Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 203 Closing the city and martial law, arrest first!

Chapter 203 Closing the city and martial law, arrest first!

"We'll know when the time comes."

After speaking, Liu Ruozai walked out quickly. After arranging someone to inform the inner court, he went to discuss with his party members, and then they went to Xiyuan together.

"Your Majesty really fell into the water?"

On the way to Xiyuan Road, Liu Ruozai's fellow party member, Wei Guangwei, a bachelor, still couldn't help asking.

Liu Ruozai nodded: "It's absolutely true, the news that my nephew personally brought back."

After Wei Guangwei heard this, he remained silent for a while.

After a long time, Wei Guangwei held the elephant wat, and said to Liu Ruozai and others: "This matter should not be delayed, please ask your mother to hand over the prince, and we will support him as the king, and then let the prince ascend the throne as soon as possible!"

"That's exactly what I mean."

Liu Ruozai replied.

"That's how it should be. As long as the crown prince ascends the throne, he will be able to take the emperor by his side and get rid of his wretched relatives!"

A minister said.

The other ministers followed suit.

"I have an urgent report to see the empress!"

One to Xiyuan.

The civil servants headed by Liu Ruozai and Wei Guangwei shouted loudly.

Zhang Yan heard that there was an urgent report, so she had no choice but to set up a curtain to announce the meeting with these foreign ministers.

"Your Majesty! The imperial guards sent the chief Liu Yumo back to Beijing urgently, saying that His Majesty died of lung disease when he fell into the water while passing through the Jinghai Sea. Now the ministers are discussing that the country cannot be without a king for a day, so I ask your majesty to hand over His Highness the Crown Prince to you immediately." Ministers, etc., support and establish themselves as kings, cultivate them, and lead to Yao and Shun, so as to inherit the ambition of your majesty, and then open a prosperous world."

Liu Ruozai reported first.

"Major, please hand over His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Major, please hand over His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Major, please hand over His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"


The courtiers followed Chen Qingdao outside.

But Zhang Yan stood up first after hearing this, she couldn't help but shed tears, and remained silent for a while.

"Young lady! Now is not the time to be sad, please give me the crown prince quickly!"

"Your Majesty! State affairs are the most important thing, the crown prince should ascend the throne, please let the ministers and other assistants teach you!"

"Your Majesty! Could it be that you want to manipulate the crown prince and try to meddle in politics?!"


Liu Ruozai and the others continued to chatter endlessly, and their words became more and more persuasive.

Zhang Yan gradually regained some sense at this time, and said, "This matter cannot be taken lightly, is the chief assistant here?"

Han Yu was not there yet.

Because Liu Ruozai and the others didn't notify him.

So no one agreed.

Because of this, Zhang Yan began to feel bad, so she said, "Go ask Yuanfu to come!"

"Your Majesty! Please hand over the crown prince first!"

Liu Ruozai replied.

"Go get Yuansuke first!"

Zhang Yan replied firmly.

"Your Majesty, hand over the crown prince now! I don't have a prime minister in Ming Dynasty, so I don't have to discuss everything with Yuanfu first. In addition, Madam, I don't allow the harem to interfere in politics. Therefore, even though Madam is the mother of the country, she can only go to the court first. Hand over the prince and talk about it!"

Liu Ruozai replied loudly.

Zhang Yan said: "If you don't invite Yuan Fu to come, then wait until your majesty returns to Beijing, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, you want my emperor to kill your uncle, this crime, my emperor will not bear it! "

"Zhu Zhang!"

At this time, a sudden shout came from outside the hall.

Zhang Yan looked up and saw that it was Concubine Li Kangfei.

Concubine Li Kang walked in carelessly, and promised to the confidants around her: "You go to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince first!"

After speaking, Concubine Li Kang walked into the curtain and looked at Zhang Yan: "How can you treat my courtiers of Ming Dynasty like this?! Which of them is not a gentleman! You, a woman from a humble family background, still speculate about them like this?"

"What do you want to do, do you want to listen to politics behind the curtain?! Let your Zhang family completely overshadow the Zhu family?!"

"What are you talking about, princess?"

Zhang Yanhan asked with a cold face, and said: "Besides, this is not the place where you should come to the concubine. The foreign ministers are forcing the palace, so is it possible that the concubine will follow suit?"

Concubine Li Kang suddenly slapped Zhang Yan on the face.

Zhang Yan's face with radiant skin suddenly turned purple, and it felt like his cheeks were on fire.

"I was ordered by the late emperor to raise Your Majesty. It stands to reason that I am His Majesty's mother. You are just the daughter-in-law of the Zhu family. How dare you talk to me like this and talk back like this! How can you look like the lord of the Six Palaces! I am Civil servants are in charge, not women like you and me are in charge!"

As Concubine Li Kang spoke, she ordered Zhang Yan: "Hurry up and ask them to hand over the prince! Otherwise, your Zhang family may be exterminated."

Zhang Yan bit her lips tightly and stared at Concubine Li Kang for a while.

Concubine Li Kang's face was full of satisfaction.

At that time, Liu Ruozai also had a smug look on his face.

Because of this, Wei Guangwei asked him in a low voice: "Is this the imperial aid you mentioned?"

Liu Ruozai nodded: "In the case of moving the palace back then, she was very worried about not being named queen mother."

Wei Guangwei said: "You dare to use this person, and you are not afraid of being backlashed."

Liu Ruozai said: "It must be this person!"

"Call the prince out!"

Zhang Yan cried out with tears in his eyes.

"Your Majesty has returned to the capital! This servant is ordered to come back early to report to the empress!"


At this time.

Suddenly, the voice of the eunuch Wang Chengen came from outside.

All of a sudden, because of hearing this voice, the complacency on Liu Ruozai's face dissipated immediately.

Concubine Li Kang also suppressed her complacent look, and looked at how she just hit the Queen's hand, feeling a little embarrassed, she couldn't help but smile, looked at Zhang Yan, and half-bent her knees: "At least hide it for me, look For the sake of me being your mother-in-law."

Zhang Yan was silent.

"Anyway, promise me!"

Concubine Li Kang said with a smile, quite anxious.

Zhang Yan remained silent.

"Don't tell Your Majesty, I promise I won't dare again!"

Concubine Li Kang continued to apologize with a smile.


Suburbs of Beijing.

On the way back to Beijing, Tianqi said to Zhang Gui: "After thinking about it, I have to set up another internal factory, and you will be in charge of it. It will continue to conduct internal investigations on suspects in the Guards and Armed Forces Academy. Real gold is not afraid of fire." Lian, my soldiers and horses cannot be turned into sieves!"


Zhang Gui responded.

Then, Tian Qi said again: "From now on, you will also be the one who will serve as my guard!"

"This one……"

Zhang Gui hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, this is not very good."

Tian Qi said: "Although it is inappropriate for the emperor to entrust his safety to others, the facts have proved that the Man Gui, Zhou Yuji, and Lu Xiangsheng you chose are all right, but the one I chose is always problematic! It can be seen that I am not as good as you when it comes to knowing people." You. Therefore, there is no need to talk about this matter again. Moreover, I also believe that you are the last person who does not want me to die. "

Zhang Gui nodded: "The minister obeys the order."

And at this moment, Wei Zhongxian ran in: "My lord, someone from the palace reported that Liu Ruozai and Wei Guangwei went to Xiyuan today and met the empress, but they haven't come out yet."

Tian Qi sneered after hearing this, and said to Zhang Gui: "They are in a hurry to help the crown prince ascend the throne, so as to force the crown prince to issue an order to get rid of you."

Zhang Guidao: "Your Majesty will not hand over the prince easily."

"Let's go back to the palace first."

Tian Qi replied, and then ordered Wei Zhongxian: "Closing the city under martial law, arrest Liu Ruozai and Wei Guangwei first, and send them to imperial prison!"

"According to the order!"

Not long after, Tianqi returned to Xiyuan and came to the Queen's bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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