Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 313 Shoot and kill Confucian scholars, one by one!

Chapter 313 Shoot and kill Confucian scholars, one by one!

Tianqi and Zhang Guiti rushed back together with the former army, entered through Desheng Gate, returned to Xiyuan first, and then came here following the sound of gunfire.

At this time, Zhang Gui had been ordered to go to Daming Gate to stop the fighting there.

Tianqi came here with Qi Panzong and others following the sound of gunfire.

It's just that he didn't expect that as soon as he got close, he saw a Confucian scholar wrapped in a gunpowder bag, ignoring the damage from the crossbow arrows, rushing into the line of Jinyiwei, and they all died together.

So, Tian Qi yelled and asked.

After Tianqi shouted, he gave Qi Panzong a wink.

Qi Panzong understood, and hurriedly shouted: "By order, Jin Yiwei retreats! The imperial guard battalion stepped forward to suppress the rebels, and the rockets slipped to prepare! The cavalry on the left and right flanks circled all the rebels!"


At this moment, Zhu Youjian called out.

Then, Zhu Youjian came out, and knelt down in the middle of a pile of corpses and gunpowder smoke, looked at Tianqi, and said in tears: "Brother Emperor! My brother is guilty, and I mistakenly believed the traitor's words, thinking that the king of Tang and Wei Zhongxian wanted to Rebellion, so I came here with them, to break into the palace to save the empress and the prince! So, there is the current scene."

Gao Qiqian and Fu Yijian's expressions became complicated at this moment.

They did not expect such a result.

However, Fu Yijian chose to hold the pistol in his hand that was imitated from Xilin Township soldiers, walked towards the imperial guards, and shouted: "Tyrant! If you ask us what we defend, I will tell you today. What we defend is the way of benevolence and filial piety! How can we be loyal to a king who is not benevolent or filial!"

Just as Fu Yijian was about to pull the trigger, Qi Panzong personally shot Fu Yijian on the forehead with a percussion gun.

Fu Yijian fell to the ground in astonishment.

Then, another Confucian scholar came over, gritted his teeth and said, "Etiquette cannot be broken, and neither can the king! Unless I wait for the Confucian scholars to die!"

Before the Confucian scholar raised his pistol, Qi Panzong shot the Confucian scholar again.

The Confucian scholar also fell down.

"Have no fear of death! Anyone who breaks the etiquette system should be punished! Anyone who breaks the etiquette system should not be a king!"

Another Confucian scholar came closer.

Qi Panzong still pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The Confucian scholar still fell down.

Tian Qi kept his face sullen, he didn't speak, and just let Qi Panzong execute his will.

He knew that if his Great Ming wanted to break through the shackles of the so-called etiquette system so that it could not survive the national destiny for 300 years, he could only be ruthless now, looking at these Confucian scholars who would rather abide by the so-called benevolence than respect himself as the emperor. One after another was wiped out.

He remembered a sentence Zhang Gui said, the restructuring is really not a dinner party, it is destined to be bloody, it is life and death, and it is even difficult to distinguish right from wrong, each has its own position, and each has to pay for its own position.

Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind prevails over the east wind.

There is no need for me to be merciful to these Confucian scholars at this time, just like these Confucian scholars would not be merciful when slaughtering refugees who revolted because of hunger in history.

"Benevolence and virtue are the foundation of our Confucianism. How can we bully our neighbors by being domineering! Destroying my famous teaching and ignoring the principles of sages and sages! How can we not turn against King Zhou!"

At this time, another Confucian scholar came over.

Before the conversation was over, the gun went off.

The Confucian scholar fell down.

Then there was another Confucian scholar.

Confucian scholars one after another, for their own so-called Confucian righteousness, began to do things like hitting a stone with an egg.

They are now like slave owners defending their slaves from being rescued, forcing them to stop all this from happening at the cost of their lives.

Of course, it may also have something to do with them knowing that they have no way out, so they do such crazy things.

"Zhu Youxiao! If you trample on my Confucian scholar like this, even if my Confucian scholar dies, I will not let you go!"


Another Confucian scholar was shot dead on the ground after yelling loudly, and screamed.

For a while, a low wall built by fallen Confucian scholars was piled up between Tianqi and Zhu Youjian.

Tianqi just watched all this quietly.

He also doesn't understand, since they are all scholars and read books of sages and sages, why the things they believe in have become different. Some people do not hesitate to offend the emperor for the common people, but now some people do not hesitate to offend the emperor for the so-called benevolence.

And he has to admit that it is as difficult to make some people change their minds, just as difficult to make them give up their own interests. They would rather sit back and watch the people become refugees than themselves, the emperor, no longer abide by the Confucian ritual system, and make the landless people Move out and turn the landless people into artisans.

Zhu Youjian also looked at Tianqi on the opposite side of the human wall, without saying a word.

Tian Qi also looked at Zhu Youjian on the opposite side of the human wall.

Tian Qi couldn't help tears in his eyes for a moment, and shouted through the human wall: "Brother Yu! When I bestowed Jiu Keshi in the past, I already said, don't play around! Otherwise, I won't be soft!"

Speaking of this, Tian Qi's voice became louder: "But why! You are still messing around! What are you doing here?! Do you know that as long as you appear here, I will not forgive you!"

Zhu Youjian is also regretful now, he only looks at Gao Qiqian, staring at Gao Qiqian viciously.

Suddenly, Zhu Youjian rushed towards Gao Qiqian like crazy, knocked Gao Qiqian down on the ground, and raised his fist at Gao Qiqian's sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, smashing it hard:
"It's all your fault! It's all your fault! You instigated me! You lied to Gu, the emperor brother you said was captured alive, and you lied to me that King Tang wanted to rebel!"

"If you want to be the emperor yourself, you can only blame me! Even if I tell you that the king of Tang is going to rebel, you can take the guards of the palace to save the empress and the prince without hesitation. The success of the throne! Obviously you are only thinking about yourself, but you blame us for instigating you! If you really think I am wrong, why hit me now, why don't you kill me in advance!"

Gao Qiqian yelled and defended himself at the same time.

After hearing this, Zhu Youjian sat limply on the side, laughing.

After a gunshot.

Tianqi rode his horse and turned to leave, tears streaming down his face, and said, "Preach the decree! King Xin died suddenly due to illness! I am so sad that I will stop court for three days!"


Wei Zhongxian replied, and asked again: "My lord, where are the rest of the traitors?"

Tian Qi roared: "All go to jail and stand trial!"

Because of this, Gao Qiqian was dragged up by Jin Yiwei.

Only Zhu Qiqi and Zhu Yujian and his son were still staring at him, their eyes as cold as a knife.

Gao Qiqian also looked at the two of them without saying anything.

Zhang Gui also brought Ma Ke here, and made him kneel in front of Tian Qi: "Your Majesty! Ma Ke has arrived."

Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui with a tired face, and said with a smile, "They can't stare at King Xin anymore."

Zhang Gui was stunned for a moment.

He understood what Tian Qi said.

"Your Majesty, it's not your fault. You were supposed to be the most benevolent monarch, but they forced you to become the most iron-blooded king! It's like His Royal Highness Xin Wang, who should be the most disciplined prince, but was forced by them to become a power-hungry and selfish prince." Just like a prince. What they abide by is such a ritual system that forces a good person into a refined and self-interested person!"

Zhang Gui said.

Hearing Zhang Gui's words, Tian Qi raised his head involuntarily, and stared at him for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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