Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 318 Mastermind Zhou Kui and the shooting of monks and scholars!

Chapter 318 Mastermind Zhou Kui and the shooting of monks and scholars!

Zhou Kui?

Believe in the king's Yue Weng?
Prince Xin's Mansion, Princess Xin's father?
Tian Qi was stunned and asked Zhang Gui: "Is what you said true?"

Zhang Gui nodded: "Your Majesty doesn't know that until now, there are big families who let their slaves take part in the imperial examination in the name of adopted sons, and then become a tool for the family to fight for their own interests in the officialdom."

"And this week Daodeng was able to become a Jinshi in high school and even become a cabinet scholar. This is due to Zhou Kui, a rich and wealthy family, who has been secretly contributing a lot. It can be said that Zhou Kui is Zhou Daodeng's patriarch! Of course, Zhou Daodeng is no longer the A casual domestic slave has long been using each other with Zhou Kui, after all, with Zhou Daodeng's current status, there is no need to really continue to obey Zhou Kui's words."

Tianqi asked again: "Is there any evidence?"

Zhang Gui said: "Concubine Xin is here, she can testify for my minister!"

"Xin Wangfei?"

Tian Qi asked in surprise.

Zhang Gui nodded: "Your minister has been ambushing someone beside Princess Xin, and after hearing about King Xin, Princess Xin wanted to hang herself and go away with her husband. But the person who was ambushing beside Princess Xin prevented Princess Xin from hanging herself, Moreover, I also ordered Concubine Xin to be brought here first, and after my inquiry, Concubine Xin confessed many things to me, including the relationship between Zhou Kui and Zhou Daodeng, as well as relevant evidence that she knew."

After Zhang Gui said, he asked: "Concubine Xin is here now, does Your Majesty want to make an announcement?"


Tian Qi ordered in a deep voice.

Here, Zhou Daodeng was in a state of shock after hearing Zhang Gui mention Zhou Kui. He never thought that Zhang Gui would notice Princess Xin and even Zhou Kui.

In fact, it was impossible for Zhang Gui not to pay attention, because he knew that Chongzhen's father-in-law was a famous bastard in history, so he naturally had to be closely monitored.

Not long after, Princess Xin Zhou came to Tianqi.

Princess Zhou already knew about King Xin's suicide by drawing a gun, and she committed suicide because she felt ashamed that she wanted to seize the throne with the reactionary scholars. Wang was implicated in her attempt to seize the throne, so after seeing Tianqi, he bowed tremblingly: "The sinner Zhou has seen His Majesty!"

Tian Qi said: "You don't have to worry. As long as you keep upright and respectful, and teach my nephew with peace of mind, I will still treat you as a sister-in-law. Tell me, what is the relationship between your father and Zhou Daodeng? In addition, tell your father all the details Yu Zhen. Since ancient times, people have been loyal and filial, so you don't have to worry that Zhen will blame you for this."


The Zhou family agreed, and told about Zhou Daodeng and Zhou Kui's conspiracy to manipulate King Xin.

Only then did Tianqi know that his younger brother Xin Wang had been targeted by Zhou Kui and Zhou Daodeng long ago!

Zhou Daodeng was in charge of finding a way in the officialdom, so that the Zhou family was selected as the concubine of Xinwang, and Zhou Kui was responsible for training the Zhou family, so that Zhou Kui became the father-in-law of Xinwang, and also controlled many servants of Xinwang's mansion. .

The Zhou family also told Tianqi why he was willing to confess Zhou Kui's crimes now. It turned out that after Zhou Kui learned that King Xin had failed, he forcibly took away Zhu Cihong, the son of King Xin, and even took away the coffin of King Xin.

When Tian Qi found out, he was furious: "This Zhou Kui, what does he want to do by taking away the coffin of his son and my younger brother?"

Zhang Gui reported: "Returning to Your Majesty, Zhou Kui naturally wanted to go out of the city and return to the south of the Yangtze River. By the way, he borrowed the king's coffin to hold a public sacrifice. He took the opportunity to unite with some remnants of the Donglin in the south of the Yangtze River and continue to fight against the imperial court!"

Tian Qi was even angrier after hearing this: "My younger brother has already committed suicide, yet they still want to use him instead of letting him die in peace, it's really abominable!"

Zhang Guixin said: "This is not very normal. In history, your younger brother hanged himself in Meishan, and these scum still used him, in the name of revenge, colluded with the slaves to enter the customs, and then slaughtered the Han people all over the world! You know , as long as these people can continue to be the slave masters of the Han people in the world, there is nothing they cannot use."

Here, after Tianqi said this, he immediately ordered: "Decree, arrest Zhou Kui immediately!"


Then, Tianqi said again: "Put Zhou Daodeng into imperial prison. As for how to deal with it, let the surgical medical officer of Daming Medical College study it to see if he can break through Ling Chi's record and magnify the pain. Where is the limit of being able to be rescued after a serious injury, or take this opportunity to figure out the direction of meridians and draw a map for future treatment and rescue. Although this is cruel, it can be regarded as using the pain of bad people to alleviate the pain of good people after being injured and infected. .”

Tian Qi said this in a particularly calm tone.

But Zhou Daodeng was breathing more and more heavily after hearing this, and suddenly knelt down on the ground: "I beg you to be merciful! Even if you destroy my ten clans, don't torture me like this. I am really afraid of pain! Your two whips are now let The minister is very uncomfortable, the minister has already tasted the pain."

Tian Qi sneered: "You are cold-blooded enough, I would rather reduce your own pain at the cost of destroying the tenth clan."

Zhang Gui suggested at this time: "Your Majesty, don't destroy the Nine Clans for such cold-blooded people. They don't care about the lives of the Nine Clans. How about this, if the medical officers break the autopsy records this time, On the basis of Liu Jin's being tortured, every time he can add [-] knives, his family will be exempted. For example, this time Zhou Daodeng, a heinous person, should punish the ten families, but since he doesn't even care about his own ten families, why not Just try to add five hundred knives to him, and if it succeeds, he will be exempted from the tenth clan."

Tian Qi nodded: "This can be regarded as a kindness. If the medical officer can make Zhou Daodeng survive Ling Chi by adding five hundred knives to Ling Chi, he will only punish the nine clans and spare the tenth clan. People from the nine tribes other than the three tribes, old and young, women and children will not die; if you add five hundred knives to the one thousand knives and don’t die, then only the three clans will be punished!"

"Uncle Zhang Guo!"

Zhou Daodeng shouted anxiously because of this, looked at Zhang Gui and said, "Can't you be kinder?!"

"Aren't I merciful? I put my face on and admonished you, and spared the lives of your clansmen in the name of cutting you a few more times!"

Zhang Gui replied.

Zhou Daodeng: "..."

Next, Zhang Gui and Tian Qi left here.

And these reactionary scholars who were still in Changchun Temple and the reactionary monks in Changchun Temple were gathered together because they voluntarily surrendered, were shot, and then sent to the medical school.

As a result, these opposing scholars and reactionary monks were ordered to kneel on the steps outside the temple.

At the same time, the official school of the Shenshu Battalion of the Guards put their guns on these people's foreheads.

"Ethics are immortal!"

At this time, some scholars even shouted passionately because of this.

But it's no use shouting.


With an order.

For a while, gunfire continued, and these people all fell to the ground.

Outside the entire temple, blood flowed like a river.

Hearing these gunshots, Zhang Gui had no sympathy, because he understood that although these people were indeed resolute enough, what they insisted on was only the rights and interests of slave owners.

"I didn't expect these monks from Changchun Temple to participate."

At this moment, Tian Qi suddenly brought up another topic.

Zhang Gui smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this is not surprising. The New Deal actually harmed the interests of monks and Taoists, especially monks. Up to now, Daming does not know how many fertile fields have become temple property, how many people have become temple serfs, and even many The wealthy family turned many of their properties into temple property to avoid taxation, so in the future, in the opinion of my ministers, this temple, monastery, monk and Taoist property must also be rectified and dealt with.”

Tian Qi nodded after hearing this: "It needs to be rectified. It's okay to chant scriptures, but it must be productive, and it cannot take the country and the people."

At this time, at the Yongding Gate of the capital, Zhou Kui broke down in tears and said to the city guard school: "The old man is ordered to send the king's coffin out of the palace with his son Zhu Cihong for burial, and please let the military master let him go!"

Zhou Kui took out the imperial edict as he spoke, and glanced around.

The guarding official school took a look at the imperial decree and said, "Open the city gate!"


(End of this chapter)

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