Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 216 Large-Scale Violent Changes in the South of the Yangtze River!Apocalypse shocked!

Chapter 216 Large-Scale Violent Changes in the South of the Yangtze River!Apocalypse shocked!

Batch after batch of members of the Gao clan were shot.

including their slaves.

His family's fields were also divided equally.

It is no coincidence.

Other big landlords in the south of the Yangtze River with Donglin background were also liquidated.

Even the late Gu Xiancheng was devastated.

Families such as Cai Baotai and Chen Sichong were not spared.

Huang Binqing and other Xilin Township Soldiers also took this opportunity to recruit new tenants and long-term workers to join the Xilin Township Soldiers, and continued to liquidate the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River.

The entire Jiangnan family was deeply shocked by this, and they were unwilling to just see the Xilin township soldiers continue to grow bigger and force the implementation of equal labor, so they organized local townships to fight against the Xilin township soldiers.

However, because the Xilin township soldiers have the idea of ​​equal land and equal service, and the officers and soldiers know that they are fighting for themselves, while the township warriors of these aristocratic families only use money to fight for their masters, so the Xilin township soldiers The will to fight is stronger.

This also makes these Jiangnan aristocratic families basically lose more and win less.

As for the people in the government, most of them dare not interfere.

He Zhixian, the county magistrate of Wuxi, was even afraid that these Xilin township soldiers would be liquidated against him, so he directly abandoned his official position and fled.

The officials are not stupid, knowing that the Xilin Township is behind the Xichang, naturally they will not help the Jiangnan family, but they will not help the Xilin Academy, because they know that the local gentry cannot be offended.

Therefore, these officials let go of the fighting between Xilin Township Soldiers and the Jiangnan aristocratic families, and only sent officials to help collect the corpses after the fighting between the two sides was over.

With the victories of Xilin township soldiers, many aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River had to flee their hometowns one after another.

"Mr. Yue Lin, let's go quickly! Those people from Xilin Academy are frantically instigating unreasonable people to rebel and seize people's land and wealth. It will be hard to escape, not to mention, you are one of the people who planned the bloodbath of Xilin Academy, and now their people from Xilin Academy are searching for your whereabouts."

Qian Yuren, a Donglin scholar who ran out of Wuxi in advance, stopped the Donglin scholar Yang Chengjun in Huzhou Fucheng at this time, and urged Yang Chengjun to leave Jiangnan.

Yang Chengjun was horrified when he heard this, and quickly asked: "So, Donglin Academy was really bloodbathed by him, Xilin Academy?"

Qian Yuren nodded.

"The sky has no eyes!"

Yang Chengjun couldn't help raising his hands, raised his head to the sky and screamed, and then looked at Qian Yuren very sadly: "What's going on, isn't it the bloodbath of Xilin Academy? Why was it bloodbathed by the people of Xilin Academy instead?!"

"It's a long story! Now that I think about it, it should be Xilin Academy who bribed people from Donglin Academy to know that we lured Japanese pirates into Wuxi to bloodbath Xilin Academy."

"However, this Xilin Academy bought the tenants and long-term workers of the local Donglin Zhugong's family long ago, gave them firearms, and turned them into thugs, and took these thugs and broke into Donglin Academy first. , Later, Donglin Academy was not only bloodbathed, but also Donglin Academy was burned."

Qian Yuren replied.


Yang Chengjun asked in astonishment, and said, "It's still burning?"

"That's right!"

Qian Yuren nodded and replied.

Yang Chengjun slammed his fist on the case, gritted his teeth and said, "This is simply a great shame and humiliation for us Donglin people!"

Qian Yuren continued: "Mr. Yue Lin, this is not the time to talk about this, you should run away quickly! Behind Xilin Academy is Xichang, and behind Xichang is Uncle Zhang Guo! You can't stay in China anymore, It’s better to go to Wa country or North Korea to avoid the limelight.”

Yang Chengjun nodded: "Forget it! But you can't let these people from Xilin Academy mess around! You have to let the princes in the court know as soon as possible! Are they willing to sit back and watch these unscrupulous people and bandits mess up our Jiangnan and even the whole world?!"

When Huang Binqing of Xilin Academy organized the local villagers to liquidate the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River in a violent way in the name of the Xichang anti-rape department, and implemented the new policy of equalization of land and labor, the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River had indeed begun to write letters to Beijing. Relatives and friends of officials in the DPRK and China complained about the incident, and some local officials rushed to Beijing to directly say that Huang Binqing and others were instigating rebellion.

Therefore, Zhang Gui killed Zhang Fengxiang because Zhang Fengxiang, Minister of the Ministry of War, threatened him to stop his operations in Shandong and conduct an internal investigation of the Guards at the price of "bloodbathing Xilin Academy", and informed Yu Tianqi, and ordered him to pay eight Not long after Governor Zhao Yan sent troops to Xilin Academy for a hundred miles of urgent delivery, Han Yu entrusted Wei Zhongxian with an urgent delivery received by the cabinet and presented it to Tianqi.

"What?! Xilin Academy colluded with Japanese pirates and tricksters to wash Donglin Academy in blood?!"

After Tian Qi saw the content of the urgent delivery, he could hardly believe it was true.

You know, at this moment, he was still worried about Xilin Academy.

"It seems that Zhang Gui's preparations made by Xilin Academy in advance have worked!"

Tian Qi slandered one sentence in this way, and immediately ordered: "Immediately declare Uncle Zhang Guo!"


"Master Hou, this is an urgent letter from Wang Zhiren. In the letter, he said that Huang Binqing and other Xilin scholars had already discovered that Donglin Academy was colluding with Japanese pirates to bloodbath Xilin Academy. As a last resort, they bloodbathed first Donglin Academy was coerced by local public opinion, so it had to directly implement the new policy of equal land and labor, and liquidate the gentry."

Zhang Gui is also receiving a secret report from Jiangnan from Zhou Neng.

Zhang Gui immediately stood up after hearing this: "How could this happen! This Huang Binqing, isn't he afraid that they will be labeled as a rebellious party by the Jiangnan family and many ministers?!"

Zhou Neng therefore asked: "Then Houye means to stop them from doing this?"

"This Marquis advanced into the palace, how to determine the nature of this matter depends on His Majesty's will!"

As Zhang Gui said, he quickly walked into Xiyuan.

Coincidentally, at this time, the person who preached the decree of Tianqi also came, and Zhang Gui came to Tianqi's place with this person.

"His Majesty!"

Zhang Gui bowed first after seeing Tianqi.

Tianqi screened everyone except Zhang Gui, and said in a voice of greetings, "Now Donglin Academy has been washed in blood! Yuan Yaoran, the imperial censor, the Jinyiwei sent to arrest him has not yet arrived." Well, he himself delivered an urgent letter first."

As he said that, Tian Qi handed Zhang Gui the urgent hand: "Look, that's what it said in the express."

After Zhang Gui looked at it, he also handed Wang Zhiren's private letter to him: "Your Majesty, take a look at this. This is from Wang Zhixin of Xilin Academy. Donglin Academy will immediately begin to liquidate the local Jiangnan gentry, and will also take the initiative to implement the policy of equal land and labor!"

After hearing this, Tian Qi quickly unfolded the letter and opened it.

"The bloodbath is good!"

After reading the contents of the letter, Tian Qi gave a big praise, and at the same time looked at Zhang Gui and said, "But how dare they act so recklessly! They directly put aside the imperial court, liquidated the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, and implemented the New Deal. Aren't they afraid of being directly classified as a rebellious party by the imperial court?! "

"Whether they are a rebellious party depends on what His Majesty thinks!"

Zhang Gui said at this time.

Tian Qi said: "I want to know what you think first. First of all, why did they do this? Not to mention the bloodbath of Donglin Academy, but directly put on the posture of completely destroying the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River!"

"Your Majesty, I believe that our opportunity to make a fortune has come!"

(End of this chapter)

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