Wild North America 1846

Chapter 369 Pittsburgh Front

Chapter 369 Pittsburgh Front

pittsburgh front

Relying on Pittsburgh, the U.S. military built a field battle line of hundreds of kilometers in length, going north through Grove City to Summit on the Great Lakes. It is about 270 kilometers long and more than ten kilometers deep. It is called the "Pittsburgh Line of Defense". It is the last lifeline of the United States (North) today.

Why do you say that?
More than 600 kilometers to the east of Pittsburgh is New York, and 396 kilometers to the southeast is Washington DC. Today, the Commonwealth of America (North) has no way to retreat, and has become a slender area from north to south along the east coast, concentrating nearly Tens of millions of people and the last essence of America.

If you lose, you will naturally lose everything.

The Colorado Corps was responsible for the capture of Pittsburgh, an important industrial city in the east. The new commander of the Colorado Corps, Admiral Fan Pengfei (promoted), stood far away on a high ground, surrounded by a large group of senior generals, who were observing seriously. The battle situation was full of artillery fire.

from the day before yesterday

The Battle of Pittsburgh has begun. In the face of the superior artillery fire of the Tang Empire, the pitiful artillery fire of the Pittsburgh defenders was quickly disabled. The monotonous and shocking sound of the M1860 48-pound mortar gun The minute rang, the reinforced concrete fortress that the Yankees worked so hard to build was smashed into pieces, and the defenders suffered heavy casualties.

Two consecutive days
Five M1860-style 48-pound coastal cannons unleashed more than 300 powerful shells, which had already shattered the solid defense fortresses visible to the naked eye on the entire defense line, which looked bleak.

Starting this morning

More than 630 field artillery of various calibers joined the bombardment on the attacking front where heavy troops gathered. During the four and a half hours of shelling, nearly 12 shells were poured on the US positions again, blowing up the enemy positions.

The terrific attack horn sounded
The black attacking army rushed up just after the artillery fire ended, and captured the first-line and second-line positions of the U.S. Army all the way. When encountering tenacious fire resistance in the third-line positions, the attacking troops withdrew after a little testing.

At this time, the artillery divisions in the rear were adjusting their firing positions forward. In the second-line and third-line positions in the 2.6-kilometer-wide field, thousands of corpses of officers and soldiers could be seen, most of them were soldiers of the attacking imperial army.

As the commander-in-chief of an army, General Fan Pengfei was used to more cruel and bloody scenes, and his expression was not the slightest bit moved, but looked at all this sternly.

The Colorado Legion took advantage of the good opportunity to capture the first-line and second-line positions outside Pittsburgh of the U.S. Army (Northern), killing a large number of its active forces, causing a total of about 3.42 enemy casualties, and severely damaged the strength of the Pittsburgh defenders.

Paying the price of thousands of casualties is completely within the acceptable range.

The casualties of these officers and soldiers are not worthless. The strong pressure of the attack has forced the US military to expose the rear artillery positions and strong bunker fire points, which have now been marked on the map by the well-trained artillery staff of the regiment, and will soon return with fierce artillery fire , Breaking his turtle shells one by one.

The attack on Pittsburgh was based on the strategic need to kill and injure the enemy's vital forces in large numbers.

Whether it is the current Pittsburgh defense line or the solid industrial city of Pittsburgh, it is the fatal vital point of the United States of America. No matter how much the price is paid, it cannot be lost. It can be said that it is the last lifeline. The final countdown stage.

The latest intelligence held by the Corps shows that;
The United States of America is undergoing the final extreme mobilization. Men from the age of 12 to 60 with guns, hundreds of thousands of fleeing black slaves and some strong women have been recruited, armed with swords, hoes and guns, to form The National Guard and Women's Volunteer Corps defend the homeland and preserve traditional ways of life and beliefs.

Battalion reinforcements are coming towards Pittsburgh on foot to replenish the rapidly bleeding defenses and make a last desperate effort.

The high-level decision-making of the empire is exactly what is needed. To turn Pittsburgh into a gigantic flesh mill depends on how confident the American Yankees are and how decisive they are to invest in this bottomless pit.

The Chang'an Cavalry Corps behind the Colorado Corps is ready to go. Once the defense line is broken, the Chang'an Cavalry Corps armed to the teeth will pour in like a tide, and it will be unstoppable.

Then, it will penetrate hundreds of kilometers or even farther at a high speed of cavalry assault, burning crops and villages along the way, destroying factories, and eliminating anyone who dares to resist. It exists on the vast eastern coastal plain, bringing nightmare memories to Yankees.

The task of the Colorado Corps is to continue to tear the entire line of defense, mess it up, and kill and reinforce the US troops in large numbers.

When necessary, it will cooperate with the Northern Corps to implement encirclement and suppression.

The Yankees lost their courage to fight, the Yankees raised their hands in fear and surrendered, and the Yankees would have nightmares whenever they thought about it, and they could no longer arouse the slightest desire to resist.

"Dear General, is every war you fought so cruel?"

The crisp words sounded. This is His Royal Highness Tang-Li Xin, the eleventh prince who has just turned 10 years old. He is wearing a small-sized second lieutenant military uniform, and his childish face has a pair of big black eyes full of curiosity.

Admiral Fan Pengfei changed his grim expression, leaned down with a rare gentle smile, and replied in a soft voice; "Your Excellency the Duke, generally speaking, the scene of a battle is not so big, and it already belongs to the scale of tens of thousands of people." Such large-scale battles often last for several days or longer, and the casualties of both sides are relatively large."

"Did so many of our soldiers die?"

"Most of them died, and a small number of officers and soldiers were injured. We will do everything we can to treat the wounded, because they are warriors who have opened up the territory for the empire and should be respected."

"Seeing so many warriors sacrificed, I'm really sad, can you talk to the emperor to stop fighting, can't we all be happy together?"

"Your Excellency the Duke, His Majesty the Emperor has built up a huge country step by step since he started his army with nothing. He has propped up a sky for our Chinese ethnicity in North America and created a happy and happy homeland. He has gone through countless ups and downs. Your Majesty has said it many times; an inch of land is an inch of blood. Now I want to send this sentence to Your Excellency the Duke. Please remember this sentence in any situation. Every inch of land is paid for by the lives of countless warriors. In this world, cowardice will be beaten, and power does not believe in tears."

"One inch of mountains and rivers and one inch of blood, I seem to understand a little bit." His Highness Tang Li Xin's childish face showed a calmness that was not commensurate with his age.

Children who grow up in Royal Nevan, receive the best education from an early age, are in the ubiquitous strict hierarchy, and mature much earlier than children of the same age.

After the experience of the flames of war, a rapid transformation began.

In their lives, nursery rhymes and childhood fantasies are rapidly receding, and the urgent pressure of survival and development follows.

This is not simply the pressure brought by the children of the royal family to enjoy the high position, but also from the appreciation of the father and the competition between the brothers of the royal family, which are all prompting the young children of the royal family to mature quickly.

After Admiral Fan Pengfei explained, he straightened up again and resumed his usual stern expression. Men naturally have their own ways of raising children.

The key is not to preach, but to let the children experience it by themselves, see with their own eyes, and think with their own heads.

Standing behind His Royal Highness Tang-Li Xin, there are seven or eight young second lieutenant officers, some are twelve or thirteen years old, some are fourteen or fifteen years old, and they all exude a pampered aristocratic demeanor. They are also watching silently. The bloody battlefield has experienced the greatest ideological subversion in his life.

Even if I couldn't help throwing up, I still had to stand over and continue watching after vomiting.

These aristocratic children are the accompanying courtiers of His Royal Highness Tang-Li Xin. They are all from the top aristocratic families in the empire. The oldest 15-year-old boy with fluff on the corner of his mouth is Liu Daqing, the eldest son of Prime Minister Liu Xianjun. Not too big.

Don't look at His Highness Tang Li Xin as the eleventh prince, but because he is the third son of Empress Liu, he was awarded the Duke of Colorado. He is the third in the succession of the Tang royal family, second only to the two elder brothers.His status is far more noble than that of the First Prince, Second Prince, Fourth Prince, Fifth Prince, and Sixth Prince.

Just look at the fiefdoms. His Royal Highness Tang-Li Gan, the third prince, is the eldest son. He was conferred the title of King of Qin and is the only Prince of the Tang Empire so far. The title of Duke of California is the most quintessential part of the Tang Empire.

The queen's second son, the seventh prince, His Royal Highness Tang Li Kun, was conferred the title of Duke of the North.

The third son of the empress, the eleventh prince, His Highness Tang-Li Xin, was conferred the title of Duke of Colorado. These are all the native provinces of the Tang Empire, regardless of whether they are rich or not, their importance is far beyond Kobe, an overseas province.

What about the other three dukes who were conferred by concubine princes?

His Royal Highness Tang-Li Yuan, the eldest prince, was conferred the title of Duke of Hawaii.

His Royal Highness Tang-Li Geng, the second prince, was conferred the title of Duke of Panama.

His Royal Highness Tang-Li Dian, the fourth prince, was conferred the title of Duke of Alaska.

These three are all overseas provinces, and they cannot be compared with the local provinces in terms of influence and importance. The key lies in His Majesty's heart, and the importance is not at the same level.

None of the top nobles in the empire were stupid. They almost broke their heads in order to compete for a place to accompany a direct prince. Isn't it all for the long-term interests of the family?

The child has grown up with the prince since he was a child, and this close friendship will last forever. It is a precious asset that cannot be exchanged for anything. As the empire expands and its national strength grows, it becomes more and more important.

The Tang Empire is different from the semi-slavery and semi-feudal dynasty of the Qing Dynasty. The royal family treats the nobles more humanely. Copy and chop.

As long as you don't treason or break the law, you can live a good life.

In this regard, similar to the Western feudal dynasties, the royal family of the Tang Empire was relatively open-minded, able to listen to opposing opinions, and to know people well.

But if you want to become an upper-class aristocrat who always holds power and enter the core decision-making circle, then you can't go wrong by staying close to the royal family. There is no thicker and more practical thigh than this.

(End of this chapter)

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