Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 450 Educate your wife, don't value peace!

Chapter 450 Educate your wife, don't value peace!
After Zhu Changhao returned to the mansion, his face was already swollen by himself.

However, Zhu Changhao was not angry because of this, on the contrary, he was more fortunate that Zhang Gui let him go.

Zhu Changhao is not Zhu Changrun. He knows that his clans are nothing in front of Zhang Gui, because not everyone will look up to them just because their surname is Zhu and they are the descendants of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Especially Zhang Gui, he will not think highly of them because of this.

Zhu Changhao already understood that Rao is His Majesty, but in Zhang Gui's eyes, he should not be a person who should be superior to him.

Therefore, Zhu Changhao knew that he couldn't make Zhang Gui be kinder to him by relying on his status as a nobleman in Tianhuang, so he felt lucky because he escaped by smoking himself now.

"My son! It's your mother who killed you!"

After seeing Zhu Changhao's face swollen like a pumpkin, Concubine Zhou felt heartbroken and regretful that she shouldn't have done anything to Shang Jinghui.

Zhu Changhao also smiled and said to Concubine Zhou: "Mother and concubine don't have to be sad! In any case, Uncle Guo finally didn't care anymore. Today, the whole world is presided over by Uncle Zhang Guo, and everything should be kept low-key. Jealousy is a good thing.”

Concubine Zhou nodded, and complained again with tears: "It's just that the emperor is hateful. Why do you favor Uncle Zhang Guo so much and let him bully our clan. Is this world my Zhu family's or his Zhang family's?"

"Don't say that!"

Zhu Changhao hurriedly reminded Concubine Zhou in fear, and said, "Concubine Mother, times have changed! You can no longer have the most noble thoughts of the Zhu family. It is precisely because your Majesty understands this that you have not treated Uncle Zhang Guo like this. According to the current formulation, everyone of the Han people is noble, in other words, as long as they are Han people, no one is more noble than the other. Only the king, the law, and the emperor are the most important!"

After speaking, Zhu Changhao said again: "Of course, Wang Fahuanggang is nothing in front of Uncle Zhang Guo and His Majesty. After all, they are the ones who have soldiers and horses. In addition, the powerful and bureaucrats in the world still need them , the hearts of the people are still on their side. Therefore, King Hui fell into the water. But we still have to abide by the laws of the king. He didn't hold a large share, nor did he belong to the uncle of the country, nor did he belong to the scholar-bureaucrats of the world, and he didn't have the foundation to become His Majesty? His Majesty's foundation has always been the Guards, not our clan."

"Fortunately my son understands, otherwise I'm afraid I will end up in the same fate as King Hui."

Concubine Zhou couldn't help laughing and said something, but after seeing Zhu Changhao's face, she became sad again: "I just didn't expect my mother to cause you such a big grievance! The majestic uncle was forced to slap himself by a foreign relative. It's all It's my mother's fault! Woohoo!"

"Okay, mother concubine don't need to be sad! You can't really blame you for this. Many rich and powerful people suffer because they haven't changed. Even if they have suffered a lot, they still feel that they are of noble blood or status, so they should be here. Among the Han people, there is a superior person, the emperor should favor himself, no matter how meritorious and famous the minister is, he is just the dog of his Zhu family, and he should respect himself."

"King Hui has suffered a great loss because he has not recognized the reality. The mother and concubine also ignored many things because she stayed in the harem all the time."

Zhu Changhao said, "It also has something to do with the Empress and Princess Shang. They are so kind! Especially Princess Shang!"

"Uncle Mingming didn't pay much attention to the dignity and inferiority of the Han people, but because she was a lady from a scholarly family, she studied Confucian books and learned Confucian etiquette since she was a child, so she is still like your mother and concubine. The concubine of the harem lives in harmony, and even respects you a little because you are an elder. But in the end, you, the concubine, mistakenly think that she can be bullied by Princess Shang, and the empress will not pursue it for the sake of the royal face. But in fact, it’s okay if Uncle Zhang Guo doesn’t know, but once he knows, he will definitely be dealt with toughly, there is no such thing as courtesy, because Uncle Zhang Guo is not a Confucian!”

"That's not true! She, Shang Jinghui, is a bit arrogant. As a mother, I wouldn't dare to provoke her. I'm afraid she won't have time! That is to say, I only dare to do this when I am sure that she will understand the general situation, will not cause trouble, and knows how to respect the elderly." .”

"But who knows, the king of Hui didn't know what to say. After hearing about it from Concubine Li, he told Uncle Zhang Guo about it! I'm also to blame. I'll tell Concubine Li what to do. Tell this to her son."

Concubine Zhou also said regretfully.

Zhu Changhao sighed: "Forget it! Concubine mother, don't fight hard with Uncle Zhang's people in the future. As for Shang Jinghui, concubine mother can bully one or two because she is a lady, knowledgeable and polite. But try not to let Uncle Zhang Guo know, otherwise, it will be the child who will suffer!"

Concubine Zhou nodded: "Mother knows, don't worry."


"You just thought of telling me now?"

Zhang Gui asked Shang Jinghui.

Shang Jinghui lowered his head and twirled the handkerchief, then raised his head, and said aggrievedly: "Don't be angry! I also think that one thing is worse than one thing. After all, she is a concubine, and we should value peace, right? Because of the great power, even the royal people don't look down on them, let alone the royal people, aren't they so kind? Look at your mother, she has always been very kind to the orders of the families, and she won't rely on the queen. the power to oppress people."

"I know that your family education is all like this. It is impossible to expect you to change your gentle and docile temperament all at once. But you have been out of the boudoir for many years, so you should be able to understand that in the capital, in this power struggle This land is different from Jiangnan where there are only gentry and common people, and the value of peace is untenable here!"

"Although the empress is my elder sister, it doesn't mean that I really approve of her Confucian etiquette!"

"To be honest, if it wasn't for your husband and I who gave His Majesty the great benefits that His Majesty couldn't give up and reversed Daming's fate, her life in the palace would not be as easy as it is now. Not to mention others, the Ke family, who was deeply trusted by His Majesty back then, would not be so easy." To be able to ride on the head of her, a princess in the palace, let alone have any children, I am afraid that even His Majesty will hate her in the end!"

"Don't think that your majesty will really accommodate her in everything just because you love her, and follow her, wrong! Your majesty is a rational emperor, he can treat your empress kindly emotionally, but if your majesty really has a conflict of interest with him , he will not be polite."

"So you have to be tougher on outsiders in the future, you know? Don't waste my current power as a husband, and don't wrong yourself because of your business's reputation as a nobleman. Let go of the nosy things you want to meddle in, and those who want to clean up Just let go and clean it up, anyway, with your current status, people will agree with you even if you point at a deer as a horse."

Zhang Gui grabbed Shang Jinghui's shoulder and said.

Shang Jinghui nodded: "Yes!"

At this moment Zhang Gui asked suddenly: "Has the evil slave been sent to prison?"

Liu Zongmin came to the door and replied: "Your Highness, Nine Thousand Years has already sent someone to put that evil slave in jail, and it has been found out that she is a spy of Jiannu, and she is also taking serious bribes. Now I want to ask the empress how much she asked for bribes. "

Zhang Gui nodded and asked Shang Jinghui, "How much bribes does Princess Shouning's housekeeper take?"

"5000 taels!"

Shang Jinghui replied.

"Have you heard? Tell Eunuch Wei immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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