Wild North America 1846

Chapter 372 "North American Peace Treaty"

Chapter 372 "North American Peace Treaty"

"No, the federal government of the United States must surrender unconditionally and bear all the serious consequences of initiating the war first. The coalition forces will not accept any surrender with conditions, but will win an unquestionable and outright victory in the war." The Emperor of the Tang Empire, Li Cha, refused with an extremely firm attitude.

He still felt a little regretful;

It is roughly estimated that the population of the US Federal Government (Northern) has been reduced to less than 900 million, about 10 million. If there is another severe spring famine, at least [-] people will die in the large-scale outbreak of the wave of hunger people.

This is all little to say, because the United States of America is now old and young, women can hold up half the sky, and they are relatively vulnerable and vulnerable groups that are prone to premature death.

Why can't you hold on?

The war must continue. The United States of America (Northern) has super metropolises like New York and Philadelphia, and the foundation for development is still very solid.In addition, this is a typical white immigrant country, and it is not difficult to obtain tens of millions of European immigrants a year after the war.

There are also American refugees who fled to Canada. Many of them are not used to Canada's severe cold season that lasts for half a year, and a considerable number of them may return.

With the labor force, the overall U.S. economy will recover quickly, which is an important issue that has to be considered.

After establishing a firm stance that he must surrender unconditionally, Emperor Richard handed over the relevant negotiation matters to the cabinet. On this stance, the Confederate States of America undoubtedly fully supported it.

With the American South of the same language and the same species at the forefront, the mediation of the international community led by the United Kingdom will not show a tendency to be biased. Everything must be based on the wishes and strength of the warring parties.

In this world where the law of the jungle preys on the strong, only the strong are respected, and the weak are never sympathized with.

Li Cha instructed Director Zheng Yuan of the Royal Secretariat to focus on "deeply controlling and suppressing the overall economy of the United States (Northern) after the war" as a major topic, convening experts and scholars to discuss and formulate an effective overall strategy.

Following the changes in the situation of the North American War, an imperial decree was issued at the highest level of the empire;
From now on, the training of new recruits from the mainland will be suspended.

Relevant training camps were converted into shelter camps, mainly to accommodate young mainland refugees, implementing centralized school boarding, centralized education, and centralized closed military management, mainly for Chinese youth refugees aged 9 to 15 who are in good health.

The corresponding appropriations were spent by the Royal Household Office, and the purpose was changed from military to charitable education. Most of the relevant military instructors were withdrawn, and some school teachers and nursery staff were increased.

The existing 47 training camps were downsized to 15, and the name was changed to "Renji School". The scale of assistance was determined to be around 10 people per year, that is, six to 7000 people per school, mainly in coastal cities with convenient transportation .

Due to the low cost of raising Chinese orphans in the mainland and the risk of overseas migration, it is basically confirmed that the orphans taken in from the mainland will be transported to North America when they are 15 years old after a few years of education.

About 4.8 recruits from the existing mainland training camp will be sent to North America one after another after training, and subsequent corresponding appropriations will be suspended to reduce the pressure on the royal family's military expenditure.

This is a large net investment in military spending, and it is time to scale back.

New year
At present, the military industry of Datang Empire, which is running at a high speed, will gradually slow down. Some military product orders will enter the strategic reserve. Subsequent orders for chemical explosives, tents, clothing, military products and gun manufacturers will be greatly reduced, and related enterprises will also carry out Staff cuts, greatly reducing production capacity.

Fortunately, the Tang Empire is in a period of in-depth industrialization development. Chang'an and Los Angeles chemical fertilizer plants have been completed one after another. Taoyuan chemical fertilizer plant and Jinling chemical fertilizer plant are also under construction. The new year will usher in a big explosion in agricultural production. Demand is still strong, and unemployed workers will not worry about finding new jobs.

After a total of nearly 18 recruits were added in place one after another, a new round of large-scale disabled and honorary veterans who had overdue service were retired and rehabilitated officially began in 1862.

About 20 retired veterans will return to their hometowns, assigned to fields, houses, and white women, and start a new life with the help of preferential bank loans, filling the gaps in the towns and cities in the vast occupied areas of the Great Plains in the central United States.

Generally speaking

With the preferential treatment given by the Tang Empire and the army to retired veterans who have established meritorious service, most people can maintain a prosperous life of small and medium-sized farmers, and those who have financial conditions can marry a Chinese wife to spread the branches and leaves for the family, and live a peaceful and prosperous life. Life.

After the formal signing of the North American Peace Agreement, the Tang Empire does not need to maintain an army size of 73. It will inevitably experience a large-scale wave of retirement of officers and soldiers. The destination is naturally the eight provinces in the south, mainly Monterrey and Mexico, and the north and south. The seven provinces are Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana.

Now the land exchange plan between the Datang Empire and the Confederate States of America (South) has been officially finalized; that is, the exchange of Monterey for Kentucky.

Kentucky was the original neutral state. After the invasion of the northern army, it changed its position and declared war on the south. After being captured by the Tang Empire, it was reduced to a pawn. In exchange, it was sent to the Confederate States of America (South) and Texas Monterey state (province) south of the state.

After more than a month of stalemate

On March 1862, 3, the United States of America finally lowered its proud head, admitted its unconditional defeat, recognized the independence and legitimacy of the Confederate States of America, and the whole country gave up armed resistance from now on, and started peace negotiations with the victorious countries under international mediation.

The so-called peace negotiations are just a fig leaf.

The Tang Empire and the Confederate States of America have already sharpened their knives and are ready to dismember the defeated country. The defeat treaty is extremely harsh.

As the victor of the war, the peace treaty thrown to the defeated United States of America can only be signed and cannot be amended. Among them, the cession of territory and war reparations are the most ruthless measures, and even many national sovereignty have been lost.

The first article is that the United States of America (North) clearly assumes full responsibility for initiating the North American War, and solemnly promises to bear all serious consequences and economic responsibilities arising therefrom, and try its best to make up for the losses of the coalition forces.

The second, namely, the United States of America (Northern) cedes Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Wisconsin and Tijuana to the Datang Empire to make up for the Datang Empire Some losses in the war.

The United States of America (North) cedes Kentucky and West Virginia to the Confederate States of America (South) to make up for some of the Confederate States' (South) losses in the war.

Article [-], the division of war compensation.

The United States of America (North) is responsible for a total of 5 million Tang Yuan in war compensation, of which, in view of the fact that the south suffered more severe war damage, the Confederate States of America received 75% of the compensation share, and the Datang Empire received 25% of the compensation share.

Article [-] guarantees the implementation of the war compensation plan.

The United States of America (North) will pay off the war reparations totaling 5 million Tang Yuan within 25 years, with an annual interest of 5.5%, mortgaged by customs tax revenue.

During the 25-year mortgage period, the customs of the United States of America (Northern) will be managed by the International Customs Committee jointly composed of the Tang Empire, the Confederate States of America, the United Kingdom and France, and the northern government shall not interfere without legitimate reasons.

Article [-], International Debt and Resolution.

During the war, the United States of America (Northern) borrowed a total of 13.75 billion Tang Yuan from international finance (including loans of the same value in pounds, francs, and marks), and then formed an "International Creditor's Committee" to renegotiate the amortization of the debt.

Article VI, post-war garrison and other related issues.

In order to reshape the peace in North America, eliminate the North-South hatred and the distrust between the East and the West caused by the war, and reshape the financial, production, and security order, the coalition will form an international intervention force with Britain, France and other countries, stationed in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other important cities, Until the United States of America (North) effectively fulfills its international debt repayment obligations and effectively fulfills its war compensation obligations.

Article [-]. The United States of America reforms its domestic political situation and laws, and adopts the "American Peace Constitution" that voluntarily renounces the armed forces, weakens the presidential dictatorial power, and increases the power of parliamentary checks and balances, which is also in line with the expectations of the North American people for peace.

Article [-]. The Tang Empire, the United States of America (North) and the Confederate States of America (South) signed the "North American Unified Market Treaty" to grant tariff exemption and most favorable trade treatment to each other to achieve the greatest degree of economic, industrial and financial integration. Closely communicate and cooperate among the three parties, and jointly expand and strengthen the North American market.

Article [-]: The United States of America (North) shall grant the Tang Empire, the Confederate States of America (South) diplomatic envoys, businessmen, exchange scholars, international students and their family members the right of consular protection to protect their persons within the scope of the United States of America (North) Safety and property safety, with due respect.

Article 12: According to the "Peace Constitution of the United States", the United States voluntarily abandons the establishment of a formal navy, and promises not to develop warships with a gun caliber above 1000 pounds and a displacement of more than [-] tons, and only maintains a coast guard to keep its waters safe.

The Datang Imperial Navy has leased the Norfolk base and the New York Harbor base for a period of 99 years. Together with the Confederate States of America (South) and the United Kingdom, they will jointly maintain the security of the United States of America (North) sea area from foreign enemies.

Article No.11, concerning the relief of victims of disasters and the arrangements for a unified agricultural market in North America.

The Tang Empire, the United States of America (North), and the Confederate States of America (South) signed an agricultural cooperation agreement, giving each other the largest tariff preference for the import of agricultural products, and the total tax rate shall not exceed 5%, in order to promote the circulation of low-value and large-scale agricultural products and alleviate famine caused disaster.

No.12, the arrangements for reshaping the financial system.

In view of the current situation of the complete collapse of the financial system of the United States of America (Northern), the "Financial Crisis International Bank Syndicate" was formed by the Datang Empire and the international consortium, and the American Tang Yuan was issued at a ratio of 1: The currency value is the gold jointly reserved by the "Financial Crisis International Bank Syndicate" UNPROFOR stabilizes the astonishing inflation of tens of thousands of percent per year in the United States of America.

No.13, garrison camp and expense arrangements
The garrison camp is allocated free of charge by the United States of America (North), and it will try its best to provide all convenience and tax-free benefits for soldiers. The military expenses will be temporarily paid by the garrison country, and will be negotiated later.


Article 21. For matters not covered above, the final ruling made by the international mediation team shall be the criterion while taking into account the necessary concerns of the United States of America (North), and all parties shall not violate it.

The "North American Peace Treaty" with a total of 21 articles was drawn up by the victorious countries. The United States of America (North) is not allowed to change a single word. There are only two options: accept or not. The attitude can be described as extremely tough.

(End of this chapter)

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