Wild North America 1846

Chapter 367 Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared

Chapter 367 Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared

Nov. 1861, 10

Following the prince's expedition last Saturday, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Juan Carlos, who was at home, received a secret order from His Majesty the Emperor to go on a mission to the Confederate States of America (South) and Europe. A term in the London Cabinet.

Ohio Battlefield

Cleveland, the capital of the state on the edge of the Great Lakes, is filled with gunpowder and smoke. The scorched and dilapidated buildings and rubble everywhere in the city show that this place has undergone cruel and bloody battles for the city. The Ssangyong flag flying high has already explained everything. The troops of the Tang Empire occupied it.

Since March 1861, 3, the new President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, once again conducted a national military mobilization and recruited 3 volunteer militiamen to join the Northern Army. The total size of the Northern Army has once again expanded to 60 million.

More than half a year has passed
On today's Eastern Front (the Western Front no longer exists), the Allied Forces of the Confederate States of America and the Tang Empire have successively launched dozens of large-scale battles, thousands of small and medium-sized battles, and continuous gunfire Resounding throughout Ohio, Georgia, New York, West Virginia, and Virginia, the continuous war has devastated the lives of the people here, and the people are in dire straits.

In the past six months or so, the Northern Army suffered repeated setbacks. The total casualties of officers and soldiers reached 37.24, the total number of troops dropped to less than 120 million, and more than 6 white officers and soldiers deserted.

Since the coalition forces focused on killing and injuring the vital forces of the Northern Army in large numbers, they were not in a hurry to further occupy more ground, so that the forces were dispersed and a conservative policy of steady and steady was adopted.

And it is this that makes the United States of America (North) very uncomfortable.

The extreme shortage of food has triggered a large-scale famine, which has plunged the city and countryside into extreme turmoil and vicious crimes. Robbery and murder on the streets are simply commonplace, and gangs and police have even evolved into small urban wars.

Years of wars have caused factories to close down, and the astonishing inflation has made dollar bills worthless. Hundreds of banks and financial companies have all suffered catastrophe and closed their doors one after another.

Internal and external troubles put the United States of America (Northern) government on the stove, and it was overwhelmed to deal with it. Further military mobilization is almost impossible. At this time, the federal government is like sitting on a powder keg, and it will be blown to pieces at any time.

For more than half a year
The coalition camp suffered about 22 casualties. Among them, the Confederate States of America on the main battlefield on the Eastern Front suffered 13.75 casualties and thousands of deserters.

The Southern Army of the Great Tang Empire had already entered the Eastern Front and took over part of the defensive pressure on the Eastern Front. This made the Confederate States of America finally heave a sigh of relief.

In addition, the Tang Empire suffered more than 7.9 casualties, nearly half of which came from white servants.

In the first half of the year, life in the United States of America (North) was extremely difficult. Tens of thousands of people died of hunger, and a large number of refugees fled to Canada or the South, resulting in a further decline in the total population of the North. The red line is not far away.

In a small town not far from Cleveland
The headquarters of the Northern Army is located here. Fan Pengju, who carried the rank of brigadier general on his shoulders, was wearing a neat general school uniform. He strode out of the heavily guarded headquarters. He looked around, and a carriage drove away come over.

When Brigadier General Fan Pengju saw the familiar guards on the carriage, he nodded slightly and stepped into the carriage. The carriage drove forward quickly, and soon disappeared.

Today's Brigadier General Fan Pengju has long since resigned from his position as the commander of the 502nd Division and joined the Corps Headquarters as the head of the military command under the General Staff. It has been half a year now, and he is very familiar with the chiefs of the Corps.

In just three years, he took off in his life.Today's Brigadier General Fan Pengju is one of the budding stars of the Northern Corps, and the process is as unreal as a dream in retrospect.

More than three years ago
Fan Pengju entered the Salt Lake City training base with the rank of lieutenant, and then served as the battalion-level military chief officer with the rank of major in the expansion, and then rose step by step in one battle after another. .

At the rank of Brigadier General, Fan Pengju has nowhere to be promoted.

It is no longer that you can continue to be promoted if you have military exploits, but you have to do a lot of research, that is, you must have 1 to 3 years of experience in the Army Staff or Corps, 1 to 3 years of Army School experience, and more than 3 years of A First-level field division full-time job experience.

in special cases

It is a very good way to get into the royal family's military attache room to go for gold plating, but the general brigadier general should not think about it.It was a place where many children of great aristocrats and families with deep backgrounds flocked to, and the competition was fierce.

After the above-mentioned evaluations are excellent, there is a vacancy for promotion to major general in the army. Only by competing among a group of qualified brigadier generals can we have the opportunity to seriously step into the ranks of generals and become a real senior general.

In the military ranks of the Tang Empire, brigadier generals are higher than colonels, but they are not real generals. They can be regarded as reserve generals or preparation generals, so they are called brigadier generals.

Not far from the town is a chic manor. Such white manors can be seen everywhere in Ohio, which has a long history of development. High-ranking generals like to live in such manors. It is quiet, comfortable, and has good privacy. .

The main building of the manor where Brigadier General Fan Pengju temporarily stayed is not big, it is a two-story wooden building upstairs and downstairs, in a typical British style, and there is a squad of bodyguards and cavalry stationed there, all of whom have followed him for a long time.

The carriage stopped in front of the main building of the manor, Brigadier General Fan Pengju got off the carriage, and several beautiful white girls came out to welcome him, took his expensive cane, military cap and handed him a hot towel for wiping his face, politely Serve the master.

These beautiful white girls are not concubines. This is because Brigadier General Fan Pengju married the daughter of Earl Colt. This is a Protestant family that only accepts monogamy.

As a Chinese, Brigadier General Fan Pengju was allowed to take concubines, but he voluntarily gave up this right. Therefore, these beautiful white girls could only follow him for no good reason, serving life during the day and warming the bed at night.

Even if a child is born, it is still an illegitimate child.

This is also one of the reasons why many Chinese generals are unwilling to marry a white woman as their wife. Instead, they marry a Chinese woman as their official wife from thousands of miles away. The family spreads out.

After returning home, Brigadier General Fan Pengju washed up briefly, then went to the study alone and began to write letters.

His letter was written to his cousin, Lieutenant General Fan Pengfei, who served as the deputy commander of the Colorado Corps. The six royal dukes came to the front line, and the army chief of staff, Duke Dai Changfu, also followed him, taking strict security measures personally.

The older eldest prince, the second prince and the third prince all chose to join the Chang'an Cavalry Corps, because the emperor father had a tradition of starting his career with cavalry, and the young and energetic princes were naturally unwilling to lag behind.

Immediately after the six Dukes arrived at the front line were dozens of direct descendants of the top nobles in the empire. These were all accompanying or supporting the Duke, which made the Chang'an Corps immediately popular.

It will be of great benefit to the future to be acquainted with His Highness or the children of these great nobles!

Brigadier General Fan Pengju is only 31 years old this year. Even if he was promoted to Major General after five or six years of trial and error, he is still a member of the young generals and has a bright future.

His cousin, Lieutenant General Fan Pengfei, was 8 years older than him. He was one of the emerging military leaders in the empire. He was very useful in speaking at the Army Staff Headquarters. Fan Pengju also respected this cousin of the same clan very much.

If it wasn't for this cousin of the same clan to plan on his behalf, he would be at most a major now, and a lieutenant colonel if he died.

If you want to get ahead in the army, apart from outstanding talent, you cannot lack either pre-occupation or someone above you.

The total number of troops in the empire now exceeds 78. Even if it is one out of ten thousand outstanding talents, there are still [-] or [-]. How can it be the turn of Brigadier General Fan Pengju to come out on top?

The block of this secret letter still wants to be transferred to the Chang'an Army, whether it is in the Chang'an Army's staff headquarters or headquarters, the closer to His Royal Highness the Duke, the more opportunities there will be.

And this kind of cross-corps transfer can only be done by military leaders who have a say in the Army Staff Headquarters.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Brigadier General Fan Pengju is such a thoughtful and smart person. Not only is he willing to use his brains in combat, he is good at analyzing and seizing opportunities, but he is also exquisite in his conduct and can see the general trend clearly.

Today's North American war has progressed to this extent, in fact, the outcome has already been divided.

As for when the war will end?

It depends on what the majesty in the Daming Palace wants to say. When will the Yankees be beaten to death, completely destroy their industrial development foundation and economic structure, and suppress their national development potential? When will they be satisfied... when? End.

Brigadier General Fan Pengju moved his pen like flying, and quickly wrote thousands of words in eloquence, revealing his desire to make progress.

Even if the empire's colonial expansion in North America has come to an end, it may expand in South America in the future. The Army Staff Headquarters already has a combat plan for an expedition to the Pampas Plateau in South America. This is not a secret.

If you can win the favor of His Highness the Duke, and after 3 to 5 years or longer, if you can devote yourself to the expedition in South America and make contributions to the Fan family, then this life will be worth it.

Every time he thinks of this, Brigadier General Fan Pengju feels more eager...

The North American War is drawing to a close. There are more than 130 generals in the Northern Army, Colorado Army, Southern Army, and Chang'an Army.

After the war is over, His Majesty the Emperor will definitely have an unprecedentedly large-scale knighthood reward. Can the viscount go further and confer on the earl?Can the Earl go further and confer the Marquis?Can the Marquis go one step further and grant the Duke?It depends on the last performance.

Everything should be based on military merits, but Brigadier General Fan Pengju saw opportunities in the future.

With his current meritorious service, it would be astonishing to be conferred the title of baron. This can't satisfy his eagerness to make contributions.

(End of this chapter)

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