Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 382 How Scary Is Facing the Ming Empire?Only despair!

Chapter 382 How Scary Is Facing the Ming Empire?Only despair!

"I can't help it, the Grand Master doesn't want to either."

Zhang Gui replied in a deep voice.

Then, Zhang Gui said with great interest: "But Daming needs to free more Han people from the slavery and oppression of Buddhist temples, and then go to the world to mine for Daming. You should know better than me. There is no more useful people than the Han people, why should we leave such people for your enjoyment?"

"Besides, if you are so unprogressive, can you keep such a useful common people?"

"Now, if the imperial court does not take these people away, they will only be taken away by the stronger barbarians in the future. Instead of letting the barbarians take them away, it is better to let the imperial court take away the Han people controlled by you!"

Zhang Gui said again with a scornful smile.

When Zhang Gui was studying history in later generations, he discovered that Huaxia didn't know what was going on. After the reunification, it either died of internal collapse, or it was cheap to foreigners.

In short, because the carnivores do not regard the people as human beings, the entire civilization system gradually tends to only try its best to intensify efforts to search for the people's fat and anointment internally, and even does not hesitate to fool the people. Your life, or the barbarians take advantage of your illness to kill you.

As for the latter, there will be a situation where even if there are few foreign barbarians, they can sit on the heads of the Han people and be the masters of more Han people.

The well-functioning Manchu Qing Dynasty can still ride on the heads of the Han people for more than 260 years, and it can end peacefully without large-scale retaliation.

Therefore, Zhang Gui said at this time that if the imperial court does not take control of the Han people from the hands of these Han landlords, it may be taken away by foreigners in the future.

The so-called Han landlords naturally include not only gentry, but also Buddhist temples and Taoist temples with vast fertile land all over the world, as well as people from suzerains, vassals, and generals.

But now, the Ming court treats the gentry, vassals, and generals in a similar manner.

Only the Buddhist temple is left.

In the name of religion, these people who buy good land, evade taxes, and raise private slaves and private soldiers in the name of monk disciples and lay disciples are undoubtedly the last piece of private land for those who still want to live a feudal landlord life in Daming .

After Zhang Gui captured Xuye and bloodbathed Longzang Temple, he became more determined to persuade Tianqi to intensify his efforts to rectify and suppress Buddhist temples and Taoist temples.

What's more, he has now discovered that his West Factory has indeed been lurking in these Buddhist temples and Taoist temples after a few years of deployment, and even today, even the eldest disciple next to the old monk Xu Ye is his West Factory people.

Domestically, the Han landlords were not given the last chance to enslave Han Chinese as serfs, while externally, Zhang Gui continued to turn foreign barbarians into slaves, in order to satisfy the instinctive desire of the majority of Han people to become masters.

According to Zhang Gui's thinking, if people in this world really need to live like cattle and horses in order to maintain a stable ruling system, then it is better to let foreigners do these cattle and horses.

Why does the Ming Dynasty in this era, which is obviously the most powerful empire in the world, still let the Han people of its own country be the cattle and horses?

Instead of letting the Anglo-Saxons have always been the most powerful in the world like the Anglo-Saxons in later history had the most powerful empire?
Therefore, Zhang Gui decided to take back control of Haojing, and turned all the barbarians in Haojing into slaves that could be enslaved.

Zhang Gui has already issued a Jun order that no foreign barbarians occupying Haojing can be let go, because these foreign barbarians have committed serious crimes of interfering in the internal affairs of the dynasty because of their support for the southern puppet dynasty.

Luo Lang, the governor of Haojing in Portugal, also found that after he returned Wang Wenkui and other traitors who had been reborn, the Ming army fleet that surrounded Haojing did not withdraw.

This made Luo Lang feel disappointed and angry.

Therefore, he had to take the initiative to send Domingo, an official under his command, to contact the Ming army and ask why the Ming army had not withdrawn.

"They said that whether they withdraw or not, they only obey the orders of Zhang Gui, the supervisor appointed by His Majesty the Ming Emperor to be the Minister of Military Affairs in Nanyang."

"In addition, they also said that returning the Han people and their property is what we should do, and there is no room for bargaining."

"It also said that we should keep a clear understanding. If we can't get things through hard boats and sharp guns, don't imagine that others will give you kind gifts! Not everyone is a Bodhisattva, and even if you are a Bodhisattva, you won't donate a lot of incense. Money, kowtow to beg for many years, will grant your request."

After Domino told Luo Lang the original words of Zhang Guowei, Minister of the Ming Dynasty, Luo Langye's illusions were completely shattered, so he scrubbed his sleepless face and said:

"I shouldn't have imagined that they would withdraw just because we cooperated with their request, but what else can we do if we don't try this way? This is a powerful Eastern Empire, and we are indeed no match for it!"

Luo Lang also had a clear understanding of Daming's strength, sober enough to know that he could not resist with force.

But also because the more sober he is, the more powerless he feels now.

However, even if he was asked to give up Hao Jing, he couldn't do it.

Because Hao mirror is too important to him Portugal!

After all, Haojing is the hub of trade lines with China, Japan, and North Korea.

These three countries are countries with very developed markets in the world today.

Therefore, because of these three trade lines, how much wealth it brings to Portugal every year is immeasurable!

It is also immeasurable how much wealth it brought to the Han landlords who controlled the population and land and monopolized the export trade of raw silk, silk, tea, and porcelain!

It just seems that the Portuguese and the Han landlords in the Ming Dynasty who occupy Haojing have already discussed it, but they didn’t let the former emperors know about it, knowing that there are so many lucrative trades in their own empire.

But it is different now, in order not to be a subjugated slave, Zhang Gui let Tianqi know all this, and let Tianqi taste the sweetness of external expansion.

So, now the Ming court is coming to seize this trade hub.

And once the Ming court rectified its interior and mobilized national power to take back this trade hub, no force dared to stop it.

However, what Luo Lang didn't expect was that Zhang Gui not only wanted Hao Jing, but also wanted them.

"What! The Ming army in Guangzhou came to me from the land?! There are more sailors gathering here?!"

Soon, Luo Lang also learned a more terrible news from Lild, that is, Zhang Gui asked Zhu Xieyuan to command the army to gather in Haojing after recovering Guangzhou Mansion.

And so not long after this, Hao Jing was completely surrounded by Daming's land and water army.

Luo Lang also had his country's army closest to Goa, India, and couldn't compete with Ming's army, so now he only felt hopeless.

Luo Langye and the other Folang robots in Haojing were like a group of sheep surrounded by wolves at this moment, and they had no power to fight back at all.

Therefore, after Zhang Gui issued the persuasion order, Luo Lang also declared his surrender, along with other Folangji people in Haojing and the Japanese soldiers they hired.

Luo Lang was also escorted in front of Zhang Gui, so he took the initiative to ask: "May I ask the supervisor, what crime did we commit, and why did we take away the Haojing City we leased?"

(End of this chapter)

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