Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 444 The apocalypse is overjoyed, and he decrees that he will be crowned and appointed!

Chapter 444 The apocalypse is overjoyed, and he decrees that he will be crowned and appointed!
Afterwards, Zhang Gui saw with his own eyes that the steam locomotive began to move forward, and the sound of collision and friction from the rolling metal appeared in the cold air in early winter like a beautiful Sanskrit sound, which made Zhang Gui feel at ease immediately. I felt a burst of warmth pouring into my heart, dispelling the cold air.

Sun Yuanhua also looked at all this excitedly, and tears rolled out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"It's moving! It's really moving!"

The other technicians present also spoke excitedly.

Zhang Gui walked up to Sun Yuanhua at this time, and patted him on the shoulder: "You did it!"


Sun Yuanhua nodded emphatically.

Zhang Gui said to Ma Shiying who was still working by his side: "Report this matter to His Majesty."


Ma Shiying agreed.

Zhang Gui then called out again: "Liu Zongmin!"

Liu Zongmin came over: "My lord, please tell me."

"Hold the right card in the mansion and go to the Ministry of Households to order coal. Next, the first railway line in Daming will be operated by this mansion!"

Zhang Gui said at this time.


Liu Zongmin also agreed.

Since Zhang Gui was invited back to Beijing by Tianqi, Hubu Shangshu Bi Ziyan's mood has improved a lot, and since he felt that he had to rely on, he began to hum the song in his spare time, and even talked with Hubu colleagues joke about it.

In short, because of Zhang Gui’s return to the capital, and the fact that Jiannu has been destroyed, the southwest rebellion has long been quelled, and the national treasury is full, and the world is peaceful, all the bureaucrats in the world have a lot of peace of mind, and the Ministry of Households is no exception. Rao is that the Ministry of Household Affairs still urgently needs to deal with a large number of coal mines produced by Hanhai Coal Mine. Bi Ziyan and other officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs are no longer in a hurry.

As soon as Liu Zongmin came to the household department, Bi Ziyan was very excited because of this. He got up and invited Liu Zongmin to his duty room, and asked, "Is the commander here to order coal?"

Liu Zongmin nodded.

After hearing this, Bi Ziyan clapped his hands and said with a smile, "That's great! If it weren't for your mansion, I really don't know how to change the fact that the Hanhai coal mine has turned into silver."

Liu Zongmin took out the silver pair from the Dongping Palace: "Our prince has already told us that we can buy as much coal as there is in the Hanhai Coal Mine."

Bi Ziyan nodded: "Okay! It is Your Highness after all! This hall will order someone to handle this matter for your residence, please rest for a while!"

After speaking, Bi Ziyan hurriedly ordered his subordinates to serve tea to Liu Zongmin.

Not long after, Zhang Gui let his palace buy all the coal from Hanhai Coal Mine, and because of this, almost emptied all the savings of his palace.

Fortunately, Zhang Gui's Dongping Palace also has shares in Daming's government-run Hanhai Coal Mine.

And after Zhang Gui bought all the coal of Hanhai Coal Mine, the shareholders of Hanhai Coal Mine got dividends soon after, and Zhang Gui's Dongping Palace also returned some money, which was able to maintain daily expenses.

For the other shareholders of Hanhai Coal Mine, they also received dividends, and finally got a report through investing in Hanhai Coal Mine.

At this time, Li Chengming, Marquis of Wuqing, saw the large amount of dividends and silver sent to his mansion, his eyes lit up, and his mouth was wide open for a long time: "It's him, Uncle Zhang! As soon as he comes back, It can really turn this coal mine stock into silver!"

But as soon as Li Chengming finished speaking, his face froze again.

Suddenly, Li Chengming slapped himself directly on the left cheek.

As if a slap wasn't enough, Li Chengming slapped himself on the right cheek again.

Li Chengming couldn't help it for a while, so he played mixed doubles against himself.

The servant on the side was stunned when he saw this scene, thinking whether he should call his wife to know, so that he could invite a doctor for his Lord Hou.

Fortunately, Li Chengming didn't slap himself after swollen himself. He just cried and said, "Why did I have shallow eyelids at the beginning and sold many coal mine stocks in my hand! If I didn't sell them, there will only be more people now." What a lot of money! Why can't I hold back!"

Li Chengming is not greedy enough, because he sold some of the stocks when the stock price fell before, and regretted it too much.

But no matter what, as far as the rich and powerful bureaucrats of Ming Dynasty are concerned, they have indeed seen their own money now, and all of them have prospered in a short time.

The price of luxury goods has also risen sharply.

Surprisingly extravagant than rich can be seen everywhere in the capital.

Even Liu Hongxun and Wu Weiye, the bureaucrats who were deceived by the rich merchants of the Wang family and nearly ruined their fortunes, turned around and began to pay more attention to it. It is necessary to use a more obedient Japanese slave.

However, although the spending power of the rich and powerful bureaucrats has soared, the spending power of ordinary people has not weakened.

Because the wealth and consumption power of the rich and powerful bureaucrats has increased greatly this time, it is all because of the wealth obtained from mining abroad, not from the internal exploitation of the common people. The consumption power of the common people has actually been rising.

Because [-]% of the shares of Hanhai Coal Mine belong to the royal family, [-]% are purchased by the people of the world, and [-]% are directly returned to the state treasury; therefore, the main profits of Hanhai Coal Mine still belong to the state treasury, which is then used by the Duzhi Department for investment and welfare expenditures .Therefore, the labor income of the common people has also increased, and the natural consumption capacity has also increased.

In short, after Daming mined the ore resources outside, it was finally managed by Zhang Gui, which benefited both the country and the people.

Of course, some rich and powerful bureaucrats who are willing to take the initiative to learn about it are also very curious about why Zhang Gui's Dongping Palace purchased a large number of coal mines.

Bi Ziyan was very interested in this, and ordered people to go to Dongping Palace to inquire all the time.

But Zhang Gui and Sun Yuanhua had just put the steam locomotive on the road not long ago, so Bi Ziyan and the others couldn't find anything for the time being.

Now the number of people who know about the steam locomotive has only just increased to Tianqi and some people around him.

"It's really moving! It's really moving!"

Tian Qi also spoke excitedly when he saw the steam locomotive carrying himself forward, while the trees outside the car were slowly retreating.

"Your Majesty has developed this! If not, there would not be such a car that can walk without a cow or horse. However, the technical craftsmen of the entire Ming Dynasty in iron and steel smelting, forging, chemical engineering, and mechanics also contributed a lot. Not small. Otherwise, the locomotive would not really appear."

Zhang Gui said with a smile.

Tianqi nodded: "Confucian officials said that indulging in strange skills and ingenuity will harm the country. I have never believed it. Now that this car appears, I believe it even more. With this car, it can be transported continuously without using No matter how many horses and manpower are spent, this is a good thing for Daming who is opening up the territory, especially since he eats coal and does not eat grain, so I don’t have to worry about it now because opening up the territory will consume too much food It’s in luck. Therefore, besides the fact that I am the emperor and need to be judged by future generations, for you, those who have contributed to this should all be conferred titles and officials!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Gui said with a smile.

At this time, Tian Qi ordered again: "Go and call the prince and the officials of the East Palace around him, let them know about the utensils of this new era!"

Not long after, the crown prince and his subjects from the Eastern Palace also rushed over.

The prince and his officials in the Eastern Palace were also amazed at the steam locomotive that was rumbling forward without oxen and horses.

But only at this moment, Fan Jingwen said solemnly: "Your Majesty! Please stop this car as soon as possible. It is so roaring that it may shake the ancestral tomb of the dragon veins underground and ruin my Fengshui!"

(End of this chapter)

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