Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 316 Apocalypse is furious, I will cut you to pieces!

Chapter 316 Apocalypse is furious, I will cut you to pieces!

The man in the python robe suddenly realized that he and the others were in a situation where they were under attack from both sides.

Therefore, the rest of the rebel scholars did not respond to the call of the python-robed man just now, even if they launched an attack on Tianqi's entourage, they all looked back in surprise.

Tianqi did not order Qi Panzong to launch an attack on his own initiative, but looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and asked, "What's going on?"

Seeing that Tianqi's side and the mang-robed man's side didn't launch any more attacks, and he didn't allow his subordinates to continue to attack, Zhang Gui shouted loudly at a scholar next to the mang-robed man: " Li Shilang, hurry up and capture this traitor leader!"

Li Shilang's real name is Li Yu, and now he is a student of Xilin Academy. After he went to Beijing to take the exam, he was arranged by Zhang Gui to infiltrate into various literary societies, which made it easier for Zhang Gui to understand the status of scholars and literati during the restructuring process. The real situation, and prepare for emergencies.

And like Li Shilang, there are many Xilin scholars who were arranged by Zhang Gui to various major literary societies.

At this time, Zhang Gui alone could recognize many Xilin scholars.

In Zhang Gui's view, since there are scholars who want to abide by the Confucian etiquette system, they will hide their opposition to the reform and use the opportunity of going to Beijing to rush for the exam to do outrageous things. The scholars of Xilin concealed their support for the restructuring, and took advantage of the opportunity to go to Beijing to rush for the exam, lurking in the major literary societies.

Of course, the ones Zhang Gui had let Shenshuying shoot to death at this time were all non-Xilin scholars who prevented Zhang Gui from appearing and attacked Zhang Gui.

Turning around, after Zhang Gui yelled, Li Yu immediately pointed his gun at the man in the boa robe.

The man in the python robe was further surprised, and looked at Li Yu: "You?!"

Zhang Gui first laughed at this time, and said first: "Zhou Wujiang, you'd better let them all be captured obediently now, so as to reduce some guilt, otherwise, even if you are killed today, you will not be able to escape the killing of the nine clans." .Because, the list of these people has been mastered by the public in this country."

As soon as Zhang Gui spoke, he said, "Bring Du Xun up!"

Not long after, Du Xun fell off his horse in a mess.

Du Xun grinned when he fell.

Seeing this, the cabinet minister Zhou Wujiang waved his hands to signal the reactionary scholars who wanted to fight back not to act rashly, and then asked: "Unexpectedly, Uncle Guo, you would actually see through that Du Xun was passing on a false edict! It must have been with Li Yu." These people are related."

Zhang Gui did not answer Zhou Wujiang's question, but asked again: "In front of His Majesty, let me ask again, will you and your fellow criminals surrender or not?"

Zhou Wujiang yelled helplessly: "Put down the firearm, let's capture him!"

As soon as Zhou Wujiang's words fell.

Many reactionary scholars had to put their guns on the ground, and even those who were unwilling were forcibly taken away by the surrounding Xilin scholars and pushed to the ground.

After Zhang Gui saw that all the reactionary scholars were under control, he walked towards Tianqi: "Your Majesty, I didn't expect that you would come here."

Tian Qi said: "I also made a mistake. I accidentally learned that Liu Zongmin told Wei Zhongxian that Du Xun went to announce my will to ask you to go to Changchun Temple. I also realized that you might be in danger, so I hurried over. .”

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern."

"In fact, not long ago, I learned from people like Li Yu, a scholar in Xilin, that there are monks in Changchun Temple and some literati who live here, secretly criticizing the excessive restructuring, and are wary of Changchun Temple. So , when this Du Xun wanted to proclaim His Majesty's will, I already suspected that he might have made a false decree, and now it's just a plan."

"And when I knew through Du Xun that the men in the boa robe were really going to murder me in Changchun Temple, I first informed Admiral Ye of Du Xun's crime, and Admiral Ye mobilized the Shenshu camp to come to Changchun first." Temple, ready to lock up these rebels, and I personally made the bait to let these rebels appear. But I didn't expect that His Majesty came first, so I drew out these rebels first, and I became the last to appear."

After Zhang Gui thanked Tianqi, he explained the reason for his sudden appearance after the appearance of the Bogpao officials.

Tian Qi nodded: "I see."

Then, Tian Qi looked at the traitor: "Zhou Daodeng, I see that you are always honest in your actions, and you never talk too much, and even seem a little stupid, so I let you be a cabinet minister so that I can convey my intentions. But I didn't expect that , You will hide so deeply, you have already recruited so many scholars to murder Uncle Zhang Guo, and even killed the king directly when you saw the empress."

After speaking, Tian Qi asked: "Tell me, why do you plan to murder Uncle Zhang Guo here?"

That's right, Zhou Wujiang is Zhou Daodeng.

In history, Ge Lao was famous for playing stupid in the Chongzhen Dynasty.

Zhou Daodeng sneered at this time and said: "This is just a plan to not get rid of His Majesty and Uncle Zhang by borrowing the help of Jian Nu from Guanwai. The purpose is to get rid of Uncle Guo first before His Majesty finds us out." , so as to create even greater chaos, so as to have a chance to escape. It’s just a pity that my Shilin’s hearts are not in harmony, and it can also be said that the hearts of those who have been harmed by the country’s uncle have changed drastically! So that now the success has fallen short!”

Tian Qi sneered: "It's not that people's hearts have changed drastically, it's that there are still people who care about the society and the common people in this world."

Tian Qi said and looked at Du Xun: "Du Xun, I and the queen treat you well, why did you betray me?"

Du Xun replied at this time: "It's not that the servant is dissatisfied with His Majesty and Empress, but the servant is dissatisfied with Jiuqian!"

"What's the meaning of this statement?"

Apocalypse asked.

Du Xun replied: "Nine thousand years old never advise the emperor, and send internal eunuchs to guard everywhere! Even to please the emperor, he also reformed the inner court, and we are not allowed to hide the land of the emperor's farm. Such nine Although Chitose pleases the emperor, but the servants don't like it. First, they can't go out to make money, and second, they can't collect more rent secretly. The key point is that he has never died. Let the servants also go to make policies and discuss national policies. This makes the servants How can they bear it?!"

Tianqi didn't speak any more after hearing this.

Zhang Gui said here: "Your Majesty, the minister asked Liu Zongmin to escort Dong Tingxian to see Wei Zhongxian. He is Cui Shaojian's accomplice and the chief culprit who recently spread rumors and attempted to murder the New Deal. At the same time, he was instructed by Zhou Daodeng to do all this. Zhou Daodeng obviously knew that we might still be found after we returned to the teacher, so he was prepared. Now it seems that although our West Factory has tried our best not to startle the snake when arresting Dong Tingxian, this Zhou Daodeng is still keen Aware of the crisis, he decided to put all his eggs in one basket and create even greater chaos by murdering his ministers!"

Tianqi nodded after hearing this: "Zhou Daodeng still punishes the nine clans, and he himself is as late as Liu Jinli. The rest of the people forgive him for surrendering voluntarily and are accomplices. Only the three tribes of the barbarians are sent to make specimens in the medical school to pay for their crimes." !"

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Zhou Daodeng himself yelled, and then said: "I have an accomplice, as long as Your Majesty is willing to forgive me for Ling Chi's punishment, I am willing to tell who is my accomplice!"

Tian Qi pondered for a moment and said, "Say it!"

Zhou Daodeng replied: "Empress Empress!"

After hearing this, Tian Qi looked at Zhou Daodeng fiercely: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Zhou Daodeng said disdainfully: "Why does your Majesty think that the minister is talking nonsense? Your Majesty should know that although the empress was born in a common family, she is eager to learn and love books. In fact, she is quite dissatisfied with your majesty's behavior of belittling sages and sages, so she secretly agreed with Du Xun is in contact with the minister, could it be possible that His Majesty really thinks that the minister can win Du Xun over by himself?"

Zhang Guidao: "This is impossible! Your Majesty, don't believe him!"

Zhou Daodeng said: "If your majesty wants to believe it, you can send someone to the minister's mansion to search the minister's study first. There is a couplet bead bottle in the minister's study room. In the bead bottle, there is the empress empress for the guilty minister, so that the criminal minister can win over the prince. Confucian official's private letter. This letter can be evidence!"

"His Majesty!"

Zhang Gui was about to speak at this time, but Tian Qi waved his hand and said, "Stop talking, Du Xun is indeed very kind to your sister, and it is indeed possible to listen to your sister's arrangement to do something out of line! This Du Xun may not have just now Telling out all the reasons for betraying me must be to save the queen!"

Tian Qi said: "Send someone to copy Zhou Daodeng's study, and fetch the Queen's handwriting according to what he said!"

"His Majesty!"

Zhang Gui wanted to say more, but Tian Qi interrupted him again: "Stop talking, is your sister more important, or the New Deal? For the New Deal, I can watch my own brother hang himself. I hope you can do the same." !"

Not long after, Ye Chengxue ran over and handed Tian Qi the queen's letter copied from Zhou Daodeng's house.

At this time, Zhou Daodeng glanced at Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui also looked at him.

After Tianqi read the queen's handbook, his breathing became short of breath.

Zhou Daodeng secretly smiled.

But at this moment, Tian Qi suddenly walked over and slapped Zhou Daodeng on the face with a horsewhip: "Zhou Daodeng! You traitor, you are still thinking of playing tricks with me at this time, separating me from the queen! I will cut you to pieces !"

(End of this chapter)

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