Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 376 Cut off the head of a barbarian to make dumplings, it is not impossible to be Daming&#03

Chapter 376 Cut off the head of a barbarian to make dumplings, it is not impossible to be Daming's dog!

Lild also knelt on the ground at this time, but after seeing that Wei Boxiang committed suicide, he was relieved, and then got up to help Wang Wenkui: "Let's go, Yuansuke, board the boat quickly, otherwise, the one who was abandoned by me My Portuguese officers and soldiers will kill me!"

Only then did Wang Wenkui come back to his senses, and hurriedly stood up, without looking at Wei Boxiang again, he walked towards Frangji's boat.

After boarding the ship with Wang Wenkui, Lild ordered the ship to set sail for Haojing.

When the rulers of foreign barbarians need to abandon their own people in exchange for greater benefits, they will not be soft-hearted and care about the love of their compatriots.

Therefore, in the end, Leald would rather bring the Han Chinese, such as Wang Wenkui, who had more wealth and more valuable interests, and left the tens of thousands of foreigners who he had no need to bring with him in Guangzhou.

As a result, tens of thousands of barbarian soldiers, including many Japanese soldiers hired by them, fled back to Guangzhou and found that they could no longer go to sea and escape, and their commander had abandoned them!
Turning back to Wang Wenkui, after boarding the ship, he went to the cabin very comfortably, watching the mainland go away to the coastline, feeling very comfortable.

At this time, the fleet of the Daming Navy is rushing here.

The Ming Dynasty counter-insurgency did not only send soldiers and horses to attack from the land, but also sent a navy, led by the new Nanyang Governor Zhang Siwei, and the Nanyang Admiral Huang Binqing who was transferred from civil to military, is sailing into Lingding in a mighty way. ocean.

And traveling with this naval fleet is the First Cruiser Fleet of Xichang.

The main purpose of Xichang's fleet is not to take down Guangzhou Mansion, but to combat smuggling.

The puppet dynasty in the south made the Han people in their ruled areas miserable, so that a large number of bankrupt people were sold to foreign barbarians at a low price by the local wealthy, and the foreign barbarians were responsible for buying these people to slaves to foreign barbarian colonists.

Therefore, Xichang had to step up its efforts to crack down on this kind of behavior and save the Han people who were sold like livestock.

Coincidentally, when the First Cruiser Fleet in Xichang came to Lingding Yangxing, it first encountered a Flangjiyi boat that sold Han people to Haojing.

Zhong Yiqi, commander of the First Cruiser Fleet of Xichang, immediately ordered the "Wang Zhi" to stop the Frang machine ship, and there was a fierce artillery battle with it.

Under Zhong Yi's banner, the flying crows were ordered to burn its soft sails, and the ship's rifled cannon with a longer range was used to hit the ship, causing a fire on board, and the Frang machine ship immediately declared its surrender.

Captain Nuo Dalun and all the Baiyi, Heiyi and Han people on board were taken to the "Wang Zhi".

Zhong Yiqi asked the captain Nuo Dalun: "Will you speak our words?"

Nuo Dalun nodded: "A little bit, otherwise I wouldn't come to do business with your country."

"What business do you do?"

Zhong Yiqi asked.

Nordalen replied: "The business of buying and selling slaves."

Zhong Yiqi pointed to the sallow and emaciated Han people who were tied up in front of him, and asked, "Are these slaves you bought and sold?"

Nuo Dalun nodded: "Yes, General!"

After hearing this, Zhong Yiqi asked again, "Which merchants did you buy from? List the list."

Nuo Dalun said: "I'm sorry, this is a secret between us and our collaborators, and you have no right to know."

Zhong Yiqi shot directly at Nuo Dalun's ear.

Nuo Dalun immediately knelt down: "Xiangshan Kang's Dental Clinic..."

Nuo Dalun reported all his partners in detail.

Zhong Yiqi ordered: "Record the statement well and let him sign it!"

It didn't take long for the confession to be written.

Nuo Dalun also signed and made a deposit on it.

Then Zhong Yiqi ordered to Nuo Dalun: "Call all the Bai Yi who are in charge on your boat!"

Not long after, Nuo Dalun called several Francines who were in charge of the same affairs as himself.

At this time, Zhong Yiqi pointed to Nuo Dalun and several other Frangji people who were in charge and said: "Buying and selling Han people, regardless of their seriousness, must be executed! So, chop up all these people and feed them to the fish! The rest Bai Yi and Black Yi are all tied up and sold to Maoshan Iron Mine, they need slaves for mining, and they are willing to pay high prices."

"In addition, all the Han people were rescued. First, they were given relief food, then arranged for them to take a bath, and then asked the medical soldiers to check their bodies, and finally registered."


As a result, Nuo Dalun and the Frangbots were escorted outside the railing, and then their heads were held down by Xichang Lishi.

Nuo Dalun struggled: "No! You can't do this! If you act like this, you will offend God!"

But the wrestlers in Xichang didn't know what God was, so they didn't stop because of this. Instead, they drew out their knives and slashed at Nuo Dalun.

Lild, who happened to pass by from a distance, saw this scene with a telescope on his big ship.

He saw that the boat with his own Portuguese flag was already on fire, and on the big boat with the words "Xichang" on it, there were Han people in Jinyiwei clothing killing people, and the people on his side were falling into the water like dumplings. In the sea, there were bursts of red waves.

Seeing this, Lild gritted his teeth, and hurriedly ordered to prepare to turn the rudder, and also asked the gunners to prepare. He couldn't bear the cruiser academy of the West Factory to slaughter their Portuguese merchants like this!

But soon, Lild discovered that not only one fleet was following the West Factory, but also a larger fleet, which was driving warships that covered the sky and covered the sun, and all of them were flying Mingzi flags.

Lild resolutely gave up the idea of ​​teaching Xichang a lesson, and hurriedly ordered to keep the original rudder, and fled towards Haojing.

But as soon as Liard returned to Haojing, he ignored the agreement he had reached with Wang Wenkui to the Portuguese governor of Haojing, Luo Lang, and first reported to the First Cruiser Fleet of Xichang, and blatantly hacked and killed his French robot at sea. and said: "Your Excellency, we really can't bear such an insult any longer. We really need to tell our king to send a fleet to teach this Eastern Empire a heavy lesson!"

Luo Lang was also very angry when he heard that, he got up and drew his sword: "The general is right, this is really unbearable! Why don't you let us transport the slaves we bought with money, and kill our people? This is simply a robber Behavior, is Satan! God is also unforgivable!"


But at this time, Luo Langye's assistant, Domingo, ran over and reported, "Many warships from the Ming Dynasty have come outside, surrounding the whole Haojing!"

At this time, the sound of gunfire was heard outside.

Luo Lang also hurriedly ran out after hearing this.

Then, across the fort, he saw that there were indeed a large number of Ming army warships in the distance. These Ming army warships were already using artillery to drive back the merchant ships in the harbor, obviously intending to block the entire Haojing.

Luo Lang was also very frightened by this. He knew that the Ming army's artillery was very powerful, but he didn't expect that the Ming army would send so many warships this time. It was like a cloud of dark clouds that overwhelmed the entire Haojing City.

It didn't take long for Luo Lang to see the Ming army fleet displaying the semaphore for negotiation.

Luo Lang also had to agree to the Ming army sending people to negotiate with him.

And soon, Luo Lang also learned from the envoys of the Ming army the conditions that the Ming army asked them to hand over all the Han people and their property, and threatened not to hide it, otherwise they would bear the consequences.

Lild couldn't help but also suggested to Luo Lang: "Your Excellency, we can't accept it, they are deceiving people too much! Besides, I have already promised to accept the prince and others, and they have also reached an agreement with us. As long as we provide protection, they will Admit that Haojing is our inherent territory, and also compensate us for renting silver, accept silver 100 million taels, and even join our church, admitting that those who have not joined the church are inferior."

"What is unacceptable!"

Luo Lang also suddenly said something that Lild did not expect.

But at this time, Wang Wenkui did not hear Luo Langye's words, and echoed Lierde: "Yes, Your Excellency Governor, you can't promise them, do you know that they are from the northern puppet dynasty, and they are all traitors. Their purpose is to make you guys become Daming's dogs."

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with being Daming's dog. Presumably God will consider this a glorious thing!"

Luo Lang also said suddenly, "As long as we can keep our reason in Haojing, and don't annoy this huge fleet in front of us that we can't afford to offend."

(End of this chapter)

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