Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 218 Smashing 1!Love the people like a son Wei Zhongxian

Chapter 218 Smashing 1000 million taels!Love the people like a son Wei Zhongxian


Zhang Gui heaved a sigh of relief, and thought to himself that it was fortunate that he had enlarged his structure to the whole world, using the reason that Daming would need to sell industrial products to the world in exchange for food to feed his people, and finally succeeded in guiding Tianqi to continue to develop his scientific research hobby.

Otherwise, Daming might really lose a master of science!

More importantly, once the wise Emperor Tianqi really felt that his own science and technology would cause overcapacity, which in turn would cause more economic problems, and he began to use imperial power to actively suppress the development of science and technology, it would be for the entire China and the entire Eastern civilization. , certainly not a good thing.

After all, the development of science in the West has been slowly catching up.

If Tianqi, as the emperor, really wants to use his imperial power to suppress the development of science and technology in the country, it will undoubtedly repeat the bad luck of the late Qing Dynasty.

Zhang Gui didn't want Tianqi to be the same as Kangxi, only studying natural science by himself, and not encouraging the development of mathematics among the people.

Although Apocalypse may not do this to imprison the Han people, but to worry that the natural economy of Ming Dynasty will go bankrupt ahead of time.

But in any case, Zhang Gui does not hope that Huaxia's history will not change at all in the future, but will still enter the historical cycle.

Fortunately for Zhang Gui, history has quietly changed because of him.

It is now September of the seventh year of the apocalypse. According to the original historical context, Ming Dynasty should have entered the era of Zhu Youjian in August of the seventh year of the apocalypse.

But because Apocalypse did not fall into the water, Daming is still in the era of Zhu Youxiao.

"Xichang added a purchase order for firearms worth 1000 million taels of silver to the General Factory of the Industrial Division. According to the share split agreement approved by His Majesty, all the lords shall enjoy the dividends from the profits of the Industrial Division. All the conference tickets have been brought!"

"Yuanfu is 16 taels."

"Eunuch Wei is 12 taels."

"Otsuka Zai is 9 taels."

"Da Sima is 5 taels."

"Shao Zongbo is 2 taels."

The next day.

As soon as Zhang Gui arrived at the Strategy Department, he just heard Han Yu talking about Yuan Yaoran, the censor of Nanzhili, reporting the bloodbath of Donglin Academy. The large denomination meeting ticket for silver was slapped on the table, and then he took out a stack of signed documents, and said again:
"You can look at the documents and the account statement calculated by the accounting office of the General Factory of the Industrial Division. If you think there is no objection, you can sign and take away your own share of dividends. Although this is His Majesty's kindness, it is also yours. It deserves it after investing in the General Factory of the Industrial Division.”

It turned out that before this, in order to speed up the expansion of the various factories of the Daming Industry Division, and at the same time, in order to bind more people to the industry, Zhang Gui persuaded Tianqi to let the trusted ministers around him also invest in the Industry Division split shares.

In order to consolidate the sacred favor and continue to gain the power of the reform, the ministers of the reform faction of the policy department also invested.

And some time ago, because Apocalypse wanted to form a guard army, use troops in southern Liaoning, and set up the West Factory, the arms manufacturing of the Industry Division was not profitable due to the supply of arms to major domestic customers such as the Guard Army and the West Factory. Less, and they benefit a lot from it.

It's just that recently, due to the overcapacity of the Industrial Division, the profit has fallen sharply. Even if the Tiger Army is to be formed, the profit has not increased much.

Therefore, these ministers who have invested money in the Industrial Division have received much less dividends, and they have begun to have no hope of getting any more money.

But they didn't expect that Uncle Guo would give them so much money today.

Han Yu couldn't help but ask first: "Didn't it mean that the Industrial Division has overcapacity, and many factories are starting to lose money? How can they still give us so much?"

"Didn't I tell you the reason? The West Factory will spend 1000 million taels of silver to buy the ordnance of the Industrial Division."

Zhang Gui replied.

Yuan Keli, who had been promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Officials, thought for a while and asked: "Xichang is going to be expanded again? Uncle Guo is probably going to expand the Xichang official school in the south of the Yangtze River, but the imperial court has not yet approved the expansion of Xichang. Did the factory take out its own treasury silver to buy ordnance first?”

"Otsuka has a clever plan, Xichang is indeed going to expand in Jiangnan! After all, there have been such serious incidents of foreign barbarians illegally intruding into the mainland of our Ming Dynasty in Jiangnan, and several towns have been slaughtered. How can Xichang not expand to investigate smuggling Foreign barbarians? In addition, there is also the account of the Japanese bandits massacring our town, and our West Factory also has to increase expenditures, and continue to settle accounts with the Japanese country."

Zhang Gui replied with a smile.

"this is necessary!"

After Han Yu said something with a smile, he couldn't help stretching out his hand towards the stack of meeting tickets on the table.

After all, he is the one who wants to get 12 taels, which is still legal income, so how can he not be greedy.

You must know that since the apocalypse decreed to restore the ancestral system of peeling real grass, his chief assistant's gray income has dropped a lot compared to the previous chief assistants.

He needs this money now to maintain a luxurious life.

But at this time, Yuan Keli continued: "But the dispute between Xilin Academy and Donglin Academy in the south of the Yangtze River is really too big! Especially Uncle Guo's Xilin Academy, under the banner of the Xichang Anti-Crafts Department, invaded the local judiciary Forget it, after all, Xichang does have the right to act first and act cheaply, but according to letters from my scholarly friends in Jiangnan, they are already interfering in the power of local officials in civil affairs, and wantonly expanding the villagers into soldiers without approval! If things go on like this, wouldn’t it be that the West Factory has the final say in the south of the Yangtze River? It’s not the court government that has the final say. Therefore, in my opinion, it’s better to discuss whether the West Factory should continue to expand. If not, this Silver, we can’t take it! I don’t know what you think?”


Han Yu said something with a smile, and had no choice but to stretch his hand back,
Wei Zhongxian also glanced at the stack of bank notes, and thought to himself: "12 taels! We must find a way to facilitate the expansion of Xichang in Jiangnan later, so that our family can get 12 taels of silver!"

At this time, Zhang Gui said to Yuan Keli: "Zai Otsuka thinks of the people of the country in his heart, and I admire you. But I want to ask Zai Otsuka, if Xichang does not expand in the south of the Yangtze River, we will not take in these people who are making trouble in the south of the Yangtze River." I don’t know if Zai Otsuka has thought about the consequences of this when he is under Xichang’s command?”

"What consequences?"

Yuan Keli cupped his hands and said, "Please enlighten me, Uncle Guo!"

"Once the West Factory does not expand, the people who are causing trouble in the south of the Yangtze River will be accused by the local officials of the party as troublemakers, and they will be forced to rebel directly! It will cause even greater damage!"

"In addition, if the West Factory does not expand, the Industrial Division will continue to have a large amount of ordnance that cannot be exchanged for money and food after manufacturing. In this way, what will the Industrial Division use to support the millions of people living near the Industrial Division?"

"What's more, right now in Guanzhong, there are a large number of people who have been displaced due to the drought and need help from the court. The best way is undoubtedly to let their industry department work. If this is the case, more money and food will be invested in the industry department. So much money and food, where does it come from? If the Ministry of Industry does not sell the weapons it produces, it will only bring down the court and deplete the state treasury because of the need to feed so many people, instead of increasing revenue for the treasury. As for the dividends of the princes It's even more impossible."

Zhang Gui said.

"Our family thinks what Uncle Guo said is right! It doesn't matter whether our family has the dividends. The important thing is to let the displaced people have a job through the Industry Department, and the millions of people living in the Industry Department can continue to live in peace. life."

"It doesn't matter if our family suffers, the people can't suffer!"

Wei Zhongxian, who has always "loved the people like a son", got up after speaking, walked to the desk where the meeting tickets were placed, counted out the meeting tickets worth 12 taels of silver, put them in his sleeves, and said, "Our family has already taken the meeting tickets." For my part, I will kowtow to the emperor to thank you tonight."

After hearing this, Han Yu also stood up, went to get his own 16 taels, and said, "Hey, I really can't control my hand!" Then, he said, "You guys discuss it, Xichang Whether it is expanded or not, I have no objection."

Zhang Gui looked at Chen Zizhuang, Lu Xiangsheng, and Yuan Keli who hadn't got up to get the tickets: "Eunuch Wei knows how to take money for the common people, so you three don't know how to love the people, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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