Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 268 Clan Extermination!I want to look like a tyrant! (6th update!

Chapter 268 Destroy Ten Clans!I want to look like a tyrant! (Sixth update!

Tian Qi and the others hurriedly turned their heads to look at the prince.

Tian Qi took the initiative to ask: "It really doesn't hurt?"

The prince nodded: "Yeah!"

But suddenly, the prince got up clutching his stomach again.

Tian Qi and Queen Zhang Yan couldn't help feeling tense.

Zhang Gui couldn't help looking at Wu Youke.

But at this time, the prince himself said: "Father, my son is rude, but my son wants to be respectful!"

Tian Qi hurriedly said after hearing this: "Go and serve the prince!"

After an unknown period of time, the prince came back bouncing around, his face glowing red.

Seeing this, Tian Qi couldn't help stretching his eyebrows, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

The prince shook his head: "It doesn't hurt anymore! It doesn't hurt at all!"

Han Yu, who has always been mature and prudent, couldn't help but say at this time: "It seems that Doctor Wu is right, the prince is really not poisoned!"

Wu Youke said: "This old man is absurd, it's just a common indigestion symptom, it can't be called a 'miracle doctor'."

"But there is still courage."

Apocalypse laughed.

At this time, Wang Duo's face darkened, he was a little surprised: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, it is impossible for the crown prince to be fine all of a sudden!"

Tian Qi then looked at Wang Duo: "You really hope that my emperor's son is safe?"

"Of course!"

Wang Duo smiled, and said: "Maybe it's just a flashback, the prince will definitely have something to do later, because the ministers did ask Wang Dezhen to poison the prince, the mercury cannot be detected, and it won't be poisonous for a while if people taste it , and specialize in poisonous poisons for children under ten years old!"

Tian Qi clenched his teeth, almost wanting to crush them.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian came over: "My lord, Wang Dezhen's mansion has been confiscated, and the slaves discovered that he left a suicide note."

"Bring it!"

Tian Qi roared immediately after hearing this.

Wei Zhongxian was so frightened that he slipped and knelt down, drifted to Tianqi, and handed Wang Dezhen's suicide note to Tianqi.

Tianqi snatched the suicide note, and saw that the suicide note read: "His Royal Highness Yi, forgive me, this servant has failed you. In the end, this servant did not poison His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, because this servant promised to the uncle that he would rather betray anyone than The New Deal cannot be betrayed."

"It's against justice to betray the New Deal, but it's against selfishness to betray someone who has been kind to me! Which is more important? I can only abandon selfishness and abide by justice!"

"Slaves really don't understand why you are so opposed to the New Deal? But the New Deal did allow the brothers and nephews of the slaves to share the land and have a future in the Industrial Department! They can finally do it because the New Deal is not like the slaves, in order to survive. No offspring or grandchildren!"

"More importantly, they can live like human beings! They don't need to be like slaves!"

"Uncle Guo said that whoever wants to kill the prince intends to abolish the New Deal in the future, take back the allocated land, and remove the industrial department. Let the poor continue to be slaves. The slaves who have studied in the inner school really listen If you don’t want to, you don’t want to from the bottom of your heart! This servant can only disobey your will. As for the slave’s betrayal of you, let this servant pay you with his life.”

After reading it, Tianqi said nothing for a while, and only gave the suicide note to Zhang Gui.

After reading it, Zhang Gui handed it to Han Yu, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and said to Tianqi: "Your Majesty, it seems that His Royal Highness is not poisoned! Doctor Wu is right!"

Tian Qi looked at the prince: "What did you eat secretly, answer me truthfully."

Seeing Tian Qi's serious face, the prince had no choice but to reply truthfully: "This morning, my son secretly finished eating the cakes made by the queen mother."

"How much did you eat?"

"Eight dollars!"

Tian Qi suddenly took off the boots on his feet, lifted the prince into his arms, pulled down his pants, and pumped his buttocks in front of the concubines, relatives and ministers.

"Call you greedy!"

"Call me greedy!"


"It hurts!"

"Mother, save me!"

"Uncle save me!"

The prince screamed, crying even worse than before.

Tian Qi obviously lost his composure, and continued to smoke without any regard for the face of the East Palace or the royal family.

It was Han Yu who reacted first, and quickly persuaded: "Your Majesty, calm down! Please give Guoben some dignity!"

Only then did Tian Qi let go of his hand, and still scolded: "I told you to steal it!"

The prince was still crying, and ran directly into the arms of the queen Zhang Yan: "I don't like my father anymore! I don't want my father anymore! Huh!"

Tian Qi was still a little uneasy after hearing this: "I..."

Han Yu reminded at this time: "Your Majesty, it is time to make a decree that today's beating of the East Palace should not be seen in the daily notes."

Tian Qi nodded: "Quite!"

Immediately, Tian Qi looked at Wang Duo: "What does King Yi have to do with this matter?"


Wang Duo suddenly scolded, and then said: "Wang Dezhen, you bastard! Who wants his life! How much money does His Highness give him? Why do you have to betray the prince when his own relatives get the benefits of the New Deal! What a bastard!" ! Not only a jerk, but also stupid! Unreasonable! He even confessed to His Highness!"

As Wang Duo spoke, he looked at Tianqi and said, "That's right! King Yi is also involved in this matter. When His Majesty, your ministers and the army concentrate on dealing with the Liao and Shandong bandit incidents, King Yi will start an incident in Jiangxi, and You must also instigate the Zhejiang gentry to revolt! If Wang Dezhen did not betray us, but poisoned the prince, you will only be devastated now, and you will have to watch the world really mess up because of the New Deal!"

After speaking, Wang Duo looked up to the sky and sighed again: "It's a pity! Why didn't I expect that such unpredictable lunatics as He Kegang and Wang Dezhen would exist in this world! And we really believed these lunatics!"

Tian Qi sneered at this time: "I'm very glad that there are such 'lunatics' in Daming. Maybe it's because of such people that Daming hasn't been ruined until now."

"Your Majesty said yes."

Zhang Gui replied at this time, and said: "The reason why I have always believed that His Highness the Crown Prince is not poisoned. It is because I believe that Wang Dezhen will not do such a thing."

Tian Qi nodded: "Tell me in detail, I really want to know more about him now."

Zhang Guidao: "In that case, please Your Majesty's quasi-officials to report this matter in person."

Tianqi also took Zhang Gui to the inner hall.

As soon as Zhang Gui arrived at the inner hall, he first asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, do you remember that when you talked about making Daming Zhongxing not a family of emperors, you adopted ministers to set up Xingming society, and extensively developed loyal ministers and generals at home and abroad to form a supporter of the new deal?" About the party?"

Tianqi nodded: "I remember, I also said that this is a party for justice, not a party for self-interest, which is conducive to the implementation of the New Deal."

Zhang Gui smiled and said: "So, according to His Majesty's will, I developed it secretly. Among them, this Wang Dezhen is one of the members of the Xingming Society, and also the most enlightened member of the Xingming Society in the inner court. Articles, as well as articles written anonymously in Da Ming Daily, show all of this."

Zhang Gui said and said: "Your Majesty is for the safety of the crown prince. The special minister can ask about the arrangements of the people around the crown prince. Wang Dezhen, who is in charge of the prince's eating and playing companionship, was recommended by the minister. If he is unreliable, the minister will not let him To be the companion of His Highness the Crown Prince. In order to prevent Wang Dezhen from becoming the Prince’s companion, his thoughts changed, and the minister also sent someone to watch him secretly. I found that this person often wrote letters to pay attention to the living conditions of his relatives before entering the palace, and often The relatives are delighted by the new political division of the land and the promotion in the Industrial Division. He will even personally ask about the exam results of this person's nephew when he was studying in the industrial company's school. It can be seen that this person is a person who values ​​affection and really supports it. New Deal. Therefore, I firmly believe that he will not poison."

After hearing this, Tianqi said: "It seems that although the New Deal has harmed the interests of some people and made some people dissatisfied, a large number of people have benefited and become staunch supporters of the New Deal. These supporters may be stronger than me. Determined, even willing to give his life.”

"What Your Majesty said is that national education is slowly unfolding now. I believe that among the majority of neutrals who don't know the pros and cons of the new policy, more and more people will become supporters."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi patted Zhang Gui on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Go out, I'll meet this Wang Duo again!"


Zhang Gui replied, and then reminded: "Your Majesty, you might as well ask about Lingyin Dew again."


Tian Qi also walked out, and when he saw Wang Duo, he asked, "What's the matter with Lingyin Dew?"

Wang Duo smiled wryly and said: "Do you still need to ask? The prince was poisoned. In order to prevent him from being poisoned and die, we will let the prince take it in the name of offering the elixir, and directly bury the prince! Da Sikong has already taken refuge in us. And he will flee the capital immediately after delivering the medicine. It's just that Uncle Guo successfully prevented this from happening."

Tianqi looked at Huo Weihua after hearing this, and said, "Preach the decree! Wang Duo, Huo Weihua, Wang Xiangchun, and Sun Zhixie will all destroy the ten clans!"

"You forced me! Besides, I have been considered a tyrant by you, so I should look like a tyrant!"

Howard has collapsed to the ground.

"Hold on, Your Majesty!"

 Try to continue the sixth watch tomorrow, sleep first

(End of this chapter)

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