Wild North America 1846

Chapter 317 Zhang Wang Waiting

Chapter 317 Zhang Wang Waiting
While the White House was urgently looking for countermeasures, the war machine of the Tang Kingdom was moving forward with terrifying stability. After the First Army of the Northern Legion was divided, each department launched an attack in an orderly manner according to the established goals.

More than 3 people rushed northward along the Pianshi Road, advancing quickly, and rushed straight to Minneapolis, the capital of Minnesota, with a murderous spirit.

More than 5 people from the main force continued to stride eastward, advancing more than 6 kilometers in 230 days, approaching Milwaukee, an important city on the banks of the Great Lakes, and approaching the city.

The Second Army of the Northern Army crossed the river from Fort Omaha. After the two important cities of Linkeder Moines and Iowa, the whole army took a short rest and took a short breath, and began to recruit American prisoners on a large scale. Prepare for the attack on the final Chicago metropolis.

Davenport, not far from the east of Iowa, is just a small city. Under the pressure of the Tang Kingdom's iron-shoeed soldiers, great fear permeates the city. The defenders of the city have already broken out in a large-scale rout. In fact, it is impossible It hindered the army's eastward advance.

The soldiers approached the city of Chicago, leaving only a thin layer of window paper...

Kansas City
The location and importance of this transportation hub city on the Great Plains, which was destroyed by two wars, is very similar to Zhengzhou in the Central Plains of China. Because of its military importance, it has been repeatedly contested, and now the city is facing the catastrophe of the third war .

After the "rumbling" bombardment lasted for more than two hours, the soldiers of the Tang Kingdom surged up, occupied the ruins of the city after the artillery fire raged, and then built multiple lines of defense on the spot.

The U.S. soldiers who rushed out of the ruins of the city shouted wildly to cheer for themselves, and launched a hand-to-hand counterattack with sharp bayonets, trying to regain their lost positions.

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa……"

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Tang took up their bolt-action rifles and fired rows of steady and deadly bullets. In the blood splatter, the American soldiers fell down one after another like cutting wheat, and their corpses littered the field in a short while.

This scene has been repeated many times. The Colorado Corps took advantage of artillery fire and infantry weapons to advance steadily and steadily. By the fifth day of the siege, it had occupied about 5/3 of the ruins of Kansas City. Less than 4 remnants of the enemy were suppressed in a small piece of ruins in the east of the city.

For the Georgia Corps these days, it seems to be suffering in the flames of hell. They have been beaten so badly.

Since the arrival of the two heavy artillery divisions of the Colorado Corps, they have started a stable and extremely efficient harvest. Fierce artillery fire covered the ruins of the city and tore all the heavy soldiers hoarded by the US army to pieces.

After the artillery was covered, the infantry of the Tang Kingdom followed closely, cleared out the remaining enemies from the artillery fire in the ruins of the city, consolidated their positions, and wiped out the American soldiers who were trying to counterattack with precise and deadly volleys of guns.

Then the artillery position moved forward, followed by the shell transport carriage, ready for the next round of attack.

Going back and forth like this is like a rigorous war machine that devours a large number of human lives, completely irresistible.

Just 5 days

The Georgia Corps lost 1.37 people, captured nearly 2000 people, and nearly [-] people were missing. It is estimated that the missing people were either torn into pieces by artillery fire, or crushed in the rubble of the city, or Swallowed by the bone-chilling Missouri River, few survived, let alone escape.

However, the Tang Kingdom's army had only 560 casualties, of which 232 were killed and more than 330 were injured. The loss was minimal.

The well-trained Tang Kingdom army is like an efficient killing machine, bringing endless despair and fear to the Georgia Corps, feeling as if the end of the world is coming.

on the ruins of the battlefield

The stern-looking Major Fan Pengju commanded the soldiers of the regiment's cavalry artillery company to clear the ruins and set up the three-pound field artillery position. It took a long time for them to finish their work.

he looks around

As far as the eye can see, there are all scorched and ruined walls, and there is not a single complete house. The corpses of Northern soldiers lying like beggars are scattered on the ground. The bloody smell mixed with gunpowder smoke is so strong that it chokes the nose.


Major Fan Pengju noticed that a corpse in the corner seemed to move, he immediately pulled out the revolver in the leather holster, stepped forward, aimed at the corpse and pulled the trigger.

"Clap clap clap..."

The Northern Army soldier who had been shot three times in a row writhed in pain and swallowed his last breath unwillingly. Now he was really a corpse.

The gunshots immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers. Major Fan Pengju inserted the revolver into the holster calmly, and ordered: "This is our newly established artillery position. Don't be careless. Immediately take this as the center and set the range of 300 The corpses within [-] meters should be repaired again to prevent sneak attacks by enemy soldiers pretending to be dead."

"As ordered, sir."

The soldiers immediately drew out sharp bayonets and stuck them on the muzzles of the guns, and spread out to make up the knife on the American corpses lying on the ground. There were screams from time to time in the ruins of the city. It seemed that there were quite a few enemy soldiers pretending to be dead.

Major Fan Pengju inspected the battlefield meticulously. After entering the siege, his cavalry regiment was left behind. Only the artillery company and the heavy machine gun company participated in the battle, and all other soldiers were repaired on the spot.

The cavalry regulations of the Tang Kingdom clearly stipulated;
Cavalry are not allowed to attack the infantry camp head-on; do not participate in siege battles;

In the era of increasingly sharp infantry weapons, the combat methods of cavalry regiments were greatly restricted, and they could not play a role in many occasions. The role in the war gradually gave way to infantry and artillery.

But Major Fan Pengfei still loves cavalry. His cavalry regiment was the first to break through the U.S. defense line immediately after the general attack was launched. Unit of American soldiers.

For the 303rd Division and neighboring troops to successfully penetrate the Kansas Railway Station and cut off the route of the Georgia Corps fleeing south, they made outstanding contributions and performed very well.

On that day, Major Fan Pengfei's cavalry sword was stained with blood, and cut through more than a dozen gaps...

After the siege campaign

Major Fan Pengfei led the regiment's field artillery company to accompany the attacking troops, providing stable and efficient firepower support along the way. Hundreds of American soldiers died under the artillery fire. The credit is real.

Division Commander Lin Feng praised the outstanding performance of the [-]th Cavalry Regiment. After this battle, it is a high probability that Major Fan Pengju will have a silver star on his shoulder.

Sure enough, winning military exploits on the battlefield is the kingly way to get promoted!
"Brothers, come to eat!" A few guys from the cooking squad carried the burden and called out loudly to the soldiers on the ground.

Their arrival immediately aroused the cheers of the soldiers. The meal was the most relaxed and comfortable moment on the battlefield. Many soldiers ran over cheerfully with their guns on their backs, and the sharp bayonets were still stained with bright red blood.

Lifting the lid of the wooden barrel reveals the hot potato broth inside, and the whole barrel of flatbread exudes a tangy food aroma.

The soldiers put on a bowl of hot soup, took two flatbreads and started to devour them. Just standing or squatting on the battlefield full of corpses, the delicious food did not affect their appetite at all.

Death has been seen too much, that's all.

"Sir, I have a call for you."

An orderly from the regiment came over with a large pot of hot soup in one hand and two large pancakes in the other, sandwiched the pancakes under the crunchy nest, took out a piece of cloth from his bag, spread it on half of the wall pillars .

Then, the orderly put the soup bowl and flatbread on the cloth, took out a pair of silver knives and forks and spoons from the bag like magic, put them neatly, and took out a piece of beef wrapped in oil paper and put it in a temporary place. On the dining table, this piece of beef was still steaming a little.

Then the orderly brought out a morsel of cheese, and a small portion of refreshing pickles, and only a vase was left to be arranged.

The treatment of officers and soldiers in the army of the Tang Kingdom is very strict. Even in the field, officers above the major can enjoy a single dining table and enjoy the more refined treatment of a colonel. This kind of field single dining table is carried by orderlies, and the tableware is the same.

Although the staple food of the officers is the same as that of the soldiers, it is obvious that there is a lot of meat in the soup bowl, and the piles are a bit sticky. This must be the essence of the bottom of the bucket!

Major Fan Pengju was used to such special treatment, he nodded reservedly, and said, "Thank you orderly, go and eat by yourself, I will call you if something happens."

"Of course, sir." The orderly saluted and ran away quickly.

Major Fan Pengju took out a snow-white handkerchief to wipe the silver knife and fork, and began to eat lunch in an elegant manner.

The background of the ruined city, and the intermittent gunfire from time to time in the distance, this kind of war background does not affect his good appetite, the conquest is full of cruelty and bloody killings.

The Colorado Corps is not advancing fast, but it is very stable. It will stop attacking at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It will use streets or dilapidated buildings to build a stable line of defense, deploy heavy machine gun firepower positions, and light bonfires at night to prevent the US military from attacking. The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry to counterattack.

The Georgia Corps did try to fight a melee in the dark, and tried again and again, but they always got hit.

The worst time was the night before, when Lieutenant General Devon Chandler tried to concentrate his main force to launch uninterrupted waves of attacks, trying to break through the night defense line of the Tang Kingdom and fight a hand-to-hand melee.

It is a pity that the Colorado Corps had already taken precautions. When the battle was critical, it suddenly threw a large number of glass bottles full of gasoline, which ignited and formed a sea of ​​flames, clearly illuminating the attacking American soldiers.

The ensuing dense volleys of guns mixed with heavy machine guns crazily strafed, and the artillery bombarded fiercely, causing heavy casualties to the large number of American soldiers gathered. The corpses on the battlefield were piled up several layers high, like a huge slaughterhouse.

This fierce night battle lasted for several hours until the gunfire stopped near dawn. The U.S. military paid more than 5000 casualties without making any progress, and the battle was broken.

Since then, the night has died down.

Major Fan Pengju was enjoying his battlefield lunch. When he was about to eat, he belched contentedly and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. At this time, he heard shouts from the east.

After listening carefully, a knowing smile appeared on his face.

Brother Army soldiers shouted "Oh... victorious, the Yankees surrendered".

Serious internal strife broke out in the Georgia Corps. Some soldiers shot and killed the regiment commander, Lieutenant General Devin Chandler, and many senior officers in the command, and then dropped their guns and surrendered.

This kind of suffocating war where they can only fight back after being beaten, they have had enough of lingering under the shadow of huge death every day.

Showdown, surrender!
The good news of the victory spread completely, and it attracted cheers from the officers and soldiers participating in the battle like a tsunami, "Long live the Kingdom of Tang, long live Your Majesty, long live!" "Long live the heroic Colorado Corps!" win..."

There are about 2 remnants of the remnants of the Georgia Corps huddled in the east of Kansas City. They raised their hands in dejection and walked out of a piece of ruined walls of the city. All of them were unkempt like beggars.

these days
The remnants of the Georgia Corps had lost most of their military supplies, and were blocked by heavy artillery fire and deadly treatment in a small area east of the city. With no food or even food, they could no longer sustain it.

After hearing the news, Lieutenant General Harry Flech, the commander of the corps, rushed over with a red face, and looked at the dejected group of American prisoners in front of him, with an unstoppable smile on his face.

The Colorado Legion won the Kansas War simply and neatly, swallowed the entire Georgia Corps in one gulp, and achieved a brilliant record of annihilating the enemy army, which did not disappoint His Majesty's trust.

The Georgia Corps was not a weak army. This was the main field regiment of the Northern Army. There were a large number of experienced Civil War veterans in this regiment. Many of them had been wounded many times on the battlefield. This was a valuable asset.

Simply and neatly annihilating the entire Georgia corps is equivalent to cutting off one of four legs, and the table on the entire Western Front battlefield is unstable. Its meaning is by no means as simple as killing and capturing more than 4 people.

Compared with the weak local garrison, the Georgia Corps can be worth 20 troops or more. Once the news of this victory comes out, I am afraid that the White House will have to sleep at night in pain.

Of course, the news must be strictly blocked now.

Because General Sherman's troops in the north have given up the siege of Vicksburg, the army has begun to withdraw northward, and it is expected to arrive in the Cedar Mountain area in the near future...

General Sherman's troops went south all the way to burn, kill and loot. Now the army is full of looted items, which makes the army retreating north very bloated. There are more than 17000 carriages full of spoils. Can only advance less than 20 kilometers.

At this rate, it will take one and a half months to reach Kansas City.

Therefore, in order to understand the siege of Kansas City, General Sherman sent an elite team of mixed cavalry and infantry, with a total strength of about 7.5 people, to march in front of the main force starry night, marching up to 45 kilometers a day.

In about half a month, its forward will arrive at Revel, which is occupied by the Colorado Corps, a city about 120 kilometers south of Kansas City.

Now that the Georgia Corps in Kansas City has been cleaned up in advance, the Colorado Corps of the Tang Kingdom can fully deploy their hands and open their nets to wait for the Yankees to crash in.

(End of this chapter)

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