Chapter 471

The town of Billum is not on the supply line of the Austrian army, but is secluded in the northwest corner. When the Austrian Left Wing Corps assembled, it was not affected much, and it still maintained the peaceful life of the past.

More than 10 days ago, there was a cavalry regiment stationed here for a short time, and soon left.

This traditional town is neither too big nor too small. The people living in the town are all the people who have been passed down from generation to generation, and they have different relatives with each other.

No... Emma's family lived in a Hungarian baron nobleman, the news spread like wildfire, and almost half of the town knew about it.

When Li Cha returned with Emma, ​​who was a little staggering, he was really surprised.

Emma's house had three floors, and the outer three floors were crowded with people. Those who could not settle in the small courtyard at the entrance stood in twos and threes on the stone road at the entrance, chatting with relish about this nobleman from Vienna.

But when they saw Li Cha coming back, they were all overwhelmed by his noble demeanor, bowed down and stroked his chest in a humble salute, and praised;
"The town of Billum warmly welcomes the honorable lord Sir, and your arrival makes this place full of glory."

"Allow me to pay my humble tribute, my lord."

If Li Cha publicly expresses his willingness to accept two knight followers, it is estimated that these people will immediately bring fifty or sixty young people to choose from. Being able to follow the knight master on the saddle means that there will be a bright future.

in Europe

The great nobles above the earl should be called "Honorable Lord So-and-so", and baron viscounts are called "Honorable Lord So-and-so", with the prefix "Honorable" in front, followed by "My Lord", "Master" and "Sir" The meaning of "Sir" must not be shouted, it will be regarded as disrespect to the noble lord.

The nobles of the Austrian Empire are still relatively valuable, at least not as rampant as the nobles in the German region. As a relatively conservative traditional feudal empire, the status of the nobles is unshakable.

Li Cha really ignored the huge influence of the nobles. When he looked up at the humble crowd in front of him, bowing and saluting, and looked down at Emma's face full of pride, he suddenly understood something...

Sleeping with a woman here is a perfect gift!
Emma's parents are a pair of honest Austrians. They lived a wealthy life by relying on the family's inheritance of winemaking skills in the vineyard, and they are relatively simple in nature.

Today, so many relatives and friends flocked to the door, making them feel honored and at the same time terrified. They are afraid that the noble lord will leave in anger and even convict him. How can a mere commoner bear it?

But to drive away so many relatives and friends, the couple are also powerless, let alone dare to do so. Will they no longer live in the small town of Lumu?

With contradictory psychology, the owner and his wife of the vineyard came out surrounded by the crowd, their faces turned pale, and their expressions were even more embarrassing.

"This town of Billum is impressive, and it brought me a wonderful experience, isn't it wonderful?" Li Cha said with a smile, as if the spring breeze soothed the panic in the heart of the vineyard owner and his wife.

Although his voice was not loud, thick and gentle, everyone present could clearly hear the kindness in his tone, and the slightly embarrassing atmosphere became heated in an instant.

Li Cha didn't wait for their answer, and continued;
"Here, you can experience the simple rural customs, just like the idyllic paintings of the French painter Cézanne, which can calm the waves in your heart.

In this small town full of family affection, I think it is necessary to start a joyous bonfire party. I just want to see the small square in the center of the church.

Half of the people here can go to collect firewood. Is there anyone who is familiar with the butcher shop, um...just you few. "

Li Cha saw a few people who raised their hands in the crowd, and without waiting for their answer, he continued to give instructions;

"Go and knock on the door of the butcher shop owner and tell him: slaughter two pigs and five sheep for me, bring as much beef as you want, how can you hold a bonfire party without meat and wine?
A few more people will knock on the door of the owner of the beer hall and move out the vat of beer. We need to let every man who participates in the bonfire party have a glass of beer. Do you think it is okay? "

"Oh, God! Well... this is simply a gift from the Lord!" Everyone's emotions were instantly ignited, and they cheered loudly.

Li Cha didn’t just talk, he took out a velvet purse from his pocket, walked to the front and put it in the hands of the owner of the wine estate, with a smile on his lips, he confessed; Including the wine produced by myself, today I treat guests."

The velvet money belt in the hands of the owner of the vineyard opened half of the mouth, revealing the charming color of gold coins, which almost made the cheers on the scene break through the sky;
What could be more wonderful than the aristocratic lord taking out real money to share the joy with everyone?

Li Cha visits many places every year, and he always looks pleasant when he is with the common people. He is very familiar with this matter. Although there are not a large number of officials and guards around him, he alone has a strong aura.

Since the owner of the vineyard loves face so much, let me save face for you!
To say that Li Cha is really a particular person, it's fine to sleep with his innocent and beautiful little daughter without lifting his pants, and he even put on such a big scene, which made the vineyard owner and his wife tremble with excitement, not knowing what to say.

Li Cha patted the shoulder of the owner of the vineyard indifferently, and walked into the room with Emma, ​​who was excited and glowing, and the people who stayed in the room bowed and bowed respectfully, as if they were greeting him. a king.

"Let's go and help out. Today I want Billum Town to have a carnival. There will be bonfires, beer and meat. How can there be no musical instruments? How can there be no singing and dancing? Go get ready."

"As my lord sir bids, God bless you!"

The people in the room also winked, and they left the room one after another and went out. In a blink of an eye, the room was empty, and then they shouted loudly to relatives, friends and neighbors to start getting ready.

"This is a carnival ceremony prepared for you, my Emma." Li Cha lowered his head and said softly.

These words hit Emma's delicate body like a thunderbolt, her eyes were clouded with mist, she leaned against Richard's strong chest as if powerlessly, and whispered softly; "My dear master , my knight, take Emma upstairs and love her!"

"Is it alright?"

A shy red cloud flew over Emma's delicate and fair cheeks, she nodded slightly, and responded with a voice like a mosquito; "Master, I want to..."

Li Cha looked at Ke Ren who was snuggling beside her and couldn't walk anymore, as if her whole body had no bones, he picked her up without hesitation, and strode towards the bedroom on the second floor...

In the town of Billum shrouded in darkness, seven or eight bonfires cut through the night sky one after another, kicking off the prelude to the carnival.

The melodious and cheerful zither was played, and the men, women, adults and children in the town flocked to the town square in costumes. The big pots and barbecue brackets on the scene had been set up on the bonfire, and the fat pigs and live sheep that had just been slaughtered were roasting. Turning on the rack, under the action of the flame, it was roasted so that the oil emitted a strong fragrance.

The lard cut into small pieces was thrown into the pot, and large plates of oil residue were quickly fried. There were many happy children around each pot. The children squinted their eyes happily.

Every time there is oily residue, the fat aunt still remembers to say: "Children, don't forget to bless the generous and noble Sir Orbán."

"Thank you Sir Orban, may God bless you!" The children replied loudly, and then happily ran away with the oil residue.

Dressed in festive costumes, men and girls gathered in the small square, danced folk dances and sang folk songs by the raging bonfire, creating a joyful and enthusiastic carnival atmosphere.

The carnival atmosphere reached its peak when the carriage arrived carrying vats of beer and wine. The residents of the small town who participated in the carnival brought their own wooden wine glasses and squeezed to the side of the carriage one by one to drink.

The owner and couple of the wine estate were all rosy in this grand scene, feeling that their lives had reached their pinnacle...

The purchasing power of gold coins in this era is beyond imagination. The dozen or so gold coins given by the noble lord only cost half of it, which is enough to support the scene of a bonfire.

When Li Cha took Emma's little hand and came to the central square of the town, two or three thousand people who participated in the carnival praised wave after wave, reaching the climax in the carnival of singing, dancing, wine and meat.

Li Cha didn't stay for long, and after a symbolic drink of a glass of wine, he took Emma's little hand and left.

This young girl who had just inherited the rain and dew had been conquered so hard that her walking was a little unnatural, and she couldn't hold on for too long.

just got home
Emma took the initiative to embrace Li Cha and kissed wildly. Today's grand bonfire carnival ceremony made the girl fascinated.

Maybe it was because she was too tired, after lying on the bed, Emma fell into a deep sleep.

Li Cha saw that the girl was fast asleep, so he flashed to the window of the outside room, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Teleporting to the roof, Li Cha looked at the densely packed crowd singing and dancing on the street not far away with his hands behind his back. The joyful sound of the strange piano came, men and women tap danced in groups, and the bonfire made everyone red face of joy.

A little gift will remain in the memory of this small town forever.

许多 年 以后

When the residents of Billum Town learned that His Majesty Richard, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, came here in disguise, there was a huge sensation immediately, and they spontaneously designated June 1866, 6 as the "Holy Advent Festival", which is held every year. A bonfire carnival, grand commemoration.

And the Tang Empire allocated special funds to buy free wine and meat for the "Holy Advent" and distribute them to people participating in the bonfire carnival.Gradually, a long tradition passed down for more than 150 years, which made the town of Billum famous.

It has attracted many tourists from the Tang Empire who came to visit the whereabouts of His Majesty the Emperor. This is another story.

The black shadow in the night sky expanded rapidly, and after falling down from a high altitude, it flapped its powerful wings a few times, and landed steadily beside Li Cha.

By looking at the memories of the bald eagles, Li Cha has a good grasp of the current movements of the Prussian and Austrian armies.

The main force of the Prussian Elbe Army and the First Army hidden in the Ore Mountains has reached more than 13, and it is expected to increase by 2 to 3 tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow at the latest, they will rush out of the valley mouth in large numbers, outflank the Austrian Left Wing Corps more than 30 kilometers away, and concentrate all their efforts to inflict heavy damage.

In the Sudeten Mountains in the other direction, the gathering speed of the Second Corps, the main force of the Prussian Army, was a little slower. It seems that they encountered a lot of difficulties when crossing the Sudeten Mountains. So far, less than 6 troops have gathered at the exit of the valley.

It is estimated that it will take 3 to 4 days to complete the comprehensive preparations before the attack.


It is impossible for the three main corps of the Prussian Army to launch an offensive at the same time, with a difference of 1 to 2 days. This will be a major problem facing the General Staff Headquarters of the Prussian Army.

If the attack on the Austrian left-wing corps is launched first, will it alarm the right-wing corps, which is the main force?
The right-wing corps of the Austrian Empire has a total of 6 armies with more than 30 people, commanded by Prince Benedy, and is the main corps defending the Prussian army.

From above

This huge legion, which stretches for 10 kilometers and consists of more than a dozen garrison battalions, is fairly well-established. The sentry posts and separating wooden fences have been pulled up. The garrison camp and the luggage are clearly distinguished. Obviously, there are many generals who are older than the army. Appears to be in order.

However, near the Austrian army camp, many merchants and prostitutes who sold goods set up a tent city. They were busy in business every day to greet officers and soldiers, and they didn't stop after nightfall.

This scene

It seems that the appearance of a medieval army fighting a battle is simply ruining the three views.

What is even more incredible is that the Austrian army did not build any defensive tunnels, defensive parapets, barbed wire and deer villages.Apart from sending scout cavalry, almost no defensive facilities were made.

From the looks of it, it was really preparing to fight the Prussian army in an upright manner.

When the Austrians made a big death, they really couldn't hold back.

Neither taking advantage of the advantages of terrain and geography to defend, nor taking advantage of the advantages of taking advantage of leisure to take the initiative to attack, but waiting for a frontal battle with the Prussian army is really the next strategy, and it really makes sense to lose the war.

nothing else
The standard Mauser 1865 rifle equipped by the Army of the Kingdom of Prussia is a relatively advanced infantry weapon in today's era. It uses paper shell bullets with a firing rate of 8 to 10 rounds per minute, and the firepower of the volley is quite violent.

What was the Austrian Legion equipped with?

Equipped with Omini rifles, loaded in the front, even skilled soldiers can only fire two bullets per minute. In the case of equal strength, the firepower density of the volley is only 1/4~1/5 of the opponent.

The performance of the artillery of the two sides is similar, and they are all derived from the steel hoop field guns of Napoleon's cannons.The Austrian Imperial Army has slightly more artillery, about 1300, but the soldiers are poorly trained, and the overall artillery firepower output is on the same level.

This is only a comparison on paper, and the Austrian Imperial Army has already fallen behind.

Considering that the Prussian army is well-trained, brave and good at fighting, and the officers and soldiers have a high will to fight, the balance of victory will naturally tilt...

"People want to die, and gods can't do anything about it." Li Cha shook his head lightly, his clear eyes looked far away at the direction where the Austrian Left Wing Corps was stationed.

He knew that the Austrian army was so arrogant and arrogant, and the Austrian army corps of about 12 people (nearly [-] reinforcements were added in a day) was going to be in bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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