Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 408 The emperor is engaged in science and technology, and the uncle of the country is engage

Chapter 408 The emperor is engaged in science and technology, and the uncle of the country is engaged in education!

"Uncle Guo! Please tell the emperor, can you not let your son lead this thunder and lightning!"

At this moment, Wei Zhongxian was holding a wire that was almost as thick as a kite string, flying the kite that had already flown into the dark clouds, tremblingly pleading with Zhang Gui who had entered the palace.

It turned out that since Tianqi saw Li Jinan and Lu Shanji being killed by lightning successively at the Daming Gate last time, he has deepened his interest in thunder and lightning.

Therefore, Tianqi had the idea of ​​collecting lightning for his own use.

But Tianqi also knew the power of thunder and lightning, so he didn't dare to try it himself, but asked Wei Zhongxian to try it, and he himself directed it from the side.

Therefore, when Zhang Gui was called into the palace that day, he saw Wei Zhongxian flying a metal kite.

And because of this, Wei Zhongxian, who knew the power of lightning and already knew that iron wire can attract lightning, begged Zhang Gui pitifully after Zhang Gui came.

It's just that before Zhang Gui could respond to Wei Zhongxian, Tian Qi came over and kicked Wei Zhongxian on the backside: "Be serious! Don't miss my business!"


Wei Zhongxian hurriedly agreed.

After Tianqi kicked Wei Zhongxian out, he took out a glass bottle filled with metal and water, and smiled at Zhang Gui: "Since thunder and lightning are really just electricity that exists naturally, not something from gods, I designed a system to collect these lightning bolts from the sky. way."

As he spoke, Tian Qi shook the glass bottle in his hand, and said to Zhang Gui, "That's it! I put a spherical electrode on the mouth of the bottle, put a thin iron sheet underneath, and a conductor in the middle. Look, How about it, can you collect the lightning from the sky?"

Zhang Gui glanced at it, and found that the glass bottle in Tian Qi's hand was similar to the Leiden bottle that later generations saw in physics class. I soon thought of making such a thing, and I really thought of collecting electricity by flying a kite. The key is that I didn't propose it on my own initiative this time.

Because Zhang Gui was really worried that Tianqi would be due to a scientific researcher's desire for the laws of nature, and he really wanted to take the risk to do so, and if there were any accidents to Tianqi, he would not be able to bear this responsibility.

Therefore, Zhang Gui did not mention the famous Franklin experiment in later generations.

But Zhang Gui didn't expect that the clever Emperor Tianqi thought of it first.

After all, who is Tianqi? Among the emperors of all dynasties, he should be regarded as the emperor who likes to study science more than Kangxi.

Although Kangxi became an emperor through the ages in history, he only won the title of carpenter emperor.

But Tianqi loves to study science after all, so naturally he will not be restrained by Zhang Gui, but only follow the technology tree that Zhang Gui wants.

"It's not bad, I don't know if this bottle will work or not, but you will know if you try it."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi nodded: "So, I will let Wei Zhongxian try it with me."

Zhang Gui nodded and glanced at the pitiful Wei Zhongxian.

Tianqi here is still in the future due to thunder and lightning, and it is only dark clouds at present, so he continued to chat with Zhang Gui and asked: "After Li Jin'an and others were killed by lightning, what is the reaction outside?"

"There was a huge response. You Fang Yizhi and other Confucian scholars all came to visit the humble house, saying that they were transferring to a real school."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tianqi laughed after hearing this: "That's good, spread this story to the world more, so that those scholars who try to deny everything I have done in the old school way will be greatly reduced."

"What Your Majesty said is true, but in my opinion, it's not enough!"

Zhang Gui said at this time.

Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui and asked, "What else should I do?"

"Education must be popularized among the whole people, so that all Han people in the world can receive new education, understand why the old knowledge and old systems are being reformed, let them know your majesty's efforts, and let the Han people in the world truly have the ability to think independently, and then be able to It is really admirable to distinguish between Your Majesty and His Majesty's art of governing the country!"

"Only in this way, conservatives with ulterior motives can even be said to be reactionaries. No matter how deep they hide now, they will not be able to deceive the Han people who have already opened Su Hui with sweet words in the future, and it is impossible to discredit Your Majesty again."

Zhang Gui said.

After Tianqi heard it, he took it very seriously, and said: "You are right. Since you mentioned that the Ming Dynasty should pay attention to the cultivation of Han people's national character and national consciousness, I have also realized more and more that if the Ming Dynasty wants to rejuvenate, it will break the previous dynasties. Fate, we can only rely on the majority of Han people to transfer the contradictions to the outside, and this requires us to mobilize all Han people, and to mobilize them, we must make them smart."

"Your Majesty is wise! But education for all needs to spend a lot of state money. After all, the cost of government-run schools alone is not low now. If you add universal education to the people, it will definitely cost more, because it is necessary to let the common people If you are willing to let your children go to school, it is impossible to think about earning money from the common people, and let the common people feel that sending their children to school is better than staying at home and working."

Zhang Gui said.

After hearing this, Tianqi said: "Of course I know that this will increase a lot of national funds. How about this, let Han Yu call all the ministers to discuss with the court to see how much national funds are expected to be spent every year if the implementation of universal education is implemented. Can the current treasury revenue support it?"


"My lord, Lei is here!"

At this time, Wei Zhongxian called out.

Tian Qi ignored Zhang Gui and went to Wei Zhongxian instead: "Wait for me to collect it!"

On the second day, Zhang Gui discussed the matter of universal education with his ministers.

"Education for All?"

After hearing Zhang Gui mentioning these four characters, Bi Ziyan, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, had a headache. He thought that with the current treasury reserves of the imperial court, if he was frugal, he might be able to continue the prosperity to the next dynasty or even the next dynasty. However, if the current way of practicing civil and martial arts is followed, I am afraid that the ZTE of the Tianqi Dynasty will fall into financial difficulties again in 20 years.

"That's right, it is to set up a large number of literacy classes so that everyone can read and write. At the same time, every child from a Han family must complete a certain number of years of compulsory education. The so-called compulsory education means that Han children must receive a certain number of years of education. It is an obligation to accept that their parents and elders must not disobey the imperial edict, and they must be punished if they violate it. In order to achieve the goal of improving the knowledge level of all Han people. Only in this way can Ming Dynasty be in an invincible position in the world in the future, we The Han people can always be nobler than people of other ethnic groups."

Zhang Gui said.

Bi Ziyan asked: "Can you take a break? Right now, the imperial court is not only running various projects to benefit the people and the country, but also compiling books and ceremonies. Money and food flow out like water. Although the national treasury is full, it has to be counted for future generations. "

"Can't slow down!"

Zhang Gui replied and said: "The imperial court can slow down, but many Han children in the world can't. If it's delayed for ten years, this ten years will turn a Han child into a white man completely, but if it doesn't slow down, it will Let a Han child have the opportunity to become a great talent! Although we must be frugal and plan for the future, we cannot easily consume national funds, but we can also use open source to solve this problem.”

Then, Zhang Gui continued: "I think that we should continue to use the benefits earned from foreign barbarians to improve the knowledge of our Ming and Han people, so we should set up a government-run firm such as Yuanyang Trading to take advantage of Ming's current technological advantages and continue Realize the goal of taking money from other countries and benefiting the people's livelihood through trade."

After hearing this, Bi Ziyan pondered.

"My humble opinion is that what Uncle Guo said is very true! When raising shares to set up a trading firm, we can ensure the implementation of education for all through trading profits! This is also good governance!"

At this time, Liu Hongxun took the initiative to stand up and express his approval.

Wu Weiye also stood up and said: "That's right! Uncle Guo is wise! This is a national policy that will benefit thousands of years! It should be done!"

People like Liu Hongxue and Wu Weiye waved their brand new sleeves as they said this, and bowed together:
"When raising shares to set up a trading firm, take advantage of overseas business and benefit education in this country!"

"When raising shares to set up a trading firm, take advantage of overseas business and benefit education in this country!"

"When raising shares to set up a trading firm, take advantage of overseas business and benefit education in this country!"

There is no way, people like Liu Hongxun and Wu Weiye are too poor now, so they want to get rich so as to restore their family business.

After all, they are now so poor that they have to take out the new silk cloth stored in the warehouse to make new clothes instead of wearing half-used clothes. The key point is that they are becoming more and more frugal about food.

(End of this chapter)

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