Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 428 The brilliant Ming Dynasty, you are invincible!

Chapter 428 The brilliant Ming Dynasty, you are invincible!

The living conditions of ordinary Mongolian herdsmen have also been very bad in recent years.

After all, now that the national power of the Ming Dynasty has become stronger, the risk of them entering the customs to collect food has greatly increased. Many times they dare not break into the Great Wall to collect food. In addition, Jiannu did not bully them less before they were surrounded by the Ming army.

In addition, the small glacier climate exacerbated the wind and snow disasters outside the customs, affecting animal husbandry.

Therefore, the herdsmen of various Mongolian tribes often have to fight famine.

Therefore, when Daming did not develop the Hanhai Coal Mine, but gathered a large army here, and prepared to recruit some Mongolian herdsmen to work in the mine, many Mongolian herdsmen were willing to give up their nomadic life and come to the mining area in order to enjoy the free food provided by Daming. With the package salary plus wages ranging from [-] Wen to [-] sling a month, he became a hired worker here.

Now the mine has started mining.

Han Chinese miners are mainly mature miners transferred from the Xishan Coal Mine, with senior mining technology and experience.

Among the hired Mongolian herdsmen, women and the elderly are mainly responsible for picking coal, that is, sorting coal by size; young and strong men are led by Han miners to do the most tiring work in the mining process, and Han miners train their mining skills by the way .

When Zhu Yujian got Xia Yunyi's order and walked towards the center of the mining area, he heard the sound of tinkling and clanging.

At the same time, Zhu Yujian also saw many Mongolian herdsmen squatting around a steel rail full of newly mined coal.

These Mongolian herdsmen are throwing coals of different sizes into several dustpans around them.

Zhu Yujian didn't intend to ask these Mongolian women, children and old people picking up coal how to contact the Mongolian tribe leader here, but just walked to the mining area, and walked out a Mongolian man who was carrying two baskets of coal.

After the Mongolian man picked up two baskets of coal and dumped them on the steel rails, Zhu Yujian came over and asked in Mongolian, "Do you know where your Shuo Lei Jinong is, and can you contact me?" Go to him, if you can do it, I will give you 50 taels of silver."

The name of this middle-aged Mongolian man is Saida, and he happens to be a ranger from the Chechen Khan tribe. Now he comes to the Daming mining area to open a mine, which is equivalent to making some temporary money. After all, earning money here is much less risky than entering the customs and looting.

After hearing this, Saida said: "Yes! But what should I call you?"

"Call me to join the army."

Zhu Yujian became the military secretary next to Xia Yunyi once he was put here.

The Secretary of Joining the Army is a newly added governor-general official in Ming Dynasty.

The purpose of adding these subordinate officials is to facilitate the implementation of policies, so that the court can directly manage and support the staff around the governor, and no longer use the governor's own money to hire staff.

Soon after Zhu Yujian finished speaking, he asked Saida to take him and the fifty cavalry sent by Xia Yunyi to the camp of Jinongshuolei of the Chechen Khan.

Jinong is an official position in Mongolia, and it is a high-ranking noble official position.

And now the supreme ruler of the Mongolian Chechen Khan in this area is Jinong Shuolei.

"Hey, the Han people in front, are you going to see my father?"

Just when Zhu Yujian came to the main tent of the Chechen Khan with more than fifty cavalrymen and Saida, the woman who was molested by Zhu Yujian just now also ran over with more than thirty Mongolian cavalrymen and stopped them. He also asked Zhu Yujian about the way to go.

Zhu Yujian did not laugh with the Mongolian woman this time, but said with a serious face: "How can you ask about the affairs of the celestial dynasty?! If you don't get out of the way, don't blame my heavy cavalry generals for trampling you into mud! "

The Mongolian woman immediately raised her eyebrows, pursed her cherry lips, and held the reins tightly, but because she found that the other party was an officer of the Ming Dynasty, she was indeed well-equipped, not to mention wearing armor, and even the horses were obviously bought from the Western Regions. He is quite tall and strong, and the gun in his hand is obviously the magic gun that she has seen before that can shoot a hundred paces away, so she can only wave her hand to get her cavalry aside, and she also rides her horse and retreats to the side .

Zhu Yujian saw that the Mongolian woman was very interesting, so he didn't pay any attention to it, and just continued to drive forward.

However, the Mongolian woman and the thirty or so riders beside her did not leave to chase the sunset, but continued eastward, following behind Zhu Yujian and others, and her big eyes couldn't hide their anger towards Zhu Yujian .

However, the Mongolian woman still maintained her rationality and did not choose to attack Zhu Yujian and his fifty cavalrymen.

There is no way, the Mongolian tribe has declined too fast, and has long lost the momentum of piercing through the Eurasian continent, especially now that the main young and strong of the Chahar tribe led by Lindan Khan have been wiped out by the Ming Dynasty in the Xishan area of ​​​​Gyeonggi. After many young men were plundered from the Mongolian tribes, the current Mongolian tribes are not only short of supplies and iron, so that they cannot be refitted with heavy cavalry, they are still dominated by light cavalry, and there is also a serious shortage of young men.

Therefore, even though the Mongolian woman's status is not low at this time, the number of small cavalry with her is not as large as that of Ming Zhu Yujian.

Of course, it was precisely because the Ming Dynasty sent more than [-] troops into the territory of the Tatar tribes and snatched away a lot of Mongolian young men, so it attracted the attention of the Mongolian tribes, especially the Chechen Khan tribe who ruled here. .

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, I can tell you that my father has agreed to marry the right-wing Zasaktu Khan tribe, and he will marry my sister to him, and the Zasaktu Khan tribe The Khan has also promised my father to send troops together to attack you Ming people who have intruded into the territory of my Chechen Khan! If you go to see my father now, you will only be scolded and driven away by him!"

The Mongolian woman suddenly yelled at Zhu Yujian and the others after deliberation.

After Zhu Yujian heard this, he sneered and said, "You should go back and tell your father that if you really want to keep his wealth and glory, you might as well choose a nobleman from my Ming Dynasty to marry me. I hope that through marriage with other Tatar tribes, I can fight against my glorious Ming Dynasty. This is simply wishful thinking. This will only cause sister Ling to watch the two tribes perish!"

As he said that, Zhu Yujian then shouted loudly: "Unless he really thinks that the Mongolian tribes are still in the time of Temujin and Kublai Khan! In fact, if your Tatar tribes really want to regain the prestige of the past, they must belong to my Ming dynasty. , and you must submit to my Emperor Ming, because without my assistance, you don’t even have enough arrows to draw your bows and stirrups to ride your horses!”

"The nobleman you are talking about is yourself?"

The Mongolian woman asked suddenly.

"Of course not!"

As Zhu Yujian spoke, he glanced at the Mongolian woman and said, "I'm more interested in her younger sister."

The Mongolian woman blushed pretty, then looked ahead and said, "You still have time to retreat now!"

At this time, Zhu Yujian also saw a large number of Mongolian cavalry suddenly appearing in front of him, flowing slowly like a black torrent.

Saida and a group of Ming army cavalry who came with Zhu Yujian all looked at him.

The Mongolian woman sneered and asked, "Why, do you still want to ask my father for marriage?"

"It's not impossible!"

Zhu Yujian said a word, and he really hit the horse without hesitation and ran towards the large number of Mongolian cavalry gathered in front of him.

The Mongolian woman couldn't help but look tense, and hurriedly followed the cavalry beside Zhu Yujian.

"Zhu Canjun, look behind!"

Saida, who was following Zhu Yujian, suddenly called out.

After hearing this, Zhu Yujian also glanced back.

Seeing this, Zhu Yujian hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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