Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 378 Exile the captive barbarian soldiers to the outside of the pass and serve as slaves to t

Chapter 378 Exile the captive barbarian soldiers to the outside of the pass and serve as slaves to the Han people!
"Zhao Changshu, don't mess with me!"

"You are just a group of people who use the name of Neo-Confucianism to make money and enrich themselves, so you are not worthy of talking about Neo-Confucianism! It even tarnishes Neo-Confucianism."

As a former official, Yao Zhijing knew these people better than Lu Zuanzu, so he quickly refuted Zhao Shichun a few words, and then said to Lu Zuanzu:

"Brother Junfa, don't be deceived by him again. It's important to take him away in exchange for a real merit. Follow him, he will only despise you for not being a son of a noble family, and will not look at you at all!"

"What you said is true. I don't want to be forced to serve in the military by them again, and I still don't have enough to eat. Now I would rather believe that the sun will come out from the west than that Neo-Confucianism can accomplish anything."

After speaking, Lu Zuanzu shouted to Zhao Shichun: "Come with us!"

Seeing this, Zhao Shichun became anxious: "You! You are ashamed of the saints and ancestors by doing this! You are shameless!"

When Zhang Gui learned that both Wang Wenkui and Zhao Shichun had been captured alive, he and Zhu Xieyuan had already arrived in Guangdong Fucheng.

"The emperor of the puppet dynasty has committed suicide by throwing himself into a well. Wang Wenkui, Zhao Shichun and other ministers and ministers were captured alive, and all the money they collected was recovered. From this point of view, the rebellion is basically put down. In the opinion of the lower officials, we can ask Your Majesty has won."

Therefore, Zhu Xieyuan suggested to Zhang Gui at this time.

Zhang Gui nodded: "Wang Wenkui went out to sea to serve as Folangjiren's boat to Haojing. It was the news from Yao Zhijing. Zhao Shichun was captured alive in Zhaoqing because of his timely news. Sure enough, this person is still useful. You can tell him Your Majesty has succeeded, so please pass this person along."


Not long after, Yao Zhijing came to Zhang Gui's place.

Zhang Guiyin said: "You have indeed made a great contribution this time, and captured all the rebels who treasoned the country and harmed the people. This supervisor decided to use you again."

Yao Zhijing was overjoyed after hearing this: "Please give me instructions from the supervisor."

Zhang Gui said: "Didn't you say that many people also support Neo-Confucianism and the restoration of the ancestral system? They will even take the initiative to donate money to help those who only respect Neo-Confucianism and the restoration of the ancestral system. Even if they starve to death, they will also donate to support this matter ?”

Yao Zhijing panicked after hearing this, and hurriedly explained with a big salute: "Master, forgive me, it's all students' lies! The people have long been looking forward to the rain from Master Wang, and they have long been interested in practical learning and the right way. They support good laws and new policies. How can they support old learning? Make it!"

"Hey, what you say is what you say, why deny it."

Zhang Gui said something at this time, and then said: "Since you feel that you support Neo Confucianism and the restoration of the ancestral system, you are even willing to donate money to support the restoration of the ancestral system, even if you starve to death, there are still many fools who only respect Neo Confucianism. "

"Then you, as the head of the Ministry of War, organize the local people on behalf of the governor, let them get rid of their ignorance, know the purpose of the new policy, and organize them to help the government find out the rebels who are still hidden in Buddhist temples and Taoist temples! "

"In addition, we must pay attention to methods and methods. For the organization and mobilization of ordinary people, we must learn to make up more social dramas, storytelling and other entertaining ways to educate the people. Do you understand?"

Yao Zhijing, who was sweating profusely like being drenched by the rain, breathed a sigh of relief, and thought about it with the cicadas singing outside the window, thinking that Uncle Guo didn't want to settle accounts with him, so he hurriedly agreed: "clear!"

Yao Zhijing was a people-friendly official like the county magistrate, and Zhang Gui saw that he was flexible in his reactions, so he was relieved to let him do the work of the people, and prepare for the liquidation of the reactionaries hidden in Buddhist temples and Taoist temples or among the powerful gentry.

"In addition, Lu Zuanzu, the scholar who escorted Zhao Shichun back with you, let him assist you as a commendation of the Ministry of War. He is miserable enough, and he will be reduced to the point where he is forced to serve as a strong man."

Zhang Gui said.


Yao Zhijing hurriedly agreed.

After Zhang Gui met Yao Zhijing, he suddenly ordered: "Bring Zhao Shichun in!"

Because Wang Wenkui was still on his way back to Guangzhou, Zhang Gui could only meet Zhao Shichun, one of the culprits who set up another imperial court without authorization.

After Zhao Shichun was escorted in, Zhang Gui asked: "Zhao Shichun, you said that you didn't work hard as your Qingliu official in Zhan Shifu, and why did you go to Guangdong? You really thought that restoring the ancestral system and continuing to respect Neo-Confucianism would be the best way to get you." The response of the people of the world, and then turn the world around in one fell swoop?"

Zhao Shichun didn't want to reflect on anything now, and just followed Zhang Gui's words: "I am confused, thinking that the court has lost the hearts of the world, but after all, I didn't understand the situation clearly. Now I can only ask Uncle Guo to give me a way to survive."

"How do you ask me to give you a way out?"

Zhang Gui asked, and said: "You published an article in such a high-profile newspaper saying that I had killed His Majesty, that the crown prince had been secretly taken to the south by you, as if you were a minister who saved the world. If you are not punished by the Ming Dynasty, the rumors in the world will be difficult to clear."

"Uncle Guo!"

Zhao Shichun yelled, and said again: "With your current power, it is not difficult to hide it from the world and give you a way to survive."

Zhao Shichun said: "As long as Uncle Guo is willing to give me a way out, I would like to dedicate all the income I have accumulated in these years to Uncle Guo."

Zhang Gui knew that Zhao Shichun and Wang Wenkui must have made a lot of money by working together, but he didn't intend to let Zhao Shichun let him go because he wanted to give him the money, but in order to find out how much Zhao Shichun had made, he still pretended to have something He asked excitedly, "How much do you earn from your official career?"

Zhao Shichun said: "I don't know the details, I have to ask a wealthy businessman named Wang Bin to find out."

"You don't even know how much silver you have?"

Zhang Gui asked.

Zhao Shichun said: "I really don't know! I didn't care about it."

Zhang Gui nodded, and asked Zhao Shichun to explain how to find Wang Bin, and then ordered Zhao Shichun to be detained and kept under strict supervision.

Not long after, Zhu Xieyuan came in and said: "All the general soldiers below will report to the future and have arrested many foreign barbarian soldiers, totaling no less than [-]. How to deal with them? Do you want to bury them alive, so as not to waste food and not let them go?" It is kind of them to starve to death."

"Speaking of it, these ordinary barbarian soldiers are also unlucky. They were tricked by people like Wang Wenkui and Zhao Shichun, and they were tricked by themselves, so that they are now prisoners. But their military discipline is not good, and they have harmed many people. It is impossible Forgive me. However, it is still a waste to bury them alive, and send them all outside the pass to serve as slaves to the Han people outside the pass!"

Zhang Gui continued: "If the Han people outside the pass do not let them feel that the bitter cold place outside the pass is worse than the pass, they may escape back. Instead of this, it is better for the imperial court to take the initiative to let them enjoy the life of the master first. Mrs. Ben The division will write a memorial to request His Majesty's approval. In the future, the captured foreign barbarians will be distributed to the Han people outside the customs as slaves. First, the armored Han people will be given priority, and ordinary Han people will be given second. These Han masters can dispose of them at will. It doesn’t matter if you beat him to death.”


Zhu Xieyuan agreed.

Daming now has a large population, but there are still relatively few large-scale minerals developed outside the customs.

Therefore, the actual situation is that the post of mining outside the customs, which absorbs ordinary laborers, has been filled by many Han people, and the captive foreign barbarians can only be assigned to be slaves of these Han laborers first, so that these Han laborers gradually become Become an overseer or foreman.

This can be regarded as a special situation of Ming Dynasty, which is very different from Western countries, and foreigners must be placed in a lower position.

Because the ruler of Ming Dynasty has no shortage of people.

Therefore, Zhang Guicai directly said that these foreigners would be assigned to the Han people outside the Guan as slaves.

The tens of thousands of foreign captives who had been cleaned and disinfected were escorted by the Xichang fleet to serve as slaves to the Han people outside the pass.

(End of this chapter)

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