Wild North America 1846

Chapter 386 Pull out the radish and bring out the mud

After the National Day of National Carnival, the next day is the July Grand Meeting. Because it coincides with the celebration after the victory of the North American War, the July Grand Meeting is extraordinarily grand and grand. Famous social figures and squires watched the ceremony.

next morning
After bathing and burning incense, Emperor Li Cha of the Tang Empire led all the officials up to the altar to solemnly pay homage to the heaven, earth and ancestors. The whole set of tedious ceremonies lasted for more than three hours and did not end until more than nine o'clock.

Then came the meat
The emperor and his ministers moved to the magnificent Xuanzheng Hall, one after another the military generals who made outstanding contributions in the North American War came out to accept the titles, and the emperor conferred five first-class dukes and nine marquises in one breath. And 5 earls, more than 9 viscounts, 18 barons, it was really laughter in the hall, and the ministers were full of joy.

The five first-class ministers are;

General Harry Fritch, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, was conferred the title of First-Class Protector, 10 hectares of fiefdom, the Diamond Tripod Medal, and a duke's mansion in Chang'an City, with a bounty of [-].

General Chen Chuan, Deputy Chief of the Army Staff and Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Military Region, was conferred the title of first-class Rong Guogong, awarded 10 hectares of fiefdom, awarded the Diamond Baoding Medal, and awarded a duke's mansion in Chang'an City, with a reward of [-] yuan.

General Tian Mantun, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army and Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Military Region, was conferred the title of first-class Duke Yong.Reward 10 hectares of fiefdom, award the Diamond Baoding Medal, and give a duke's mansion in Chang'an City, with a reward of [-].

General Fan Pengju, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army and Chief of the US Command, was conferred the title of First Class Fu Guo Gong.Reward 10 hectares of fiefdom, award the Diamond Baoding Medal, and give a duke's mansion in Chang'an City, with a reward of [-].

Admiral Pan Hengchen, Commander of the Navy Department, was promoted to Admiral of the Navy and granted the title of first-class Wei Guogong.Reward 10 hectares of fiefdom, award the Diamond Baoding Medal, and give a duke's mansion in Chang'an City, with a reward of [-].

In addition to the previously sealed Gu Yan, Duke of An, Liu Xianjun, Duke of Ping, Gonzalez, Duke of Shun, Bella-Rodriguez, Duke of Ningguo, and Dai Changfu, Duke of Zhen, there are a total of 10 first-class ministers. Duke (note, the first-class Duke is one level lower than the prince's title of grand duke, which is the highest title that non-royal families can obtain).

1 hectares of land sounds like a lot, but it is actually 100 square kilometers, which also includes forests, lakes and mountains. It is almost the size of a rural town. This land can neither support many soldiers nor produce huge amounts of money. Wealth can only be regarded as better than nothing.

All the noble fiefs awarded by the empire so far add up, which is 1.2 square kilometers, which is almost 1/15 of the total area of ​​​​Colorado Province. A total of 267 nobles from first-class ministers to barons share (many nobles belong to repeated acquisitions of higher title), it is not too big to fall into the hands of each nobleman.

For those without fiefdoms, 762 life-long nobles from the baron were rewarded, and almost seven out of ten officers above the lieutenant colonel can get it.

This time, taking advantage of the great victory in North America, Emperor Li Cha generously enfeoffed the nobles, almost doubling the size of the nobles in the fiefdoms. It may be that there is no plan to consolidate the base of the nobles.

After all

The imperial power and the nobles are a symbiotic relationship with two sides of one body. One is prosperous and the other is damaged. The royal family is the central brain, and the nobles are the skeleton and pillar of the entire empire. It is plump flesh and blood and meridians, and these three are closely symbiotic.

To expand the noble group is to consolidate the imperial power.

With the vast and boundless territory of the Tang Empire, the fiefs and fiefdoms of tens of thousands of hectares of first-class dukes are just a drop in the ocean.

Relying on the output of the fiefs and fiefs, it is possible to maintain a decent life for the upper class nobles, but it is impossible to raise an army of more than a thousand people, let alone pose a threat to the central authority. That is pure nonsense.

After the National Day Grand Meeting on July 7, the whole country had a three-day holiday to celebrate the most glorious victory in the North American War so far.Various provinces and cities also held a variety of celebrations such as poetry, garden tours, boating, lantern riddles guessing, dragon boat races, etc., and spent the National Day holiday lively.

It is only two days after the start of the working day, and the whole country is preparing to enter the busy season of summer harvest. The northern province has taken the lead in opening the sickles, and the reported output of agricultural products is very gratifying. It is another bumper harvest year.

At this time, the "Lieutenant incident" suddenly broke out, which made the emperor Li Cha very angry, and only issued a one-word decree; check.

Not to mention that His Majesty is very displeased, even the military bosses who are in high spirits all feel as if they have been fed shit, not to mention the anger of being stained with military honor, as if they are no longer chaste, really I can't wait to tear up this Japanese lieutenant.

Why did it take so long for this to come out?

In fact, it didn’t take long. When the tavern owner reported the case to the neighborhood police station that night, because it was already late and it was not an emergency, the police officer on duty only asked him to make a statement and wait until he got to work tomorrow.

This dragged on to the second day. Fortunately, the director of the police station in this block is a retired military officer. He is very sensitive to this kind of case of pretending to be a military officer, let alone a lowly Japanese slave. It is really like eating As uncomfortable as a fly.

The police chief immediately took people to the tavern, recorded everything in detail and re-recorded a statement, and confirmed that the lieutenant officer among the guests spoke Japanese, which was correct.

Since the case involved the military, the neighborhood police station had no right to file a case for review, so it could only report to the higher-level police station again. From the district-level police station to the city-level police headquarters, it took a lot of time.

As a super metropolis with a population of more than 200 million, Chang'an City has more than 5700 police officers at the municipal police headquarters. The number of police officers in a single city is larger than that of many remote provinces and even the entire province.

If you add tens of thousands of guards from the Royal Guards, it will be so heavily guarded that even a bird cannot fly out after mobilization.

However, at the military's National Day meeting on July 7, the generals and school officials from top to bottom almost fell into crazy continuous celebrations. Many people have to catch more than 8 receptions a day.

This also led to the fact that no one cared about the assisted investigation letter sent to the Army Staff Headquarters on July 7. It was left on the table for three days before it was taken apart for a look.

Several bigwigs from the Army Staff Headquarters were called into the imperial court by His Majesty, and they scolded them directly, and then only issued a one-word decree; check.

After returning to his one-acre-three-point land, Marshal Dai Changfu, Chief of Staff of the Army, was furious and said through gritted teeth;
"The daring Japanese pirates dare to smear the honor of the Royal Army. I will make them regret coming to this world. Check it out for me. All the officers and sergeants in the army have been sieved by me several times. , don’t miss any suspicious elements. In addition, report the relevant information to the Ministry of the Navy and let them check it out.”

Soldiers don't need to investigate, because the scope is too wide and it doesn't make much sense.

In the past two years, the imperial army has to streamline its ranks on a large scale. In the end, it will retain an army of no more than 36 people, and at the same time retain 8 royal guards, with a total strength of about 44 people.

All redundant parts will be cut down, all soldiers who have served beyond their term will be retired, and about [-]% of the officers will also be disarmed and returned to the field, so as to draw a perfect end to their military career.

If it weren't for the long-term military garrison mission to occupy the United States of America (Northern), the Datang Empire would not need to retain such a large army.

Because the United States of America (Northern) army was completely disbanded, only the National Masturbation Team retained less than 1 people in name, and most of them belonged to the Coast Guard. After all, so many ships must be manned.

The Confederate States of America (South) army was also basically disbanded, only 1.2 people were retained in the Richmond area, and all the others were disarmed and returned to the fields to enjoy a quiet and leisurely peaceful life.

Even Robert Lee, the commander of the Confederate Army, has officially retired and announced his candidacy for the next president amid the national outcry. Now it seems almost certain, because the vast majority of male voters with the right to vote are his subordinates.

This era
Even women in the United States, known as the pioneers of democracy, do not have the right to vote or stand for election. Generally, white men over the age of 18-20, who have an independent residence, and pay taxes of more than US$5-15 per year (standards vary from state to state) have the right to vote. Black people and people of other skin colors should not think about this good thing.

In North America, Chinese people are regarded as belonging to white people by default.

The logic of the Confederate States of America (South) is also very simple;
The 6-year war was won, and the Yankees were defeated and completely disarmed. In fact, it was impossible to threaten the independence and autonomy of the South, and there was no need to keep so many troops.

If the Tang Empire had ulterior motives, it would be useless to keep so many troops.

In addition, after the war, he was burdened with huge debts, and he was financially out of breath. All the customs taxes recovered and the domestic messy taxes were not even a dollar spent. All of them were given to the Tang Empire, which was not enough for the principal and interest of the loan. .

New walls have to be demolished to replace old ones, and borrowing and repayment are scraped around to survive. How can there be money to maintain a huge army?
It's really called; Borrowing money is fun for a while, but paying it back is heartbreaking.

Back to the topic
The military bosses started to be ruthless, and the entire Army Staff Headquarters, various armies, and the U.S. Command were in a panic, and began to conduct a comprehensive self-examination and self-correction.

The lieutenant named Takayama soon surfaced, and thanks to the hotel owner, after hearing the Japanese spoken by the lieutenant Takayama, he looked at him in surprise and noticed the word "106" on the armband of the Takayama lieutenant.

That's right, it must belong to the 106th Field Division of the Central Military Region.

Give an order

More than 106 lieutenant-level officers of the 530th Field Division were all assembled, and the number of enumerations was three fewer. Two of them were drunk and passed out in the hospital, and the other was this lieutenant named "Gao Shan" who disappeared. , The military dormitory and permanent residence are also nowhere to be found.

After in-depth digging, a Japanese-born member hidden in the Royal Army appeared vividly on the paper, which made the generals of the 106th Division very angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Now that people have run away, they are in such a hurry that they don't even receive the military merit award. Where can they find it in the vast crowd?

In fact, it is not difficult to find a Japanese-born element hidden in the army or other people with evil intentions. After all, they are not spies who have undergone strict training. They will reveal some clues more or less, but the people around them don’t care. That's all.

If one digs deeper, the women this person has slept with, the neighbors he has been in contact with frequently, and the close friends and subordinates in the army who have frequent contacts can more or less reveal something unusual.

The reason why he was discovered by the tavern owner this time was because the tavern owner was well-informed, and secondly, he was highly vigilant.

The main culprit of the "Lieutenant Incident" was traced here, and the clues were cut off.

Soon, the identity of another second lieutenant officer drinking at the same table was also verified. He was a second lieutenant officer of the 305th Division of the Southern Army, named Polyton. ethnicity.

Some classmates and colleagues in the military who were close to this person would occasionally hear some strange words that Polyton could not understand, but everyone was not familiar with Japanese and did not think about it. What about obscure dialects?

Subsequently, in the screening of the whole army, as many as 27 Japanese officers, 4 Korean officers, and even two Vietnamese officers were screened out one after another. In addition, 67 Canadian officers and 35 officers who had served in the United States were also screened out. Most of the military officers in the United States are of Chinese descent.

In particular, the 35 Chinese officers who had served the United States of America had the longest lurking time and the highest positions. The three highest even reached the rank of colonel in the army.

They lay down on the spot after the defeat of the Yankees. They thought they could get away with it, but they were all pulled out by a "lieutenant incident" thunderstorm, one dragged two, two dragged three, it was a surprise.

For the military bosses, this is not good news.

One case in the military is caught, and a large number of cases are implicated. How can a military leader who has just received a commendation for meritorious service be able to hang on his face?
As a result, more than 270 officers were ruthlessly dismissed, and 179 of them were imprisoned, including Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and 35 Chinese officers who served for the Yankees. There are more than a dozen insiders. To be buried with him.

As for the 67 Chinese-Canadian officers recruited by the British, the death penalty is exempt, and the crime of living cannot escape. Not only will they be deprived of all military honors, but also their property will be confiscated. There is a high probability that they will fall into the brothel Chuguan brothel.

The British guy is still good to his own people, and he will definitely put all kinds of pressure and exchange interests under the table, and eventually he will take people away.

But during the period of negotiations between the two sides, these Chinese officers who worked for the British were about to suffer bad luck. Even if they could escape the dark life in the hard labor camp, they would leave a deep psychological shadow in this life.

If you don't let the military chiefs vent their anger, this matter will never end.

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