Wild North America 1846

Chapter 341 Camberley Town

Chapter 341 Camberley Town
After 4 years of war, the United States of America mobilized again and again. In the small town of Camberley, young men from the age of 17 to 45 who could almost be mobilized all went to the battlefield.

The rest were either sawmill owners, or large planters, or the owners of the town department store or tavern, or the mayor of the town, who had some power or money anyway.

During the years when there was a shortage of men in the town, the men who were able to stay became sweet and sweet. More or less, they encountered too many troubles from women, and they couldn't be too busy at all!

Since the arrival of the Tang Kingdom's army, the good times of these men have come to an end.

From the age of 13 to the age of 60, men who can carry a gun anyway are all on the list of conscripts.

If you resist, then the dozen corpses hanged outside the town of Camberley will make everyone make a wise choice and obediently go to the training of the baggage regiment.

The white women who are the family members of the prisoners will gather and take a horse-drawn carriage to Middle-Sex County, 45 miles away, where there is a convenient rail line to the south, where they will be arranged.

The white soldiers of the 502nd Division have basically resigned to their fate, and the overall stability is quite good. There have been only a few desertions in the past two months, involving more than 30 people.

Most of these soldiers were arrested and hanged in public. There is no second possibility.

In fact, the deserters didn't see where to go. Except for the Tang Kingdom and Canada, North America was almost everywhere, and wars were everywhere, and there was no place where they could stop.

Flee to the south, and if found, they will be recruited into the army.The same is true for fleeing to the north, and it is almost an inescapable fate to go to the battlefield.

That being the case, why not follow the stronger army of the Tang Kingdom?
The regular white soldiers of the 502nd Division are all registered, and they can get a monthly salary of 6 yuan, of which 4.5 yuan is the war subsidy, which is enough for the soldiers to buy daily expenses.

How much is the current 6 yuan worth in the north?
At the end of October 1860, the dollar banknotes of the Northern Federation had depreciated like waste paper. It took about 10 to 2000 yuan to exchange for 2500 Tang yuan. Before the war broke out, it was 1:1.5. This shows how much it has depreciated?

Countless businessmen and business owners who bought the war bonds of the Northern Federal Government lost all their losses and became out-and-out paupers.

Wall Street has collapsed, the stock market has fallen to the point of closure, and except for a few steel mills and shipyards that can maintain production, most factories and enterprises have closed down, and it is really wailing.

On the contrary, farmers are better off. How much they grow and harvest themselves can feed their stomachs. The hunger situation in the city is already very serious, and they can only rely on food imported from Canada.

Four years of war losses plus population loss, the total population of the northern United States has dropped from more than 4 million to less than 1800 million, and about 1400 million people have flowed into Canada or South America, and the war loss has exceeded one million people, reaching 260 million.Among them, more than 141 people were killed and more than 67 people were disabled. The population loss is still expanding.

In addition, there are more than 200 million people living in the occupied area centered on the Great Lakes in the United States (North), and about 133 to 134 million people are serving in the army. The ratio of females to males in the remaining population reaches 2.2: 1. The male population is mostly young boys and elderly people over 50 years old, and the number of young adults is frighteningly low.


Lieutenant Colonel Fan Pengju led the army to carry out many missions to clean up villages and towns, and he clearly knew that the western and central Great Plains of the United States were severely overwhelmed. It's crowded.

This situation is very conducive to the concentrated migration of Chinese. Therefore, during this period of stop and go, one train after another ran on the western and central Great Plains of the United States, bringing countless Chinese immigrants, and moving towns one after another. The population fills up.

The early Chinese immigrant villages and towns had already obtained a good harvest of grain. Except for the necessary rations, all other grains, vegetables, cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks were all sent to the army to repay the debts for buying white women.

In almost every Chinese family, there are one to two or even three white women, which has become a common phenomenon.

There are also more young and beautiful white women who are imported into the developed coastal provinces of the Tang Empire, where they are sold at a higher price, in exchange for a whole train of munitions and ammunition to supplement the lack of military funds.

various measures down
The Tang Kingdom has been involved in the war for more than ten months. The overall economic development has not been significantly dragged down, nor has it turned to the wartime system, nor has it mobilized for war. Instead, it has become more and more prosperous under the stimulation of war demand.

The division headquarters of the 502nd Division is in Middlesex County, a border county close to Canada, but it is not remote, but rather prosperous.

A railway line going north from Detroit passes through Middle-Sykes County, continues to extend northeastward for about 185 kilometers to Toronto, the largest city in British Canada, and continues to extend northeastward for hundreds of kilometers to the capital of British Canada ottawa.

This main railway line was originally a major traffic artery for frequent trade and personnel exchanges between British Canada and the United States. Today, most of the trade in goods has been cut off, leaving only a small amount of transactions between the Royal Army and Canada, not even a fraction of the previous transaction volume. .

More trade from British Canada to the United States was by ship, just as the British had helped Chicago a few months earlier.The five northern cities of the lake (British Canada) transported food, personnel and weapons to the besieged Detroit through the inner lake to support them in fighting the war to the end.

These coalition forces are well aware of it, but limited to Shangfeng's strict order, they can only spread this anger on the British-Americans in the eastern states, letting them know that the Tang Kingdom is not easy to mess with.

The First Army, Fourth Army, and Fifth Army of the Northern Legion have broken into Ohio and are engaged in fierce battles with the troops organized by the United States (Northern). At present, each has won or lost, and is temporarily maintained on the Detroit-Cincinnati front.

This is not because the Yankees' fighting strength has suddenly increased, but because the British Minie rifles have been widely equipped with the Northern Army, which greatly improved their combat capabilities, and they were able to fight back and forth with the army of the Tang Kingdom. .

Second, the Northern Army has a clear numerical advantage. It has accumulated about 55 troops on the front line and built many strong fortresses. The coalition forces will not be able to fight for a while because of the scattered forces.

The third factor is the tentative attack of the coalition forces, and they have not put all their efforts into it.

In the past 10 months since the army of the Kingdom of Tang entered the war, there have been frequent reports of success, successively occupying the vast land of 8 states in the north-central United States, and burning the flames of war to the densely populated areas of the central United States.

This made Datang Kingdom's battle lines longer and its supply lines longer. The consumption of a large amount of ammunition and supplies needed to be replenished. It was necessary to temporarily stop the pace of expansion and rest for a while.

Organizing a large number of Chinese immigrants to fill the townships in various states is one of the important measures to shorten the military supply chain.

When the winter wheat is harvested in the spring of next year, it will basically be able to maintain the frontline operations of more than 70 troops. There is no need to mobilize bulk materials such as grain, potatoes and vegetables from distant coastal provinces.

And by the second half of next year, the northern railway line will be completed one and a half years ahead of schedule, which will greatly enhance the military transportation capacity of the Tang Kingdom and lay a solid foundation for the final victory of the war.

After the opening of the Northern Railway, together with the Los Angeles Railway, Southern Railway and Central Railway, a complete railway network will be formed, which will effectively support the Kingdom's army in a large-scale war of attrition.

The division headquarters of the 502nd Division is close to the Middle-Sykes County Railway Station. From here, we can see the crying white women being driven into the stuffy tank compartment of the train. Sounds and shouts are blocked inside.

Lieutenant Colonel Fan Pengju glanced at it, and was slightly moved in his heart, but it was only for two or three seconds, and he quickly forgot about it.

Under the flames of war, is there any end?
As vulnerable groups, women and children have always been the biggest victims of war, but the outcome of these white women and girls will not be too bad. They just give birth to children in another place, and basically their lives are not in danger. What is this?

In the precarious age, all grievances, face, and shame are not worth a full meal. After a few days of starvation, these white women will become quite well-behaved.


"Here, please give me instructions."

"Go and see if the King's rifle allocated to us by the military has arrived. Now most of the northern army has replaced it with Mini rifles. The 13 rounds in our hands are not enough. We will definitely suffer in a real fight!"

"Obey, Master Master."

Lieutenant Hu Dachuan saluted neatly, turned around and ran to carry out the order.

Lieutenant Colonel Fan Pengju took a big sip of the water on the table, wiped the water stains around his mouth with his hand, and walked to the map with the water glass to look carefully.

As a qualified mid-level officer, he has developed the habit of checking the terrain wherever he goes. He walked around the town of Tambori before, and he has a rough idea of ​​the terrain in that area.

In the next step, if you have time, you have to look at the terrain in several other directions, so that you know what you know.

To take advantage of this resting time, at least all the towns around Middlesex County must be visited.

He wasn't afraid of the Yankees coming, but he was thinking about how to line up troops in case of a border war with Canada, and how to use the terrain to teach the enemy a hard lesson.
Although this possibility is unlikely, after all, it is necessary to be prepared. This is a necessary homework for a high-quality soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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