Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 426: Li Court Sweeping Holes!Shut up!

Chapter 426: Li Court Sweeping Holes!Shut up!
"Ma Shiying!"

Zhang Gui stared at the sand table for about a while, and didn't answer Zhou Yuji, but just called out directly.

Before Zhang Gui left the customs to supervise the division, he did not choose the traditional method of being recommended by others, but took the initiative to recruit in the newspaper. Officials in Beijing were welcome to sign up to serve as the assistant officer who accompanied him out of the customs, which was equivalent to a clerk.

However, many self-proclaimed high-ranking civil servants are still unwilling to approach Zhang Gui, who is a foreign relative, and they are still not interested in Zhang Gui's open recruitment method.

However, there are still many civil servants who are willing to do things or want to follow Zhang Gui's way to get lucky and take the initiative to sign up.

Ma Shiying, who was the official of the household department at that time, was one of the officials who took the initiative to sign up.

Zhang Gui chose Ma Shiying.

There is no other reason. In Zhang Gui’s view, historically in the Nanming period, he was able to win power in Jiangnan where many officials of the Donglin Party occupied the home court. The suppression of the Donglin Party had to obey him, and forced the Donglin leader Shi Kefa Ma Shiying, who went to Yangzhou, undoubtedly had some tricks.

What Zhang Gui needs now is a few more smart people who can calculate to be his confidants.

It is not enough to rely on the gentlemen in history.

After all, although a gentleman will remember his kindness because of his recommendation, he will still be unwilling to give up his principles for him, Uncle Zhang, in the face of big right and wrong.

Otherwise, there would be no need for Wen Tiren to advise him on getting rid of Ma Guangyu cleanly.

Because of this incident, Zhang Gui also discovered that officials who were said to be treacherous ministers in history are actually very sweet to use sometimes.

Therefore, he resolutely promoted Ma Shiying to be the newly established Liaodong Zuobu Political Envoy, and went out with him, and managed the front-line food and grass, the democracy movement and the work of contacting the capital for him.

Following Zhang Gui's order, Ma Shiying opened the curtain of the camp tent and came in, not caring about shaking off the snowflakes on the red robe, and said: "Please give orders, Grand Master!"

Because civil servants value the title of Grand Master very much, Ma Shiying also prefers to honor Zhang Gui as Grand Master.

After Ma Shiying said this, Zhang Gui ordered: "Use my seal to write an urgent letter to the Nine Thousand Years of the Capital and the Chen Ge Department, and directly order to cut down the censor who impeached President Zhou! Tomorrow The decree says that officials are not allowed to talk about the commander-in-chief before the end of the military affairs, so as to disturb the morale of the army, this law should be followed!"


Ma Shiying was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly agreed.

Affected by Tianqi’s rent-seeking of power to Zhang Gui due to his royal interests, Zhang Gui has in fact held the same power as Zhang Juzheng, that is, he can directly order the Minister of Rites and the cabinet to act according to his will.

Zhou Yuji and Ma Shiying also knew about this.

It's just that what Zhou Yuji and Ma Shiying didn't expect was that Zhang Gui would be so decisive and ruthless in the matter of Yushi Beep's military affairs.

The situation in the army is on fire, so naturally Zhou Yuji can't stop Zhang Gui from doing this for himself.

Naturally, Ma Shiying would not disobey Zhang Gui, even if he wanted to persuade Zhang Gui not to do this, he would not persuade Zhang Gui in person.

After the urgent delivery was sent back to the capital, Wei Zhongxian sighed: "It's Uncle Guo!"

Then, Wei Zhongxian asked the cabinet ministers present: "Gentlemen, who among you will draft this plan?"

Chen Zizhuang got up suddenly and said: "This matter is very difficult to decide. It is wrong to discuss military affairs if officials are conniving, but they dare not be so harsh. Uncle Zhang Guo treats civil servants as soldiers in the army. He can't do it. Kill him if he says he wants to kill him?"

Wei Zhongxian didn't expect Chen Zizhuang's reaction to be so strong, but when he thought that civil servants have their own bottom line, he could understand Chen Zizhuang's reaction for a while.

"Let me draft a ticket."

At this moment, Wen Tiren got up and said something.

Then, Chen Zizhuang looked at Wen Tiren in surprise.

Wen Tiren didn't look at Chen Zizhuang, but just took the censor's playbook from Wei Zhongxian's hand, walked to his case, drew up a note, and quickly wrote a striking word "cut", and then I wrote down other content requested by Zhang Gui.

Wei Zhongxian looked at Chen Zizhuang's dazed look, smiled slightly, and after Wen Tiren handed over the memorial, he was more respectful to Wen Tiren: "Everyone said that Ge Lao knew the general, but now our family found out that the rumors are indeed true."


Wen Tiren said with a smile.

Wei Zhongxian took over Wen Tiren's drafted memorial, immediately approved the red, and then ordered Jin Yiwei to get the censor.

The censor who was good at discussing military affairs and impeaching Zhou Yuji was quickly shown to the public.

When the censor heard the intention to kill him, he didn't understand how he deserved to be beheaded just by beeping a few words.

But in any case, from then on, the other officials decisively chose to shut up.

Zhang Gui and Zhou Yuji were here to command the army to wipe out the front line of Jiannu, and they were not disturbed by any rumors from officials.

The army of more than [-] troops not only did not accelerate the occupation of Hetuala directly because of the smooth march, but withdrew back in an orderly manner one after another. Even the small army of slaves who were harassing everywhere did not pursue it, but only set up camp on the outskirts. Pull up a circle of barbed wire.

At the same time, the various armies of the Ming Dynasty selected their own elite after a rest, and went deep into the villages and villages of Jiannu to arrest people fully armed.

"Kneel down and don't kill! Kneel down and don't kill!"

The coats of Jiannu, that is, the serfs are mostly Han Chinese who were exiled or taken captive, but they can understand Chinese, and some even understand Chinese characters. Therefore, when the elite of the Ming army went deep into the villages of Jiannu, they still pulled When the banners were used to arrest people, these slaves knelt down obediently, by the side of the hut or by the ridge of the field, and were then tied up and taken away by the Ming army.

At the same time, after the Ming army captured these people, they set fire to the villages and villages, and all the farmlands were opened up, and the young crops were directly cut off by the soldiers organized.

When the Ming army withdrew and the Jiannu flag soldiers hiding in the deep mountains came out to look out, they found that the nearby villages in the mountains and forests where they hid had long since been deserted, and even the wells were blocked with mud and dung.

"It's really vicious!"

After learning about this situation, Jierhalang gritted his teeth and slammed his fist on the tree trunk beside him, causing the snow to fall down.

Although Jiannu Jurchen was originally a fishing and hunting nation, influenced by the civilization of the Han Dynasty, it has already evolved into an agricultural regime, which is more dependent on agriculture. Otherwise, it would not be able to maintain tens of thousands of soldiers.

Therefore, Zhang Gui and Zhou Yuji's tactic of destroying their fields, cutting off their seedlings and exterminating their households was a drudgery against Jiannu, and Jierhalang couldn't be calm no matter how calm he was.

"I thought that the Ming army would be eager to take Hetuala because of greed for merit, so that they would be exhausted from the long journey, and the supply line of food and grass would be lengthened, and even divide the troops to guard each village, so that we could give us a chance to defeat each of them. But I didn't expect , They are not in a hurry to occupy Hetuala, and they don’t want to separate the villages, but directly burn the villages and destroy the fields! This Zhou Yuji is Zhou Yuji after all, and he is indeed much stronger than the Juniper and Liu Ting back then!"

At this time, Gang Lin couldn't help saying something aside, and couldn't help frowning and stuffed a handful of snow into his mouth.

Like the nobles of the Eight Banners like Jierhalang, he has already experienced the rich life of the Han bureaucrats after following Nurhaci in the capture of Liaoyang, Shenyang, and Guangning in the Ming Dynasty in his early years, and his taste has also drank all kinds of hot names from the south. Tea is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, so it is already a very painful thing for him to escape into the deep mountains and old forests to eat snow to satisfy his hunger and thirst like his ancestors did.

But now that the Ming army has destroyed wells everywhere, he has to endure the pain now.

After Ganglin said this, Jierhalang said: "The more important thing is not this Zhou Yuji, but since the Ming Dynasty has that Zhang Guojiu, there is no civil servant restricting the generals in front! Logically, They haven't taken Hetuala for so long, it's time for some officials to impeach them! Or does it mean that those officials in the court have really learned to shut up now?"

(End of this chapter)

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