Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 461 The queen was furious and scolded the concubine!

Chapter 461 The queen was furious and scolded the concubine!

"Concubine Zhou!"

Shang Jinghui said at this moment.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "I have to go to the palace to meet the empress."

"What are you doing seeing your mother?"

Shang Jinghui asked.

Zhang Gui only left one sentence: "Zhu Taifei!"

After hearing this, Shang Jinghui froze in place.

The next day, it was the early winter of the 14th year of Apocalypse, and snow kept falling outside Queen Zhang Yan's pepper room.

But Zhang Yan didn't take a look at these snowflakes, she just asked Zhang Gui: "Do you really want me to do this?"

"If the empress doesn't do this, then the younger brother can only do it himself. But if this is the case, the meaning is different."

Zhang Gui replied.

After a while, Zhang Yan put the stove on the table, got up, walked into the Nuan Pavilion, and said: "Okay! I will do it."

"My brother, thank you for your empress."

Zhang Gui got up and saluted.


At this time, Concubine Zhou did not expect that what she said to scold Princess Le'an in the past would be used by those who want to use it as an opportunity to criticize Uncle Zhang Guo.

But Concubine Zhou didn't worry about it, instead, she was complacent about it, and felt that this was a bad reputation for Princess Le An who dared to contradict her.

Concubine Zhou even wished that the emperor would beat her own sister to death because of this.

And what Concubine Zhou didn't expect was that on this day, a deacon and young supervisor beside her suddenly brought her a large box of jewelry containing gold, jewellery, and shellfish.

The deacon and young supervisor said: "This is Mr. Han's filial piety for His Royal Highness King Rui."

Seeing that it was sent by her son's friend, Concubine Zhou naturally understood the meaning and was very happy, she just asked: "What is the purpose of Mr. Han's filial piety?"

The deacon and young supervisor put his hands on his mouth and whispered into Concubine Zhou's ear.

Concubine Zhou nodded after hearing this.

Immediately, Concubine Zhou got up and walked towards the Princess Mansion of Princess Le'an Mansion, and the deacon and young supervisor followed.

As soon as she arrived at Princess Le'an's mansion, Concubine Zhou asked Princess Le'an's mother-in-law, "Where is Your Highness?"

The nanny replied: "Enjoy the snow with the son-in-law in the mansion."

Concubine Zhou snorted coldly after hearing this, and lowered her face: "Then let His Highness and the son-in-law come out to see me! Just say that there is an imperial decree!"

Not long after, Princess Le'an and the consort Gong Yonggu came out hand in hand.

Seeing this, Concubine Zhou's face became even uglier, and she muttered, "I'm so shameless!"

For a while, Princess Le'an came to Concubine Zhou and asked, "Why did the emperor send you, the concubine, to announce the decree, instead of the eunuch of the inner court?"

Concubine Zhou heheed: "Naturally, I don't want to let outsiders know the face of the royal family! Let me announce the decree. Naturally, I want me, as a royal elder, to persuade His Highness to hang himself and observe the festival to prove his innocence! And to protect the face of the royal family!"

"Nonsense! Why did the emperor let me hang myself because of this?! Besides, this is a non-existent story!"

Princess Le'an was shocked, she refuted a sentence, and then said: "Except for the nonsense that the concubine said in the past, even the son-in-law did not want me to commit adultery with King Dongping after hearing my analysis. Believe."

"People's words are terrible! Some things don't have to be right and wrong. As long as there are such rumors, His Highness should prove it for himself!"

Concubine Zhou said.

Seeing this, Gong Yonggu persuaded: "The concubine is rosy, Your Highness is a nobleman, how can you hang yourself easily because of rumors? Moreover, in my opinion, letting His Highness hang himself at this time will only confirm that His Highness has committed adultery. It’s better to investigate first.”

"What does this have to do with me? Your Majesty's will has been understood, and His Highness wants to hang himself immediately!"

Concubine Zhou gave the young deacon beside her a wink as she spoke.

The deacon and young supervisor took out a hand from his sleeve and issued it.

Concubine Zhou said at this time: "Now that His Majesty's edict is here, don't His Highness still believe it, do you have to resist the edict?"

Princess Le'an was so shocked that she couldn't help but look at Gong Yonggu.

Gong Yonggu was also at a loss, he did not dare to disobey the holy will.

Concubine Zhou sneered at this moment and said, "Your Highness, please go on your way."

Princess Le'an couldn't help crying: "No, I don't believe it, I'm going to ask Brother Huang why he did this!"

"What's the point of asking! The face of the royal family is more important, or the life of His Highness? Don't His Highness understand? Don't His Majesty understand?!"

Concubine Zhou scolded loudly.

"I don't understand why! When will it be the concubine's turn to discipline the family members in the harem? I don't know, I don't have a queen yet in Ming Dynasty?"

Just at this time, Queen Zhang Yan came over.

Empress Zhang Yan originally wanted to find Concubine Zhou, but because she heard that Concubine Zhou had come to Princess Le'an, she brought a group of court ladies and the inner court's Jingjun directly to Princess Le'an.

The so-called Inner Court Clean Army is an inner court army composed of eunuchs, which specializes in handling palace affairs.

After all, although eunuchs were castrated men, their physical strength was still stronger than that of women, and sometimes it was necessary to use force to suppress them in the palace. Therefore, the Ming Dynasty also formed a clean army with eunuchs.

Empress Zhang Yan, as the lord of the six palaces, can also mobilize some of the directly subordinate inner court troops to handle some harem affairs.

Concubine Zhou didn't expect the Queen Zhang Yan to appear here, she suddenly felt confused and said with a forced smile: "How can I do that, I'm just following His Majesty's orders. If you don't understand, you can ask Your Majesty directly."

Empress Zhang Yan also said with a sullen face: "Then give the order to me, and I will ask His Majesty first!"

Concubine Zhou hesitated: "This..."

"give me!"

Empress Zhang Yan suddenly sternly shouted, pulled her face and asked: "Could it be that the concubine must disobey my palace's edict?"

Then, Zhang Yan looked at the young deacon who was good at edicts: "And you, if you still want to live, you should send the edicts as soon as possible!"

After all, the deacon and young supervisor was still afraid of the queen, so he trotted over hurriedly, holding the false edict with both hands to the queen Zhang Yan.

Concubine Zhou did not dare to stop.

Zhang Yan looked at Princess Le'an here: "Don't act rashly, everything will be discussed after I ask His Majesty!"

Princess Le An nodded.

Here, Zhang Yan ordered again: "Look at the concubine and the people around her first!"


So, a team of inner court troops looked at Concubine Zhou and the people around her.

And Zhang Yan took the others to the place where Tianqi was.

Concubine Zhou has already started to break out in cold sweat on her forehead. In fact, she has already known from the young deacon next to her that the edict is fake, but she did not expect that the empress would come here, and giving this edict would be punished. Opportunity to unravel.


"Step aside!"

Wei Zhongxian wanted to prevent Zhang Yan from entering Tianqi's laboratory, but Zhang Yan's temperament was very different from usual, and he immediately scolded him.

Wei Zhongxian didn't dare to stop him anymore, so he had to let Zhang Yan break in.

As soon as Zhang Yan broke in, she saw that Tianqi was measuring something with a vernier caliper that existed in the Han Dynasty in China. After the measurement was finished, she asked directly: "Your Majesty wants the eighth sister to hang herself. Why didn't you tell the concubine Yu first, and only let the concubine do it?" To do it? Do you want to abolish the concubine, or do you want to use this matter to get rid of the concubine's younger brother as well?"

Tian Qi was taken aback after hearing this: "What's going on?!"

(End of this chapter)

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