Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 184 Use vicious methods to liquidate the gentry!

Chapter 184 Use vicious methods to liquidate the gentry!
Cheng Hu trembled deeply.

He couldn't help asking: "How did you come so fast and so suddenly?"

"It's okay to tell you."

After speaking, Xia Yunyi replied: "Because I have promised all my soldiers, after taking down the county seat, they will be given the land of the gentry who were tried and punished in the county! Those who died in battle will get an extra share."

Then, Xia Yunyi ordered: "Temporarily put all these people in the county government jail, waiting for trial! In addition, go to find out, except for those whose patriarch died or the whole family fled and refused to support the rebels, all the people who occupy the land The gentry with more than [-] mu of land will be confiscated! The confiscated land and wasteland will be divided among the peasants and soldiers, and the rest will be distributed to the local people. Those who have been killed here will be asked for their names, and then they will be burned!"


Xu Du agreed.

"You guys are rebelling! Why should we divide our fields!"

A gentleman couldn't help shouting.

Xia Yunyi followed the sound and looked over and said: "Why do you ask me, because I have a firearm that can kill you, but you don't have it."

The gentry breathed heavily and said, "That can't be like a bandit, stealing people's fields!"

"Are you telling me the rules?"

Xia Yunyi asked a question.

The gentleman snorted.

Xia Yunyi continued: "You are not qualified to talk to me about the rules! Because you broke my rules first. I am an official of the imperial court. According to the rules of this dynasty, you are a gentry with a reputation. , has been favored by the imperial court for many years, now that the rebels have captured this place, you should die, and even if you don’t die, you should refuse to be a citizen of the puppet court! Tell me, what have you done?”

The gentleman looked back at Xia Yunyi: "What do you mean by this?"

"What the officer wants to say is."

Xia Yunyi changed the flintlock pistol again, pointed at the gentry's head, and shouted: "You don't obey the rules of the court, why should I tell you the rules! Sometimes, it is right to abide by the rules." Do you know about your protection of lambs waiting to be slaughtered! But you don’t abide by it first! So, what rules do you ask me to tell you?!”

"Forgive me! Forgive me."

The gentleman hadn't finished the second sentence.

Xia Yunyi pulled the gun.

The gentleman fell to the ground on the spot, bleeding profusely.

Xia Yunyi then looked at the other gentry: "You understand now, be convinced."

Cheng Hushen sighed first: "Sure enough, it's a king who succeeds and a prince loses a thief! It's just that I didn't expect that you would use such a vicious method, and you would use the land as bait to mobilize those untouchables to deal with us, give them back guns, and turn them into villains. Become an obedient soldier."

"Who made you ignore them."

"Perhaps it's because of your own selfishness. Smarter gentry know that when the rebels come, the best way is to escape early, followed by martyrdom."

After Xia Yunyi said with a smile, she said, "Take all of them and prepare to settle the matter!"


At this time, a gentleman called out.

Xia Yunyi looked over: "What else is there?"

The gentry replied: "Old man Min Wensheng, my brother Min Wenyuan was a Jinshi in the 47th year of Wanli. Last year, he returned to his hometown to guard the system. He died when the rebels came. Therefore, please keep my family's land and my life."

Xia Yunyi smiled and said: "Brother Ling, do you have land under your name?"

Min Wensheng replied, "Yes!"

Xia Yunyi continued to ask: "Is there any descendant?"

"There is a daughter."

Min Wensheng replied.

"Ask your niece to come!"

Xia Yunyi replied.

This Min Wensheng was silent.

Xia Yunyi asked coldly: "Why didn't you answer?"

With that said, Xia Yunyi picked up the pistol.

Seeing this, Min Wensheng had no choice but to reply truthfully: "It's sold!"

"Eating out of the house?"

Xia Yunyi asked.

Min Wensheng remained silent.

Xia Yunyi asked again: "Where did you sell it?"

Min Wensheng said, "It's the Cheng family."

"Go get her out!"

Xia Yunyi ordered.

So, not long after, Min Wensheng led his niece out under the supervision of Xia Yunyi's official school.

"Selling your own niece, or the orphan of a loyal minister who died in the imperial court!"

After seeing this girl, Xia Yunyi looked at Min Wensheng and said something.

Min Wensheng didn't know how to answer.

And Xia Yunyi directly fired another shot and said: "Except for Min Wenyuan and Min Gong's land, all the land of the Min family is given to the orphan, while the other parties of the Min family still all belong to the people!"


Then, Xia Yunyi looked at Cheng Hushen again: "You want to kill those of us who support the reform, right? If that's the case, you should first taste the feeling of being cut."

Saying that, Xia Yunyi ordered: "Put him down, and send medical soldiers over to dissect him!"


At this moment, Cheng Hushen begged in pain: "Give me mercy! Xia Zhongcheng, Wansheng promises not to dare again! Wansheng also became a thief in a moment of confusion, woohoo! Give Wansheng a chance."

Xia Yunyi ignored Cheng Hushen, but let the official school directly continue to execute the Cheng family.

As a result, the entire Cheng family, apart from the old, young, and female relatives who were distributed according to the law, the adult clansmen, domestic slaves, and farmers who worked for them, that is, many wealthy tenants, were all executed by shooting, and all their family properties were confiscated.

The rest of the Wen County gentry were also liquidated.

Xia Yunyi's subordinate officers and assistant officials organized and mobilized the common people, and let these common people have a public trial of these gentry, that is, liquidation.

Tu Yiheng, the magistrate of Huaiqing who had just been rescued, and the magistrate's magistrate, the county magistrate, were mainly responsible for presiding over the matter.

Naturally, Xia Yunyi didn't have to do the public trial himself.

Before presiding over the liquidation of the gentry, Tu Yiheng made a grateful bow to Xia Yunyi to express his life-saving grace, and said with great emotion: "Uncle Guo is right, rentiers who oppose legal reform, Its reactionary nature cannot be underestimated, if Zhong Cheng hadn’t arrived in time, the subordinate officials might have been tortured by the rebels in various ways, and they would be cut to pieces.”

"It's all for the Ming Dynasty and the people of the world! Jingming doesn't have to be like this. I believe that Jingming is not intimidated by these people, but these selfish people will be intimidated by our tit for tat, and even regret their betrayal!"

Xia Yunyi supported Tu Yiheng with both hands and said with a smile.

Tu Yiheng nodded solemnly: "Of course, the lower officials will not be intimidated! What Zhongcheng said is correct, we can fight back, use stricter laws and regulations, and let those selfish people learn to abide by the law of the court!"

"This group of gentry defected to the rebel army, committed human lives, dismissed their ranks and honors, all beheaded and killed! The land was confiscated and distributed among the soldiers and the people."

"This group of gentry seized the people's fields, bullied the city, dismissed the titles of officials and titles, and exiled them all to the newly established Taiwan County! The land was confiscated and distributed among the soldiers and the people."

"This group of gentry did not commit any evil deeds, but they did not show their loyalty to the imperial court, nor did they show their loyalty. The officials and titles were dismissed, and only enough land was left, and the rest of the land was distributed to the soldiers and civilians as punishment!"

After all the gentry in Wen County were liquidated, Xia Yunyi personally ordered the execution of a group of gentry, the exile of a group of gentry, and the disposal of a group of gentry who only knew how to obey.

After the liquidation ended, Xia Yunyi and other officials who supported the reform began to divide the land in Wen County.

The peasants and soldiers who did not get the land were given the land first, and then the local poor people in Wen County also got a lot of land, and they all enjoyed it.

In the end, the people who did not get the land due to insufficient land, because they wanted to get the land, after learning about the policy of the mobilization order for the peasants and soldiers, they began to actively sign up to join the peasants and soldiers, hoping to get the land in the process of recovering the lost land.

The current situation of Ming Dynasty is that there are more people and less land. As a province of Ming Dynasty, Henan is no exception.

Xia Yunyi took advantage of this situation to carry out violent troops in the process of suppressing the rebellion. First, he used the land as bait to organize the landless people into an army. It was just called farmers and soldiers. In fact, they were regular soldiers who had received strict Soviet-style crash training. army.

Because of this, the number of farmers and soldiers under his governor's jurisdiction is increasing.

To solve the future survival and living problems of these peasants and soldiers will undoubtedly be a new challenge. Either continue to liquidate the gentry and divide the gentry's fields, or they can only simply expand into a regular army and go to the court.

No matter what the situation is, when Zhang Gui instructed Xia Yunyi to unite the common people to suppress the rebellion and ensure the successful implementation of the New Deal, it was destined that even greater changes would take place in Ming Dynasty and even the whole world.

Less gossip.

Here Xia Yunyi mobilized the common people, divided the land, and killed the gentry, which really frightened the gentry in other prefectures and counties who had defected to the rebel army.

Jiyuan County.

Geng Jingyu, a gentry who had been a political envoy, was shocked and furious when he learned that Xia Yunyi and others had done this. He threw the teacup angrily, and said angrily, "He Xia Yizhong, people like Xilin Academy, are simply Rebelling! They are the rebels!"

Geng Zhirong, the son of Geng Jingyu, also said: "What my father said is true. I have to say that these Xilin party members are really vicious! They even gave the common people land! This is something we didn't expect. What should we do now? Should we just openly join Lu? Forget it, His Royal Highness!"


Geng Jingyu said: "Send dead soldiers to kill the county magistrate appointed by King Lu! Let them release the county magistrate appointed by the court quietly!"

(End of this chapter)

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