Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 396 Exile monks and nuns to go to the western border, not allowed to get something for nothi

Chapter 396 Exile monks and nuns to go to the western border, not allowed to get something for nothing!

Wei Zhongxian has already been linked with Zhang Gui because of his own interests, so naturally he can only firmly support the rectification of Buddhist temples and Taoist temples in terms of position.

Therefore, he continued to refute these powerful bureaucrats in the name of not being able to bear the people being enslaved by Buddhist temples, and even made harsh words, saying that if these powerful bureaucrats make trouble again, they will be killed for trespassing.

Guo Zuoyong, Li Chengming and other powerful bureaucrats had no choice but to leave, but their eyes revealed resentment towards Wei Zhongxian.

Wei Zhongxian didn't take it seriously, just smiled contemptuously, and then entered Xiyuan.

After all, although these powerful bureaucrats have a respected status, they are actually more cowardly than each other, and they would not really dare to tear themselves apart from the imperial court for Buddhist monks and Taoists.

The dignitaries and bureaucrats had no choice but to take the initiative to dismiss the monks and nuns from their own temples and take back the temple properties of their own temples.

For a time, the number of homeless monks, monks, nuns increased in large numbers.

"The reason for all of today's events is because the imperial court wants to rectify Buddhist temples and Taoist temples, so that we now have no half tiles to live in, and no half grains of food to eat! But didn't the imperial court itself repeatedly say that Han people should have compatriots, and we are also Han people. , so the imperial court can’t leave us alone!”

"That's right, we don't want to join any cult rebellion, and we don't dare to oppose the imperial court's will, but the imperial court can't let us starve to death, why don't we just sit outside the Daming Gate for alms, until we starve to death! Let’s see if the imperial court can solve it.”

And because of this reason, many monks and nuns also complained about the government's policy of rectifying Buddhist temples and Taoist temples, and rushed to the capital one after another, preparing to sit and demonstrate outside the Daming Gate in the name of alms.

However, the Ming court naturally did not intend to ignore these monks, Taoists and nuns who left Buddhist temples and Taoist temples, but set up a number of official schools, preparing to recruit them to the school to receive relevant vocational training.

It's just that these monks and nuns have never been used to production, so where are they willing to learn skills and think about making a living by working?He also ignored these official schools responsible for vocational training, and only wanted the court to continue to support them.

So, outside the Daming Gate, many monks and nuns gradually sat down, knocking on wooden fish and holding broken bowls.

In the back, the entire Qipan Street outside the Daming Gate is almost full of monks, nuns and nuns sitting here, so densely packed that it is even impassable.

In the end, the monks and nuns sitting here spread to the outside of the city, and they seemed to be deliberately going on a hunger strike to protest.

"What should we do? The Shuntian Mansion reported that tens of thousands of monks, monks, monks and nuns have been sitting outside, and the censor who patrolled the city went to persuade them and refused to leave."

Wei Zhongxian now directly asks Zhang Gui for instructions.

Zhang Gui pondered for a moment after hearing this, and then glanced at Wei Zhongxian: "Perhaps, we can't be too polite."

"You mean to kill them, or to starve them?"

Wei Zhongxian asked.

Zhang Gui asked: "Do you think they would really be willing to starve themselves to death?"

Wei Zhongxian said: "That's not true, few people can resist hunger. But there is no guarantee, there will not be such people, they would rather starve themselves to death, and let the court take care of their lives."

After hearing this, Zhang Gui said: "In this way, all those who go on hunger strike to protest and demonstrate will be sent to the newly opened territory in the west!"

"Don't they yearn to go to the West, and if there is bliss in the West, let them go to the West to enrich the new frontier."

"Even if they want to starve themselves to death, they will starve to death in the frontier!"

"In addition, those who disobey do not need to be executed, but exiled to the western border as punishment!"

"In short, we can no longer let them lose the opportunity to work for nothing. The more unwilling they are to work by themselves, the more they must be allowed to work by themselves."

"it is good!"

Wei Zhongxian also ordered the official schools of Dongchang and Jinyiwei to rush towards Daming Gate, and asked Xu Xianchun to personally issue an order to these monks and nuns to go into exile if they went on a hunger strike to protest.

Seeing this, many monks and nuns obediently left here, not daring to go on a hunger strike to protest again. After all, compared to being exiled to the bitter cold places in Western Xinjiang, even if life in the pass is much worse, it is still better than outside the pass.

But there are still many monks and nuns who are not moved. They just don't want the imperial court to rectify Buddhist temples and Taoist temples, so that they can continue to live the life of landlords in temples and Taoist temples.

Xu Xianchun simply ordered that these monks, monks, nuns, and nuns be forcibly captured on a mule cart, and then transported to Western Xinjiang.

"Why did you exile us, what crime did we commit?!"

"We're just here for alms. The imperial court won't let us eat the rent of the common people, so won't we be allowed to alms too?!"

Therefore, a monk asked loudly at this time, expressing his dissatisfaction with the imperial court's current policy of rectifying Buddhist temples and Taoist temples.

"What are you factory guards going to do? Don't tell me you can gamble money, eat wine, sell jokes, sing operas, and sell business outside the Daming Gate, but you can't ask for alms?!"

Jiao An, who had already shaved his hair and served as a little monk watching the vegetable garden in a temple in the capital, also directly questioned these factory guards at this time.

Jiao An didn't expect him to be so unlucky, because he still wanted to get something for nothing, so he didn't choose to go to the government-run vocational school to learn any skills, but in the end he still didn't choose to go from the palace to the palace. A monk, so that he can still be a slave in the Marquis's Mansion before, as long as he serves the monk in charge well, he can continue to dominate in front of the temple's tenants and low-level novice monks.

But who knows, in the blink of an eye, the imperial court began to rectify the Buddhist temple, so that now he had to follow a group of brothers and sisters to the Daming Gate to protest in the name of alms.

But the factory guards under Xu Xianchun's command naturally wouldn't talk nicely about it.

Xu Xianchun himself even kicked a monk flying away who refused to leave and even scolded their factory guards, saying: "Ask you what crime you have committed. You have committed the crime of gathering crowds to plot chaos. You are very suspected of plotting chaos. According to the order above, if you don’t leave, you will all be exiled to the western border! If you resist, you will be castrated as punishment!”

As he said that, Xu Xianchun waved his hand and ordered the factory guards under his command: "Catch!"


The factory guards agreed, and then began to pick up the shackles to catch the monks and nuns who refused to leave.

As a result, many monks, monks, or nuns were arrested and put into a large prison cart pulled by a large mule cart. Six or seven people crowded together, as if pulling a pile of clothes.

A monk couldn't control his emotions, and relying on some martial arts skills, he took a Zen stick and hit the factory guards, shouting: "Fuck you, dare to arrest this monk, I will make your factory guards bleed today!" this!"

But at this moment, a gunshot sounded.

As the saying goes, no matter how high your martial arts are, you are still afraid of firecrackers.

The monk came to the end immediately, and then several factory guards came up, took out a short knife, and stabbed the monk on the spot.


The monk screamed, and was immediately carried down by several factory guards, and thrown into the prison cart.

Seeing this, the other monks and nuns all changed their faces, and they didn't dare to move any more, so they were all caught in the prison car.

"They said they were asking for alms?"

Zhang Gui learned the latest situation from Wei Zhongxian not long after that.

Wei Zhongxian said: "That's right, Xu Xianchun told his son himself, they said that the imperial court did not allow them to live on the common people and rent their sons, so shouldn't they be allowed to ask for alms?"

"Just don't! Let them maliciously beg for alms, wouldn't it appear that His Majesty is incompetent in governing the country?"

(End of this chapter)

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