Chapter 351

The complete victory of the second Detroit battle means that this important industrial city in the Great Lakes region is not far away from its final fall, but it is only a matter of time.

The complete occupation of Michigan State and its capital, Detroit, means that the second phase of the Tang Kingdom's military operations has come to a perfect conclusion.

At this stage, the goal is to capture the important industrial cities of the Great Lakes, led by Chicago and Detroit, and the surrounding vast areas, implement a large-scale campaign to clear the countryside and suppress bandits, and implement the "cage and bird policy" to achieve the purpose of permanent occupation.

The Datang Kingdom will implement immigration of more than one million people in the Great Lakes region and the surrounding seven states within 2 to 3 years, with the intention of firmly controlling the region.

Swallow and thoroughly digest it, and transform it into the strong national heritage and territory of the Datang Kingdom.

As an important industrial city on the Great Lakes, Detroit is endowed with favorable conditions for the development of heavy industry, machinery and equipment manufacturing, and is an excellent channel for exporting agricultural products to Europe.

More than 300 kilometers northeast of the Port of Detroit, you will enter the Toronto Canal. After crossing the canal, you will enter the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic voyage from Prince Vancouver Island to Europe only takes more than 10 days, and the sea transportation is extremely convenient.

Of course, if you want to trade with Europe unimpeded, you must maintain a close and friendly relationship with London.

The entire canal shipping route for exports to Europe is in the hands of British Canada.

Richard has already made up his mind. Such an important canal trade agreement will not be discussed in the past few years. With the current British Prime Minister Lord Henry John Temple's hostile attitude towards the Tang Kingdom and the rise of Eastern powers in North America, it is impossible to talk about it. What a good result.

Anyway, one and a half years have passed since the current term of the British Cabinet. If it doesn’t work, wait for another two and a half years until Prime Minister Temple steps down. This is not a matter of urgency.

The canal trade treaty between Tang and Britain will involve many sensitive and complicated political issues, including the signing of the war treaty with the United States, the recognition of occupied territories, and whether the Great Lakes states occupied by the Kingdom of Tang are applicable to the countries already signed by Britain and Tang Reciprocal trade agreements, preferential tariff arrangements, canal tolls and a series of issues.

Without a good political environment, it is difficult to negotiate an ideal result.

Once such an important treaty is signed, it will be implemented for 50 years, 100 years or even longer. Unless there is a subversive change in the relationship between the two countries, such as becoming a hostile country, it will be implemented for a long time and will not change easily.

Then this involves the principle of charging canal tolls, is it charged by voyage or by deadweight ton?Or charge according to the gross tonnage, empty or half-loaded?How to set the rate, whether to charge an additional entry-exit customs tax?

Therefore, this is a troublesome problem that must be solved.

Standing on a classical European-style balcony
Li Cha had a thick Cuban cigar in his mouth. He took a deep puff and took it off. The strong smell of tobacco lingered around him, mixed with the cold winter breeze, which lifted people's spirits.

The remaining snow in the manor has melted, only the shady areas still have a little white snow, and the weather is getting warmer again.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Li Cha turned around and looked around. It was Viscount Dong Jie, head of the Royal Secretariat, accompanied by Liu Xianjun, the newly appointed Prime Minister in July.

Seeing His Majesty turning around to look over, Prime Minister Liu Xianjun immediately stopped in his tracks, clasped his fists in his hands and bowed respectfully, and said with an excited expression; "My minister congratulates Your Majesty and congratulates the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty. The victory in the Battle of Detroit has been reported ahead. Annihilating more than 27 enemy troops, with less than 6.3 personal losses, the first battle will determine the outcome of the battle, our army of the Tang Kingdom is mighty!"

"Same joy, same joy, Liu Aiqing is exempt."

Li Cha stretched out his hand to help, and couldn't help showing a confident smile on his face.

This battle killed more than 14.8 enemies and captured more than 12.3 people. It was another brilliant victory after the Battle of Des Moines County, the Battle of Kansas, the complete annihilation of the Sherman Corps, and the Battle of Chicago.

Since its participation in the war in early 1860, the strong and powerful army of the Tang Kingdom has brought victory after victory, which has greatly inspired the high morale and confidence of the people across the country, enhanced national cohesion, and made Chinese national pride unprecedentedly high, not to mention There is so much to gain from opening up the territory for the kingdom!

"Give me a seat and watch tea. Today, the king will sit and discuss the Tao with Liu Aiqing, and talk freely about the situation in the world."

"My humble minister thanked the Lord for his kindness, I am ashamed."

"You and I have been together for a long time and know each other deeply. Liu Aiqing doesn't need to be humble."

Li Cha sat down calmly, next to him was the court maid Liu Shuijie who offered tea, delicate refreshments and hot towels, while Viscount Dong Jie stood on the side politely, as a domestic servant, he had no seat in front of His Majesty .

Prime Minister Liu Xianjun sat on half of his buttocks, his upper body was straight, and he sat sideways at the lower head. He first talked about the exciting current war situation, and finally talked about the troubles caused by the frequent pressure from the British government.


Her Majesty's reply to Her Majesty Queen Victoria's letter did not alleviate the doubts of the British Cabinet.

Prime Minister Temple, Lord Heinkel, Secretary of the Admiralty, British Foreign Secretary, Colonial Secretary and many other heavyweight members of the cabinet expressed serious concern about the situation in North America through different channels.

His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon III of France has sent the Count of Santis as a special envoy, who is expected to arrive soon, and the French seem to share the same misgivings.

In addition, European countries such as Austria-Hungary, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Kingdom of Belgium, and the Kingdom of Greece have sent letters expressing their concern about the situation in North America.

The Kingdom government has been under great pressure, and has done a lot of persuasion and explanation work, explaining that the Kingdom united with the Confederate States of the United States (South) to commit to resisting the invasion war of the United States of America, to the independence of the American South, and to reshape the peace and stability of North America. Policy, still can not make many European countries relieved.

Among them, London is the most difficult to deal with. It unilaterally requires the coalition forces to accept international mediation to prevent the further spread of war in North America, and it has a tough stance.

Prime Minister Temple warned in a personal letter to me..."

The prime minister, Liu Xianjun, was babbling and reporting on the mess that had happened to the kingdom government. Li Cha listened to it with one ear and passed it with the other, without taking it to heart at all.

He leisurely drank tea, smoked a cigar, and watched the bald eagle soaring in the sky far away. His thoughts went to nowhere.

The role of the Kingdom Government is a firewall to isolate some trivial things that Li Cha doesn't want to pay attention to. Basically, it is difficult to put them on the court case, and he has no intention of paying attention to them.

If international affairs can be resolved by relying on the joint pressure of European countries and the attention and serious dissatisfaction of many European countries, then the world will be much simpler.

This thing works well in the decadent Manchu Dynasty, and it works well in Fusang, Iran, or the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but it doesn't do anything in front of Li Cha.

This is because the Tang Kingdom itself is a second-rate power in the world, with its military and economic strength at its peak, especially in North America, which has unquestionable advantages. This is why Richard said "no".

The United States, which has long pursued the "Monroe Doctrine", is an outlier in the eyes of Europe. Due to differences in democratic systems and trade barriers, it is quite alienated from the old Europe dominated by the feudal system.

Even so
The successive victories achieved by the Tang Kingdom and the United States still attracted the attention of European countries.

Of course, this is indispensable for the "European shit stirrer" London to jump up and down, stirring up the heat of North American issues out of thin air.

The reason
The United States is still a white country, and its immigrants are mainly Anglo-Saxon whites, Germanic whites, and central and southern European whites. In the 19th century, when European whites dominated the world, it was easy to win sympathy and attention.

The propaganda strategy adopted by Datang Kingdom is to highlight the identity of the immigrant country. It is a country that integrates a large number of white immigrants. It is also an alternative white immigrant country. The difference is that the population in the east is larger, so as to confuse the public.

The North American War was a war in which the three North American countries competed for the right to speak. It was an internal conflict, and no matter who won or lost, it would not affect the interests of European countries in North America.

Now the Tang version of the "Monroe Doctrine" has been launched, called "Liu Xianjun Declaration", the core of which is: "Americans' affairs should be handled by Americans, and American problems should be solved by Americans. Interfering in name..."

After listening to Prime Minister Liu Xianjun nagging for a while, Li Cha said kindly;

"The concerns of the European countries, this king is well aware of, and they are all the groans of the white world.

In a word, empty and submissive will do.

The most important thing is to adhere to the long-term immigration policy and attach importance to the development of economy and trade. The glorious victory of the Kingdom's army is the strong backing of the government, and it has confidence in speaking.

It would be great if London continued to give them Tai Chi. Now that the new year is approaching, it is estimated that in another six months to eight or nine months, the situation of the battle will be further clarified.

At that time, it will be convenient to discuss any issues. All in all, let's put aside the concerns of European countries first. "

Yes, His Majesty the King will decide on the future policy direction with a word.

Prime Minister Liu Xianjun is the biggest policy executor, so of course he won't have any objections, so he immediately complied.

The reason for nagging so much is to let His Majesty know that the royal government is not taking advantage of the fish, and that the busy people are doing business every day. This impression is very important.

Under a dictatorial monarchy like the Tang Kingdom, the so-called constitutional democracy is just a decoration, and what is really implemented is feudal state capitalism. This system is very suitable for concentrating power to do big things, reducing internal friction, and the efficiency is very high.

The Royal Government is nothing more than the royal secretariat. If you don't understand this, the prime minister's throne will not be secure.

(End of this chapter)

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