Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 220 Refutation is useless!The civil servants in the south of the Yangtze River are in a pani

Chapter 220 Refutation is useless!The civil servants in the south of the Yangtze River are in a panic!

"Enfu, the cabinet's decree has been refuted by the six divisions."

Han Gui also reported the matter to Zhang Gui here.

Zhang Gui smiled coldly: "What's the use of denying him now!"

As Zhang Gui said, he asked Zhou Neng another matter: "At the beginning of the year, when there were signs of Japanese pirates looting coastal villages in Nanzhi, Ben Hou asked Xichang to send sailors to the Edo shogunate to question the matter, and ordered him to report to Xichang. The factory confessed that the Ming people who smuggled to them and the Japanese slaves who committed crimes were detained, and they were brought back to Daming in the name of paying tribute, and officials were sent to make amends to His Majesty the Emperor of Ming. Has the shogunate answered?"

Zhou Neng replied: "Just about to report to Lord Hou, the shogunate has already expressed its willingness to do so, and has come to Daming on our Xichang warship, and has arrived in Dengzhou now."

"Very good! His shogunate is afraid of my Xichang navy, so just listen to my Xichang."

Zhang Gui nodded and smiled because of this.

Then, Zhang Guicai asked Han Gui, "How does your father plan to deal with this matter?"

Han Gui replied: "Procrastinating. At this time, the people in Jiangnan are carrying out riots and reforms in full swing. The people who are really anxious should be the gentry in Jiangnan and the ministers representing their interests."

Zhang Gui smiled and said: "Then they definitely don't want to delay like this."

The ministers of the court and central government with Jiangnan gentry background really couldn't sit still after Fang Yanhong's refutation for half a month, and Fang Yanhong's request to the imperial court to send a large army to suppress the Jiangnan rebellious party was criticized by the imperial court.

"It's been half a month! Yuan Xun's memorandums have been scattered like stones and seas, and Fang gave a remonstrance to refute the imperial decree and asked the imperial court to send a large army to the south of the Yangtze River to suppress the rebellion. There is no response. What is the meaning of the above?!"

Therefore, Hu Maowen, the Secretary of the Imperial College, couldn't help muttering to his colleagues, and said: "Obviously, those people in Xilin Academy are coercing the unreasonable people to rebel, but the cabinet and the Supervisor of Rites only bloodbathed Donglin Academy, and a large number of Jiangnan famous The matter of the eunuch being liquidated is regarded as an ordinary civil case, and people are sent to investigate it, instead of sending soldiers to suppress it! It is reasonable for Fang to remonstrate and refute such absurd purpose, and it is for the sake of the common people. Refutation! But how can the higher-ups not accept their remonstrance after the refutation!"

"The point is, this investigation is also a vain investigation!"

Immediately afterwards, Shao Zhan Shi Wang Qingye also said something, and looked at other civil officials from Jiangnan and explained: "Who doesn't know that there is a shadow of Xichang behind those chaotic parties! Not to mention Dongchang, and now it is the same as Xichang It’s wearing a pair of pants! Zhao Yan, the governor of Zhejiang Province, is also a villain who flatters his relatives! If you expect them to find out that there is a rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River, it’s better to believe that solar energy will come out from the west!”

"That's right! Donglin Academy was bloodbathed and burned by the rebellious party. As a result, the imperial court didn't send a large army to suppress it, but only sent people to investigate the case, and they didn't really want to investigate it! It's really an innocent imperial court, Gang Chang Chaos! When the country is subjugated!"

Shu Yanji, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, also spoke up, and suggested: "Now it seems that it can only be because Han Yu, a treacherous official, is deliberately delaying. I got it, and I deliberately didn't let His Majesty know about it!"

"Powerful ministers harming the country, damn it!"

After Shu Yanji said this, Shao Zhan Shi Wang Qingye gritted his teeth angrily and denounced Han Yu as a powerful minister.

"Obviously, Han Yu, Uncle Zhang Guo of Xichang, Wei Zhongxian of Dongchang, and Yuan Keli are all in collusion. They intend to secretly support the rebellious party, destroy our Jiangnan gentry, and then use the hand of the rebellious party to divide our Jiangnan The wealth of the gentry for generations! Its heart is not despicable! Its means are not cruel! These people are actually the masterminds behind the Xilin Rebellion!"

Hu Maowen, Secretary of the Imperial College, followed up.

"Then what should we do? We can't just watch them instigate the rebellious party to destroy me in Jiangnan."

At this time, Wang Yizhen, a scholar in the Imperial Academy, followed up.

"They can't cover the sky with one hand! Why don't we go directly to the cabinet, meet the cabinet ministers Li Ge, Shi Ge, and Zhang Ge, and ask them to be the masters for our people in the south of the Yangtze River? evil!"

Hu Maowen made a suggestion at this time.

Since Tianqi returned to Beijing after conquering the rebellion, the cabinet ministers Zhu Guozhen and Sun Chengzong have all retired. Now the cabinet ministers in the court except Han Yu are all new cabinet ministers.

The new cabinet ministers are Li Guopu, Shi Fenglai, and Zhang Ruitu.

Since Tianqi moved to Xiyuan, according to the rules, he can go directly to Tianting for urgent matters, so the cabinet ministers are eligible to go to Xiyuan to submit secret disclosures to see the emperor.

Therefore, at this time, Hu Maowen thought of taking advantage of this opportunity to let the emperor know their political demands by instigating several other cabinet ministers.

Of course, he didn't really hold out hope that the emperor would be on their side.

But at least, this will allow them, who represent the interests of the Jiangnan gentry, to know the emperor's attitude clearly, and then determine whether to continue to trust the court.

Wang Qingye, a student of the cabinet minister Li Guopu, agreed at this time: "Enfu has always been fair, and he will speak out for the people in the south of the Yangtze River, and expose the scourge of the chaotic party!"

"That's fine! Let's go to the cabinet to meet the elders! Ask them to come forward!"

"Then go to the cabinet!"


As a result, these civil servants all echoed one after another, and rushed to the cabinet.

The cabinet is located in the Wenyuan Pavilion next to the Wenhua Hall in the Forbidden City, deep inside the palace.

Therefore, there is still a distance from the Qianbu corridor, the area where hundreds of officials are concentrated, to the cabinet.

Therefore, when these civil servants came to the cabinet, most of them were flushed and out of breath.

Seeing so many ministers coming, Li Guopu, the second assistant to the cabinet, hurriedly asked, "Why are you here in the cabinet?"

"Enfu, we are here for the people in the south of the Yangtze River! The Xilin rebel party bloodbathed the Donglin Academy, killing the gentry and the common people wantonly, causing chaos in the south of the Yangtze River, and rampant bandits and bandits. But the powerful ministers and treacherous officials confuse the monarch and mess up the government, whitewashing the peace. So that There are admonishing ministers who gave advice to refute the absurdity and asked the court to quell the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River as soon as possible, but the memorials did not go unheeded. Now we can only ask Enfu and others to directly submit a secret disclosure to the emperor, so that the emperor can know the truth about the south of the Yangtze River!"

Wang Qingye followed suit.

"That's right! Xilin rebelled against the party, colluded with foreign barbarians, and bloodbathed Donglin Academy! They even instigated unscrupulous people, committed crimes against superiors, and slaughtered officials and gentry; Mr. Ming Chun and others had to die to protect the festival because they could not bear to be insulted by these rebellious parties! Now, if you want His Majesty to know about this, you can only rely on the elders!"

Hu Maowen also started to talk, and bowed his hands as he spoke: "Please, all the elders, make a living for the people of the country, don't shrink from the power and authority, and speak out for the world!"

"Please, elders, save the people in the south of the Yangtze River who are in dire straits!"

Wang Qingye immediately said something after that.

Li Guopu was originally dissatisfied with Xilin Academy's behavior of not paying attention to Cheng Zhu, not advocating morality, and not abiding by etiquette. Now that so many colleagues have come to ask him, the cabinet ministers, to see the emperor, so that the emperor can clearly express his position on the Jiangnan matter. He didn't refuse, but said: "The world is about to change, and I have received great kindness from the country. How can I cherish my life? I should follow the wishes of the people in the south of the Yangtze River and go to see the emperor!"

As a native of Zhejiang, Shi Fenglai was the first to implement the policy of clearing Zhang Tianmu and recovering Fu Fu in Zhejiang and Zhizhi, which had long damaged his family's interests.

Now he also knows that if the people of Xilin Academy are allowed to use violent reforms to forcefully implement the new policy of equal land and labor in the south of the Yangtze River, the interests of his family will be damaged even more seriously, not only will the fields acquired for many years be empty. , Even the fields annexed by the ancestors will be empty.

Therefore, he also said at this time: "Jiangnan is a land of heavy taxation in the country. It cannot be chaotic, and it is necessary to see the emperor!"

Although Zhang Ruitu is from Fujian, he can't tolerate Xilin scholars' behavior of uniting common people and liquidating gentry, and said: "The behavior of Xilin scholars is itself a rebellion. Han Puzhou is so confused that he only understands it as a big case. Explain your interests to the Son of Heaven!"

Thus, these three court officials really came to Xiyuan surrounded by a group of civil servants.

As soon as the guard general Qi Panzong saw Li Guopu and other civil servants appearing, he hurried over and asked as usual: "Everyone, do you want to go to Xiyuan!"

Li Guopu knew that Qi Panzong belonged to Zhang Gui, and was afraid that he would find an opportunity to stop him, so he pretended to be irritable and slapped Qi Panzong directly: "Go away! Can a Wubian block the way?"

Then, Li Guopu rushed to Qinzheng Hall in a hurry.

Shi Fenglai and Zhang Ruitu who came after also knocked Qi Panzong away, and followed them to Qinzheng Palace.

Qi Panzong covered his face and went in without knowing.

In fact, these three cabinet ministers wanted to create such an effect that Qi Panzong couldn't react.

As for the consequences, it was nothing more than going to Qi's house in person to apologize, and then using all kinds of sugar-coated shells to make Qi Panzong not tell others about it.

Of course, they believed that Qi Panzong would not take the initiative to talk about it if he wanted to save face.


"You want to leave after beating the emperor's close minister?
But at this moment, a loud shout came suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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