Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 373 Kneel down on the spot: Students support the reform!

Chapter 373 Kneel down on the spot: Students support the reform!
For a while, both Zhang Gui and Zhu Xieyuan couldn't believe that the officers and soldiers would win so quickly, so they had to be more cautious, and only let some of the officers and soldiers cross the river to chase after them.

But at this moment, Liu Zongmin came to report to Zhang Gui: "The envoys sent from the other side want to see the supervisor and Jinglue."

"Is peace coming?"

After Zhang Gui heard this, he stood up.

Then, Zhang Gui frowned, looked at Zhu Xieyuan and asked, "Or do they realize that the imperial army is difficult to defeat, and deliberately seek peace in order to delay the time and mobilize more troops?"

Zhu Xieyuan thought for a while, and said, "Uncle Guo, the officials feel that they can take advantage of the victory and pursue it. They probably didn't deliberately seek peace and thought they would fight again! It's because they really have no power to fight."

"One, according to the information provided by the factory guards, the puppet rebels have no fighting intentions except for the hired barbarians; two, it's okay if they don't ask for peace. Once they ask for peace, it can only show that they only have peace The heart, not the true ambition to unify the world! Therefore, I am afraid that those in power will not have the will to fight."

Zhang Gui nodded after hearing this, and had to admit in his heart that Zhu Xieyuan was the person who commanded Qin Liangyu and other troops to quell the She'an Rebellion in the Southwest in history, and his military judgment was indeed well-founded.

And he was also good at doing good, and he didn't feel jealous because Zhu Xieyuan, a civil servant who was good at being a commander in history, was better at analyzing the battle situation than himself, so he nodded:

"Then please ask Jinglue to convey the order of marching on behalf of the governor. Liu Zongmin, you go with me, and say that the meaning of Jinglue is the meaning of the governor! As for the person who is asking for peace, call him, and the governor Meet him in person!"

Zhu Xieyuan also had to admit that although Uncle Guo was ruthless and never had high regard for scholar-bureaucrats, he was still willing to respect the opinions of his accomplices in major matters, and he did not act arbitrary and willful.

Therefore, he couldn't help but look at Zhang Gui with admiration in his heart, thinking to himself that it's no wonder that people like Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang are looking forward to him now, and even Wei Zhongxian in the palace is also respectful to him, not only because of the righteousness of his family.


Here, Zhu Xieyuan and Liu Zongmin came out of Zhang Gui's tent of the supervisor, and came to the army room where several chiefs of the Ministry of War Zanhua gathered, which is equivalent to the staff room of later generations, and dispatched the guards to cross the river in pursuit.

Following the successive orders, the officers and soldiers began to cross the river in large numbers, rushing to land on the beach.

For a time, the west bank of the river was full of officers and soldiers.

Some officers and soldiers have even reached the vicinity of Changsha Mansion in order to claim meritorious service.

For fear of being liquidated, the gentry from all over the country organized their hometown braves under the banner of cleaning up the rebels and catering to the king's division. .

Therefore, the entire area ruled by the puppet dynasty fell apart, and it didn't take long for a large number of states and counties to be recovered by the government army.

Yao Zhijing, the envoy sent by Zhao Shichun to seek peace, met Zhang Gui under this background.

Yao Zhijing didn't expect that he would be in such a situation.

He was originally the magistrate of Xiangshan County in the Ming Dynasty. After receiving the imperial edict that he would be ransacked if he disrespected the Han and demoted the barbarians, he became a rebellious minister shortly after he was sentenced in a case of Qu Yi honoring the barbarians. Wang Wenkui, Zhao Shichun When a separate court was established, he was promoted to the censor of the puppet dynasty.

Of course, Wang Wenkui and Zhao Shichun also wanted to win over local officials to prevent them from supporting their establishment of a new imperial court, so they promoted these local officials, and promoted them back to Beijing for close inspection, and then sent their own people to Renzhengtang in various states and counties Officials, and then strengthen their control over the local area, making their power in the puppet dynasty more stable.

This can be regarded as a conspiracy.

In terms of internal fighting, people like Wang Wenkui and Zhao Shichun are still capable.

It’s just that Yao Zhijing was the first official to do a case of honoring the Han and delegating the barbarians, so Wang Wenkui and Zhao Shichun always believed that he was an official who supported reform and reform, and supported respecting the Han and demoting the barbarians, and they abandoned him after he was promoted back to Beijing. No, and he was not promoted again.

But at this time, Zhao Shichun, in order to be able to rule the river with the Ming court and seek peace with the court, remembered Yao Zhijing who was labeled a reformist by them, and immediately promoted Yao Zhijing as the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple and sent him to talk. with.

As soon as Yao Zhijing saw Zhang Gui, he made clear his intention of coming, and then said: "Uncle Guo, when is it time to repay the injustice? In this world, there are those who do not respect Neo-Confucianism, and some who respect Neo-Confucianism, some who abide by the way of sages, and some who do not." If you are a sage, why do you need to fight each other? Why don’t you show your benevolence and allow us Han people who respect Neo-Confucianism and Confucianism to claim a place, let those who respect Neo-Confucianism come here, and those who do not respect Neo-Confucianism go to other places in Kyushu, that’s not good. ?"

"Isn't Uncle Guo always advocating that Han people should have national consciousness before they should respect compatriots? Why do we have to kill all Han people in the world who only want to be disciples of Confucianism?"

"Don't you understand a truth? If you can't get it on the battlefield, don't try to get it on the negotiating table. Do you think it's useful for you to say this now?"

Zhang Gui asked.

Yao Zhijing said: "Anyway, please see that everyone is Han Chinese, please allow us to rule across the river. We are willing to pay 30 taels of gold, 200 million stones of grain, and [-] bolts of silk."

"Now you know how to mention the word Han people? Didn't you see how miserable the Han people in this area were by you? When you forced them to starve to death, did you ever think that they were also Han people?"

Zhang Gui asked.


Yao Zhijing thought for a while and said, "They are voluntary, voluntary donations, even if they are starved to death, they will have to contribute."

"After all, if they don't want to, they can refuse in principle, and they can leave, but they chose to donate their salary, choose to starve themselves to death, and they also support Confucianism and the ancestral system. Although such loyal people are rare, It's admirable, but it's not our fault that they starved to death!"

After Zhang Gui heard this, he couldn't help getting angry. He had seen shameless people, but he had never seen such shameless people, so he said:

"Whether they are voluntary or not, I don't want to see my people starve to death. If I agree to your peace today, I will be sorry to your majesty! In addition, if you let you stand on your own, you will be sorry to Huaxia! As for the Han people, they If you really voluntarily die for you, that's fine, then you can organize the people to continue to die for you, and this governor will organize the people who are willing to fight the rebellion for the court."

After Zhang Gui said, he ordered: "Xu Fuyuan!"

Xu Fuyuan, the newly appointed governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, walked in: "The lower officials are here!"

"Send him away! In addition, immediately organize migrant workers along the way and tell the local people that anyone who is willing to support the reform of the imperial court and is unwilling to sacrifice for Neo-Confucianism can receive relief food or join a migrant labor team to work and earn money!"


Xu Fuyuan responded, and then said to Yao Zhijing, "Please!"

Yao Zhijing hesitated for a moment.

Seeing that he didn't leave, Zhang Gui asked, "What else do you want to say?"

Yao Zhijing suddenly knelt down and said, "Supervisor Rong, the students are different from those foolish people who would rather starve to death and donate money to subsidize Confucianism and restore the ancestral system. The students have always believed that learning should seek truth from facts, and they have always believed that Han people should be the only ones." It's just that the students are afraid of death, dare not learn from the corrupt Confucianism, and have always hoped to get the grace of the king's father, Yulu, so they kept the humiliated body. Finally, I just want to ask the supervisor to allow the students to return, even if the students go back and just be an ordinary Han, it is better than the students bullying their own people together with the barbarians in the puppet dynasty!"

"Please allow me, Commander-in-Chief!"

As he spoke, Yao Zhijing kowtowed heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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