Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 201 Using torture, I am a tyrant!

Chapter 201 Using torture, I am a tyrant!

"I can't make a mistake a second time!"

At this time.

A guard was standing behind Liu Yumo.

Immediately, the guard inserted the knife back into the sheath, held the knife in his dark hand, and said something coldly.

Liu Yumo glanced back, his eyes showing horror.

"Qi's sword technique?!"

The imperial guard didn't say a word, just continued to hold the knife in his hands, and looked around, in order to prevent someone from killing Liu Yumo and silence him, or Liu Yumo would commit suicide again.


"It hurts!"

Liu Yumo felt pain at this moment, and yelled out without concealing it.


"His name is Qi Panzong, the grandson of Qi Shaobao. His father doesn't like martial arts, he likes gunpowder explosion, but he loves family learning, so he was arranged by your majesty's side, just in case someone is assassinated, and he can respond in time."

"Gai Yi's Qi family's sword technique is famous for its speed. Because at the beginning, the knife is first drawn out of its sheath, and then pulled out with the knife in the dark hand, so that it can be chopped quickly. Moreover, this man has been practicing since he was a child, and he has already practiced it. The chopping speed is extremely fast. Therefore, His Majesty did not see clearly how Liu Yumo's hand was broken just now."

When Tianqi talked about why Liu Yumo's hand broke without seeing him, Zhang Gui also explained from the side.

Tian Qi nodded after listening: "I want to learn!"

Not long after, Tian Qi and Zhang Gui returned to the Yu Zhou.


"It hurts!"

Alcohol was poured on Liu Yumo's broken arm by Zhang Gui's order, and Liu Yumo howled again because of this.

"Why howling, since you are afraid of pain, why dare you kill the king?"

Zhang Gui said.

Liu Yumo, who continued to be treated by the medical soldiers, took a look at Zhang Gui and said, "You don't have to bear it anymore, why can't you shout?"

"Say, why do you want to kill the king, and who are the accomplices?"

Tian Qi also came over to ask a question at this time.

Liu Yumo said: "I'm the only one, and I have no accomplices. As for why you want to kill the king, why do you need to ask again? It's just because your majesty regards my scholar-bureaucrat as a thief! And your majesty, you are too smart, and my scholar-official has no other way to make your majesty Knowing the fear, even they failed to threaten the prince, if they can kill His Majesty now, it is just to let the future emperor continue to be a warning!"


Tian Qi gave a direct command in a cold voice.


Wei Zhongxian walked over and ordered Xu Xianchun to punish Liu Yumo.

For a moment, one of Liu Yumo's hands was covered with a stick, and the clamp became tighter and tighter, so that the sound of bones breaking began, and Liu Yumo himself screamed.

Therefore, Tian Qi said: "Speak out of the accomplice, and I will spare you!"

Liu Yumo said: "It's useless for you to spare me! Even if you don't kill me, they will kill me."

Zhang Guidao: "This Marquis can guarantee your safety."

Liu Yumo smiled bitterly: "It's useless! Even if they can't kill me, they will kill my child first! Because my child has been controlled by them!"

Apocalypse waved his hand.

Xu Xianchun and others did not punish Liu Yumo again.

At this time, Tian Qi looked at Liu Yumo again and said, "You really think that if you don't tell me, I won't be able to find out, it's nothing more than my order to copy melons."

Liu Yumo was startled when he heard this, and suddenly yelled at Tianqi: "Tyrant!"

Tian Qi chuckled: "I am a tyrant, you can just scold me."

Then, Tian Qi said: "But after you scold me, you have to tell me the truth."

"Never mind!"

Liu Yumo let out a long breath and said, "I applied for the Wubei Academy because I just wanted to mix in and wait for an opportunity to get close to you, Your Majesty. No one in the world knows that Your Majesty, you trust the students who graduated from the Wubei Academy the most. There are many like me, but , I am the only one who came to His Majesty's side because of the best quality and the deepest concealment like me."

Tian Qi said: "It's understandable to be close to me, but why kill the king?"

Liu Yumo said: "Because we need to reform the system more thoroughly."

"What did you say?!"

Tian Qi stood up in astonishment, and said, "You guys actually want the reform to be more thorough?!"

Liu Yumo said: "That's right! We agree with Xia Butang. Landlords shouldn't have one. The world should not just have equal labor and tax, but also equal land!"

"It's just that the government, gentry, and the people are not enough to pay food and errands. Instead, we should adopt a more thorough restructuring. Divide the land of the world!"

"But Your Majesty, you didn't do this. You and Uncle Guo hoped to transfer the internal worries overseas. They just equalized the labor and taxes, not the land of the world!"

"Therefore, we have decided to kill the king. If your majesty dies, future emperors should take this as a warning. If you don't completely reform the system, you will end up like this! In addition, as long as your majesty dies, we can force the uncle and the prince to carry out more thorough reforms. .”

After hearing this, Tianqi said: "Then who is your mastermind behind the scenes?"

"Xia Department Hall!"

"His 12 peasants and soldiers can be used as the basis for further restructuring, and these 12 peasants and soldiers, as well as His Majesty's guards, also need to be allocated land."

Liu Yumo replied.

Tian Qi clenched his fists tightly and stared at Liu Yumo: "Are you serious?"

Liu Yumo gritted his teeth and endured the pain and said, "How dare you deceive the king when you are about to die."

"No, you're lying!"

At this time Zhang Gui said something in a deep voice.

Tian Qi said at this time: "What he said is impossible. Xia Yunyi did come up with a suggestion that after the rebellion was put down, we would continue to liquidate the gentry and share the land in the world. He said that during the process of liquidating the gentry, he found that the gentry in the world were not The country is full of harm and no benefit, so I suggested that I directly share the land of the world, and even expressed my willingness to divide my own land first. This Xia Yunyi is obviously more radical than you and me."

"Your Majesty is right. There is not only one Xia Butang, but also many scholars from poor families. They are not opposed to the reform, but feel that His Majesty's reform is too mild and incomplete. If you want to reform, you should directly equalize the world. Take over the land of the world as public property!"

Liu Yumo said.

"You are simply crazy!"

Tian Qi suddenly gritted his teeth and said something to Liu Yumo.

Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui and said, "It seems that now I have to punish those who support the reform!"

At this moment, Zhang Gui hurriedly said: "Your Majesty! He Liu Yumo is really lying. Although Xia Yunyi has the intention of equalizing the land, he has no intention of killing the king! The reason why I say this is because Liu Yumo is giving Wang Yongguang The letter is here with me, and he said in the letter that unless it is absolutely necessary, the incident of falling into the water will not happen again because of the restructuring of His Majesty, unless there is no other way. It can be seen that he has always opposed the restructuring!"

As Zhang Gui spoke, he handed a letter to Tian Qi.

Tian Qi hurriedly took it apart to read it, and handed it to several sentry officers of the imperial guards around him, and asked, "But do you have the general handwriting?"

Among the sentry officers, Qi Panzong nodded first and replied: "That's right, exactly!"

Then, several other sentry officers also nodded in agreement.

"Ye Chengxue, is Ye Chengxue from Xichang?"

Liu Yumo looked at Zhang Gui and muttered.

"Ye Chengxue?"

Tian Qi suddenly felt that the name was very familiar.

Zhang Gui reminded: "He used to be an aide next to Wu Xing, the magistrate of Yongcheng County, the son of Ye Xianggao. Later, he entered the curtain of Wang Yongguang, was recommended by him, and became a close minister of King Lu. After saving Queen Lu, he contacted the servant of the minister. Zhou Neng, ask Zhou Neng to hand over the letter that Wang Yongguang asked him to communicate with the high-ranking officials in Beijing."

"Good job, Ye Chengxue! In vain for you to be a child of the family!"

At this moment, Liu Yumo cursed angrily, and then spat out a mouthful of blood, spraying it on the deck.

(End of this chapter)

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