Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 441 The scholar-bureaucrat invites Zhang Gui and Zhang Jing, and is willing to be a student!

Chapter 441 The scholar-bureaucrat invited Zhang Gui back to Beijing, willing to be a student!
"What do you think, if they have grown up, they won't panic because they don't return to Beijing because of their husbands."

After Zhang Gui asked with a smile, he spoke meaningfully.

"I didn't expect that they would panic because your husband has not returned to Beijing. A few days before leaving Beijing, many of them would come to the mansion to inquire, anxious like ants on a hot pot."

Shang Jinghui twitched his eyebrows and said, "But come to think of it, many of them are veteran officials who have been in the ups and downs of the officialdom for many years. I can do it, but I didn’t expect it, it’s all because you are in a hurry, my husband, and in the end you have to personally stop our car!”

Shang Jinghui smiled slightly as he said that.

Zhang Gui said with a smile: "It's not really their fault, it's not that they're not smart, it's because the ancients only taught them how to achieve national peace and security by dealing with the internal relationship between monarchs, ministers and common people, but didn't teach them how to mobilize external resources, Including the foreign barbarian population, to realize the prosperity of the country and the people. You see, whether it is Confucius or Meng, they all taught the principles of internal governance. So, how would they know how to coordinate external resources to strengthen themselves? country and people."

Shang Jinghui nodded.

Zhang Gui continued: "Just like the coal mines in the vast sea, except for the husband who knows how to turn these coal mines into real gold and silver that enrich the country and the people, it is impossible for them to know, because they don't know that one day in this world, because of The strange skills and tricks that they have always ignored have undergone major changes. Rao, they know that strange skills and tricks have great effects, but they don’t know where the direction of change is. This is not a matter of personal wisdom, but a matter of personal cognitive limitations. question."

"Then why does your husband know?"

Shang Jinghui asked.

Zhang Gui smiled and said, "You have to ask the heavens!"

Shang Jinghui was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and said nothing more.

At this moment, the maid came to report that Chen Zizhuang had come to pay respects.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui hurriedly sent a message to the maid to ask Chen Zizhuang to wait in the outer study.

Not long after, Zhang Gui came to Chen Zizhuang's place and saw Chen Zizhuang.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and it seemed that some previous differences did not affect their relationship.

Chen Zizhuang saluted first.

Zhang Gui also returned the gift, and first said: "I thought the gentleman would not come, but I didn't expect that the gentleman would still come across the ocean after I invited you."

Chen Zizhuang said: "I didn't want to come here, and I didn't want to deal with you, Uncle Guo. But, I really can't do without you, Uncle Zhang Guo, who is wayward and doesn't care about the court and the world. !"

Zhang Guidao: "You are straightforward. But, have you ever thought about why you can't leave me as a relative, but I can leave you as a relative?"

"That's one of the reasons why I'm here to see you!"

"One is to sincerely invite you to return to Beijing at the invitation of Yuan Gong and Lu Gong; the other is to ask for advice, Daming has come to this point, why we can't do without you, uncle of the country!"

"Think about my lords in the court, which one is not well-read poetry and books, which one is not a family history, which one is not a long-term official, which one is not wise and decisive? How come you are lost without your uncle! We wait for Honglu Calling the name, he was a good man, but he was arrogant, but now he has to invite Uncle Zhang Guo back to Beijing!"

After Chen Zizhuang said something sincerely, he stood up and bowed to Zhang Gui: "Please enlighten me!"

"Sit down first."

Zhang Gui first pointed to the guest seat, and sat down with Chen Zizhuang before saying: "It's not that I insist on giving you lessons, it's just that you people with feather fans and towels are the rulers of the world today. If you don't give you lessons, the entire nation will have no future." .Firstly, the king needs you to teach and remonstrate; secondly, the people need you to educate and enlighten wisdom.”

Chen Zizhuang nodded.

"But most of you are a group of people who only blame women for the monarch's incompetence and subjugation, or only know how to kill tyrants and ministers without judging, and even regard etiquette, law, honor and morals as more important than the interests of the nation and the common people, and only want to protect themselves Are cheerful people really the ones who grow up and learn how to solve problems? I’m afraid they’re just the ones who only solve problems?”

Zhang Gui asked a question.

Chen Zizhuang smiled: "Uncle Guo really hit the nail on the head!"

Zhang Guidao: "So, I did this this time to teach you and give you a lesson! Let you learn to deal with problems by yourself, instead of relying on someone, using someone, and then solving someone to cover up your inability to solve the problem. And stupid! However, up to now, you obviously haven't calmed down and thought about how to solve it, but only know how to slap and roll, clamoring to ask the grand master to go back, but you have never thought about growing up and taking responsibility yourself! "

Chen Zizhuang stood up again and looked at Zhang Gui with an angry face.

Zhang Gui turned Erlang's legs up: "Could it be that my grand master is wrong? I proposed the unified taxation of Xichang, and the nationalization of the army. What I proposed, even the relocation of refugees overseas to divert internal conflicts was also proposed by me, and the development of industry was also proposed by me. You habitually wait for others to bring the restructuring strategy to you, and then analyze and analyze it. I didn’t think about how to change it myself. Just like a frog, you have to poke a stick in the back of your butt to jump.”

Chen Zizhuang sat down angrily: "You're right, if it weren't for you, I never would have thought that the whole world would pay for Daming's internal troubles, nor would I have thought that organizing the common people would have such a big effect. , let alone to verify whether Thunderbolt can really tell the difference between loyalty and traitor, it is your uncle who makes us refresh our knowledge time and time again."

Zhang Guidao: "It's not your fault. The main reason is that the sage didn't teach you to think in this way. The sage only taught you his own principles to let you know what is right and what is wrong, but he didn't teach you how to analyze why it is right. Why is it the wrong way. So, when you encounter problems, you habitually wait for a sage to tell you what to do, or follow the sage’s words.”

"Uncle Guo, you are right. However, this time you have indeed taught the world a new lesson."

Chen Zizhuang said: "It turns out that the master of high meritorious service can still do this. He can take the rich land of other countries as his own, and then be a free person far away from the court."

"What kind of fat land in another country? This was the land of my Han family in the Han Dynasty! Besides, there is no owner of the land in this world, but whoever can occupy it can be the owner. If it can't be occupied, even if it is now What’s yours isn’t necessarily yours in the future.”

Zhang Gui refuted Chen Zizhuang.

Chen Zizhuang could only nod his head and said, "You are right! I think I made a mistake."

Then, Chen Zizhuang asked: "Then when will you return to Beijing and give lessons to the Han people all over the world so that they know what to do next, how to turn the coal mines in Hanhai into silver?"

As he said that, Chen Zizhuang took out a stack of personal letters: "These are all private letters entrusted to you by the princes of the court, and they are all to persuade you to return to Beijing."

Zhang Guidao: "Wait for Your Majesty to come down. Your Majesty should come. I need to talk to Your Majesty about some things."

At this moment, Qi Panzong came over and said: "A Jin Yiwei came to the island, and His Majesty Yan has gone to Jianghua Island to speak to the officials of Jianghua Island."

(End of this chapter)

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