Wild North America 1846

Chapter 357 The New President of the United States

Chapter 357 The New President of the United States
The central states of the United States, which had experienced the baptism of war, recovered at an astonishing speed after just one or two months, far exceeding the expectations of the Royal Government.

The upsurge of eastward development in the society has brought a large amount of immigrants and social funds. Countless pastures and farms have resumed operation, and the cities have restored their former prosperity. vitality.

after the new year
Mid-May 1861

Last year's economic summary data was released. The GDP of the Tang Kingdom in 1860 reached 22.16 billion Tang yuan, an increase of 23.7% compared to the previous year, showing a trend of explosive growth.

At the end of 1860, the total population reached 2406 million. On the one hand, in the case of a high base of new-born population, on the other hand, the total number of immigrants reached 189.86 million throughout the year, which also created a new high since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Among them, mainland recruits accounted for 31.11 people, which is an important factor that cannot be ignored among immigrant groups.

Another important factor is that the total number of white women and children in the occupied areas is more than 137 million, especially white women of childbearing age, which pushed the total population of the Tang Kingdom up by a fraction, which greatly slowed down the development of Chinese people. The population conflict between immigrant men and women and the difficulty of getting married in society help to stabilize the social situation.

This year's report card has implemented His Majesty's overall strategy of "the economy must be greatly developed, and the expansion cannot be stopped", achieving a double harvest of the economy and the military, and the whole country is showing a prosperous development situation.

Every major expansion of the territory of the Datang Kingdom will bring countless development opportunities, which will lead to explosive growth in the total population and social economy.

Nov. 1861, 2

King Li Chaming of the Tang Kingdom issued an edict, accepting Tijuana, Monterey, and Kansas as the 23rd, 24th, and 25th native provinces of the kingdom, and accepting Costa Rica as the fourth after Hawaii, Panama, and Alaska overseas provinces.

Coupled with the territory directly under the Royal Paradise Island of the Tang Kingdom, there are a total of 30 provincial-level local administrative units, and this is just the beginning of this round of expansion.

The mainland of the Tang Kingdom was divided into 1849 provinces after the US-Tang War in 14, namely Northern Province (formerly Washington State), Idaho Province, Oregon Province, California Province, Nevada Province, Utah Province, and Alexandria Province. That province, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota (formerly North Dakota), South Dakota (formerly South Dakota), Nebraska.

After the Mexican-American War, eight Mexican provinces were added, namely Chihuahua, Durango, Sinaloa, Coavena, Sonora, Zacatecas, and Tepic. and Jinling Province, the above-mentioned 22 administrative divisions in total.

Today, Tijuana Province, Monterey Province, Kansas Province and Costa Rica Province are added again, together with three overseas provinces and the Royal Dominion of Paradise Island, a total of 30 provincial administrative divisions.


The Battle of Cincinnati, which was postponed for a month and a half, was launched as scheduled. The Colorado Corps, which had been recharging its batteries for a long time, launched a violent attack on Cincinnati, an important city on the Mississippi River. They smashed the strong fortress with M1860 48-pound mortars. Defense, thus entering the bloody battle for the city.

During the continuation of the Battle of Cincinnati, the Chang'an Corps, mainly mobile forces, broke into the eastern states of the United States and spread the flames of war to the densely populated and developed urban and rural areas of the east coast states of the United States.

For a time, the flames of war were everywhere, and people were panicked.


After three and a half weeks of battle for the city, the Colorado Corps captured Fort Cincinnati with heavy troops. In this battle, 7.73 enemies were wiped out, 3.82 were captured, and the remaining 8 defeated U.S. troops withdrew from the city. The Battle of Cincinnati came to an end.

In this battle, the Colorado Corps suffered 3.23 casualties, of which about 1.76 were killed and 1.49 were injured, and the white servant army accounted for about half of the casualties.

Until late April

The total strength of the United States of America (Northern), which has suffered repeated attacks, has dropped to more than one million, while the main force on the Eastern Front, led by Commander-in-Chief Robert Lee in the South, still has more than 55 troops, which is about 12 fewer than it was in its heyday.

The North and the South of the United States have always been engaged in brutal competition on the Eastern Front, and the battle after battle has exhausted both sides.

The United States of America (North) deployed a large number of troops on the Eastern Front to strengthen the defense of the Western Front. Therefore, it changed its original offensive operations and adopted a defensive-oriented conservative strategy to resist the Confederate States of America (South). launched the attack.

Access to April 1861

The United States of America (Northern) has already shown its obvious defeat. It suffered major defeats on the Western Front. It was defeated by the coalition forces dominated by the Kingdom of Tang. It lost its city and land, and lost a large number of troops. The flames of war further spread to the east. coastal states.

Under such adversity, the country is in an emergency situation of life and death. The United States of America (Northern) once again mobilized the whole country, planning to recruit no less than 60 militiamen to join the army to resist the joint invasion of the Tang Dynasty and the Confederate States of America.

Nov. 1861, 3

The United States of America held a presidential general election. The new president, Andrew Johnson, succeeded the former President James Buchanan, who was criticized for his internal affairs and diplomacy, and became the 16th president of the United States.

This position should have belonged to the Democrat Abraham Lincoln. Unfortunately, in this historical time and space, Abraham Lincoln died in a shooting in Philadelphia a few years ago. People still remember this character.

What President Andrew Johnson took over is undoubtedly a mess. At the beginning of his tenure, he found that the Eastern and Western Fronts were in danger of collapse and faced the real danger of defeat.

After the fall of the fortified fortress city Detroit, the battlefield on the Western Front has virtually ceased to exist. As a city in eastern Ohio, Cincinnati has entered the prosperous and wealthy traditional states on the east coast of the United States. The flames of war are close at hand, and the United States has no way to retreat.

In this dilemma facing the life and death of the country, President Andrew Johnson had to conduct the first national military mobilization since he took office, with the goal of forcibly recruiting 1 militiamen to participate in the defense of the United States.

In 1861, the United States was facing two major difficulties, one was the invasion of powerful enemies, and the other was the food crisis.

The North American War caused the United States of America (North) to lose several agricultural states that were rich in agricultural and pastoral products in the Central Great Plains. The whole country fell into varying degrees of famine. The food imported from Europe and Canada was far from enough, and there was a big gap.

The war caused a large number of young and middle-aged people to take up guns and go to the battlefield. The lack of strong labor force further hit the agricultural and animal husbandry production in the eastern coastal states. The phenomenon of starvation of the bottom of the society appeared in many cities, and it became more and more serious.

Washington, the White House.

The Oval Office has a new owner. Former President James Buchanan left with a sense of relief. After four years of hard work, he finally failed to be the leader of the defeated country. nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

And this President Andrew Johnson is not necessarily the case. From every angle, he looks like a receiver, the kind of unlucky ghost who takes the blame.

"Forgive me for the truth, Mr. President, you ran for the wrong presidency at the wrong time, the most difficult office in the world, and it's hard to say it was the right decision. All I can say is your bravery. I am deeply impressed by his fearlessness and fearlessness." Admiral Grant, the commander-in-chief of the United States, poured a basin of cold water on his head, leaving no room for words.

President Andrew Johnson smiled bitterly. The Democratic Party is a new party that has just been established a few years ago. As the first president of the Democratic Party, he shoulders the important task of participating in the mainstream of American political life. The road ahead is tortuous and long.

The gains and losses of one person and one thing are not the most important issue.

If it weren't for the war policy of the former President James Buchanan who was greatly criticized during his term of office, as a small party that has just been established for a few years, the Democratic Party would not be able to defeat powerful political opponents and win the current presidential election

President Andrew Johnson obviously didn't want to get entangled in this issue. He stepped out from behind the desk, gave the new Secretary of State Henry Jones an encouraging look, and then asked in a brisk tone;

"The election is over, gentlemen, let's turn our attention back to the pressing issues of the moment, after the major decision to recruit 60 militiamen, we have solved the serious problem of the military's shortage of troops.

What we need to consider now is bread. Cities and factories cannot produce enough food to eat. The government is considering evacuating the urban population and calling on more people to farm in the suburbs and villages. We have a lot of fertile land that has not been utilized.

The top priority is to grow high-yield potatoes and vegetables with a fast growth cycle. The government will provide assistance within its capacity, including seeds and a small amount of funds.

Anything is possible as long as you survive.

Now is the most difficult time for the United States of America, and the whole country must work together to tide over the difficulties.

I firmly believe that victory must ultimately belong to the United States. "

The president's words were vague and did not impress Secretary of State Henry Jones and other important cabinet members. They were all silent, and the atmosphere in the Oval Office gradually became solemn, and no one responded to the president's words.

silence for a moment
The new Secretary of Agriculture Lloyd Austin coughed twice and broke the embarrassing silence and said;

"His Excellency the President;

After I took over the Ministry of Agriculture, through this period of understanding, I discovered a cruel fact that we had to face;
The situation is far more serious than expected. After losing the traditional agricultural state in central China, the existing food production capacity can only meet 1/3 of the needs. This is still the current population of 1200 million, and we are short of 800 million people. food needed.

Maybe... there are no more than 1200 million people, but the magnitude of the problem has not changed at all.

Imports from Europe, Argentina or Canada may be able to solve the food problem of 200 million people, but this is still far from our needs, and we have no money.

Treacherous British grain traders jacked up prices and no one wanted to give us grain on credit when the war was going against us.

The people are starving. From Philadelphia to New York, people are dying in the back alleys. They are skinny, without a grain of food in their stomachs.

Today's hunger wave is expanding and spreading, which reminds me of the terrible "Irish famine" a few years ago. Now the terrible disaster will very likely become a reality on the land of the United States, repeating the tragic scene.

When millions of people die of starvation, and the beliefs that support this country are crumbling, maybe America has no future. "

What mobilizes urban people to farm in the suburbs is just talk, where do so many people live in the wilderness?what to eatHow to obtain enough agricultural materials for production?
Today, the eastern states of the United States are crazily hunting down everything that can be eaten, such as cattle, sheep, chickens or passenger pigeons that are flooding, and these things are rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and many men in cities have bought fishing nets. Just go fishing in the river and try to add a meat dish to the table.

Food prices are soaring, people's lives are difficult, various crimes are rampant in urban and rural areas, and social order is falling into unprecedented chaos.

Over time
In the case of foreign invasions and frequent civil strife, it will only get worse. In the end, American society will be broken into slag with a "bang" like an egg, and everyone will be finished.

The relaxed look on President Andrew Johnson's face is gone, but in irresponsible terms;
Originally, a person needs about three pounds of food per day, so eating half of it, wouldn't everyone be able to get through this most difficult time?

This ideal situation will never happen. The powerful and rich will still live a life of luxury and soaring prices will cause famine to spread on a large scale and fall into a vicious circle.

And this will further stimulate the greedy appetite of hoarding capitalists, the situation will be very bad, this is almost an endless loop, unless the government takes action...

After a long silence, General Grant, the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Northern Army, said with a stern expression; "Mr. President's solution is reasonable, and it is true that part of the urban population should be allowed to enter the countryside to participate in agricultural and animal husbandry production, so as to alleviate the current urgent food crisis.

but before that
The country should declare a state of emergency, fully implement the food rationing system, strictly crack down on the criminal behavior of hoarding wealth for the sake of the country, and give the American people a chance to live with justice and dignity.

In addition, Mr. Secretary of State should also be asked to take the lead in negotiating loans with foreign consortiums and large grain merchants, and do everything possible to transport precious grain to the port.

This war will be very difficult. On behalf of all the soldiers of the US military, I would like to express my determination to fight to the end. As for whether I can defeat the invaders of the Tang Kingdom who are armed to the teeth, I have no confidence in it.

All I can promise is that I will fight to the end and face death as a soldier. May God bless America! "

"May God bless America!" All the ministers of the new government said in unison. Many of them stretched out their hands and made the sign of the cross with a very pious look on their faces.

In this almost unsolvable predicament, only faith can bring infinite power and support these Yankees to go on...

(End of this chapter)

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