Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 386 Queuing up to commit suicide, scholars wake up!

Chapter 386 Queuing up to commit suicide, scholars wake up!
Wu Weiye wanted to kill Liu Hongxun very much now.

And it's kind of uncontrollable.

Therefore, the eyes he was looking at Liu Hongxun now were full of fire!

His family in Sichuan has long been liquidated because of belonging to the puppet dynasty, and the land, shops and other properties have been confiscated.

Now that the court has not pursued him, he already feels content, so naturally he dare not complain.

It's just that in this way, his property is only in Beijing.

But now he handed over all these properties to Liu Hongxun to buy Wang's stock, but now Liu Hongxun told himself that the stock price has plummeted, and it has fallen to a situation where it is not as good as a treasure!
This undoubtedly shows that the stocks in his hands are just a pile of waste paper, and he, Wu Weiye, will obviously live a life of eating porridge with his family in the future, and he will no longer be able to go to Fengyuelou to watch the stars and the moon with his confidante From poetry and songs to philosophy of life.

That's why Wu Weiye hated Liu Hongxun now, hated Liu Hongxun for cheating him.

But Wu Weiye finally resisted the rush to kill Liu Hongxun.

After all, he is a literati, so it's okay to write and swear.

He still didn't dare to kill someone.

Therefore, Wu Weiye just left the Liu residence in silence.

He needs quiet now.

Wu Weiye also walked towards the river outside Yongding Gate.

These days, there are many officials, gentry and Confucian scholars jumping into the river outside Yongding Gate.

Either they were disheartened by the situation in the world because of the complete failure of the southern puppet dynasty that restored the ancestral system and the status of Neo-Confucianism, officials and schools. They thought that after the world changed, it would be difficult to return to the previous era when their own literati could oppress the common people at will, so they committed suicide by jumping into the river , or because of the recent sharp drop in the stock price of Wang's stock and couldn't stand the blow, he committed suicide and wanted to avoid the high debts with his death, or both.

The financial activity of speculating in the stocks of the Wang family has been popular among the people of Ming Dynasty during this period, and it happened almost at the same time as the rebellion in the south.

It was just because the imperial court focused its energy on suppressing the rebellion in the south and cleaning up internal opposition to restructuring and implementing a new system, so there was no time to pay attention to this kind of private financial activities.

In addition, most of the people involved in this financial activity are rich and powerful businessmen. These people seem to be deliberately concealing it, and they don't want the court to participate in this matter.

Therefore, this financial activity of speculating in Wang's stocks has been happening all the time.

What's more, the intervention of the imperial court also needs an opportunity.

Now that Xichang intervened in this matter, it was only after Li Fuming confessed that he had used 200 million taels of military funds to speculate in Wang's stocks, that he took the initiative to investigate Wang Dayuan, who issued Wang's stocks.

As a result, it directly led to the mysterious disappearance of the Wang family and the sharp drop in the Wang family's stock.

As a result, the bureaucrats Liu Hongxun and Wu Weiye also suffered heavy losses.

"Get out of the way! I am the Prime Minister of Taichang Temple, higher rank than you, let me dance first!"

Because of political and economic failures, many bureaucrats and Confucian scholars have come to Yongding River to commit suicide by jumping into the river. They can almost be described as queuing up. The official pushed him away, then stood on the bridge first, looked up to the sky and shouted: "From now on, Neo Confucianism will never exist!"

After finishing speaking, the Taichang Temple Prime Minister jumped down with a plop.

Wu Weiye was very stimulated by the behavior of the Taichang Temple Prime Minister. He couldn't help admiring the Taichang Temple Prime Minister's dedication to Neo Confucianism, and when he thought of himself, he had been living against his will in this country that did not take Neo Confucianism as its body and ruled the country with virtue. In the dark court hall, and now because of the corruption of the world's hearts, he ended up with his family's wealth and debts, and he was about to commit suicide, thinking that he would dedicate himself to the Neo Confucianism he admired, so he shouted: "Confucianism is hard to thrive, benevolence It’s hard to survive, it’s better to go!”

"Hmph! What is Xing Lixue doing, is it to continue to let hypocrites like Wang Wenkui and Zhao Shichun harm the people of the world?!"

"This kind of obsolete learning should be retreated to the deep mountains of the study, instead of being used by villains as a tool to enrich themselves!"

"You guys obviously committed suicide because you couldn't gain power by advocating Neo-Confucianism, but you insisted that you couldn't change your suicide because Neo-Confucianism was not prosperous and the world was in ruins! In my opinion, you hypocrites should all die, and no one will replace you We regret it!"

Lu Zuanzu, who was transferred back to Beijing to work in the Ministry of War, couldn't help but vomit when he heard what Wu Weiye said before he was about to jump into the river when he passed the Yongding River.

Wu Weiye was furious after hearing this, and turned his head to look over: "How dare you say that we are hypocrites?!"

"If you are a real gentleman, why would you abandon your country and your ruler?"

Lu Zuanzu asked directly.

Wu Weiye couldn't directly say that the king in front of the country in front of him was not what he wanted, so he just asked: "I think you are also a civil servant, don't you like the current situation?"

"Why don't you like it? I like it very much now!"

Lu Zuanzu replied without thinking, and directly concluded: "This is the world of justice and great governance!"

Wu Weiye was quite annoyed after hearing this: "How can you say that? What kind of a world of great rule is this? People's hearts are not old, and the world is declining. From the princes and officials to the common people, everyone despises virtue and values ​​benefits, respect and inferiority do not matter." There is no such thing as an ancient sage! In such a society, prohibition means that demons and monsters are rampant, and demons are in power!"

Lu Zuanzu shook his sleeves and sneered: "Grandpa obviously didn't go to any puppet dynasty in the south, and didn't see how Wang Wenkui, Zhao Shichun and other rebellious ministers made people worse than ghosts, so he had such an idea. I used to be the same as you, and I thought it was The real place where all the virtuous men gather, the gentlemen gather, and the morals are high, only to find out after going there that people smell of copper all over their bodies. Scholars are living like worthless things, it doesn’t matter if the world that restores Neo-Confucianism is not restored!”

Lu Zuanzu's words still made him very irritated.

So after Lu Zuanzu left, Wu Weiye didn't want to commit suicide anymore, but subconsciously, he seemed to start to believe what Lu Zuanzu said, because he felt that the hatred for the southern puppet dynasty in Lu Zuanzu's eyes was not feigned, but rather It's true hatred, just like the way he saw the trackers along the river looking at the evil officials along the way when he came out of Sichuan.

Lu Zuanzu was indeed educated by the iron fist of Neo Confucianism once, and he has been educated soberly now, especially when he finds that he returns to the imperial court, and he can be promoted if he works hard. Even many rebels can be eaten immediately after being captured. After eating enough relief food to fill his stomach, he realized more firmly that he was really wrong before. Restoring Neo-Confucianism is the destruction of this world, and Daxing Realism is creating a prosperous world again.

Lu Zuanzu has now completely given up the fantasy of enslaving the Han people like the former scholar-bureaucrats and living a superior life, and has become a staunch supporter of reform and system reform.

After Wu Weiye gave up suicide here, he returned to the capital city, and together with the royal relatives, dignitaries and bureaucrats in the city who were cheated out of their money by the Wang family stock, came to Xiyuan Fuque, crying and begging the emperor to uphold justice for them.

Because they really suffered a terrible loss this time.

When they thought investing in Wang's stock could make a fortune, they didn't want the imperial court to get involved, but now that they realized that Wang's stock was a big scam, they naturally hoped that the imperial court would uphold justice for them.

These royal relatives, dignitaries and bureaucrats are like giant babies. They reject the imperial power when they think it is profitable. They don’t want the court and the emperor to know that they are getting rich, just like they didn’t want the emperor to know that overseas trade makes more money. Let the emperor and the court add leverage to the peasants.

But when they were at a disadvantage, they hoped that the imperial power would uphold justice for them, so they began to cry, asking the court to be the master, and never thought about being responsible for their actions.

One of the problems Tian Qi is facing now is whether to take care of this matter, and therefore asked Zhang Gui, Han Yu, Yuan Keli and others: "Do you think the court should take care of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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