Wild North America 1846

Chapter 375 Gathering in the White House

Chapter 375 Gathering in the White House
March 1862, 3 at noon

The special train of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty slowly stopped at the Washington Railway Station. On the platform, the red carpet was laid on the floor, and tens of thousands of pots of flowers were placed, creating a strong atmosphere full of flowers.

In the majestic music played by the military band, the leading figures of the Army of the North, the Army of Colorado, the Army of Chang'an and the Army of the South, as well as the President of the Confederate States of America (South) Jefferson Davis, Secretary of State Henry Daniel, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Jr. and other senior officials , President of the United States of America (Northern) Andrew Johnson, Secretary of State Henry Jones, Secretary of Agriculture Lloyd Austin and other senior cabinet officials, as well as special envoys from Britain, France, Italy, Prussia and Austria, all came together, and the welcome scene was unprecedentedly grand.

The heavily armed Royal Guards lined up from Washington Railway Station to the White House. Under the escort of more than 3000 cuirassiers, His Majesty's imperial chariot traveled from Washington Railway Station to the White House, and was cheered by thousands of people along the way.

Sitting on the large and luxurious imperial chariot, looking out through the window.

People who could see many Chinese faces were waving imperial Ssangyong flags and flowers, their excited faces turned red and shouted loudly, "Long live Your Majesty, Long live the Tang Empire, Long live!" There were many well-dressed white women among the welcoming crowd, holding Flags were also waved, but the emotions were obviously not as high as those of the young Chinese faces.

It is estimated that for the sake of safety, the military arranged all the officers and soldiers on vacation in the surrounding areas to welcome them on both sides of the road. Those white women were either mistresses, concubines or errands, and of course they were not so active.

Emperor Li Cha could see through the mysteries inside at a glance, but the people below were always in good spirits, the welcoming scene was lively and grand enough, and things were done fairly satisfactorily.

The huge Tang Empire must have a corresponding decency and dignity.

Today's photographic technology is advancing rapidly. These photos of the Washington crowd welcoming the crowd will be recorded as historical images, showing the attitude of ordinary people supporting the "North American Peace Treaty", and propagating that everyone is tired of war and yearns for a peaceful new life. .

As for what these people really think in their hearts, that doesn't matter.

Today's Washington is only a medium-sized city with a population of 10,000+. Its functions are more inclined to administration, with a certain scale of industry and commerce and a small amount of financial industry, nothing more.

After the influx of tens of thousands of coalition soldiers, it has actually become a large military camp.

Whether it is the army of the Tang Empire or the army of the Confederate States of America, there has never been such a saying that "the army and the people are one family" in the land of the conquered. A large number of residential areas with better conditions in the city have been expropriated, including houses. Caucasian women.

Some homeowners still have male owners, so they can only clean up quickly under the gunpoint of soldiers, and leave in embarrassment with their wives and children.

As for whether to stay at night or to squeeze in a shack in the slums, no one cares.

Some house owners have no male masters, only a few white women, so they are assigned to the officers or assigned to the company.The whole process is simple, rude and brutal, and it is inevitable that there will be a few incidents of resistance, but basically no one reports them.

When such incidents were reported, no officer would pay any attention to them. Instead, they would reprimand: "They are all a bunch of idiots. Are you holding fire sticks?"

The officers and soldiers of the Tang Empire are already familiar with conquering foreign territories.

It only needs the fear and obedience of the people, and no inner approval is required. In fact, it will not be possible no matter how many decades or hundreds of years pass.

In the past week, white people in more than a dozen cities on the east coast were still holding large-scale "anti-hunger" and "anti-aggression" demonstrations.

Under the brutal and bloody suppression, all national demonstrations on the east coast are now banned. Any gathering of more than 20 people is considered to be a conspiracy, and the local white police have the right to disperse, arrest and suppress.

In the case of intensified conflicts, the coalition forces will carry out armed intervention to restore order in the region.

Duke Dai Changfu, Chief of Staff of the Army of the Tang Empire once commented on this; "A group of white untouchables who are full and have nothing to do. It seems that the lessons of hunger are not deep enough for them. Food prices need to rise further. It’s enough to drink a bowl of bean soup every day, so as not to cause trouble.”

After the United States of America admitted its defeat, the remaining 80 troops were all disarmed, and now they have been reorganized to participate in urban restoration work and transformed into a labor force.

The Confederate States of America (South) took the opportunity to escort more than 30 strong white captives back to Richmond, and scattered them to the southern states, including West Virginia, Virginia, South and North Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia and Mississippi is the main state to supplement the local labor force and restore the production of manors and cotton fields as soon as possible.

at the same time
The coalition forces arrested black people, regardless of whether they were free people or not, and then stuffed them into stuffy train cars and sent them to the south, which caused considerable social turmoil.

The move was a continuing military operation at the behest of the Confederate States of America (South) on the grounds that "the white slaveholders' own legal property rights should be taken back from the despicable Yankees."

Anyway, this is a nonsense thing.

This aroused strong protests from the United States of America (Northern), and the lawsuit went to the international mediation team dominated by Britain, France and other countries. The attitudes of the British and French were very ambiguous. South) to plunder large numbers of male populations from the North without stopping.

In a private chat with Commodore Phillips of the Royal Navy, Mr. Marquess Franson Bowman, the British special envoy who presided over the international mediation, said bluntly; "In the dictionary of the British Empire, the victor can choose the spoils instead of To be blamed, weakness is the original sin, which fits the definition of fairness."

"Your Excellency, then how do you define the Tang Empire's greedy occupation of the ten northern states? Does London turn a blind eye to this, or listen to it?"

"My dear friend, in matters related to international geopolitical interests, any ally is an unreliable illusion. Do you believe that when London upholds justice, the Tang Empire will turn its face without hesitation?"

"Oh...Frankly speaking, there is indeed such a possibility."

"Not a possibility, but a certainty."

Speaking of it here

Marquis Fransen-Bowman shrugged indifferently, and continued in a gloating tone;

"It is impossible for the British Empire to send 50 or more troops to the North American continent to uphold justice for an immigrant country that was still at war with Britain decades ago.

Since these Yankees had been separated from the British family by the drastic means of war, London had no moral obligation to it here, but was happy to see them beaten up.

Only when you have suffered a lot outside, you know how to find your parents... isn't it? "

"But... the United States of America (North) has been dismembered into dismemberment." Brigadier General Phillips said with some regret.

The Marquis of Fransson-Bowman laughed even more happily when he heard it, and said comfortingly; "An independent, powerful and difficult-to-control United States of America (North) is not in the interests of London, and the current scale is just right. Today's North With big cities on the east coast like New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, the security environment is seriously threatened by the Tang Empire and the brothers in the south, so what can he do if he doesn't cry and embrace the British Empire?"

"Oh...so that's the case." Brigadier General Phillips said suddenly, and looked at Marquis François Bowman, who was smiling like a fox stealing a chicken, with nothing but admiration left in his heart.

After all

The British Empire made decisions based on its own interests, not the interests of the United States of America (North).

At noon
His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty successfully moved into the White House and opened it up as a temporary palace for the emperor to stay in Washington. This is a deliberate humiliation and trampling on the dignity of the United States of America (Northern), and it is also a silent warning.

After all, in Washington, D.C., there is no more suitable residence for His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty than the White House.

"That's it...it's too shabby." Li Cha walked around the Oval Office, pouted and said disdainfully.

His words elicited roars of laughter from a group of senior generals and Confederate (Southern) allies, filled with triumphant pride.

Southern President Jefferson Davis approached him knowingly and flatteringly said, "Your Majesty the Great Emperor, compared with your magnificent Daming Palace, this place is undoubtedly an ugly birdcage.

But in the whole of Washington, only here and the Capitol can be seen a little bit, which can match your distinguished status, please Your Majesty. "

"It doesn't matter, I am also from the army. When I led the army to fight in the north and south, it was common for me to eat and sleep in the open." Li Cha said with a big wave of his hand.

Duke Dai Changfu immediately hit the snake with the stick, and said with emotion; "Now I think back to the years when I followed His Majesty in the battles, and experienced brilliant victories one after another. The old minister is still sighing, and I often miss it! I have done it in my life. The most correct thing to do is to follow His Majesty on this journey, and witness His Majesty's creation of the Tang Empire. It is really unprecedented in the world, and it can be called an emperor through the ages!"

"Mr. Dai's reputation is too high. It all depends on the concerted efforts of you and my ministers to achieve today's great situation!" The old Duke Dai Changfu praised a bit too much, Li Cha lowered his tone with a smile on his lips, but he was still very happy in his heart of.

Only President of the United States of America Andrew Johnson, Vice President Nick Jones-Marmont, Secretary of State Henry Jones, Secretary of Agriculture Lloyd Austin and others who stood behind the crowd looked at each other bitterly, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Seeing the robbers chatting and laughing wantonly in the homeland, dividing up the fields and women that belonged to them, and having to socialize with a smiling face with shame and humiliation, this feeling is terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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