Wild North America 1846

Chapter 474 Breakthrough

Chapter 474 Breakthrough
before dusk
Both the Prussian and Austrian sides tacitly rang the gong to withdraw their troops. Regardless of whether the Austrian Left Wing Corps is only a thread away from collapse, the big thing will be discussed tomorrow.

After nightfall

Dozens of fires were lit in the direction of the victorious Prussian army, and the air wafted an eerie smell of roasted meat.

This is the aftermath of the Prussian army. After a day of bloody battles between the enemy and our side, there were huge casualties. These corpses could not be dug up and buried, and there was no way to bury them in coffins. The number was too large.

Due to the hot weather at the beginning of summer, even if noble officers were killed in battle, they could not be transported to the rear by horse-drawn carriage, so they could only save the relics and burn them.

The tortuous roads in the Ore Mountains are now filled with a large number of mule carts and horse-drawn carriages, which have already become extremely crowded. The original journey of five or six days by horse-drawn carriages cannot be completed in ten days.

On some narrow roads where only one carriage can pass, if the carriages transporting food and luggage have to give way first, the return carriage will be even more distant.

The carriages carrying the remains of noble officers who died in battle would turn into stinky biological bombs on the mountain roads, breeding diseases and bringing many unpredictable and huge risks.

The best way is to burn it.

There happened to be a large number of wheat sheaves, and each soldier carried a sheaf and spread it out, and placed the corpse on top of it, and then continued to cover a layer of wheat sheaves, stacking it repeatedly...

The chaplain prayed collectively and presided over the mass. In this case, everything can only be kept simple.

The flames rose up and turned into dozens of huge fire piles...

This is the most urgent matter at the moment, and there is no delay.

Otherwise, tomorrow, the entire two major Prussian legions will be overwhelmed by the ubiquitous stench of corpses, and they will withdraw from the current guarded area in a panic.

Thick smoke covered the sky in the flashing flames. Both Prussian soldiers and Austrian soldiers held Mass for the dead under the leadership of the chaplain. They all bowed their heads in the direction of the fire and prayed devoutly, hoping that the dead would ascend to heaven.

The prayers of tens of thousands of people finally gathered into a huge whisper and echoed in the fields, accompanied by the sound of the organ and the strange smell in the air. The background is dozens of raging fires that go straight to the sky, deducing the sacred religion. emotional screen.

Li Cha was far away on a high hill, bowed his head and stroked his chest, and prayed in a low voice; "May all the dead rest in peace, may the dead ascend to heaven and there will be no more suffering, may peace come eventually, may history The entanglement and national grievances will go away with the wind, and I hope the world will be in harmony..."

In the endless wilderness

Dozens of piles of blazing flames carried black smoke soaring into the sky. If you carefully distinguish the thick black smoke, it might not be that thousands of dead souls danced entangledly, blending into the night sky full of reluctance.

At this moment, no matter who you are, you should maintain a sense of awe.

a few hours later

In the middle of the night, the thick black clouds formed after the burning blocked the moonlight, making this wilderness look even darker, and you can hardly see your fingers.

After the defeat, a large black shadow poured out of the camp of the Austrian Left Wing Corps, forming several assault forces, which broke through to the southeast in the night.

not long
There was noise and gunshots, countless torches were lit one after another, horses neighing and people screaming resounded throughout the world, what more than a random word?
All these manipulations could not escape Li Cha's sharp eyes.

He was sitting cross-legged firmly on the broad back of the bald eagle at the moment, looking down from a high altitude, he could clearly see that the Austrian Left Wing Corps was divided into four groups to break through, and was already fighting with the Prussian army.

The Prussian army was not completely unprepared. All the officers and soldiers fell asleep with their guns in their arms. The cavalry guard post opened a distance of six or seven kilometers, and they noticed the Austrian Corps' attempt to break out early.

But it was useless. With the Austrian left-wing corps breaking through the siege, any obstruction was like paper.

After feeling the powerful attack of the Austrian Left Corps, some Prussian commanders chose to retreat wisely, and a few gritted their teeth and persisted to the end.

Just like the tens of thousands of wildebeests migrating on the Serengeti prairie, the torrent formed will roll forward, trampling all obstacles under the iron hoof, without any physiology.

The chaos of the late-night battle lasted for about two or three hours, and the Austrian left-wing corps fled like a swarm of locusts sweeping across the wilderness until the first dawn appeared on the horizon.

for such a long time
The main force of the Prussian Elbe Army and the First Corps remained on hold. This decision was undoubtedly very correct.

It is impossible to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy in night battles, especially when fighting in large corps, they will fall into the nightmare of cannibalism, and a little carelessness will cause irreparable and heavy losses.

It's better to be still than to move. We'll talk about what's going on after dawn.

Especially the cavalry, the horses can't see anything in the middle of the night, and they can only follow the cavalry's instigation to charge and kill the enemy.

If fighting at night in the flat Gobi desert is better, at least you won't step on the air and break your horse's legs.

Fighting in this complex terrain of wheat fields, hills, rivers, and villages. The soil is soft and different, and the terrain is high and low. If a horse stumbles while galloping, the consequences will be very serious. There is a high probability that the cavalry will be reimbursed together with the horse.

"Hehe... the Austrian commander knows how to break through at night, so he is not stupid."

In Li Cha's view from a high altitude
After the breakout, the camp of the Austrian Left Wing Corps was in a mess, with discarded debris everywhere, such as tents, carriages, artillery, blankets, barrels, etc., as well as a large number of fallen corpses and some stragglers. In the field, small The unlucky ghosts who sprained their feet and broke their legs by the stream formed a strip that stretched for more than ten kilometers, which was an eye-opener.

In the encirclement of the Prussian army, the traces of the fierce battle are more obvious.

The corpses of the soldiers on both sides were lying on the ground. Some stabbed each other's bayonets into each other's chests and hugged each other to death. Hands, we can see the haste and bloody night battle at that time.

In Li Cha's heart;

The evaluation of the Austrian Corps has been raised by 0.5 points, almost 6.5, which is much higher than the 4.6 points of the five scumbags in Italy.

Fleeing at night is the only chance for the Austrian Corps. If the indecision continues until dawn, the entire army may be wiped out.

It pays a little for this and it's totally worth it.

If the Austrian Corps jumps out of the encirclement and at the same time leaves behind a strong force, relying on favorable terrain such as streams and hills to block the pursuers and buy time for the large Corps to escape danger, the evaluation will be adjusted up by 0.5 points.

It's a pity that the Austrian army didn't do it, or the commander of the corps deployed blocking troops, but the execution was poor.

At this moment when everyone is running for their lives, who is willing to be a substitute for the dead?
Richard believes
If they were to change places, the armies of the Tang Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia would resolutely carry out their orders, and the armies of the British and French powers could do the same.Even if all members die in battle, they will not leave the position without permission. This is the difference between a strong army and a weak army.

OK, don't read it.

At this time, the Prussian army camp was full of smoke, and the second and fifth divisions of the Prussian Kingdom Cuirassiers who had eaten breakfast first were ready to go. The cavalry were feeding black beans and other concentrates to the horses, preparing to launch a chase.

The Austrian defenders who broke through the encirclement staggered and fled in the dark, and those who walked up and down in the field couldn't walk fast at all. So far, they have only escaped more than 10 kilometers away.

The cavalry pursued along the road and caught up within half an hour at most.

It is no longer possible to wipe out the left-wing corps of the Austrian army. After all, it is in the territory of the Austrian Empire, and the Austrian army is fighting on the inside.Whether it is escaping, blocking the pursuers or approaching the main force of the right-wing corps, it is very convenient.

But tearing off a large piece of meat can still be done, it's just a matter of how much.

Li Cha saw a group of Prussian troops heading towards Billum town, about five or six hundred people, and couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

these days
The town of Billum left him with good memories, as well as the beautiful and lovely little Emma, ​​those happy faces at the bonfire party, and the melodious sound of the zither, which gathered into a warm picture.

Once these wolf-like Prussian soldiers broke in, it would definitely break the tranquility of the town and set off a bloody storm.

The violence of war needs to be vented, and the carnival of the winner is always accompanied by the pain of the loser. This is a scene that has repeatedly appeared in European wars for thousands of years, and it is a ceremony for the winner to swear their rights.

The heavy price of all these will undoubtedly be borne by those civilians who have nothing to do with the world.

Maybe, something to do?
This reflects the protective side of Li Cha's character. Although the empire has been established for 20 years and has been decisive in killing and attacking, the imperial army has frequently wiped out countries and cities.

However, Li Cha has enough generosity and tolerance for his Chinese compatriots, friends and relatives who share the same blood.

Today's dawn has just emerged, the light between the sky and the earth is dim, and the thick night is gradually fading.

A tall lieutenant colonel in the Prussian army had just finished washing in the tent, and was about to raise his hand to pick up his military uniform. Suddenly, he was hit hard on the back of the head, and collapsed to the ground when his eyes darkened.

After a few minutes
Li Cha was wearing a neat colonel's military uniform, and was looking at the certificate of the unfortunate lieutenant colonel in his hand. The witness certificate was Stadt von Schmolin, commander of the 4th Army of the [-]th Army of the Prussian First Corps. School, age, where the infantry regiment belongs to and so on.

Needless to say, this is yet another Junker military aristocrat.

It was also reasonable for Li Cha to choose this unlucky guy. Lieutenant Colonel Stadt von Schmolin was tall and had thick dark brown hair, almost black. No one could tell the difference when he was wearing a military cap.

According to the appearance of the other party, Li Cha's facial muscles squirmed slightly, and soon transformed into the general appearance of Lieutenant Colonel Stadt-von-Schmeling, almost indistinguishable from each other. The process seemed very magical.

Li Cha was also quite satisfied with his disguised appearance, he picked up his whip and strode out of the tent, and shouted to the soldiers in a hurry; "Everyone, hurry up, the guard cavalry team is assembled, go and carry out the mission with me .”

"As ordered, sir."

Soon the guards brought a tall and strong horse, Richard got on the horse, and then galloped away with a hastily gathered 10 or so cavalry in the direction of the southeast where the Austrian army fled.

Both the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire were rich in high-quality horses. The rise of the French emperor Napoleon at the end of the 18th century only solved the problem of the source of high-quality military horses after he conquered the North German states.

Li Cha has been with the Tang Empire Senior Military Observer Group in the Prussian Kingdom for so long, and he knows its military system, strength and distribution. .

The cavalry guard is equivalent to the noble cavalry or knight retinue, which is also derived from the tradition of the Teutonic Knights.

about half an hour later
About 2 kilometers away from the town of Billum, the cavalry led by Richard caught up with the 600-strong Prussian army...

(End of this chapter)

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