Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 335 The Son of Heaven was furious, killing tens of thousands of Baiyi in a bloodbath!

Chapter 335 The emperor was furious, bloodbathed and killed tens of thousands of Baiyi!
After speaking, Shen Shouyue pointed to the red-haired governor Korda, and ordered: "Take off his jacket, put him in sheepskin, and put him in a cage!"


Then, the Ming Military Academy came over, tied Korda to a tree first, and pulled up his jacket.

Xue Rufu, a rotten scholar who had taken refuge in the Dutch East India Company and served as a petty official in Batavia, struggled angrily and cursed at this moment: "This is my lord, don't you insult me ​​like this! It's rude of you to do this." !"

Shen Shouyue directly kicked Xue Rufu out of the house, yelled, and cursed: "Bitch! What kind of monarch is he, he can't even be considered a human being!"

After speaking, Shen Shouyue walked over to look at Korda, and told the interpreter: "Ask him and let him answer by himself, is he human?"

This Korda is also smart, and hurriedly replied: "No!"

Shen Shouyue smiled slightly, and looked back at Xue Rufu.

Xue Rufu's face turned cold: "The emperor humiliated the ministers to death, you want to kill and cut, why don't you have a good time!"

Shen Shouyue nodded: "Yes, let's have fun!"

As he said that, Shen Shouyue ordered: "Except for the foreign traitors who can speak Chinese to be interrogated, the rest of the barbarians are all gathered, not one is left, the head of the barbarians!"


"Go! Kneel down!"

"Don't dawdle, kneel down!"

"What are you doing in a daze, kneel down!"

So, next, many Hongmao fans and local aborigines were escorted to kneel by the beach.

Then, the marine soldiers of the Navy stepped forward, drew their waist knives, stood sideways beside the orangidans and the natives, and then drew their knives and chopped down.




All of a sudden, heads fell to the ground.

Just like the dumplings in the following pot.

And batch after batch, after the sea water was rinsed, the whole sea water was soon dyed red.

For today's Tianqi, doing so is equivalent to venting his emperor's wrath by bloodbathing the city of Batavia.

Seeing this, Xue Rufu was very angry, and shouted: "How can you be so cruel! You want to kill them like this!"

Shen Shouyue took a look at Xue Rufu: "Who told them to slaughter our Han people in Daming, and this is the fate of slaughtering our Han people!"

After speaking, Shen Shouyue asked the interpreter to tell Korda, who had also bared his teeth, to listen to him.

Korda, who was already in sheep's clothing, was indeed very angry at this time. He never thought that there would be such a day when his noble whites would be wantonly slaughtered by these orientals.

Korda is extremely angry now, the anger in his heart is about to explode his heart and lungs.

For the other red-haired fans who have not been executed, it is endless fear, they did not expect to be dealt with like this.

As the saying goes, when the emperor is angry, he lays down millions of corpses.

At this time in Batavia City, the Hong Mao Fan in the headquarters of the Dutch East India Company and the local aborigines who were encouraged by the Hong Mao Fan to oppress the local Han people had to bear the wrath of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Sauron soldiers who were transferred to Nanyang even took on the responsibility of first coming to Batavia City and using their skilled riding skills to hunt down the red-haired fan who was fleeing.

On the tropical plains, the skilled Sauron soldiers frantically harvested these white Xiyi people with heavy arrows in their hands.

And because of this, not a single red-haired fan in the entire city of Batavia was spared.

Turning back, Korda heard the interpreter convey Shen Shouyue's words angrily, and finally understood the reason, and then begged: "Please forgive us, we promise that we will not treat the people of your country like this again , please forgive us!"

After the interpreter conveyed Shen Shouyue's words, Shen Shouyue just smiled coldly and said, "Tell him, it's too late! The city of Batavia must be bloodbathed from now on! And this is not only what my Majesty the Ming Emperor meant, but also now The meaning of Donggong. No matter now or in the future, this official must earnestly carry out the order of bloodbath!"

So, next, the red-haired fans and natives of Batavia were indeed thoroughly bloodbathed. Except for those who had to stay because of the interrogation, the rest were all killed.

The captured heads piled up directly into a mountain.

And Shen Shouyue held a grand sacrifice ceremony to this mountain to declare the great achievements of Ming Dynasty at this moment!

Naturally, all the colonial properties accumulated by the Dutch East India Company in Batavia were also confiscated.

In addition, the properties of the Ming gentry who escaped from the sea and surrendered to the Dutch East India Company were also confiscated.

The amount of these properties is quite large, which undoubtedly enriched the treasury of Ming Dynasty again.

It is also equivalent to almost half of the colonization and trade income of the Dutch East India Company in Southeast Asia, which eventually belonged to Daming.

Tianqi was naturally very satisfied with this, and after awarding the meritorious officers and men, he also formally issued an edict to set up a Nanyang governor's yamen in Batavia, and arrange corresponding officials to rule, and at the same time, more Han people were relocated there.

And the behavior of the Ming court is indeed a great encouragement to ordinary Han people.

They began to be willing to take the initiative to inform the imperial court of the foreign atrocities encountered overseas, because they began to find that the Ming court would make decisions for them.

This made more Han people willing to migrate abroad.

After that, the Ming court continued to open borders to the outside world, continued to prohibit slavery, and required the rich and powerful in the country not to kill domestic slaves, and domestic slaves could only sue the government for their crimes.

In addition, the Ming court continued to emphasize the concept of only honoring the Han people, and began to formulate a series of policies to belittle the Yi people, such as stipulating that the Yi people were not allowed to enter the inner city until they could not speak Chinese and wore Han clothes.

But for the gentry, it was not what they wanted to see that the Ming court raised the status of the Han people in this way.

They resent this division of status among people based on ethnicity, rather than using Confucian ethical relations, especially placing the Han people in the most honorable position.

Because the Han people are currently the richest and most productive ethnic group in the world, the benefits of oppressing the Han people are much higher than oppressing other ethnic groups.

Therefore, it is naturally more comfortable and profitable to be a master of the Han people in the world than to be a master of some foreign barbarians.

In addition, for ordinary Han people, they are limited by their lack of knowledge, and they also want to be a master, so they don't welcome the idea of ​​​​ethnic supremacy.

They also generally only accept the idea that people should become masters after they are well-educated, and if they are not well-educated because of their studies, it can only be because of fate.

"Shaanxi is still suffering from severe drought?"

But for Emperor Tianqi, he still needs to continue to push up the status of the Han people and divert the internal crisis.

Because just when he learned that the Ming army had confiscated a large amount of money in Batavia, he received an urgent report from Shaanxi. It turned out that Shaanxi was still suffering from a severe drought. Not only a large number of common people went bankrupt in the whole of Shaanxi, but many landlords also began to go bankrupt. .

Therefore, the reality made the emperor even want to be a conservative king.

Of course, Tian Qi had to sigh because of this: "It's really unfair for the heavens to treat Daming. The severe drought in Shaanxi has not ended yet. If I don't move the people of Shaanxi out, I'm afraid I can only wait for them to rebel!"

But when Tianqi sighed, Han Yu walked in: "Your Majesty, the Industry Department has reported that this version of the steam pump designed by Your Majesty has been cast, and the test results are good, and the pumping effect is excellent!"


Tian Qi couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly stood up and said: "Show me, I'm going to Xishan. With this steam pump, it may make pumping easier and help alleviate the drought!"

After saying that, Tian Qi really set off and rushed to Xishan.

But Tian Qi just came to Xishan, when he walked to one or two rows of private houses, he suddenly saw a big net falling down and caught him.

Then, many masked people sprang out from the houses on both sides. These people directly threw a lot of thunder from the front and back of Tianqi's body, forcing Tianqi's guards back.

At the same time, Tian Qi also fainted immediately because of something smelled.

When Tian Qi woke up again, he found that he had been tied up by Wuhuada in a wilderness, and beside a campfire, he was sitting a big man wearing a private cotton armor.

Seeing him awake, the big man went to a Confucian scholar: "Mr. Congwu, this tyrant has woken up!"

(End of this chapter)

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