Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 265 Capture Mastermind Wang Xueshi, Sun Zhixie is arrested!

Chapter 265 Capture Mastermind Wang Xueshi, Sun Zhixie is arrested!
"Godfather! Godfather! Godfather!"

That night, due to the unbearable heat, Zhang Gui and his family members were enjoying the cool air in the atrium, suddenly a porter came to report that Wei Zhongxian asked to see him.

Zhang Gui waved his fan and came to the study in the front yard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wei Zhongxian came, he would call him godfather, which made him feel quite uncomfortable for a while.

But Zhang Gui didn't expect that at that time, he just said casually in front of Wei Zhongxian, saying that Wei Zhongxian could call him godfather, but who knows, this Wei Zhongxian really disregarded his face, and really called him godfather when he had nothing to do. .

Zhang Gui then directly asked: "What happened to Nine Thousand Years old, why did you come to find the Duke in such a hurry?"

Wei Zhongxian cried: "Tian Ergeng and Yang Huan are useless bastards. Not only did they mess up their errands, they were beheaded and hanged in Wuqiao Town. There was a notice saying that it was Hou Liu who did it. But godfather, this is something anyone can figure out, how can a bandit have such an ability to kill thousands of Jinyiwei! This is obviously caused by a rebellious party. They are not only embarrassing their son, but also Godfather, you have no face!"

Zhang Gui couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Although he expected that Tian Ergeng and Yang Huan might not easily arrest Kong Zhenshi and Wang Xiangchun and bring them to Beijing, he did not expect that these people would be so rampant that they would directly kill Tian Ergeng and Yang Huan.

Although Tian Ergeng and Yang Huan belonged to Wei Zhongxian, they were also serious military officers of the imperial court, and even officials of Jinyiwei.

Just say kill and kill.

It can be said that he is not insane!

Zhang Gui thought for a while and said: "It seems that they deliberately want to create a serious phenomenon of banditry in Shandong. This Kong Zhenshi has such courage!"

"Godfather, it wasn't Kong Zhenshi who did it, Kong Zhenshi had already hanged himself."

Wei Zhongxian replied.

Zhang Gui was startled again after hearing this, and couldn't help but slapped the table for a while and said, "In this way, Kong Zhenshi should have been forced to hang himself."

"The emperor also said the same, so I came here to ask my son to ask my godfather, what should I do now? Kong Zhenshi was forced to hang himself, and the whereabouts of Wang Xiangchun, the main culprit, is unknown. But at this time, Mr. Wu Ge and the others still worry about it." Kong Zhenshi complained, Fu Que begged to see the emperor, he insisted that Kong Zhenshi was forced to death by the new policy! Now, they are trying to force Chen Huangye to suspend the new policy and order to appease Kong Zhenshi."

Wei Zhongxian replied at this time.

Zhang Gui thought for a while and said: "Since that's the case, let me go to the palace."

As he said that, Zhang Gui ordered Liu Zongmin, who was newly promoted as the leader of the family team: "Tell them, bring Li Guopu and Li Ge, and they will go to the palace with the Duke to face the saint!"

Wei Zhongxian asked at this time: "Godfather, are you taking Li Guopu?"

"He has already recruited, take him into the palace, and let him tell His Majesty the mastermind by the way."

Zhang Gui replied.

After hearing this, Wei Zhongxian laughed and said, "Well, I'm still a good godfather. Sure enough, I know that Li Guopu didn't confess to everyone in the imperial court at first."

Not long after, Zhang Gui and Wei Zhongxian came to the Imperial Palace.


And Wu Zongda, who was already in front of the imperial court, couldn't help snorting secretly when he saw Zhang Gui appearing.

In Wu Zongda's view, Kong Zhenshi's suicide had nothing to do with his uncle Zhang Gui. After all, if his uncle Zhang Gui hadn't encouraged the emperor to implement the New Deal, he wouldn't have forced his friend Kong Zhenshi to death because of his eagerness to implement the New Deal.

As the younger brother of Kong Zhenshi, Xinbu cabinet minister Kong Zhenyun also felt this way.

Therefore, when Zhang Gui came, Kong Zhenyun couldn't help glaring at Zhang Gui, almost wanting to swallow Zhang Gui.

At this time, Tian Qi asked Zhang Gui: "You know everything?"

Zhang Gui replied: "Understood."

Tian Qi asked: "What do you think?"

Zhang Guidao: "Returning to Your Majesty, in my opinion, they deliberately want to divert the court's attention to Shandong, so as to facilitate their secret affairs."

"What are they trying to keep in the dark?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Guidao: "I can only ask the mastermind. After all, even Li Ge and Li Guopu are just their pawns, and they don't know what they are going to do. This is a bit like the old temple dynasty, Gu Xiancheng and others secretly manipulated the court. Such people, On the bright side, the official rank is not high, but the secret layout is far-reaching. The intention is to secretly control the universe and act as a broker."

"It's a pity! Tian Ergeng and Yang Huan are useless, and let this mastermind escape!"

Tian Qi looked at Wei Zhongxian as he spoke, and scolded: "What do your people do for food, they can't even do this well! It's a shame I trust you so much!"

"The emperor calms down! This servant pleads guilty!"

Wei Zhongxian replied.

Zhang Gui said at this time: "Your Majesty, there is one more thing to attend to the audience."

"what's up?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Guidao: "Mr. Li Ge has confessed and is willing to name another mastermind. As long as this other mastermind is caught, we will know what their purpose is."

Tianqi nodded: "Xuan Li Guopu!"

Not long after, Li Guopu was carried to the main hall.

At this time, Li Guopu was covered in bruises, not a single part of his body was intact.

Tian Qi and the ministers and eunuchs present were all shocked.

Wu Zongda turned around angrily and said, "Your Majesty, I want to participate in impeachment!"

Kong Zhenyun also turned around angrily and said, "Your Majesty, I want it too!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please let Li Guopu reveal the mastermind first. After all, Li Guopu may not last long."

Zhang Gui spoke first at this time.

Tian Qi said: "I'll talk about other things later, let Li Guopu talk first."

"Your Majesty, Li Guopu has been tortured so badly, can you still believe what he said?"

Kong Zhenyun asked back at this time.

But Zhang Gui said: "Your Majesty, if Li Guopu is asking Li Guopu to attack Jiuqing, a cabinet minister who is at odds with the court, it can be said that the minister is attacking, but the mastermind Li Guopu said is not such a person, and the minister Why let him go after a petty official or an ordinary gentry who doesn't have much to do with the minister? Please learn from your Majesty!"


Tian Qi nodded, and asked Kong Zhenyun: "Do you think that Uncle Guo will let Li Guopu bite you? Would Uncle Guo be such a person? Would I not know if he was biting you?"

Kong Zhenyun could only say: "Your Majesty said so."

Therefore, Tian Qi said to Li Guopu: "Li Guopu, tell me, who else is your mastermind?"

Li Guopu replied: "There is also Wang Duo, a scholar of Nanjing Imperial Academy!"

Both Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda breathed a sigh of relief, and said in their hearts, "Fortunately, it really wasn't the high-ranking civil servants like me who were biting me."

But Li Guopu laughed at this time and said: "However, Your Majesty, although you asked Uncle Zhang Guo to force my ministers to confess to another Wang Xueshi, Wang Duo may have disappeared. Even if you knew, you would not be able to catch him. Yes, haha!"

Li Guopu looked at Zhang Gui and said, "Uncle Zhang! You are ruthless, so what if you are ruthless, can you still have clairvoyant eyes and ears? Take Wang Duo back. If the old man guessed correctly, I'm afraid Wang Xiangchun, you too Didn't catch it."

As he spoke, Li Guopu laughed more and more smugly.

Apocalypse's face sank because of this.

"Your Majesty! Wang Duo, I have already been arrested. In addition, Wang Xiangchun and the other mastermind, Sun Zhixie, and my servants also captured these two before Eunuch Wei came to look for me today."

Zhang Gui reported at this time.

Tian Qi immediately stood up and looked at Zhang Gui: "Really?!"

Zhang Guidao: "How dare a minister deceive the king!"

"how can that be?!"

On the contrary, Li Guopu couldn't believe it.

Tian Qi immediately said: "Xuan!"

So, not long after, Wang Duo, Wang Xiangchun, and Sun Zhixie were brought up.

When Li Guopu saw Wang Duo, his face turned pale with shock, and he understood instantly, and looked at Zhang Gui: "Uncle Zhang Guo, you turned out that Wang Duo was the mastermind behind the scenes long ago, so why do you still want to strictly interrogate the old man?!"

Tian Qi also said: "Answer him."

(End of this chapter)

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