Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 464 The Apocalypse Zen Throne, the new emperor ascends the throne!

Chapter 464 The Apocalypse Zen Throne, the new emperor ascends the throne!
"Unify the pronunciation, and want the Zhang Zou report to be straightforward, so why carry out the vernacular movement?"

Cheng Kegong, a bachelor of the Imperial Academy, felt unacceptable on the spot when he learned that the Imperial Academy would be directly responsible for these two matters.

He soon realized that doing so would mean that it would be easier for the imperial power to further strengthen its control over the local area, and it would be more difficult for the powerful local gentry to actually control the grassroots people through differences in accents and customs.

What's even more frightening is that if you really want to put all kinds of articles in plain language, it will undoubtedly be easier for the people to grasp the information, and the difficulty of fooling the people will be greatly increased.

God is pitiful, although many scholar-bureaucrats say that the people are the most important and want to educate the people, but in fact they don't want to make the people smart, just like they don't want the emperor to be too smart.

"That's right. It can be said to be a drudgery! Obviously, his Uncle Zhang did this in order to better teach his so-called ethnicity and the so-called Han people's supremacy in the future! In the future, if Daming wants to return to the old Everything is inferior, but it will become more and more difficult when the reading is high, because everyone in the Han Dynasty can read and everyone knows the truth in the book, then there will be no one among the Han people!"

After He Ruchong, the academician in charge of the Imperial Academy, responded to Cheng Kegong, he sighed.

After hearing this, Cheng Kegong couldn't help saying: "There is no one in the court to stop it?"

"Who will stop, who is willing to stop?!"

He Ruchong asked excitedly, and then complained: "Those who are willing to stop them have already been expelled from the court, and now the rest are those who would rather ignore the scholars in the world and want to maintain the unity of the royal power. Let them stop it. It’s better to expect the common people to be lazy and unwilling to read the straightforward articles in the newspaper! Nor willing to accept the so-called ethnic education!”

Cheng Kegong nodded, and said: "Now it seems that what you just said just now is better to hope that the common people are not willing to read these articles and receive these educations. It is quite reasonable, instead of thinking about how to stop this uncle If the ruling ministers in the DPRK do not do this, it is better to directly promote pleasure, extravagance and all kinds of elegant things, so that the common people can only indulge in the life of singing and dancing, and only indulging in all kinds of spending time, and are not willing to improve themselves. "

He Ruchong said: "This is the only feasible way. It is impossible to oppose it clearly. It can only encourage the people to be extravagant and lustful! Anyway, the current court does not advocate etiquette."

As Chong and Cheng Kegong said, dissatisfied with the Ming authorities who are now blindly adopting the practice of people's wisdom, to be precise, the powerful and bureaucrats who blindly started the practice of Han's people's wisdom can only lead the people into consumerism and hedonic materially The trap of communism makes ordinary people fall together, refuses to be educated, and even numbly believes in their own experience.

This kind of thinking has indeed appeared after the rapid development of the commodity economy in the Ming Dynasty, and it has such a foundation.

Therefore, for a while, many dignitaries and bureaucrats began to actively compete for extravagance and wealth, and even deliberately created a life of extravagance to reflect the degree of respect between people, and advocated individuality and absolute freedom, and even accused the imperial court of having ulterior motives. The ignorant people are deliberately covering up their greed.

It is naturally difficult for the common people to distinguish clearly.

It is also difficult for the court to explain clearly.

Because the imperial court is the party that holds power and sets the rules, it will naturally be disgusted by most people and think it is dirty.

Therefore, there are indeed many people affected by this, and they only want to be happy for themselves, but refuse to receive education or read any articles.

But fortunately, some of the most basic education was compulsory by the imperial court, so many people were forced to accept this education and learned a lot of truths.

Zhang Gui is already satisfied with this. The reason why he wants to liberate the minds of the Han people in this era, so that more people can receive education and have the ability to think independently, is only to better adapt to the industrial society that has begun in Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Gui knows better than anyone that with the emergence of the steam industry, social changes will also occur, and they are also global.

If Ming did not hurry to liberate its own citizens, that is, the Han people who are the main ethnic group, then the industrial advantages would still be taken away by foreign countries in the future.

Because with the development of industry, the importance of technical talents is getting higher and higher.

The social soil foundation for the emergence of such talents in large numbers is that the society they live in must be sufficiently humane or humane.

If the Han people's world is still fighting endlessly as before, and those who stand on the bones of tens of thousands of people are considered outstanding and should be respected, then there will never be a large number of technical talents.

Therefore, Zhang Gui must first let everyone in the Han people raise their minds to a higher level, at least the Han people can respect each other in terms of personality, and no one will discriminate against others.

Only in this way, a craftsman will not be unable to give full play to his expertise because he is not good at being an official, nor will he be despised by those who can be an official and become an official because he is not good at being an official, and then lose the opportunity to use his expertise as a craftsman, and even They will be forced to vote to the enemy country, because they receive better treatment in the enemy country, and make greater contributions to the enemy country, so that the enemy country eventually catches up with Daming.

After all, Zhang Gui knows that in history, the West has overtaken and beaten the Manchus who ruled China not only because they have strong ships and cannons, but also because they have completed the ideological revolution, the Renaissance and the enlightenment of thought At that time, the rulers of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties on the land of China were still thinking about how to enslave the Han people all over the world for generations, so the level of civilization was so far behind at that time that even if strong ships and guns were introduced Yes, you have to invite Mr. Sai and Mr. De to come.

Zhang Gui himself also hopes that the country he lives in will be more humane, and that he will not be against each other, and will not be despised even the most basic peace because "the wood is beautiful and the forest wind will destroy it", and he will not be despised because he is mediocre and failed. And respect is not earned.

Therefore, Zhang Gui spent a large amount of the increased income from the Ming treasury on enlightening people's wisdom and strengthening national education, rather than squandering it on the powerful and bureaucratic.

After all, Zhang Gui is not the emperor.

He doesn't want Daming's future to be a family world, a family world where everyone is uneasy.

Fortunately, Tianqi is not a selfish emperor, nor is he an emperor of a foreign race. He is willing to accept the fact that under him, all Han people respect each other in terms of personality, and he is also willing to enslave the whole world's foreign barbarians instead of enslaving the whole world's Han people. And refuse internal strife.

After all, Tianqi is also a human being, and he doesn't want the internal political struggle to remain in a very cruel stage, making it easy for him to fall into the water every day.

Therefore, Zhang Gui had the opportunity to do all this.

Of course, what is even more fortunate is that Tianqi himself is not pedantic, and he does not reject science and technology, and is even obsessed with it.

And as the prince grew up every day, finally on the day of the 17th year of Tianqi, the day of the prince's big wedding was ushered in.

After the prince's wedding, Tianqi also decisively announced that Zen was in the prince's place, allowing the prince to ascend the throne early.

After the crown prince ascended the throne, Zhang Gui also formally submitted a memorial to invite Lushun to be raised by Lushun.

Zhang Gui also quickly got approval to allow him to travel back to Lushun by car, so he began to prepare for leaving Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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