Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 406 The Minister of Neo-Confucianism was hacked to death, and the scholars were shocked!

Chapter 406 The Minister of Neo-Confucianism was hacked to death, and the scholars were shocked!

"How could the gods wrongly judge a good person? It must be that Li Jinan really committed a crime worthy of death. Now it seems that the court did not arrest him in vain. It is because we are outside the situation and do not know the truth."

Sun Qifeng who came with Lu Shanji also said something at this time.

He also had to start denying Li Jinan at this time.

Because he knew as well as Lu Shanji that if Li Jinan was not rejected and Li Jinan was defined as a hypocrite and a real villain, then the principles of heaven they insisted on would collapse completely.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"How could Mr. Merlin be a hypocrite!"

But the Confucian student who had a true fan of Li Jinan had completely collapsed at this time, collapsed and directly knelt on the ground, pounded the ground and roared, tears and rainwater splashing down on the ground.

At this time, Zhang Gui stood on the Daming Gate, looked at Tian Qi and asked, "How does Your Majesty feel at this time?"

"not enough!"

Tian Qi replied at this time, then looked at Zhang Gui and said, "This is not enough to prove that a person needs a metal medium that can transmit electricity to be struck by lightning, but it proves that thunder may really be electricity."

After hearing this, Zhang Gui asked, "What does Your Majesty mean?"

At this time, Tianqi ordered: "Pass the decree to Wei Zhongxian, tell the Confucian scholars outside, and just say what I say, maybe there are no thunder gods and mothers, and there are no gods, so thunder will not only attack disloyal and unfilial people, but It means that when a person reaches a certain condition, he will hit another person, no matter what his character is, whether he is a man or a woman, or even whether he is a person or not. If they don't agree with me, we will choose the person who will be the least loved in their hearts. Come out and ask the person who was struck to death by Lei Gong and Dian Mu if he is willing to prove the truth with his own body!"

"According to the order!"

Therefore, Wei Zhongxian here quickly conveyed the apocalyptic commandment to these Confucian scholars outside: "The emperor said that there may be no so-called gods in charge of thunder and lightning, and there is no distinction between good and evil when thunder and lightning kill people. As long as certain conditions are met, no matter whether it is human Or animals, they will all be hit, do you agree?"

"Of course I don't agree! Heaven is clear, how can there be no distinction between loyalty and villainy! How can there be no gods!"

"That's right, it's obviously unacceptable!"

These Confucian scholars quickly denied it.

Lu Shanji even said directly: "Please tell your Majesty, Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, you must not be disrespectful to the heavens. Thunder and lightning are controlled by the gods, and they are for your Majesty to punish the villains in the world. There is no doubt about it!"

Wei Zhongxian asked at this time: "In this case, why was Li Jin'an killed?"

"Because Li Jin'an is a hypocrite and a real villain! That's why he was hacked to death. We were all deceived by him!"

At this time, Sun Qifeng hastily replied for Lu Shanji, and he did not hesitate to admit his guilt: "We misunderstood the court. Now, it is obvious that the court is more wise and knows that Li Jin'an is not a true loyal minister!"

Wei Zhongxian saw that people like Sun Qifeng would abandon their cars to protect the commander-in-chief, so he continued: "Well, the emperor has something to say about this, and I want you to push out another person who is recognized as the most moral and upright person, and ask Would you like to try like Li Jin'an, and prove to the emperor and the people of the world that thunder and lightning are really in charge of the gods, and they can really distinguish between loyal and evil!"

"We are the most respected here, and the first one is Mr. Lu! Mr. Jiangcun Yuyin!"

"That's right! Duke Lu's character is still in Merlin, and he is the most trustworthy."

"No one can compare Lu Gong's incorruptibility!"

At this time, Wei Zhongxian looked at Lu Shanji and asked, "Mr. Lu, are you willing to try the truth with yourself?"

Lu Shanji hesitated.

But at this time, a Confucian scholar who wanted to explore the truth came over first, bowed to Lu Shanji and said: "Lu Gong, in order to make the emperor believe in the law of heaven, you should try it once! But the king and everyone in the world know that this time the heaven Li Jin'an's death by lightning is only related to Li Jin'an himself, not because the law of heaven does not distinguish between loyalty and traitor! It must be that there are no gods in charge of thunder and lightning!"

"Please deer notarize heaven's justice!"

At this time, another Confucian scholar stood up.

"Please deer notarize heaven's justice!"

"Please deer notarize heaven's justice!"


Suddenly, many Confucian scholars stood up and bowed to Lu Shanji to express their feelings.

Lu Shanji couldn't get off the tiger, so he had to say: "Okay! I'll give it a try!"

Wei Zhongxian laughed because of this: "Put an iron chain and iron needle on Mr. Lu!"

Not long after, Lu Shanji was put on iron chains and needles under the big mobile umbrella, and was dragged to the open space.

Lu Shanji couldn't help enduring the bone-piercing cold for a moment, looked at the sky, and saw the lightning bolts appearing, although he was nervous, but seeing that the lightning didn't strike him, he gradually relaxed, and said loudly: "Haha, hurry up, let me go! Obviously Lei Gong and Dian Mu will not split me, they can divide loyalty and traitor!"

Then, Lu Shanji raised his head and shouted above the Daming Gate: "Your Majesty, you saw it! I'm fine!"

He knew that Tianqi must be hidden on the Daming Gate.

The Confucian scholars present also smiled gratifiedly, and said: "It seems that Lei Gong and Dian Mu are divided into loyal and traitorous ones, and it is really his personal problem that Li Jin'an was hacked to death."

But who knows, at this moment, just as Lu Shanji finished shouting, a bolt of lightning struck him, followed by a loud bang that shook the sky and the earth.

After the people present recovered their eyesight and hearing, they saw that there was no Lu Shanji in the open space, but only a blackened body.


The Confucian scholars present were all stunned, and they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

At this moment, their three views really began to crack.

They couldn't believe what they saw.

If it is said that Li Jinan was hacked to death, it was because he deceived everyone by his hypocrisy.

What about Lu Shanji, is he also a real villain and a hypocrite?
"This is really interesting. It seems that there is really no thunder."

At this moment, Tian Qi's expression became serious.
"Your Majesty, Duke Lu's spirit is worthy of commendation."

Zhang Gui suddenly said something.

Tian Qi nodded: "That's right!"

Then, Tianqi ordered: "Pass the decree, let Wei Zhongxian ask these Confucian scholars again if there is anyone who is the most virtuous and respected in their hearts, and ask this person if he is willing to try again."

Here Wei Zhongxian conveyed the words of Tianqi again, and asked: "Do you still have such people here?"

Confucian scholars looked at Sun Qifeng one after another.

"If there are more, it is undoubtedly Mr. Sun Gong Xiafeng."

"Yes, Mr. Xia Feng's conduct has always been on par with Duke Lu."

"That's right, who doesn't know that Mr. Xia Feng is an example of loyalty and filial piety!"

Moreover, these Confucian scholars also began to comment on Sun Qifeng.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian also asked Sun Qifeng with great interest: "Grandpa Sun, would you like to try again? After all, maybe Duke Lu is also a hypocrite and a villain?"

"Yes, Mr. Xia Feng might as well try it too!"

Some Confucian scholars also joined in at this time.

"Why not take a risk for the truth, if not for my lack of reputation, I will give it a try!"

At this time, another Confucian scholar spoke with a disappointed tone.

Sun Qifeng suddenly said: "From my humble opinion, there is no need to try this at all! Obviously, there are no such gods as Lei Gong and Dian Mu! Thunder and Lightning don't distinguish between loyal and evil! It only depends on whether people have iron or not. Needle wire! This is the fact, it is the true law of heaven! What we have learned in the past is indeed wrong!"

 Today, I accompanied my mother to the city for a follow-up visit. It was delayed, so I had to make two changes. Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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