Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 235 The human slaughter of Zhang Gui shakes the south of the Yangtze River!Everyone is at ri

Chapter 235 The human slaughter of Zhang Gui shakes the south of the Yangtze River!Everyone is at risk!

"Who made them only know how to be your lackeys, and don't know how to use their brains to think about the consequences of attacking the imperial army?"

"It can be seen that they are all uneducable people who have no national consciousness and national consciousness!"

After Zhang Gui replied in a cold voice, he said in a deep voice: "Anyway, anyone who only knows how to listen to you, or who doesn't know how to stop you, will die!"

Zeng Zhishan didn't know what to say for a while, so he just shouted: "Uncle Guo! I beg you, I beg you, please show mercy! Please be a Living Buddha once!"

"To be a living Buddha, wait until the Governor picks up the butcher's knife first."

Zhang Gui replied.

Zhang Gui said again: "If you really think that the 10 people here shouldn't die, then you should regret your reactionary behavior in the past!"

"If it wasn't for your disobeying the rules, they wouldn't be burdened by you. Don't blame others for being unkind after doing something unrighteous yourself first!"

After Zhang Gui finished speaking, he gave instructions to Zhang Guowei: "Pass down the order of the governor, take out some of the military rations and cotton clothes, and hire local civilian men, and let them use local civilian boats to transport all these corpses on board and transport them along the river to Going to Nanjing, Master Ben will go to the south of the Yangtze River in the form of a sea of ​​corpses! Otherwise, it will not be enough to dispel the anger in Master Ben's heart!"


Zhang Guowei replied.

About a few days later.

The canal in the entire Huaiyang section has completely turned bloody.

The large and small civilian boats lined up along the river were full of corpses in armor and robes.

Beside these corpses, the peasants who had just changed into cotton-padded clothes were eating fried rice on the shore that was used by the Guards.


"It hurts!"

"God! Why did you help Uncle Zhang Guo, the butcher! Why did you let him escape this disaster!"

With the sound of the drum, there were screams and cursing from Uncle Xin Cheng and Zhao Zhilong's mouth.

Zhang Guowei and others who were in charge of managing these civilian husbands immediately blew their whistle and shouted: "Board the ship! Set off with the big ship!"

As a result, the civilian husbands who had finished their meal boarded the boat one after another, and began to drive these civilian boats full of corpses to the south with the big ships of the Guards.

When the soldiers and civilians along the coast saw these big ships, Zhao Zhilong who was being hacked into pieces on the big ships, and civilian boats full of corpses passing by, they were all shocked.

Liu Houlu, the transfer envoy of the Yangzhou capital who had fled back to Yangzhou and participated in the murder of Zhang Gui, had no choice but to call the inspectors from all the inspection departments under his command to the front and said: "Uncle Zhang Gui is not dead. Therefore, Next, we will be retaliated by him. Now we can only find a way to control Yangzhou City and defend Yangzhou to prevent them from entering Yangzhou City! From now on, you go and bring all the soldiers from your respective inspection departments, I am going to seize Yangzhou together with this old man, and defend Yangzhou city to the death!"


After the inspections of each inspection department agreed, they returned to their respective inspection departments and announced the matter to the soldiers of their own inspection department.

But who knows, after a day, more than half of the soldiers of the inspection departments ran away.

The soldiers of the inspection department are not fools. They usually enter the inspection department through their respective relationships, and take advantage of the majesty of the officials to bully the common people. Naturally, it is a very good thing.

But now, to offend the uncle of the country, and if he is caught by him, he will kill the uncle of the country, naturally few people are willing to provoke him.

"Brother-in-law! Didn't you see the mountains of corpses and seas of blood along the river? Who would dare to mess with that country's uncle!"

"Someone has already brought news from Huai'an that Uncle Guo himself said that those who participated in the murder of him must be killed. Whether they know it or not, their brains grow on themselves. If you insist on listening to the officials, you must offend Guards, you should know what the consequences are!"

"So, if your inspection department is really against the guards, then I don't want to be the inspection department. You let me go back."

At this time, the inspection department of Shi Xunjian is no exception.

The soldier of the inspection department, his brother-in-law Yu Sangui, said to his brother-in-law Shi Xunjian that he didn't want to continue working in the inspection department because of this incident.

After hearing this, Shi Xunjian said: "Who wants to fight against the officers and soldiers of the imperial court? Unless this person is full of food! Isn't that what the higher-ups want to do, saying that the uncle of the country wants to share the land of the world equally. But no matter who It doesn't matter, my lord, we really can't afford to mess with you, you can go if you want. In addition, you go and tell the other brothers that everyone who wants to go should go, and if everyone is gone, it won't be good for us to talk to the court again. You did the right thing. After the weather calms down, you will come back and continue your work as the inspection department."


Yu Sangui happily agreed.

So, soon, Liu Houlu learned from the inspections of the inspection departments in various places that a large number of officers and soldiers inspected in various places had escaped, and he was unwilling to work for them.

"What kind of people are you recruiting! When you encounter a serious business, you all run away! The old man sees that you are all taking advantage of the opportunity to enrich the inspection department and relying on cronyism. As a result, no one is available!"

Therefore, Liu Houlu depressingly taught the inspectors of these inspectors.

Then, he talked about the matter to Dong Tingsong and Li Yulan who had temporarily fled to Yangzhou City, and said: "You two, our Yanyun Yamen can't stop Uncle Zhang Guo! Because my Yanyun Yamen The soldiers of the inspection department, after hearing that Uncle Zhang Guo is a butcher who slaughtered anyone who offended the guards, were too scared to do it anymore. Now the inspection department needs soldiers and has no soldiers. !"

"From this point of view, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We should evacuate Yangzhou immediately and go directly to Suzhou!"

After hearing this, Li Yulan started to make suggestions to Dong Tingsong.

Dong Tingsong nodded.

He was able to escape from Qingjiangpu because Li Yulan brought dozens of rebel guards under his command to protect him and escaped, so now he obeyed Li Yulan's words.

Therefore, Dong Tingsong also said to Liu Houlu at this time: "Farewell!"

Immediately, Dong Tingsong left Yangzhou in a hurry with the help of Li Yulan and other guard rebels, heading for Suzhou.

Liu Houlu could only watch them leave helplessly.

As an official of Yangzhou, he naturally did not leave so easily.

In order to avoid being humiliated like Zhao Zhilong, he could only choose to commit suicide in the end.

When Zhang Gui arrived in Yangzhou, he learned that Liu Houlu had committed suicide.

Zhang Gui didn't say anything about it, but ordered Liu Houlu's broken body to be burned to ashes to clarify the country's law.

However, because Zhang Gui led an army of [-], he had to consider the rest of the army and the issue of food and grass along the way, so it was not as convenient as Dong Tingsong and Li Yulan.

Dong Tingsong, Li Yulan and others rushed back to Suzhou Wujiang first.

As soon as Dong Tingsong returned to Wujiang, according to Li Yulan's suggestion, he began to share the land equally among the clansmen, and also reduced the rent and interest of the tenants, and even directly exempted the poor tenants from interest.

The hired workers in Dong's various workshops also raised their salaries, and punished several domestic slaves who owed wages to the hired workers.

As a result, the contradictions within the Dong family disappeared a lot.

Dong Tingsong also took this opportunity to reform the ethnology, so that the children of the clan followed Li Yulan to receive training and learn the corresponding knowledge of arithmetic and surveying and mapping.

At the same time, Dong Tingsong also set up free schools to support the children of tenants and hired workers to study, and hired the most savage people in the clan to teach these children.

In addition, Dong Tingsong will personally look for opportunities to study ethnology and righteousness, and personally discredit Xilin Township soldiers, saying that Xilin Township soldiers are bandits and robbers who kill people without blinking an eye and do all kinds of evil.

As a result, the clansmen and tenant workers began to repel Xilin soldiers.

Three months later, Dong Tingsong formed a new-style landlord armed force.

In his landlord's armed forces, the officers under his direct command are all his nephews, and the officers commanded by his nephews are his nephews' nephews.

As a result, this landlord armed force based on Confucian family ethics was indeed quite well-organized, so they defeated the Xilin township soldiers at Hushuguan and captured Xilin scholar Tang Zhenru.

After Dong Kui, a member of the Dong clan, captured Tang Zhenru alive, he whipped Tang Zhenru directly, and immediately a bloodstain appeared on Tang Zhenru's face.

This Dong Kui also scolded Tang Zhenru: "If you want to be rich, why don't you work hard yourself! You have to rebel, you have to burn, kill and loot!"

Tang Zhenru sneered: "Who told you that I, a scholar in Xilin, did this for my own wealth and for burning, killing and looting?"

"Our patriarch, Mr. Dong, said it! How could his words be false!"

Dong Kui replied.

Tang Zhenru said: "You can also believe his words."

"Why don't you believe it? Our elder is a great benevolent man. Now he has distributed all the land in the clan to us. Even I, a member of the Yuanzhi clan, got [-] acres of mulberry fields! The tenants and hired workers have also benefited. Everyone said that our Dong The old man is a good boss!"

Dong Kui snorted coldly as he spoke: "And you actually despise our patriarch, Mr. Dong, so much."

"You Mr. Dong are giving you the land now, and it is good to you, just because we Xilin scholars have been here. Without us, you are still like cattle and horses!"

Tang Zhenru sneered.

"He was right!"

At this time, Xu Fuyuan suddenly appeared here with a large number of Xilin township soldiers, surrounded Dong Kui and Dong's armed forces, and shouted first.

(End of this chapter)

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