Chapter 468
This deep hole in the Kingdom of Italy led to the erosion of the southern front battlefield in a blink of an eye, and the Kingdom of Prussia had to prepare for the worst.

Therefore, he urgently requested a huge amount of war materials from the Tang Empire, and at the same time hoped to immediately borrow a sum of 5000 million Tang Yuan to pay for the huge amount of material imports.

If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, where can you get supplies if you don't have money?
Even if the Tang Empire had its own strategic reserve system, it still had to allocate funds to purchase various materials from the society. There was no reason to take them in vain.

It is said that the Kingdom of Prussia was quite well prepared before the war, and the stockpile reserves were not small, so it should be able to cope with the current dangerous situation.

But nothing can go as planned, just like the Italian army suddenly collapsed and was defeated by the Austrian army in two days. Who would have imagined such an unexpected situation?

Therefore, be sure to leave a considerable margin for emergencies.

Judging from the urgent purchase of a large amount of supplies and war loans by the Kingdom of Prussia, Prime Minister Bismarck had prepared for the worst, that is, the intervention of major European powers after the war reached a stalemate, which would lead to a protracted war.

"Call the country, the production and delivery of the materials needed by the Kingdom of Prussia will be prioritized, and the loan will be implemented as soon as possible." Li Cha made a decisive decision without any hesitation, and after taking a few steps forward, he ordered; "That's right... the loan The interest rate should not be too high, and it is better to keep it below 8%. After all, they are close transatlantic allies, and they should give their full support in times of crisis so that they can show their sincerity.”

"My minister understands, and will send out the telegram immediately."

"Well, let's go." Li Cha ordered habitually.

No matter which ally is rescued, it will cause a huge gap in defense, and the Austrian army has lost the opportunity to hesitate.

For example, the Battle of Chicago, the Battle of Detroit, and the Battle of Kansas City in the North American War did not appear.

Article 4 is also the most important one. The Kingdom of Prussia's meticulous war preparations over the years have achieved initial results. The swift and powerful military actions have defeated the weak will to resist. Naturally, no one is willing to fight to the end.

Admiral Chen Chuan also responded habitually. He turned around and walked out of the door before realizing it; this seems to be his own independent office, right?

In the following war, as long as the Austrian army was severely damaged and forced to withdraw from the war, the great process of unifying the German nation was completed.

If you are the coach, how should you break the game?

during this process

The fierce battle scenes that were originally imagined to rely on city buildings and castle stone wall defenses repeatedly competed, but not many actually happened.

one of the most distinctive features;
This is because the Austrian army hardly digs trenches and does not set up half-body defensive walls. It is extremely repulsive to this cowardly fighting method that can greatly reduce casualties. Its mind is full of decent nobles to resolve the battle.

Li Cha recalled with great interest what he had seen and heard during this period of time, and looked at the scattered German-style buildings outside through the window, feeling confident in his heart;

It doesn't matter whether the strength is strong enough or not, the aristocrats just need to fight head-on, and they are cowards if they take a step back.

Those small and medium-sized states that once followed the Austrian Empire will be wiped out and brought under the direct control of the Kingdom of Prussia.

It's just... Italy is such a badass!
Richard knew that if there were no accidents, the Kingdom of Prussia would eventually survive this crisis without any danger.

In a feudal society dominated by agriculture, due to low productivity, the life of the people at the bottom is generally relatively poor, and the desire for change occupies the mainstream. The relatively powerful Kingdom of Prussia has become the savior of hope...

There are as many as 38 small and medium-sized states in Germany that are divided into fragments. In addition, many free cities and bishops are independent, making it impossible for the traditional German regions to develop decent industries and commerce.

After winning the war, the Kingdom of Prussia will be committed to dismantling the old barriers, connecting railways and roads, promoting unimpeded commodity circulation and industrial development in various regions, making it a unified market, and embarking on the road to prosperity and military strength .

After understanding Prime Minister Bismarck's war goals, it will be clear at a glance when we look back and look at the progress of the war so far.

Only the royal capital like Dresden broke out in fierce siege battles, and it took four days of repeated battles before changing hands. Most of the other towns and cities followed the trend, with little effort.

Emperor Li Cha, who was puffing in the room, didn't think about these details. What he was thinking about now was the situation on the main battlefield of this line.

Investigate the reasons

In particular, the resistance of the small and medium-sized states is limited, which is mixed with complex ethnic and historical grievances, which can be said to be difficult to describe.

In this way, the Prussian army has actually achieved most of its pre-war goals.

I have already grasped the focus of Prime Minister Bismarck's war, and the focus is on the four words "cutting off the wings".

Thirdly, with the awakening of the German national consciousness, the desire to change the status quo of the state of Germany in a state of disunity and the pursuit of a unified and powerful country are rising, which is an important aspect that affects the direction of the war.

Secondly, these towns are the achievements and homes of the German states for thousands of years of hard work. The construction of a castle or church takes tens of hundreds of years, and the warring parties are unwilling to destroy cities and towns in the fire of war.

One is that most of the main force of the Austrian army was destroyed in the battle, and it was impossible to organize an effective urban defense battle.

Enthusiastic about head-to-head battles like knight duels, this is simply attacking the enemy's strengths with his own short-sightedness. The fight is both iron-headed and reckless.

"The minister obeys the order."

Concentrating the strength of the Elbe River Corps and the First Corps, they invaded Austria's allies Hannover, Hesse-Gassell, and Saxony with a forceful posture, and destroyed one after another split state like a wildfire.

Infighting among nations is different from conquests between countries, showing distinct European characteristics.

This war of hegemony between the two powers that took place in the traditional German region aroused great interest for Richard, who came to the battlefield in person. Strong interest in research.

The purpose of the Prussian-Austrian War was to defeat the Austrian Empire and end the situation of two heroes, thereby establishing the hegemony of the Kingdom of Prussia in the entire German region and realizing the German national unity that excluded the Austrian Empire.

The queuing and shooting tactics, which were less and less seen in the North American War, appeared on a large scale on the Pu-Austrian battlefield, which made people feel like they were going back in time.

The combined armies of these countries retreated steadily under the might of the Prussian army, and were forced to retreat to the Moravian region to approach the main force of the Austrian army, trying to seek shelter.

The Second Corps, known as the main force of the Prussian army, moved the slowest, and it was the main force of the Austrian army that was confronting it at a distance, and was restrained in the Moravian region and did not dare to move.

Most of the states that followed the Austrian Empire were mostly destroyed, and the remaining northern states after the war were small in number and power. In the face of the glorious victory of the Kingdom of Prussia in unifying the German nation, they could only obediently accept the changes in the process of modernization and industry. There is no room for bargaining.

How to do it exactly is not clear.

The final successful completion of the unification of the German nation in the Kingdom of Prussia will help the products of the Tang Empire to enter its expanded domestic market smoothly, and radiate the surrounding German-speaking areas, including Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium (the latter two belong to part of the German-speaking area) and Austria The empire enjoys huge war dividends.

Thought of here
Li Cha couldn't help showing a knowing smile on his face, regardless of the German nation's life and death, the Tang Empire will benefit from it, and this is enough.

As for some twists and turns in the process, is it not a touchstone in bilateral relations?
With the official attitude of the Tang Empire's full support, it is absolutely no problem to impress the Germans for decades, and the rest can only depend on God's will.

(End of this chapter)

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