Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 345 The apocalypse will, the prince supervises the country? !

Chapter 345 The apocalypse will, the prince supervises the country? !

It was Mao Qizong, the father of Mao Pijiang who spoke.

What Mao Qizong got in his hands at this time was a copy of "Da Ming Daily" that he had just bought from the Kaizhou Fort Market.

After Mao Qizong finished speaking, he handed the newspaper to Mao Bijiang and Zhang Pu: "Look, let's not mention the matter of appointing textbooks for us to educate and return to the barbarians, and now the rulers of the imperial court want to reform the imperial examination system! In the future, we will no longer use time and literature to judge the level!"


After Zhang Pu took the newspaper and read it, he couldn't bear to say something, panting heavily: "I don't understand why they insist on making such a fuss! They insist on making all Han people smart, don't they understand that people Don't be too smart, because if you are too smart, you will easily become a villain, and the world will be more difficult to be pure?!"

Mao Pijiang didn't expect Zhang Pu to lose his composure, so he smiled and said, "Father, Brother Gandu, I don't think they don't know, it's because they know so much that they want to make all the Han people in the world smart." .Because this will make it difficult for us scholar-bureaucrats to be wealthy and idle people, and don’t want to let the wealth come naturally when we talk about it. And this will force the Han people to do everything possible to increase their wealth. To maximize the benefits of the world, and then give them a lot."

"What my son said is true. Confucianism will decline day by day, and practical learning will become more and more prosperous! Craftsmen and good managers will become more and more expensive! Only I, Confucian scholars, will not enter the stream! Civil servants must have the ability to govern the people, and military officials must have the ability to govern the people. It is the capital to make meritorious deeds. If things go on like this, only if you don’t become an official and don’t ask for money, can you have no hard work, and you can have the sweetness of silk and bamboo!”

Mao Qizong burst into tears and sighed, and then Mao Qizong suddenly slammed into the wall, intending to commit suicide to say goodbye to this changed world.

But Mao Qizong stopped just as he ran to the wall.

He still didn't dare to die.

For a while, Mao Qizong had to sit slumped on the ground and said: "I have pity on me as a Confucian scholar. I can't stop the world from becoming utilitarian and domineering from becoming a national policy. Now I can't even fight to the death!"

Saying that, Mao Qizong smashed his fist against the wall.

"Father, why is this necessary?"

Mao Bijiang came over at this time and helped Mao Qizong.

"That's right, Uncle Shi, why is this so? The green hills are left without worrying about no firewood. In the future, when they can no longer make huge profits through external expansion, and when the weather in the customs is good, they will restore the old system. The vicissitudes of life, the changes in the world, some There is no way to say what is right. At least the emperors in the future may not all be like today, and the king of benevolence, filial piety and Confucianism will appear."

Zhang Pu also persuaded him.

Mao Qizong sobbed: "You don't know, it's not just the reform of the imperial examination system, the imperial court also issued an imperial edict, saying that the state compensation system will be implemented in cases involving the dignity of the ethnic compatriots, that is, disputes between Han and Yi. The wronged Han people favored the barbarians. After being found out, the family property of the officials who judged the case should be copied as compensation and given to the wronged Han people to show the court’s determination to only honor the Han people! This is not forcing the world to be an official. Yi?!"

"What?! It's true that ever since I got this uncle, I only talk about ethnicity, not ethics!"

Zhang Pu sighed after hearing this.

After Zhang Gui's proposal, Tianqi promulgated an edict that if the Han people were wronged and committed the crime, they would copy the official's house, which indeed caused a great shock in the world.

Xiangshan County, Guangzhou Prefecture.

Yao Zhijing, magistrate of Xiangshan County, happened to come across the county's official historian on this day and reported: "Xianzun, some unscrupulous people in Renshou Fang actually arrested the Folang Jiren from Haojing. The reason is that this Folang Jiren came to their workshop to sell Yandi, they refused to allow it, and even had a dispute with him. But this Flangji man came to this county to sell tobacco with the permission of the county magistrate, and you also said that he is your friend. So the humble official sent these The troublemaker has been caught, and now I'm waiting for you to deal with it."

Historically, during the reign of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, there was a trade in tobacco and soil, but the scale of the trade was small.

You know, there are historical materials that Wanli once used a kind of imported smoke soil called Wuxiang.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Xiyi to bring this thing to Xiangshan, Guangzhou, which is near the sea.

Turning around, Yao Zhijing slapped the gavel immediately after hearing the history, pointed at the history and shouted angrily: "Do you want this county to be ransacked?!"

After hearing this, the history trembled, and quickly knelt down: "The county lord calm down, the humble official doesn't understand what the county lord means?"

Yao Zhijing immediately threw a copy of the "Di Bao" in front of this classic history: "Look for yourself! The imperial court has invented an imperial edict. Once it is discovered that a case involving Han and barbarians, if Qu Han turns to barbarians, they will all copy the chief official's family property as an act. Compensation for wronged Han people. Our own compatriots were bullied by foreign barbarians. Naturally, we should protect them and make decisions for them. How can we go to them just because the barbarians gave them a few coins! Let them go, You go and apologize to their Fangzhu in person! In addition, that Frangji man was arrested on the grounds that he did not abide by the king's law and bullied the Han people, and killed him in the middle of the night! To save him from yelling everywhere!"


This classic history agreed.

Yao Zhijing sighed, and said: "Looking at it now, we can no longer collude with foreign barbarians to amass money from the common people. We can only instigate the common people to rob the foreign barbarians of their wealth. You look for a chance to find some people who were killed in Haojing." The sufferer of the Han people oppressed by the Folangji people, let me hand over the certificate, and I have to tell the above. Although the mirror was rented by the Folangji people, the Folangji people are not honest. They have repeatedly bullied our Han people. It is time Deal with it!"

Like Yao Zhijing, because the apocalypse issued an edict that if the Han people were wronged in the case of the dispute between the Han and the barbarians, the house would be ransacked. Therefore, local officials dare not wrong the Han people in such a case again, and it is the beginning of political correctness. Favoring the Han people really showed the behavior that the official government should have as the people of the Han family.

This increased the favorability of the local Han people towards the government office.

It's just that this makes the foreign barbarians very uncomfortable, and the wealthy families who have been doing business with the foreign barbarians and colluding with the foreign barbarians to oppress their Han people are very uncomfortable.

Because of this, coupled with the big killer of the reform of the imperial examination system, it really touched the bottom line of many Confucian scholars in the world.

For many Confucian scholars in the world, no longer respecting Confucianism, especially Zhu Xi's knowledge, is equivalent to digging their ancestral graves.

Therefore, in Lingnan, where the barbarian activities are most active, a major event that caused a sensation in Lingnan suddenly appeared, and soon spread throughout Lingnan.

To put it simply, it was rumored that Zhao Shichun, Shao Zhan Shi and Zuo Zhongyun in the court, took the crown prince and the emperor's secret edict, and went south quietly, and took the sea route to Xiangshan Haojing.

And not long after that, Wang Wenkui, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, came to Haojing in person, and brought the so-called prince to Guangzhou. , Han Yu and others murdered the king, but the emperor saw through his conspiracy when he was poisoned, wrote a secret edict, handed it to the prince, and ordered Zhao Shichun to protect the prince and go south to temporarily avoid the power and treacherous forces.

Of course, the so-called prince is naturally a fake, but these Confucian officials were forced to adopt this method of setting up a separate court to resist the current reform of the court.

Wang Wenkui asked Zhao Shichun at this time: "Is this really possible?"

Zhao Shichun said: "Whether it is possible or not, whoever changes the ancestral system should be eliminated, and the emperor can't do it either! We can only raise the banner of righteousness to attack this kind of king!"

(End of this chapter)

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