Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 323 Pretending to be incorruptible failed and beheaded in the city!

Chapter 323 Pretending to be incorruptible failed and beheaded in the city!
Zhang Gui looked at Kong Zhenyun, pretending to be puzzled and asked: "Old Kong Ge, how do you explain this, you don't even recognize your own grandson, do you?"

Kong Zhenyun gritted his teeth at this moment, and really pushed the child away: "Go away! Go find your grandfather!"

Kong Zhenyun said to Zhang Gui, "He's just my grand-nephew."

Zhang Guidao: "So that's the case! But as far as I know, this person is really the queen of the traitor."

Then, Zhang Gui suddenly ordered: "Come here, drag this boy down and stab him to death immediately!"


After Liu Zongmin agreed, he really pulled out the knife, grabbed the child in his hand, and pushed it into his arms, intending to gouge out the child's heart with one knife.

Seeing this, Kong Zhenyun hurriedly shouted: "Slow down!"

Then, Kong Zhenyun looked at Zhang Gui with a mournful face, and knelt down: "Uncle Guo, please show mercy and spare my grandson!"

Zhang Gui asked: "Didn't you say that he is just your grandnephew?"

"It's my grandson! I just lied to Uncle Guo, how offended!"

Kong Zhenyun replied.

At this time Zhang Gui gave Liu Zongmin a wink.

Liu Zongmin then let the child go.

At this time, Zhang Gui continued to say to Kong Zhenyun: "Now you admit that he is your own grandson?"


Kong Zhenyun nodded.

Zhang Gui asked again: "Then this magnificent garden is also your own?"

Kong Zhenyun nodded: "Yes!"

After hearing this, Zhang Gui looked at the person standing in front of him, who was almost the size of a primary school in later generations, and asked, "These are also your family members?"

Kong Zhenyun nodded.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui didn't ask any more questions, and only ordered in a deep voice: "Continue copying!"


After Liu Zongmin agreed, he took a group of Xichang officials into the garden and continued to confiscate them.

Soon, these Xichang official schools brought out a lot of gold and silver treasures.

Even, not long after, Liu Zongmin and others discovered that there was a cellar as big as the garden underground in the garden, and the cellar was full of gold, silver and jewels.

Not long after this, Zhang Gui also brought Kong Zhenyun to the cellar, and asked: "Old Kong Ge, these must belong to you too?"

Now that Kong Zhenyun knew that he could not deny it even if he denied it, he could only nod his head and admit it: "Yes!"

Zhang Gui laughed: "Old Kong Ge, my father didn't expect you to have so much wealth!"

At this time, Kong Zhenyun burst into tears with emotion: "What's the use of having so much more! These are all properties obtained by lending and smuggling. I'm afraid that your West Factory will find out the problem, so I dare not take out one or two. You can only hide in the cellar, and you dare not even buy the land, and you finally come across an opportunity to buy stocks to make a profit and let the money see the light of day, but your uncle is still eyeing it!"

Zhang Guidao: "If you don't lie to Your Majesty that you are only extremely poor, even if I find out that a wealthy businessman who bought stocks has a close relationship with you, so what, at most I will punish this rich businessman for the crime of unknown origin of his huge wealth, but who told you to lie to Your Majesty! Pretending to be poor!"

Kong Zhenyun glanced at Zhang Gui with a complicated expression, and then said with a wry smile: "After all, it is because of fame and fortune! At the beginning, when the profit prospect of Maoshan Iron Mine was uncertain, I mistakenly thought that your Majesty and you were just issuing stocks to make money, and we People don't want to be thought by His Majesty that they are unwilling to buy stocks for the imperial court, so they are pretending to be poor. At the same time, it can be regarded as evidence of their clean and honest image. I can't help but want to use this to make money as well. It's just that who would have thought that it would leave a handle! If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't want both fame and fortune!"

"Put it down and report it to His Majesty!"

After hearing this, Zhang Gui gave an order directly.

Kong Zhenyun was dragged down.

It is no coincidence.

Next, people like Wu Zongda were found to have a huge amount of property.

After Tianqi knew all this, he also asked Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda angrily: "Aren't you all clean and clean? You are so clean that you can only wear pudding and eat with your family. Porridge and breakfast can only be settled with half a piece of hard biscuit, why are they all confiscated with millions of taels of silver?!"

"Especially you, Kong Aiqing, and Wu Aiqing, didn't you guys say that you only scraped together a few hundred taels of silver to buy stocks for the country? Now, how do you explain it?!"

Tian Qi even focused on asking Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda.

"Your Majesty is merciful, Your Majesty is merciful!"

Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda could only kowtow to beg for mercy.

They are also very regretful now, regretting that they should not have done deceitful things for the so-called clean name.

This is also a common contradictory phenomenon among scholar-bureaucrats after being influenced by Confucianism.

Because Confucian Neo-Confucianism requires scholar-officials to pay attention to moral cultivation and to be close to saints morally, so the entire scholarly community especially likes to create their own personal settings with high moral cultivation, integrity and integrity.

But human nature cannot resist the temptation of sensuality.

Therefore, this makes Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda, the literati and bureaucrats, do very contradictory things. On the one hand, they want to be honest and upright, and on the other hand, they want to enjoy life luxuriously.

"It's all the crime of deceiving the emperor, and the crime of copying the house!"

At this moment, Tianqi directly dropped a sentence.

After Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda heard this, they fell into a state of lovelessness.


Not long after, people like Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda were beheaded in the city for the crime of deceiving the emperor.

They didn't expect that they would fall to this point by pretending to be poor in front of the emperor. Of course, they fell to this point because they didn't care about the society and the common people, and they should be thankful that they followed Zhou Daodeng and a group of reactionaries When Zi supported King Lixin and escaped in time, he did not choose to continue to participate in the coup d'etat with him, but it was a lot better to end up with the destruction of all the nine clans and even his own Lingchi.

Tian Qi's mood became very comfortable because of this, he knew that Zhang Gui would let these guys pretending to be poor show their true colors.

But for many literati and bureaucrats who still want to rely on moral integrity to establish a person, the fate of people like Kong Zhenyun makes their mood more complicated, because it makes them want to live a life of being and standing. difficult.

As for whether Zhang Gui, Yuan Keli, Chen Zizhuang and other ministers who hold a large amount of Maoshan iron ore should be allowed to benefit the people, Apocalypse finally believes that these people have benefited a lot because they are loyal to the emperor and serve the country, so it is not appropriate to force them to benefit the people. As for whether to sell them The transfer is entirely up to its own discretion, and it is stated that all stock sales are voluntary by the whole people, so the current situation cannot be regarded as violating the original intention of benefiting the people.

Therefore, reform ministers such as Zhang Gui, Yuan Keli, and Chen Zizhuang not only gained huge political benefits, but also gained huge economic benefits.

This situation has surprised many ministers. How can one become rich after breaking up a family?
In addition, because Jiannu's vitality was seriously injured, the Maoshan Iron Mine continued to be mined smoothly, everyone's demand for iron ore resources continued to be met, and the entire Ming Dynasty's new policy of transferring internal crises to the outside world continued to be implemented.

As a result, the internal problems of the Ming Dynasty continued to be largely resolved, and the country's income and social prosperity became better and better.

Chen Zizhuang was touched by this, and in order to continue to let Ming Dynasty transfer internal conflicts to the outside more thoroughly, he put forward the idea of ​​"respecting the Ming and derogating the barbarians", advocating that Han culture is the highest form of civilization, and all non-Sinicized people are barbarians All should be educated.

In addition, Chen Zizhuang also advocated that the Ming Dynasty had the obligation to educate the non-Sinicized people in the world to get rid of ignorance and accept civilization, so as to eliminate the killings in the world and make the world peaceful and orderly.

However, Chen Zizhuang's proposition was not accepted by many Confucian scholars who advocated self-restraint and restoration of propriety. They still insisted that the barbarians should be treated with courtesy to make them admire the virtues of China, while their own people should be educated and made to observe propriety.

Therefore, many Confucian scholars criticize Chen Zizhuang for suddenly saying that China is the most important thing, and they are deliberately creating momentum for the imperial court to continue its militarism.

Because of this, Zhang Gui had to admit that because of changes in economic interests, some scholar-bureaucrats finally began to have modern national consciousness.

However, the foreign barbarians in Daming have not yet felt that the country they are in is about to change their attitude towards them, and they will become the price of Ming's new prosperity.

"You lowly bastard, dare to block me with words, so what if I don't pay you, master! So what if you want your daughter to serve me tonight! If you dare not obey, kill you, no one will make decisions for you, because You're not a human, you're a dog, one of my belongings!"

A Han hired worker in Ming-style Han family clothes, named Li Yin, was in a shop on Qipan Street at this time, and was beaten wantonly with a board by a white-skinned Francophone, and the Han had already been beaten to the point of vomiting. blood.

His wife and daughter knelt beside him and kowtowed repeatedly, begging for mercy.


But at this time, a Jin Yiwei came over and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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