we can be officials, businessmen and soldiers. Why? Blindly imprisoned in one city, and implemented a new suzerainty system! Although the new suzerainty system will make us lose a lot of the benefits of Zhuangtian, but this is for us distant clans who can not get much Zhuangtian. ,Is it important?"

"That's right, it doesn't matter. Only those close clans and the eldest sons of the vassal kings will care about the benefits of their estates. If we don't change the system, we can only beg for food like beggars."

"Yes! Just like our branch, because there are so many brothers and sisters, the court's salary has long been insufficient for us. In fact, my father has already dared not call himself a son of the clan, and went to work as a long-term worker for others. If not, the court this time I don't want to admit that I am a child of the clan anymore, once I admit that I am a child of the clan, I can do nothing except beg for food!"


The disciples of the clan chattered in a hurry.

Seeing this, Zhu Yujian said: "But now there are officials like Jin Zhijun who oppose the reform! They are also dissatisfied with the uncle Zhang Gui for executing King Fu! He intends to restore the system that imprisoned us clan children before, and if this is the case, It means that the elders of each of our houses can still imprison or even kill us at will, and we still have to live by begging from them, living like pigs and dogs, will you let people like Jin Zhijun succeed?"

"How would you want to! We are not pigs and dogs, we can't be raised like pigs and dogs!"

"That's right! Why should the clan's children be beggars and not officials!"

"Yes! Although our great-grandfather begged for food, it doesn't mean that our descendants also like to beg for food."


The children of these clans all clamored, showing their great dissatisfaction with Jin Zhijun.

After all, the Ming Dynasty’s original clan system actually only guaranteed the wealth and honor of a small number of close branches and direct relatives of the clan. Most of the clan’s children are actually in dire straits, even worse than many ordinary people. After all, they cannot freely leave their fiefs to make a living. .

Seeing this, Zhu Yujian said: "It just so happens that I know where Jin Zhijun's home is, why don't we go and steal his home and make a big fuss, the law does not blame the public, not to mention we are still the sons of the clan, this is what our status can give us now." Our only point of value is useless at this time, and we are not rebelling against the king or killing imperial servants, we are nothing more than being imprisoned!"

"That's right! Then go and copy that Jin!"

"Damn, I used to be able to bully the people in the fiefdom, but now I just want to vent my anger on these officials! If it weren't for these dog officials who made the court so poor, our clan would not be so miserable!"

All of a sudden, many clan disciples responded positively.

"Then go!"

As soon as Zhu Yujian said that, he waved his hands and strode out first.

He did know which officials were dissatisfied with the suzerainty reform, and he knew where these people lived.

Because Xichang was secretly helping him and providing him with these information.


"It's man's, just follow!"

Not long after, more and more descendants of the clan began to appear on the street where Jin Zhijun's mansion was located.

Some of these clan descendants wore winged crowns and dragon robes, some only wore commoner clothes because of poverty, and some even wore patched clothes like beggars.

But no matter what, these people couldn't hide their arrogance as members of the royal family, and they came to the Jin family swaggeringly.

"Step aside!"

"You Jin Yiwei dare to stop me? I am the general of the town, the clan of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Get out! What? You want to kill your ancestors. My ancestors are great grandfathers. You have the ability to repeat what you just said!"

Along the way, no one dared to stop him, and even if he did, he was speechless.


In the end, the children of the clan surrounded the golden house in a brazen manner.

The concierge of the Jin family wanted to stop these people at first, but was soon pinned to the ground by a number of clan disciples and kicked, and was beaten to death in the end.

At the back, the door of the Jin family was also knocked open.

A large number of clan children broke in, rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

Zhu Yujian shouted at this time: "In order to avoid leaving evidence, find out who came here to copy it, and send out all the gold and silver that was robbed later, throw it on the street, and let the common people pick it up! Rather put these Give the stolen money to the common people, and don't make life easier for the Jin family!"


As a result, these clan children confiscated them all over the Jin family.

"Bold! You rascals and bandits! How dare you trespass into the minister's mansion! Are you planning to rebel?!"

Jin Yuou, the son of Jin Zhijun, also rushed out of his father's concubine's room in disheveled clothes. Seeing this, he cursed angrily.

Zhu Yujian went up first and slapped Jin Zhijun: "You are the only one who wants to rebel, how dare you call us Tianhuang nobles as thieves and bandits?!"

(End of this chapter)

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