Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 399 Dongchang bloodbathed Xiyi, and the public sacrifice was slaughtered by the Han people!

Chapter 399 Dongchang bloodbathed Xiyi, and the public sacrifice was slaughtered by the Han people!

A large number of Han Chinese who were house slaves and monks of the powerful gentry were driven out of the customs and border towns, which naturally increased the demand for slaves by the large households in the customs.

After all, even literati like Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang, who supported the reform, supported not keeping Han Chinese as slaves, but it doesn't mean they don't need slaves.

Naturally, they also want to maintain their quality of life as masters, want to keep wives and concubines in groups, and maidservants like clouds.

Therefore, these resolutions on plundering the barbarians were quickly unanimously agreed by the ministers of the policy making department.

And not long after this, Dongchang went on a "please inspect the world to enslave Han people".

Tianqi quickly approved this order, and ordered the East Factory to set up a patrol fleet to patrol the world.

And not long after this, Huang Binqing, who joined Dongchang to form a patrol fleet, made a statement saying that there were a large number of Han Chinese slaves in Dongfan and Luzon from Xiyi, and he had personally led the fleet to Dongfan and Luzon. Ready to arrest the barbarians here.

So, not long after the Hongmaofan in Dongfan and the Frangji in Manila were surrounded by the Ming Fleet that suddenly appeared.

Because Hongmao Fan lost the base of the East India Company in Batavia City, he no longer dared to provoke Ming Dynasty, so he didn't have many troops in Dongfan, and obediently declared his surrender when he saw the Ming Fleet appear.

However, the Frang robot in Manila has not been beaten by the iron fist of the Ming Empire, and its strength is still there. Therefore, the Frang robot in Manila is naturally disgusted with the sudden appearance of the Ming fleet.

"You said that we enslaved your Han people? So His Majesty the Emperor of your country wants us to make atonement?"

When contacting Hu Zhiwei, the negotiator of the Ming Fleet, the governor of Manila, Velasco, couldn't hide his anger and asked.

Hu Zhiwei was not afraid of Velasco's anger.

In his eyes, these Frangbots in front of him are like prey that have already been marked with a price.

As a hunter, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of the prey he was about to catch, the only thing he could feel was excitement.

Because he has to admit that there are too many barbarians in Manila, and having too many can obviously solve the problem of the shortage of slaves in the country.

In fact, 30 years ago, the Frangji people in Manila started a massacre against the Chinese, resulting in the massacre of more than 3 Han Chinese in Manila.

Therefore, the current Manila is basically composed of Frangji people and local aborigines, and these people have multiplied a lot after seizing Chinese property and land, so that now Hu Zhiwei can find that there are a large number of barbarians here.

Therefore, Hu Zhiwei stroked his beard and replied: "Of course! You'd better be obedient and get caught now, or your life will be lost!"

After hearing this, Velasco immediately stood up and stared at Hu Zhiwei: "We killed more than ten thousand Han people like you back then. What qualifications do you have to ask us to make atonement?"

Hu Zhiwei was taken aback when he heard this, and then he got up and sneered, "Okay, I'll go!"

So, Hu Zhiwei left the governor's mansion in Velasco directly, boarded the boat and left, and came to Huang Binqing: "Commander, these Frangji people don't agree to be captured without a fight."

After hearing this, Huang Binqing said: "It seems that we need to teach them a lesson, first land on the beach first, and after landing, wash some of them with blood first, and let them have a taste of it!"


So, shortly after Huang Binqing said, the Ming fleet began to line up and bombard Manila.

Frang's own battleship also resisted at this time, but it was not long before it was blasted into pieces of wood by the rifled cannon of the Ming Fleet, and a large number of them floated on the sea.

Seeing this, Velasco was distressed, and at the same time felt powerless. He knew that he should not send the few warships on his side to do nothing.

But he has no choice, he must let his fleet resist.

Compared with Xiyi, a country whose maximum number of warships in the Far East is only a dozen or twenty, it is naturally incomparable with Ming Dynasty, which has a home court advantage.

What's more, Daming is still ahead of them in warship technology and artillery technology.

So in terms of naval warfare, they can only suffer.

Now Velasco can only hope to repel the army of the Ming Empire on land.

But the moment the marines of the Ming Empire landed, Velasco was in despair.

Because as the governor of the Philippines appointed by the Spanish Empire, he can mobilize more than 1000 troops at most. There are more than [-] soldiers, not to mention Ming's biggest advantage in firearms and gunpowder.

Therefore, the moment the Marines of the Daming Navy came ashore, the colonists of Frangji lost.

In order to make Velasco surrender as soon as possible, the marines of the Daming Navy have already received the order to kill.

Therefore, the navy and marine soldiers of the Ming Dynasty would kill anyone they saw as soon as they landed. If they saw a young barbarian girl, they would naturally directly commit violence.

Although the military discipline of the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers is strict, it is only limited to treating Han people, because in the latest law of Ming Dynasty, only Han people are people.

A Frangji retired veteran who participated in the massacre of Han people in Manila 30 years ago was running to his backyard in a hurry, but the Ming Marine soldier who had appeared here shot him directly. This old Frangji He fell to the ground on the spot, and then saw blood pouring out of his chest. He was terrified, and when he saw his granddaughter being dragged away by the Ming army, he even cried out in despair: "Please let her go!" I was the one who massacred you all back then, not her!"

The officers and soldiers of the Ming army couldn't understand what he said, and they didn't have such a high awareness to think that the Frangji people today are not the same kind of people as the Flangji people who slaughtered the Han people back then.

After all, in the primitive accumulation stage of an empire, it is inevitable for his army to make some behaviors that are not in line with the civilization of later generations.

You must know that even in the twentieth century later, there are armies still carrying out barbaric acts in other countries.

What's more, it is still the seventeenth century, and it is impossible to expect how civilized the Ming army in this era will be.

However, the granddaughter of the veteran of Frangji was lucky. After being dragged out by several soldiers of the Ming army, she was rescued by an officer instead of being forced out of the woman's will.

Naturally, it wasn't because the officer was kind, but because the officer told the soldiers that the maidservant market in Daming is very hot now, and the prices for young barbarian girls are the highest, especially virgin ones, so he thought that instead of gaining originality from this Flangji girl, It is better to share greater economic value from her.

As a result, these soldiers gained experience, and then desperately searched for younger Yi girls, just like searching for gold, instead of directly taking their lives and bodies.

But for other Frangbots, because the price of life is not high, they are not so lucky. In the early days after the Ming army landed, they were naturally slaughtered crazily.

After Velasco learned of all this, he had to raise the white flag and declared his surrender.

Then, he and the barbarian from Luzon Island were imprisoned, waiting to be enslaved by Ming Dynasty.

However, Huang Binqing did not leave here after capturing all the barbarians, but waited here for other bureaucrats of Ming Dynasty to come here, and in order to show the justice of Daming's action this time, he also took this opportunity to punish the slaughtered Han people in Manila. A public sacrifice was held.

After Zhang Gui learned that all the Fulang robots in Manila had been captured, he put forward a new suggestion, suggesting to send someone to escort some of the Fulang robots to pick rubber trees in South America.

Because in this era, Spanish ships often went to the South Pacific through Manila and then went to South America to get familiar with this route.

Therefore, Zhang Gui hopes that Daming can also use this to extend his tentacles to America, and then transplant the rubber trees in South America first.

"rubber tree?"

Tian Qi, who had just come out of the laboratory, couldn't help becoming curious when Zhang Gui mentioned this thing.

Zhang Gui said: "If your majesty sees rubber, you will know what a miraculous material it is. I believe your majesty will like it."

(End of this chapter)

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