Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 308 Ascend the crown prince and keep the fortune of the country!

Chapter 308 Ascend the crown prince and keep the fortune of the country!

The population of Jiannu is now severely reduced. In addition, because they failed to successfully enter the customs several times as in the original history, they were able to plunder a large number of Han people and return to them as serfs.

This time, Dorgon led his troops to try to eat Tianqi's Chinese Imperial Guard Camp and Xishan Camp, and he indeed mobilized almost all the main force of Jiannu, more than [-] people.

Today, most of these [-] Jiannu were besieged by Daming.

Even if some escaped by chance, there would only be less than [-] young men left in Jiannu.

The self-defense of this force is already stretched, and naturally it is no longer able to attack other forces.

Because you must know that the surrounding Mongolian tribes are not good stubble, they will not not take a bite when Jiannu is weak.

Therefore, Daming no longer has to worry about Maoshan being besieged by Jiannu.

But it is also because Dorgon is the main force this time, which makes the spies in Daming know all this in advance, really believe that Dorgon can capture or destroy Tianqi alive, and repeat the Tumu Fort incident.

After all, unless they are the core personnel of the Xishan Industrial Division, no one will know how advanced the Ming Guards, especially the Imperial Guard Battalion and Xishan Battalion, who are the direct descendants of Tianqi, are in terms of firearms and gunpowder equipment.

The landlords who insisted on hoping that Ming Dynasty would return to the society ruled by the Confucian ritual system would one day know how much the development of science and technology would deal a blow to them.

"Spread the news that the tyrant is surrounded by the main slave-building forces in Sarhu! It must create panic among the people! Let them no longer believe that the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine can bring value, and let them secretly hope that Daming Rebuild the forces of etiquette and morality, be bolder! Fight for the complete overthrow of all tyranny that is not what the saints want!"


The cabinet minister in the python robe who had been secretly letting Dong Tingxian contact Jiannu, after learning that Dorgon withdrew his troops and rushed to the direction of Sarhu, and was about to capture Tianqi alive, ordered Dong Tingxian.

"Understood! I'll let them spread the word!"

Because Dong Tingxian has always used an alias to contact others, so he failed to create rumors last time, and although many people he sent out to spread rumors were arrested, it did not affect him to continue working for this mangpao man behind his back.

Not long after Dong Tingxian got the instructions from the python-robed man, he secretly contacted people and newspapers to spread the rumors that Tianqi's personal conquest failed, was surrounded by the main slave-building forces, and was captured alive.

In order to create panic, people like Dong Tingxian naturally have to exaggerate the facts.

So, for a moment, the capital was shocked.

Many rumors and gossips were derived from this.

And this most directly caused the stock price of Maoshan Iron Mine to plummet again.

Finally, because Tianqi, Zhang Gui, etc. vigorously repurchased shares, and Tianqi decided to recruit slaves himself to ensure the safety of Maoshan Iron Mine, the stock price that was stabilized can no longer be stabilized now.

Many scholars went to the trading divisions of the household department located in various squares to sell their stocks.

Although Bi Ziyan, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, has already started to go to various government offices because of this, calling on the court ministers not to sell for the time being, so as not to aggravate the panic.

Many courtiers agreed on the surface, but secretly did not want to pay for the court, and arranged for their own people to sell it immediately.

Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda, the elders of Erge, sold all the stocks that were left in their hands.

It's just that the price is very low.

But Kong Zhenyun still breathed a sigh of relief, and finished Wu Zongda with a smile: "Mr. Wu Ge, you didn't keep any stocks?"

Wu Zongda said: "I went to the Trading Department to exchange it for silver! Although the silver exchanged was very little, and I lost a lot compared to when I bought it at the beginning, it is better than watching the stocks in my hand turn into waste paper."


Kong Zhenyun sighed and said to himself, "Let others care about the fate of the country."

"Are we selling too?"

At this time, in the Planning Department, Han Yu asked a question.

Bi Ziyan said: "Yuanfu, absolutely not. After we repurchased a lot of shares last time, we policy ministers, His Majesty and Uncle Guo already hold the most shares. If we sell them again, we will really have to buy them back." Let the stock be worthless, I'm afraid it will cause big turmoil."

Chen Zizhuang nodded and said, "That's right! Let's continue to buy back."

As he said that, Chen Zizhuang smiled wryly: "It seems that I have to break up my family again for the country!"

"Dazong Boshe's family is the country, and I deeply admire it!"

Bi Ziyan bowed to him.

At this time, Yuan Keli also said: "Forget it! Seeing the virtuous and thinking about the same, I will follow the great uncle and give up my family for the country."

Bi Ziyan also bowed to Yuan Keli.

At this moment, Han Yu suddenly said: "If Your Majesty and Uncle Guo can come back, I don't know what choice they will make at this moment."

Wei Zhongxian said: "Before the emperor left, he also reminded our family to continue to buy back with domestic funds, if the stock price drops sharply again."

Bi Ziyan said: "Uncle Guo also arranged for Liu Zongmin to come to the household department to pass on such words to me."

After hearing this, Han Yu said: "Since this is the case, even if His Majesty and Uncle Guo are really in great trouble, we ministers who preside over the reform and new policies should continue to shoulder the burden, practice His Majesty's will, and protect the foundation for the prince. , and continue to sacrifice their home for the country and repurchase stocks."

After Han Yu said this, Wei Zhongxian said: "Our family naturally has to do the same. After all, whether it is for the emperor or the young master, our family must be loyal!"

Bi Ziyan smiled and said: "Since they are so united, maybe the situation will not be too bad."

At this time, Yuan Keli pondered for a moment and said: "But it's still better to be careful, especially the inner court, don't make trouble!"

Wei Zhongxian said: "Don't worry, Otsuka, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will be accompanied by Dudu Zhang, and there will be no loss. No one in the palace dares to restrain the Empress any more. If the Crown Prince is allowed to supervise the country, there will be no disturbances."

"Is there anyone who doesn't want the prince to supervise the country?"

Suddenly, Chen Zizhuang asked.

Wei Zhongxian suddenly lowered his face and said: "Then our family must be the first to refuse! Don't worry, everyone, my factory guard will keep an eye on it! Anyone who dares to mess around will be arrested first, and the big deal will be later. Let the censor scold our family One person is!"

Because the civil servants of the Planning Department had the same interests as Wei Zhongxian, Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang didn't say anything, and even felt that Wei Zhongxian's actions were decisive and correct.

So, next, the inner court and Zhang Gui's Sui State Government, as well as the reformist ministers such as Han Yu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Chen Zizhuang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, continued to repurchase the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine. Keep repurchasing how much.

For them, political interests are naturally more important than economic interests.

As long as the crown prince's foundation is stabilized, his own power can be stabilized, and the lost economic benefits will naturally be recovered in the future.


But because of this, the man in the python robe was even more angry, and slapped the table heavily on the spot, saying: "These traitors! They really deserve to be killed!"

"What should we do now? These continued large-scale stock repurchases undoubtedly make people feel that even if His Majesty has something to do, they will still let the prince continue to agree to foreign expansion and continue to mine Maoshan's iron ore after the prince ascends the throne!"

Dong Tingxian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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