Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 321 Kicking the disciples of the general family and directly killing the eunuch!

Chapter 321 Kicking the disciples of the general family and directly killing the eunuch!

Zhang Gui's face changed, and he looked at Qi Panzong in surprise: "Qi Panzong, are you worthy of your Qi family's famous name for many generations?!"

Liu Ruoyu sneered, walked up to Zhang Gui and said in a low voice, "Uncle Guo's words are ridiculous! You don't care about these false names, how can you expect them generals to care about these false names? Do people like Luo Xianggong and Zu Dashou care?"

"Could it be that Uncle Guo thinks the children of his Qi family will be different?"

Zhang Gui glanced at him, ignored Liu Ruoyu, but asked Qi Panzong, "Where are you taking me?"

Qi Panzong said viciously: "Just leave, why ask so many questions?!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Gui smiled helplessly, but secretly cried out in his heart, secretly said: "How could this happen?!"

For a while, Zhang Gui had no choice but to be escorted by Qi Panzong to a narrow passage on the side of the main hall.

But when no one was there, Qi Panzong suddenly fell down like a jade mountain, and knelt down in front of Zhang Gui: "Uncle Guo, forgive me! This is His Majesty's will! Uncle Guo behaved a little bit hatefully!"

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Zhang Gui was taken aback.

Qi Panzong nodded.

Zhang Gui asked again: "Why did Your Majesty do this?"

Qi Panzong replied: "Your Majesty already knows that the imperial court is currently implementing a policy of prohibiting slavery, which is the most unacceptable New Deal system by the powerful and bureaucratic. Naturally, His Majesty also instructed the low-level officials to approach them in private and do some tricky things. , in order to draw out deeper opponents. Therefore, the humble official also pretended to agree with him and form an alliance with him."

Qi Panzong made a sudden blow, and fell to the ground on his back.

"You bastard! Why don't you hurry up and take the Duke of this country to see His Majesty!"

Immediately afterwards, a scolding sound came from Zhang Gui's mouth.

Although he understood Qi Panzong's behavior just now, he was a master who never wanted to let himself suffer, so he could not blame Qi Panzong in his heart, but he was still unforgiving.

It's just that Qi Panzong's skin is rough and fleshy, and after falling with his nostrils facing the sky, he was fine. He immediately turned over and stood up, and agreed with a joyful smile: "Hey!"

Here, Liu Ruoyu also had a look of joy, walking towards the Supervisor of Rites, and waited for Qi Panzong to send him the list he needed.

But when Liu Ruoyu waited until dark, Qi Panzong was coming, but it was Zhang Gui who came.

"Uncle Guo!"

Liu Ruoyu was taken aback.

Zhang Gui said with a smile: "So that Eunuch Liu will know that the list you want has already been given to His Majesty by the Lord, so why don't you go to the inner factory with us now."

Liu Ruoyu was so emboldened that he lost half a cent, and slumped in the armchair, saying: "Qi Panzong, that bastard, actually lied to our family!"

"Take him away!"

Ye Chengxue who came with Zhang Gui gave an order at this time, and then Liu Ruoyu was taken away.

"The servant is indeed dissatisfied with the slavery system, but the servant has no intention of killing the king because of it. The servant just doesn't want His Majesty to know that the servant is participating in this transaction."

After Liu Ruoyu was taken to Tianqi by Zhang Gui, he confessed to Tianqi the reason why he colluded with Qi Panzong to try to force Zhang Gui to come up with the corresponding list.

Tian Qi sneered and asked, "How long have you been doing this business, mainly to sell the Han people?"

Liu Ruoyu replied: "It started from the grandfather's generation of slaves, and my father was responsible for selecting high-quality Liao people to sell as slaves and foreigners when he was the deputy general of Liaoyang. Now the imperial court has repeatedly defeated Tartars in border towns to build slaves. Xichang is very strict in the border town, so, basically, it no longer sells to Jian slaves, and only cooperates with Mr. Congwu's disciples to sell people to foreign barbarians, make wives and concubines for foreign barbarians to have children, or directly help Foreign barbarians open brothels in Nanyang to make money, and of course, some of the best ones will be sold directly to the rich and powerful families. For example, the best lean horses in Yangzhou are often competed for by the rich and powerful families when they are young."

Tian Qi lowered his face after hearing this, and asked, "Who is Mr. Cong Wu?"

"My servant doesn't know. I only know that he taught my servant to read and helped her into the inner study hall. If the emperor wanted to arrest him, he would not be able to catch him, because no one in this world knows Mr. Congwu's real name. "

Liu Ruoyu replied.

After hearing this, Tian Qi sneered and said, "It's a fox, sooner or later it will show its tail!"

As he said that, Tian Qi ordered: "Shoot Liu Ruoyu directly, and all the accomplices who have colluded with Liu Ruoyu will also be executed! Immediate execution, no delay! Only declare to the public that these people are all accomplices of Zhou Daodeng and Zhou Kui."


Tianqi did this to avoid long nights and dreams, and to let the powerful families who are still involved in the trafficking of Han people know that they may have been targeted by the court.

Even Zhou Kui and Zhou Daodeng were not locked up anymore, and they were executed one after another not long after.

Dorgon was also executed after this without a chance to become Apocalypse's dog.

But before Dorgon was executed, he and many captured slaves and traitors were paraded through the streets for three days.

Naturally, the parade was to make the people more sure that the Son of Heaven really did not fail in this personal conquest, but instead achieved a big victory, and captured the Jiannu regent Nurhachi alive, which greatly hurt the Jiannu's vitality.

And because of this, the subjects all over the world have to be convinced that the benefits of Maoshan Iron Mine will really be completely controlled by the imperial court, and will benefit the people all over the world who hold Maoshan Iron Mine stocks.

As a result, Maoshan Iron Ore shares once again ushered in a sharp rise.

The stocks held by many Ming scholars who were still willing to believe in the imperial court and did not sell their stocks were all snapped up by the rich and powerful, causing the prices to be even higher than before the sharp drop.

After all, so many Jian slaves were paraded through the streets and built into Beijing temples, and even Dorgon was captured alive. Anyone who knows a little bit about the current situation knows that the Maoshan Iron Mine is completely controlled by the imperial court. There is no suspense, and there will be no more There is one man who will change that.

Therefore, people naturally believe that holding the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine will only make a lot of money in the future.

However, because many people mistakenly believed that Tianqi's personal conquest failed and became the second Baozong, many people sold their stocks. Only reformist ministers such as Zhang Gui, Yuan Keli, and Chen Zizhuang, who did not care about their own interests and sincerely saved the country, were Because of political interests, they chose to repurchase the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine, which had fallen to the bottom at that time. Therefore, a large number of shares of Maoshan Iron Mine were once again concentrated in the hands of Zhang Gui, Yuan Keli, and Chen Zizhuang.

This makes Kong Zhenyun, Wu Zongda and other conservative ministers who only care about their own interests regret it now, because they sold all the stocks in their hands when the stock price plummeted before. They bought it at the lowest price, and they started to lose a lot, and they still haven’t recovered from the loss, because most of the money recovered is mostly just repayment of usury.

Therefore, Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda are very sad now, each holding a bowl of porridge, looking at the pickles that are really hard to swallow, and weeping silently.

Because of this, Kong Zhenyun spoke first: "Why did it become like this? Uncle Zhang Guo and others are still earning a lot of money, but we are getting worse and worse."

Wu Zongda said: "We should continue to let them sell all the stocks! Otherwise, the New Deal they implemented will not benefit the people!"

"That's right! They should be allowed to benefit the people!"

Kong Zhenyun also followed suit.

Therefore, when the court meeting was held on this day, Kong Zhenyun stood up first: "Your Majesty, nowadays, a large number of Maoshan iron ore stocks are concentrated in the homes of a few dignitaries and officials, which is really contrary to your majesty's original intention of promoting the New Deal to benefit the subjects! Your Majesty, please issue an edict to let the dignitaries and ministers who own too many stocks sell their stocks, so as to benefit the people!"

Wu Zongda also followed suit and said: "Your Majesty! The minister seconded the proposal! If it is not for the benefit of the people, how can we talk about the New Deal is a matter of benefiting the people."

Wu Zongda also took a look at Zhang Gui because of this, and said: "Uncle Guo was also willing to take the initiative to benefit the people last time because of this, so this time, he must continue to be upright and upright and benefit the people, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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